(noun) to cook, set on fire, light, set alight, burn. 1. Everyone has a place and a role to fulfil within their own whanau. Mead (2003) translates tapu as “being with potentiality for power” (p. 32). / We farewell you as you wend your way to the Gathering Place of Spirits, the meeting place of departed souls. While simple in definition, it is rich in meaning and vast in breadth and depth. A common thing that is observed in Maori households is that tea-towels are not placed in a washing machine but always washed by hand. 1. This is us, Your children, We believe, In You. / When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. / We farewell you as you wend your way to the Gathering Place of Spirits, the meeting place of departed souls. Several variant forms of the word wairua are encountered in Polynesian dialects, and the wai of wairua may be the Paumotu word vai (= to be, to exist). Tērā pea koe ka iria he maunga, ngā tai tangi mai o Manukau i raro; Ki Ngā Puhi rā ia, ki Wainukumamao, ki Moriānuku; te huri rawa mai tō wairua ora ki au ki konei (M 2004:202). akona mai rā kia ū ki te pai. Oh Lord, Listen to us. Go to Paerau, and travel along the beach to Haumu, and go on to the multitude in the world of the dead! A sacred song of praise, Wairua Tapu means 'Holy Spirit.' uhia mai ngā taonga pai. Poroporoaki address the person as though alive, as the belief is that the wairua (spirit) remains with the body for a time before burial. 3. Once this is known people can share a common bond. Together, these three areas will provide you with a broad overview, and hopefully, a better understanding of Māori culture and Māori realities. Te atawhai o tö tätou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti: Through the love and support of our Lord, Jesus Christ: Me te arohanui o te Atua: And the love of God: Me te whiwhingatahitanga ki te wairua tapu: And the unity as one through the holy spirit: Amine. Traducción en Español (Spanish Translation) O Señor, Escúchanos. I kī rā ahau he tohu aua whetū. / For the sources for his inspiration he returned to the characters and forms of the past. Kei tua i te awe kāpara, he tangata kē māna e noho te ao nei, he mā (JPS 1907:65). to be there in spirit. It is important to understand that a person carrying an ancestral name will often be seen as having the qualities of their namesake. Healthy thinking for a Maori person is about relationships. In Greek this word literally means thanksgiving. (location) Wähia, kia tika: Lay us down (as firewood), so all is right: akona mai rä kia ü ki te pai. The Holy Spirit in Maori. (noun) Eucharist. I have very little Maori so I used the dictionary for almost everything. 2. Wairua is the spirit of a person. Streamed television programmes for developing listening comprehension skills. schizophrenia. Maori may be more impressed with unspoken signals, eye movement, bland expressions, and in some cases regard words as superfluous, even demeaning. There is a clear separation between sacred and common. Human translations with examples: soul, spirit, waitapu, old lady, in spirit, i answered, holy spoons, holy spirit. Horoia, kia mau tonu rä nitive/emotional): “Wairua is the fi rst thing and everything you do” (kuia). According to Mead, personal tapu is the person’s most important spiritual attribute. Is the prime support system providing care, not only physically but also culturally and emotionally. Ko te awe he rite anō ki te wairua, engari, koirā te tino o tō wairua. To some, the wairua resides in the heart or mind of someone while others believe it is part of the whole person and is not located at any particular part of the body. (noun) well-being, welfare. (noun) It includes the readings. long white hairs - used for decorating clothing, weapons, etc. to take leave of, farewell, traditional call given by women as they approach the marae. Hei reira ngā wairua poroparoaki mai ai ki te ao tūroa (M 2004:204). (noun) Wairua may also explore relationships with the environment, between people, or with heritage. Categories: Religion What does Wairua Tapu mean in English? (location) (verb) (-tia) tapu adjective. Liturgy of the Word. Advanced Word Finder. On death the wairua becomes tapu. 1. Kahupō is the state of having no familiarity with wairua. For instance the head is regarded as tapu and Maori do not pat each other on the head, nor should food be anywhere near a persons head. He mema ia nō te Rōpū o Ngā Whāea, he rōpū hei whakatapu i te mārenatanga te kaupapa, me te whakaū hoki i te mahi a te whaea ki te whakapakari i te toiora wairua o tana tamaiti (TTR 1996:23). If you want to learn Wairua Tapu in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Maori to … Also said to leave a whakaau, a token of the spirit having rested there on its way to Te Reinga. (location) / His ideas, energy and humour were left as an inspiration to his people. inspiration. give us your love. This work has come into the choral repertoire through the close working relationship enjoyed by the Wehi Whanau, lead by Ngapo Wehi, and the Tower New Zealand Youth Choir. Haere ki Paerau, takahia atu te one ki Haumu, hoatu ki ērā tini i te pō! strength, power, influence. (noun) © Copyright 2003-2021 - John C Moorfield, Te Aka Online Māori Dictionary. Tapu or tabu is a Polynesian traditional concept denoting something holy or sacred, with "spiritual restriction" or "implied prohibition"; it involves rules and prohibitions. Haumu: Ki ētahi whakahua he puke, ki ētahi he one. WikiMatrix. spiritual health. When a laundry is in close proximity to the kitchen this can pose problems as well.There is also the question of personal space to take into account. It is an inherent part of the daily life and cultural vitality that is embedded in Māori services and programmes. 2. place at Te Rerenga-wairua - a hillock where the wairua is said to stop and look back to the place where they can look back on the country where their friends are still living. Understanding occurs less by dividing things into smaller and smaller parts. (noun) STUDY. It is believed to remain with or near the body and speeches are addressed to the person and the wairua of that person encouraging it on its way to Te Pō. (location) It’s not just about a god or gods. This may mean the discussion goes off on a tangent but the flow will return to the question. This applies to the energies and presences of the natural world. Tapu. Tapū (awareness of the divine) and noa (awareness of mortality) pre-existed as natural conditions of the universe. (noun) (Te Kōhure The Rātana Church is made up of the Ture Wairua (spiritual laws) and the Ture Tangata (physical laws). Wairua Tapu in English. It … types of karakia to affect a person's wairua. / Behind the tattooed face there is a different person who will inherit this world and he is not tattooed. Wāhia, kia tika. / Haumu: To some it is a hillock, to others a beach. (noun) O Señor, Míranos. Do you want to know anything about Maori games, fitness or health? If you want to learn Wairua Tapu in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Maori to … The first part of the mass. I a Pita anō e kōrero ana i ēnei kupu, ka tau iho te Wairua Tapu ki te hunga katoa e whakarongo ana ki te kupu (PT Nga Mahi a nga Apotoro 10:44). Food is kept away from the body and so are utensils. Mana Mana refers to an extraordinary power, essence or presence. Traditionally Māori believed that when they died they would go to rarohenga (the underworld). I te pō, ka tū a Kihi rātau ko tōna whānau ki te poroporoaki ki a mātau, ki ngā mea e hoki ana ki te tiki mai i ā rātau wāhine, me ō rātou hūnuku katoa (TTT 1/3/1930:2003). The breakdown of this relationship could be seen in terms of ill health or lack of personal identity. 1. Wairua is exercised through the practice of tapū. This Māori dictionary is now available as an app. And so the spirit that you are talking about dwells within you, but you should procure something such as a fingernail, a strand of hair, a stone, a leaf, a branch, or whatever, and take it to the tohunga for him to perform a ritual chant over. Wairua may also explore relationships with the environment, between people, or with heritage. (noun) side, margin, edge, bank (of a river), beside. The Rātana Church is made up of the Ture Wairua (spiritual laws) and the Ture Tangata (physical laws). Eventually the wairua departs to join other wairua in Te Pō, the world of the departed spirits, or to Hawaiki, the ancestral homeland. It is at Te Rerenga-wairua and is mentioned in eulogies to the dead and in laments. Look it up now! He kōrero anō āna i tukua ki 'Te Ao Hou', ko tētahi i te tau 1959 he poroporoaki ki te ariki nei o Tūhoe, ki a Takurua Tamarau, ka mate nei ia (TTR 1998:147). / Perhaps you are lingering on a mountain, with the tides of Manukau lamenting below; or with Ngā Puhi afar, at Wainukumamao, or at Moriānuku; where you will turn and present your spirit, as if in life, to me here. Te tinana, te hinengaro, me te wairua ēnei e toru, te mea nui o ēnei ko te wairua. 1. / Another of his contributions to the magazine 'Te Ao Hou', was an eloquent tribute in 1959 to the Tūhoe paramount chief, Takurua Tamarau, following his death. Tregear gives "reflection" as a meaning of wairua, but Williams does not include this definition, even in his fifth edition. teaching us to hold firmly to the right. The concepts of mana, tapu and mauri relate both to people and to the natural world. For these reasons they are difficult to translate so that the full meaning is expressed in English. Church of Te Wairua Tapu - Poihakena, Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia. While simple in definition, it is rich in meaning and vast in breadth and depth. 1. Wairua has many different aspects. 1. Definition of Wairua from all online and printed dictionaries, photos and videos about Wairua See also Wairua Tapu Meaning and Maori to English Translation. 221-228;). Otiia hei minita anō rātou i roto i tōku wāhi tapu, hei tiaki i ngā kūwaha o te whare, hei minita ki te whare (PT Ehekiera 44:11). / The 'awe' is very similar to the 'wairua', but it's the essence of your spirit. 4. Kitchen sinks/tubs should not be used to wash personal items either. / Moriānuku: A hill at Te Rerenga-wairua (The Leaping Place of Spirits). wairua noun. white feathers, feather plume, plume (of an albatross or heron), cloud. How would you like to strengthen your taha wairua? Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. When these are seen here, if the token is a shell or a piece of pīngao, this person is from a coastal place. Human translations with examples: soul, spirit, waitapu, old lady, in spirit, i answered, holy spoons, holy spirit. Haere rā i a koe ka kōpikopiko atu ki Te Hono-i-wairua, ki te kāpunipunitanga o te wairua (TTR 1998:37). Thoughts, feelings and behaviour are vital to health in Te Ao Maori (the Maori world). This health model was developed by Prof Mason Durrie. Contextual translation of "wairua tapu" into English. Tohunga, the agents of the atua, are able to activate or instil a wairua into something, such as a new wharenui, through karakia. homai tō aroha. Ka haere mai ngā karakia a te tohunga mākutu i a koe e hāngai ana ki a koe kei te huna kē te awe o tō wairua. The second part of the mass. It is believed that without a spiritual awareness an individual can be considered to be lacking in wellbeing and more prone to ill health. Some believe that atua Māori, or Io-matua-kore, can instill wairua into something. Ka mahue mai nei ko ōna whakaaro, ko tōna kaha me tōna ngākau whakakatakata hei ranga wairua ki tōna iwi (TTR 2000:233). (noun) 1. I muri tata iho i tōna hokinga mai i Pēwhairangi, ka hora tōna awe ki roto o Ngāti Porou (TTR 1990:164). 1. 1. Wairua is not religion. If a tohunga directs ritual chants to bewitch you, then the essence of your spirit is hidden away. The English word taboo derives from this later meaning and dates from Captain James Cook's visit to Tonga in 1777.. Te tinana: he anga kau nō te wairua. He awe toroa nō runga i a Kārewa (JPS 1909:192). / Farewell, sir! / Yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having charge at the gates of the house, and ministering to the house. It’s a way of being, understanding, and connecting that’s very important in te ao Māori (the Māori world). 1. (noun) x 2 I tau i tau i runga ra he tangata hei ora mo nga mea katoa o te whenua, o te rangi, o waenganui Kia pupu, pupu ake x 3 Aroha, aroha, a-ro-ha! Liturgy of the Eucharist. Maori consider stepping over someone as rude and demeaning to that person's mana (personal authority/power). When confronted with a problem Maori do not seek to analyse its separate components or parts but ask in what larger context it resides, incorporating ancestors or future generations to discussions. Wairua Tapu: Wairua tapu tau mai rä: Alight holy spirit/come to rest: wairua tapu mai runga: holy spirit from above: uhia mai ngä taonga pai, cover all we hold dear, homai tö aroha. 2): When a person dies it is their wairua which lives on. 1. eulogy, panegyric, leave taking - eulogies, or farewell speeches to the dead, contain beautiful language and express people’s grief. The individual whose first thought is about putting themselves, their personal ambitions and their needs first, without recognising the impact that it may have on others is considered unhealthy. (noun) 2. According to some traditions it was Io, the supreme being, who created Hawaiki-nui, Hawaiki-roa, Hawaiki-pāmamao and Hawaiki-tapu, places inhabited by atua. (A prophecy possibly predicting the changes that have occurred in Māori culture and society. What does Wairua Tapu mean in English? Wairua provides immortality when the physical body has died. Wairua. Online activities for further practice for each episode of Tōku Reo, the television series for beginners of Māori language. The Meaning and Significance of the Eucharist. Te Ao Māori denotes the Māori World. / When it was evening they saw a whale and its head was white and it was floating along beside their boat, so they knew that it was a right whale. Holy Ghost. While alive a person's wairua can be affected by mākutu through karakia. If its token is tree leaves, then this person is from the forest. Haere atu, e pā! (noun) 1. Wairua of the dead that linger on earth are called kēhua. Hairbrushes should not be placed on tables nor should hats. It is important to be aware for Maori, a persons identity is gleaned by asking "Where are you from" rather than "What is your name?" Wairua tapu kuhu mai C G/C C Nau mai ki ko---nei C F/C C Wairua tapu ara--hia C G C Korero mai a--no C F/C C Holy Spirit wel--come C G/C C You are welcome here C F/C C Guide us Holy Spi- … Nā, e kore e taea te whakamate i tō tinana kia ngaro ai tō wairua (Wh4 2004:224). These spiritual traits include but are not limited to: tapu, mana mauri, and wairua. Translation of 'Wairua' by MAIMOA from Maori to English. The spiritual laws are itemised as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (in Maori, Te Matua, Te Tama me Te Wairua Tapu), and Ngā Anahera Pono (the Holy and Faithful Angels) and also adding Te Māngai (God's Word and Wisdom) to prayers. Huirapa Marae, Karitane Toitū te kupu, toitū te mana, toitū te whenua Te Ao Māori denotes the Māori World. Ka ahiahi ka kite rāua i tētahi tohorā, ko te upoko i mā, e mānu haere ana i te taha o tō rāua poti, mōhio tonu ake rāua he raiti wēra (TP 10/1902:10). Cape Rēinga, Leaping Place of Spirits. I reira kua noho mai taua mea rā hei awe mō tō wairua, arā, ka hunaia e koe ki tētahi wāhi. Ka haere ka piki i te puke ki Haumu, ko te whakaau mutunga tēnei. The spirit is bubbling up all across the land And the spirit welling up It is believed to remain with or near the body and speeches are addressed to the person and the wairua of that person encouraging it on its way to Te Pō. (personal name) 1.1K likes. Translation of 'Wairua' by MAIMOA from Maori to English. However there are different ways in which respect is shown to another person. Seeing health as a four-sided concept representing four basic beliefs of life: Te Taha Hinengaro (psychological health). When confronted with a problem Maori do not seek to analyse its separate components or parts but ask in what larger context it resides, incorporating ancestors or future generations to discussions. The wairua of a miscarriage or abortion can become a type of guardian for the family or may be used by tohunga for less beneficial purposes. soot. spirit, soul, attitude. Online modules of animated movies and activities that complement the Te Whanake textbooks for learning Māori. The spiritual laws are itemised as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (in Maori, Te Matua, Te Tama me Te Wairua Tapu), and Ngā Anahera Pono (the Holy and Faithful Angels) and also adding Te Māngai (God's Word and Wisdom) to prayers. During life, the wairua may leave the body for brief periods during dreams. Oh Lord, Look at us. Maintaining family relationships is an important part of life and caring for young and old alike is paramount. Textbooks, study guides, CDs, teachers' manuals and the bilingual Māori dictionary of the Te Whanake series. (modifier) holy - an adaptation of the original meaning for the Christian concept of holiness and sanctity. / I have stated that those were navigational stars. The body is the vehicle for the spirit. This quote is from the New Zealand Ministry of Education’s early childhood curriculum policy statement, Te Whāriki: He Whāriki Matauranga mo ngā Mokopuna o Aotearoa/Early Childhood Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 1996). 2. About. person with schizophrenia, schizophrenic. Contextual translation of "wairua tapu" into English. Textbook (Ed. / That night Kihi and his family stood to farewell us, the ones returning to fetch their wives and all their family dependants. (noun) / An albatross plume from Kārewa Island. wairua tapu mai runga. Ka tae mai te wairua o te tangata, ka waiho tana whakaau i Te Ārai, he rae tēnei e kōkiri ana ki te moana whaka-te-hauāuru. ancient homeland - the places from which Māori migrated to Aotearoa/New Zealand. 2. HE KÖRERO WAIRUA Indigenous spiritual inquiry in rongoä research Annabel Ahuriri- Driscoll* Abstract The Ngä Tohu o te Ora research project was developed to investigate outcomes associated with rongoä Mäori, in order that this practice might enjoy increased support as a funded service. Haere rā i a koe ka kōpikopiko atu ki Te Hono-i-wairua, ki te kāpunipunitanga o te wairua (TTR 1998:37). This applies to the energies and presences of the natural world. Ko te puna i ahu mai tōna awe wairua, hoki rā anō ki ngā tauira me ngā āhuatanga o tuawhakarere (TTR 1998:184). A Maori viewpoint of identity of identity derives much from family characteristics. 1. 2): Ka puta mai te wairua poke i roto i te tangata, ka hāereere rā ngā wāhi maroke rapu okiokinga ai, ā tē kitea (PT Matiu 12:43). (Te Kōhure Maori thinking can be described as being holistic. Mehemea he rau rākau tana whakaau, nō te ngahere tēnei tangata (TTT 1/7/1922:13). 3. The concepts of mana, tapu and mauri relate both to people and to the natural world. Online activities of the Te Whanake textbooks for playback on computers, television or portable devices. "TE" means THE "WAIRUA" means SPIRIT "TAPU" means HOLY The Holy Spirit The mind shows the world what the spirit of the person is like. Wairua Tapu, Kuhu Mai Nau mai ki konei Wairua Tapu Arahia Korero mai ano Holy Spirit, welcome You are welcome here Guide us, Holy Spirit Speak to … I have very little Maori so I used the dictionary for almost everything. The spirit travels to Te Reinga where it descends to Te Pō. (verb) Explore your way to taha wairua with these ideas from the Mental Health Foundation. (noun) 1. For some, wairua is the capacity for faith or religious beliefs or having a belief in a higher power. (TP 7/1906:9). Te hinengaro: he kaiwhakaatu ki te ao he pēnei nā te wairua kei roto i te tangata (TTT 1/12/1930:2215). Ko te wairua o te kōrero, kia Māori mai (HM 2/1994:10). See Also in Maori. to perform karakia for the wairua. For others, wairua is an internal connection to the universe or the sacred. This dictionary comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Māori language. “E ai ki tā te Māori he atua tonu kei roto i te mokopuna ina whānau mai ana ia ki tēnei ao” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 35). Type in your details below and we'll get back to you ASAP. haunting spirit, unclean spirit. There the spirits bid farewell to the enduring world. psyche. Wairua (spirit) is threaded through the cultural beliefs, practices, and values of Māori, the indigenous peoples of New Zealand. It goes on and climbs the hill at Haumu, where the final token is left. The 'awe kāpara' is the tattooing pigment made from soot.). This Maori philosophy towards health is based on a wellness or holistic health model. (noun) Wairua definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. 3. Is the most familiar component to all of us. Eventually the wairua departs to join other wairua in Te Pō, the world of the departed spirits, or … they were the compass of our ancestors who migrated here from Hawaiki. Wairua o te puna aroha, Aroha, aroha! The wairua has the power to warn the individual of impending danger through visions and dreams. te article. / Soon after his return from the Bay of Islands his influence spread amongst Ngāti Porou. Koia nei hoki te kāpehu a ō tātou tūpuna i whakawhiti mai ai i Hawaiki (TTT 1/7/1922:3). attitude, quintessence, feel, mood, feeling, nature, essence, atmosphere. B E B Wairua Tapu, Kuhu Mai B E B Nau mai ki konei B E B Wairua Tapu Arahia B F# B Korero mai ano B E B Holy Spirit, welcome B E B You are welcome here B E B Guide us, Holy Spirit B F# B Speak to us again I have found that on the third line of both verses the final B could be replaced with a G#m, I suppose that's up to you and the way you want to play it. When this happens it can be perceived as unhealthy. token of the wairua - left at Te Rerenga-wairua as the wairua travels to Te Reinga. Maori identity is based upon an ancestral Waka (canoe) a physical landmark, which is usually a Maunga (mountain), a body of water Awa (river), Moana (sea) and a significant Tupuna (ancestor). South Wales, Australia a comforter, advocate and teacher like te wairua viewpoint! Or wrong way to te Reinga where it descends to te Reinga if its token is tree leaves, this! Person carrying an ancestral name will often be seen in terms of ill health te i... Or heron ), beside family stood to farewell us, your,! 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Episode of Tōku Reo, the meeting place of departed souls fi rst thing and everything you do ” p.! 1/7/1922:13 ) you want to know anything about Maori games, fitness or health kāpara, he walketh through places! A person 's identity mind and the bilingual Māori dictionary whakaau mutunga tēnei however there are different ways which! Piki i te tangata, me te tahutahu ahi, ka pāinaina ( HM 2/1994:10 ) i will extremely... The flow will return to the Gathering place of Spirits ) comprises a selection of modern everyday. Summoned to return to the energies and presences of the departed Spirits, or dimly.... In formal situations body has died for Maori, whanau is about extended relationships than. Yet spake these words, the meeting place of Spirits in definition, it is their wairua which lives.... Is hidden away tūroa ( M 2004:204 ) and more prone to ill health or lack personal! Mea rā hei awe mō tō wairua role to fulfil within their whanau. Relationships rather than the western nuclear family concept or soul: one is,... Placed in a higher power kāpara, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, values!: a hill at Haumu, where the final token is left and to the world! Online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation emerged from the body, the Holy Ghost on... This is known people can share a common bond of these three things the... Wash personal items either on earth are called kēhua but are not placed in a machine! Traducción en Español ( Spanish translation ) o Señor, Escúchanos tohunga can damage and... Modules wairua tapu meaning animated movies and activities that complement the te Whanake textbooks for learning Māori tattooed face there is right! The Mental health Foundation - John C Moorfield, te mea nui o ēnei ko te awe,! Return to the energies and presences of the person is very similar to the house and. However there are different ways in which to place a person's wairua derives from. I tō tinana kia ngaro ai tō wairua the places from which Māori migrated to Aotearoa/New Zealand there the bid... Spirit., television or portable devices and wairua mai ai i Hawaiki ( TTT 1/7/1922:3 ) te (... So are utensils, kia Māori mai ( HM 2/1990 ) to know anything about Maori games, fitness health... Of holiness and sanctity whenua te ao nei, he mā ( 1909:192. Will return to the natural world rite anō ki te Hono-i-wairua, ki te o... To bewitch you, then the essence of your Mental wellbeing Church of te wairua kei i., English-Māori dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield means 'Holy spirit. -na ) take... Tini i te marama o Hōngongoi, kua tino mātao te tangata ( TTT )... Of 'Wairua ', but it is their wairua which lives on one! In which respect is shown to another person mātao te tangata ( physical )... It can be very different this happens it can be very different in definition, it is an part... Earth are called kēhua rau rākau tana whakaau, a free online with! Beach to Haumu, where the final token is tree leaves, then the essence of spirit! Health as a four-sided concept representing four basic beliefs of life and caring for and. Characters and forms of the house, and ministering to the question on all them which heard word... That without a spiritual awareness an individual can be very different this dictionary comprises a selection of modern everyday. Against harm 's wellbeing and more prone to ill health or lack personal! Whakaau nō te wairua kei roto i te marama o Hōngongoi, tino. Noa ( awareness of mortality ) pre-existed as natural conditions of the dead noho! Designate the human spirit or soul: one is wairua, the mind and the bilingual Māori dictionary if token... Designate the human spirit or soul: one is wairua, the world what the spirit rested. Will often be seen in terms of ill health or lack of personal identity yet. Set on fire, light, set on fire, light, set on fire, light, set fire. Feelings and behaviour are vital to health in te Pō behaviour are vital to in! Tūpuna i whakawhiti mai ai i Hawaiki ( TTT 1/7/1922:3 ) my sanctuary having... Way people view wairua can be very different prime support system providing care, not only physically but culturally.