This guideline updates and replaces the previous edition of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Guideline for Infection Control in Hospital Personnel," published in 1983. 36, no. Common types of Supplementary Material include large datasets or tables. The statement should be consistent with disclosures that would be stated in the ICMJE Disclosure Form. Use a standard font (such as Times New Roman or Helvetica) and set the font size to 12 points (for tables as well as text). Use only common abbreviations and use as few as possible; and do not abbreviate terms used fewer than 5 times. Supplementary Material will be made available only in its original format and will not be subject to copy editing, or typesetting. Authors are notified as soon as possible regarding the acceptability of their manuscripts. Figures that are useful only in color will be available only in the online version of the article, and information about the online-only figure (including a full or partial legend) will be included in the print version of the article. As previously, three modules will be running at the same time: Healthcare-associated Infection Prevention and Management Core Module; Applied Infection Control Module; Healthcare-associated Infection Advanced Epidemiology Module; More information can be found in the course leaflet. Video Abstract Explainer Video Scientific Animation. Quality. Any closely related manuscripts that have not yet been published should be included with the manuscript being submitted; ICHE does not publish articles that overlap substantially with work published or in press elsewhere. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), complications or infections secondary to either device implantation or surgery are referred to as HAIs. If the manufacturer of a product discussed in a submitted manuscript had a role, either directly or through a third party, in the gathering or preparation of data or in the writing of the manuscript, that information must be disclosed in the Acknowledgments section. For guidance regarding the reporting of randomized (CONSORT), observational (STROBE), meta-analyses (PRISMA), and other clinical trials, please consult In follow-up studies, the proportion of participants who completed the study must be indicated. A recent study found COVID-19 infection present on a hospital bed was able to spread to 18 other surfaces within 10 hours (Rawlinson, Ciric and Cloutman-Green, 2020). Major topics covered include infection control practices, surveillance, cost-benefit analyses, resource use, occupational health, and regulatory issues. Studies of screening and diagnostic tests should use the terms sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. (This information is exclusive of the financial support discussed above.) The Acknowledgments section of the manuscript must list the name of each contributing author and any potential conflicts of interest for each author for the previous three years; if no potential conflict exists, that too should be stated. This pathway has an Open Access fee associated with it, This pathway includes Open Access publishing, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Institutional Repository, Non-Commercial Subject Repository, PMC, PMC, arXiv, +1, Institutional Repository, Non-Commercial Subject Repository, PMC, arXiv, PMC, +3,, Published source must be acknowledged with citation, Named Academic Social Network (UNSPECIFIED), Named Repository (PubMed Central, Europe PMC, arXiv), Named Repository (PubMed Central, arXiv, Europe PMC), Must link to publisher version or journal website. Medical Waste - Volume 13 Issue 1. For more information, please see the following links: Sherpa Romeo information is accurate to the best of our knowledge but should not be relied upon for legal advice. infection control & hospital epidemiology march 2015, vol. Chen LF, Freeman JT, Sexton DJ, Choi YI, Anderson DJ. 10 SHEA/HICPAC POSITION PAPER Recommendations for Metric fosr Multidrug-Resistant Organisms Publication bias was not assessed because of an inadequate number of included studies (<10foreachriskfactorthatwas meta-analyzed) needed to properly assess a funnel plot or to If this list of headings is inappropriate, variations are permitted: for example, a study that involved no intervention would use the heading "Methods" rather than "Intervention"; or an analysis of an existing data set might use the heading "Methods" in place of both "Intervention" and "Setting." All artwork (figures, photographs, and illustrations) should be submitted as digital files. 7. This intensive training course aims at those working in infection control and hospital epidemiology. 1 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, CFP Suite 306, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. The aim of the Journal is to publish high quality research and information relating to infection prevention and control that is relevant to an international audience. Hospitals were asked to collect data on consecutive S. aureus and P. aeruginosa isolates, consumption rates for antibiotics (ie, anti-infectives for systemic use as defined by Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical class J01), and hospital characteristics, including infection control policies. During the period March-May 2004, all hospital staff completed a mandatory infection control education program, including the receipt of hospital-specific MRSA data and case-based practice with additional precautions. OUTCOME MEASURE. Include the names and contact information for any individuals who are especially qualified to review the manuscript; you may also name any individuals who may not be able to provide an unbiased review. They should strive for a concise article that is unencumbered by excessive detail. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Journal Impact 2020-21 Quartile is Q1. Duplicate Publication of a Manuscript - Volume 11 Issue 7. 4. Keep Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion distinct and separate. We provide secure, cost-effective access to the UK's richest collection of digital content: giving you access to the latest data and content from leading international publishers and providers. OA Publishing This pathway includes Open Access publishing. You may be eligible for a waiver or discount, for example if your institution is part of a Read and Publish sales agreement with Cambridge University Press. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology provides original, peer-reviewed scientific articles for anyone involved with an infection control or epidemiology program in a hospital or healthcare facility. Research Briefs undergo the same peer review as longer article types. infection control & hospital epidemiology december 2015, vol. Design and Setting. The main sections and subdivisions of the body text should be indicated by side heads flush with the left margin and two lines above the text. 661-666. Approaches such as "number needed to treat" to achieve a unit of benefit are encouraged when appropriate. Outbreak of Acinetobacter infection in a neonatal intensive care unit. pp. Open Access pathways permitted by this journal's policy are listed below by article version. Our recommendations for the various types of files can be found in Appendix 1 at the end of this document. Use left justification only, so that the right margin is ragged. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology… During the submission process, authors have the option to select a figure or image to be used as a visual abstract. Persons should not be thanked in the Acknowledgments section without their knowledge and consent. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Published monthly by Cambridge University Press, ICHE provides original, peer-reviewed scientific articles for the professional in epidemiology or infectious prevention and control programs in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Journal Cover Design Graphical Abstract Custom Illustration. The Editor-in-Chief will verify that there are no similar or overlapping documents under development. The Editor requests that authors reporting the results of clinical trials describe clearly the following: (1) eligibility criteria; (2) whether subjects were admitted before allocation to one of the study groups; (3) the method of randomization; (4) whether the study was "masked," what specific information was masked, and whether subjects, clinicians, and evaluators were masked; (5) the method used to identify treatment complications; (6) an explanation and analysis of subjects lost to follow-up; (7) statistical methods used; and (8) information that led to the determination of the size of the study groups and the expected differences between groups. URL: /core/journals/infection-control-and-hospital-epidemiology. Developing a Clinical Prediction Rule for First Hospital-Onset Clostridium dif cile Infections: A Retrospective Observational Study Anne Press, Benson Ku, Lauren McCullagh, Lisa Rosen, Sa ya Richardson and Thomas McGinn Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology / FirstView Article / … Allow free public access to their holdings, with reasonable exceptions (such as administration charges for the distribution of physical materials). Publication bias was not assessed because of an inadequate number of included studies (<10foreachriskfactorthatwas meta-analyzed) needed to properly assess a funnel plot or to Note that acceptability may sometimes hinge on whether the manuscript is within the scope of the journal, the originality and quality of the study, and appropriateness and utility for our readership. The aim of the Journal is to publish high quality research and information relating to infection prevention and control that is relevant to an international audience. As previously, three modules will be running at the same time: Healthcare-associated Infection Prevention and Management Core Module; Applied Infection Control Module; Healthcare-associated Infection Advanced Epidemiology Module; More information can be found in the course leaflet. ISSN 0899-823X Infection prevention and control is the discipline concerned with preventing healthcare-associated infections; a practical rather than academic sub-discipline of epidemiology.In Northern Europe, infection prevention and control is expanded from healthcare into a component in public health, known as "infection protection" (smittevern, smittskydd, Infektionsschutz in the local languages). If matching was used for comparison groups, specify the characteristics that were matched. Pittet D, Simon A, Hugonnet S, Pessoa-Silva CL, Sauvan V, Perneger TV. Prospective, observational cohort study of patients admitted to 24 community hospitals … For descriptions of the clinical features of medical disorders: survey; case series. Journal Cover Design Graphical Abstract Custom Illustration. Chemical or generic names of drugs, materials, and equipment are strongly preferred; a proprietary name may be given only after it is preceded by the generic or chemical name the first time it appears and must be followed by the name of the manufacturer or supplier. 3 Forrester, Marie & Pettitt, Tony (2005) Use of Stochastic Epidemic Modeling to Quantify Transmission Rates of Colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in an Intensive Care Unit. Electronic address: Unlisted journals should not be abbreviated. Setting: Medical, surgical, trauma, and combined medical-surgical intensive care units (ICUs) and long-term acute care hospitals. All authors of Original Articles, Concise Communications, and Research Briefs are required to complete and upload the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest when and if they are asked to submit a revision of their manuscript. Scientific Illustration . Title. As the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Developing a Clinical Prediction Rule for First Hospital-Onset Clostridium dif cile Infections: A Retrospective Observational Study Anne Press, Benson Ku, Lauren McCullagh, Lisa Rosen, Sa ya Richardson and Thomas McGinn Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology / FirstView Article / … Note that an article is in the public domain only if all authors are employees of the US government. Use of Medicare Claims to Identify US Hospitals with a High Rate of Surgical Site Infection after Hip Arthroplasty - Volume 34 Issue 1 SHEA Member Spotlight. Statistical quality control methods in infection control and hospital epidemiology, part I: introduction and basic theory. For comparative studies, confidence intervals should relate to the differences between groups. Material published in the journal may not be reproduced or published elsewhere without written consent of the Society and the publisher. Journal Recommendation Manuscript Formatting Figure Formatting Plagiarism Check Conference Poster Plain Language Summary. Publication Support. Place figure titles and explanations in the legend, not on the figure image. References should be cited consecutively in the text, with superscript numbers placed outside periods and commas and inside colons and semicolons. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered as though all were cited at the point at which the table or figure was first mentioned. To assist readers in determining the applicability of the report to their own clinical circumstances, include a brief description of the study setting(s) such as: primary or tertiary referral center, private or public institution, or an ambulatory or acute care setting. Results. Supplementary Material is subject to the peer review process and copyright requirements as all primary content. 16 Nelson, Richard , Nelson, Scott , Khader, Karim , Perencevich, Eli , Schweizer, Marin , Rubin, Michael , et al. Examples of appropriate material include studies of infection surveillance, the impact of preventive measures on infection or antimicrobial resistance rates; analyses of resource use and costs related to infections or other adverse events in patients; occupational health; or pertinent regulatory issues. List and define any abbreviations in a note below the table, above the table footnotes (no footnote designator is required for this line), even if the abbreviations have been defined in the text. 12 some experts even suggest that the term Hawthorn Effect is used by researchers as a post hoc interpretation of any Every manuscript that is accepted for publication, except for Supplemental Appendix material, is edited according to the journal's style and format requirements before it is published online and in print. Articles Available on Medscape . Scientific Illustration . Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is the first hospital system in the nation to receive the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Program of Distinction designation, an acknowledgement of excellence for infection prevention and control programs that meet stringent standards established by the association. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Publication Information. OUTCOME MEASURE. The rate of nosocomial MRSA acquisition was calculated as the number of cases of nosocomial MRSA acquisition per 100 days that a person with MRSA colonization … ICHE is the official publication of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA). Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (ISSN: 0899-823X, 1559-6834) About this Publication. For studies of prognosis: inception cohort (subjects assembled at a similar and early time in the course of the disorder and followed thereafter); cohort (subjects followed forward in time, but not necessarily from a common starting point); validation cohort or validation sample, if the study involves the modeling of clinical predictions. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (ISSN: 0899-823X, 1559-6834) About this Publication. Figure legends should be double spaced on a separate page of the manuscript. Examples: Conflict of interest. An increasingly appealing option for journal authors is the inclusion of Supplementary Material with the traditional manuscript text. If predictive values or accuracy are given, prevalence or pretest likelihood should be given as well. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 37 (6). Note that this documentation is in addition to the disclosure statements in the Acknowledgments section of the manuscript file. Rutala WA, Weber DJ, Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. MRSA infections occurred in 27 of 207 education group participants (0.149 per person year) and in 19 of 213 decolonization group participants (0.099 per-person year). Datasets, tables, and other textual material are commonly submitted as PDF, Excel, or Word files. Published monthly by Cambridge University Press, ICHE provides original, peer-reviewed scientific articles for the professional in epidemiology or infectious prevention and control programs in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 38(5), pp. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. 6. ISSN 0899-823X 2014. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Which postop patients are at the highest risk of developing a hospital-acquired C. diff infection? The rate of nosocomial MRSA acquisition was calculated as the number of cases of nosocomial MRSA acquisition per 100 days that a person with MRSA colonization … Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Designation of content as "online-only" should not be used to shorten the anticipated print version of a submission. Examples: Disclosure documentation. Use as many of the following terms as apply. 3 STATISTICS FOR HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 195 probability event if no clusters were occurring and infec- tious diseases were assumed to occur otherwise over time according to a Poisson process. This category of article is intended for the presentation of short, focused, and evidence-based experimental observations: substantial preliminary and novel results of importance to the journal readership but not substantial enough in content to warrant a longer presentation. Footnotes are acceptable in tables but cannot be used in the body of the manuscript; any footnotes in your manuscript will be integrated into the text, perhaps in parentheses. in the Hospital An official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) Fifth Edition Bearman Stevens Edmond Wenzel 2014 International Society for Infectious Diseases Boston, MA • USA. Vol. You will have the option to publish your article as Gold Open Access, enabling the final published version to be made freely available under a Creative Commons license. Publication Support. About the Journal The Journal of Hospital Infection (JHI) is the editorially independent scientific publication of the Healthcare Infection Society (HIS). Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology provides original, peer-reviewed scientific articles for anyone involved with an infection control or epidemiology program in a hospital or healthcare facility. On the other hand, graphic elements that require definition, such as symbols, are best placed and defined in available open space within the figure itself. The Results section contains the previously unpublished data derived by this application of your methods. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. There is no charge for including color figures online; however, in manuscripts where color figures have been converted to gray-scale for print, the gray-scale figure must retain information that allows for independent interpretation. As the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Most common types of Supplementary Material. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology publishes scientifically authoritative, clinically applicable, peer-reviewed research on control and evaluation of the transmission of pathogens in healthcare institutions and on the use of epidemiological principles and methods to evaluate and improve the delivery of care. A crossover intervention trial evaluating the efficacy of a chlorhexidine-impregnated sponge in reducing catheter-related bloodstream infections among patients undergoing hemodialysis. There should be no separate section labeled "Conclusion." The Acknowledgments section should list all sources of financial support for the work, including any financial arrangement with a company whose product is related to the study. Abbreviate genus names after first mention. AJIC is the foremost resource on infection control, epidemiology , infectious diseases , quality management, occupational health, and disease prevention. Conclusions. Given that Supplementary Material is exclusively published online, it may include file types that are incompatible with a print format, eg., color versions of black and white figures and Excel files containing interactive elements. For information about citing external data, please take a look at IASSIST’s Quick Guide to Data Citation. Vol. Authors are responsible for ensuring that manuscripts adhere to the formats noted in the Instructions for Authors. PowerPoint, Word, and JPEG files will not be accepted. Zoono works as part of the … Double space the entire manuscript, including title page, abstract, body, references, tables, and figure legends. Support linking between their database records and associated published research articles. Objective: To estimate the proportion of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in US hospitals that are "reasonably preventable," along with their related mortality and costs. Thank you notes. Every column in a table requires a head that describes the contents of the cells below. If an a priori hypothesis was tested, it should be stated. Each manuscript is evaluated by two editors; most are sent to two outside reviewers. 2 infection control & hospital epidemiology were screened for eligibility; 79 studies (58 studies written in English, 17 in Japanese, 2 in Dutch, 1 in Spanish, and one in Acknowledgment of financial support and potential conflicts of interest must be included and should be placed in the Acknowledgments section (see below). During the submission process, authors have the option to select a figure or image to be used as a visual abstract. order to enable UK higher education to realise the rewards of open access (OA). Authors who are not fluent in English should have their manuscript checked by a native speaker of English and/or an editing service that provides such assistance. A paper that is "in press" may be included in the reference list if it has been accepted for publication. The author is solely responsible for the content of this material. 2 Infection Control and Prevention, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, CFP Suite 316, Detroit, MI 48202, USA; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA. For more information about the benefits of choosing to publish Open Access, see here. The Journal of Hospital Infection is the editorially independent scientific publication of the Healthcare Infection Society. Scientific Videos. When risk changes or effect sizes are given, indicate absolute values, so that the reader can determine the absolute, as well as relative, impact of the finding. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 36(5), pp. The aim of the Journal is to publish high quality research and information relating to infection prevention and control that is relevant to an international audience. 16 Nelson, Richard , Nelson, Scott , Khader, Karim , Perencevich, Eli , Schweizer, Marin , Rubin, Michael , et al. Authors are asked to respond to all queries from the Press's production editors and to provide any additional corrections within 48 hours after the proof notification. Define measurements that require explanation for the expected audience of the manuscript. Use superscript letters for footnote designators. All authors of Letters and invited manuscripts (Letters in Reply, Commentaries, Reviews, and Guidelines) are required to complete and upload the ICMJE Disclosure Form when they initially submit their manuscript. Number figures in the order in which they are mentioned in the text, and provide a brief but descriptive caption (legend) for each figure. Login Alert . 36, no. Only those conclusions of the study that are directly supported by the evidence reported should be given, along with the clinical application; indicate whether additional study is required before the information should be used in normal clinical settings. This information will be published in the journal if the manuscript is accepted. Note that issue numbers are not used. 36, no. 【infection control and hospital epidemiology】citescore trend Comments from Authors * All review process metrics, such as acceptance rate and review speed, are limited to … If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the disclosures will be published. Journal of Infection Prevention is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication containing a … Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Publishing your article as Gold Open Access. 3 STATISTICS FOR HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 195 probability event if no clusters were occurring and infec- tious diseases were assumed to occur otherwise over time according to a Poisson process. Provide information on important eligibility criteria, and key sociodemographic features of patients and how they were selected, including the number of otherwise eligible subjects who were approached but refused to participate. Particular emphasis is given to the epidemiology, prevention and control of infectious diseases. The Methods section should provide detail sufficient to allow others to re-create your experiment. The revised guideline, designed to provide methods for reducing the transmission of infections from patients to healthcare personnel and from personnel to patients, also provides an overview of the evidence for Invited Reviews, including guidelines and position papers: committees, task forces, and authors under the auspices of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, and all others considering the preparation of a review, should contact the Editorial Office during the very earliest phases of development. AJIC is the foremost resource on infection control, epidemiology , infectious diseases , quality management, occupational health, and disease prevention. (2015) The magnitude of time-dependent bias in the estimation of excess length of stay attributable to healthcare-associated infections. Electronic address: 3 At the time of positive urine culture, 48 (44.8%) patients had an NHSN-defined infection other than CAUTI (Table 2). The journal does not print color figures. A subscription to ICHE is included with SHEA membership dues. Describe the basic design of the study. After the manuscript has been edited and typeset, the author responsible for correspondence will receive an e-mail message from the Cambridge University Press production staff, containing instructions for obtaining page proofs in PDF form from a secure Web site. 534-542. INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY OCTOBER 2008, VOL. Research Briefs should include a title page, a text of no more than 900 words, no more than 1 table or figure, and no more than 10 references. The aim of the journal is to advance the evidence base in infection prevention and control, and to provide a publishing platform for all health professionals interested in this field of practice. 8. The Acknowledgments section must contain a statement of potential conflicts of interest. If there are 7 or more authors, list the first 3 authors' names, followed by "et al"; otherwise, list all authors. Include tables in the same file as the rest of the manuscript, not in separate files. Each component of the article should begin on a separate page, as follows: title page, abstract, body text, acknowledgments, references, appendices, figure legends, and tables. Abbreviations of journal names should conform to Index Medicus or MEDLINE. Click here for Click here for Checklist for Submissions. Visual abstract selections should follow the requirements for all figures and images, which can be found in the journals artwork guide. 1 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, CFP Suite 306, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. For personal communications, specify whether the communication was written or oral. Accepted manuscripts are asked to sign a copyright transfer Form, transferring copyright to the preservation... For color printing in the text data that have been provided in or... 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