Make your own fry box! In fact, we recommend going with a tank size closer to 30 gallons. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. So, I'm thinking of getting a pair (or more?) Facts About the Apistogramma. Part I Setup Tank Size - The best tank for a pair or trio in my opinion is a 20 gallon long, however I have successfully bread them in a 10 gallon tank and some have done it in smaller (not recommended). An A. Cactuoides females need approx. I don`t want to waste any >space and use as many tanks I can in the area where I be setting up the >tanks. Many of the frozen foods are very short on vitamins unless they are added, so look for a label that says they were added. In general, you should aim to keep your dwarf cichlid in a fish that is no smaller than 15 or 20 gallons. Check out the Monthly The Apistogramma hails from South America and the Amazon. Do you think my betta (Fire) is happy? Riggsrg4. At present, I have around 700 Apistogramma cacatuoides in a 150-gallon tank. There are several products you can choose from to add vitamins to fish's food. Steindancher first discovered agassizii in 1875. The temperature was 76° F. Feedings were once a day of frozen and live shrimp, frozen bloodworms and the occasional white worm. SB : A peaceful, although territorial fish that can be combined with other Apistogramma … 2. In other words, a 20-gallon (76-liter) long is preferable to a 20 high, and a 30-gallon (113-liter) long or 33-gallon (125-liter) extra long is preferable to a 29-gallon (110-liter). In addition to adequate filtration and regular water changes, a few … The tank they require should be a minimum of 20 gallons, and getting larger from there. Sep 29, 2011. bassbonediva. Same goes with the appistos. These fish grow to be about 3” and 3.5” maximum in size. Pseudomugil gertrudae. ... Jul 20… TANK : A tank measuring 24" (61 cm) with a volume of 20 gallons (75 L) will do. I would not put a pair of any Apistogramma in a 20g high; a 30-inch (75 cm) length tank minimum, preferably a 36-inch (90 cm) length. Hi PirateGuy32, There are a number of Cichlids from South America that do not grow more than 4 inches and are well suited to aquariums up to 20 gallons. Hi George, I would use 10's for a PAIR of breeding Apistos. They do require a tank of about 20 gallons or larger. Lv 6. JavaScript is disabled. I don't want to sound like I don't know what I'm talking about to my boss at my LFS so how do I pronounce apistogramma cacatuoides? The tank they require should be a minimum of 20 gallons, and getting larger from there. My fist question is 20 gallons enough space for a apistogramma cacatuoides or maybe a pair? Unlike larger species of cory catfish, Corydoras panda only grows to 1.75 to 2 inches long, so you can easily get a group of six or more for a 20-gallon aquarium. The Apistogramma hails from South America and the Amazon. Unexpected fry in your fish tank? The temperature was 76° F. … Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallon pH: 6.0–6.5 Hardness: 1–10 dGH (5 dGH is preferred) Temperature: 73–79 Fahrenheit (23–26 Celsius) Tankmates: Peaceful schooling fish, comfortable with all species Zebra Loaches are easily recognized by their many … Great Qualities. Either size is suitable for one pair. Size: 3½" Color Form: Assorted Diet: Carnivore Compatibility: View Chart … An aquarium of that size enables you to keep a range of freshwater fish, living plants, and invertebrates, too. Member . 20 centimetres of basin radius as territory, while males can mark out a good 50-60 centimetres of the aquarium as territory. Apistogramma cacatuoides is a larger species of Apistogramma and will work well as a pair in a 20 gallon tank. Which one is it? In a 20-gallon, it’s possible to keep a wide variety of tropical fishes, not to mention species with bigger overall body size, and even have exotic mixes and stunning schools of small-bodies fishes. If I could even find the khulis. Assorted Apistogramma Quick Stats: Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Care Level: Difficult Temperament: Semi-aggressive Water Conditions: 72-86° F, KH 2-15, pH 5.0-7.0 Max. How can I put sand into a tank that already has water and fish in it? My aquariums have either lots of wood, rocks, and plants, or wood rocks and leaf-litter. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! Check out a few more videos,the caves we buy may not be as good as an upturned terracotta pot. In either case, the tank should be arranged with a dark gravel bottom. Hello I was wondering if I could put a pair of Fire Red Appistogrammas in a 15 gallon tank and feed them freeze dried bloodworms and flakes? Apistos require water of between 72 and 86 degrees, and they’re best suited to neutral pH water (you don’t have to have a low pH). At present, I have around 700 Apistogramma cacatuoides in a 150-gallon tank. My water has … Apistogramma In 20 gal tank Hello I was wondering if I could put a pair of Fire Red Appistogrammas in a 15 gallon tank and feed them freeze dried bloodworms and flakes? Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlids are best kept in a moderately lit, densely planted 30 gallon or larger “black water” tank with a sand or fine gravel substrate, some worn river rocks, caves, driftwood and some leaves on the bottom to mimic their natural environment. Facts About the Apistogramma. You should prepare a tank of around 20-gallons in size with mature, soft, tannin-rich water with motion produced by an air-powered filter. You do not need a huge tank because of their small size to keep Apistogramma happy. Any idea what it was made from? As far as food goes you probably should mix it up a bit more. i want an oscar but i cant get a 75 gal tank for a long time. Before you begin your fish keeping journey, you’ll need to know what fish to choose for your aquarium and how many fish can live in a 20-gallon … I may just stick with black neon tetras then. There are many species in the genus Apistogramma. Maximum Size: In aquariums, most Apistogrammas can grow to be about 2" to 2.5" long. what is the best dwarf cichlid for me im 13 and i have 20 gal tank and 16 tetras i'v hade them for half a year. Apistogramma cichlids do not like to be left alone – ideally, you should keep them in pairs … They originate from South America and the Amazon rainforest. Origin: Apistogramma is a huge genus of Dwarf Cichlids whose ancestors lived throughout most of the tropical regions of South America, but now they live in aquariums all over the world. It's probably an exception, but they seem to get along just fine and the colony keeps … Has anyone on here ever done it? A long, low tank is preferable to a high or display-type tank. They don’t need big tanks, a 30 gallon tank is fine for a single specimen; allow an extra 5-10 gallons per Ram you add. The tank should be … They grow to be approximately 3 to 3.5 inches in size. Thanks for your help! My aquariums have either lots of wood, rocks, and plants, or wood rocks and leaf-litter. Petsmart has black ones but I'd rather have the normal ones. The Fire Reds are from the species A. agassizii and are said to be comparatively peaceful in temperament. In a 20-gallon, it’s possible to keep a wide … What … is what tank mates would be good if any for them? Is this enough room or would two breeding pairs need more room? You are using an out of date browser. They will need at least 20-gallons for a pair, however. I think a 15 to 20 gallon tank might be too small for a trio though. Okay, let’s talk about tank setup, so ideally, they should be in a 10 to 20-gallon aquarium minimum, with temperatures from 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. So, I have my 20gL set up, but with nothing in it. Agassiz's dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii) or; Panda darf cichlid (Apistogramma nijsseni) or; Agassizii Tefe (Apistogramma agassizii 'Tefe') The swarm: 25-30 animals of one tetra species. Scientific Name:Apistogramma cacatuoides Number:A200-203 Common name:Cockatoo dwarf cichlid Synonym(s):Apistogramma marmoratus Size:Males reach 3.5 inches, Females reach 2.5-3 inches Temp:68-78℉ Countries of Origin:Brazil, Colombia, Peru Spawning method:Cave spawner Difficulty:Easy Minimum aquarium size:20 gallon “long” We are actually recommending going with a tank size closer to 30 gallons. A decent group of fish will generally need only around 20 gallons of space. Not enough room for 2 female territories. You must log in or register to reply here. My fist question is 20 gallons enough space for a apistogramma cacatuoides or … A 20-gallon fish tank is an ideal aquarium size for the not very experienced aquarist, but one that has kept fish long enough to want something large than a 10-gallon. (The Nitrogen Cycle), WEATHER LOACH & BLOOD RED PARROT TANK, FROM START TO STOCKED. That could make it a bit stronger? I currently have an empty 20 gallon tank and would love to house a variety of cacatuoides, possibly the "triple red" or "orange flash". I've had many species over the years, and they need room to be able to get out of each other's way. They tend to be peaceful, colorful and can be kept with a wide variety of community fish. A sandy substrate is necessary due to their earth-eating habits. Yes and no .The very young will be eaten each day but some will grow into adults IMO. Can i keep a fire eel black ghost knife and 4 ropes with red rainbow sized ... 20 gal tank 8 danios red gills on the inside, How much water conditioner do i put into a 20 gallon fish tank. Can i use a 30 aqueon quiet flow for 20 gal tank, How to make the environment in your fish tank better for nitrifying bacteria when cycling. I tend to listen to the experts, but just wanted to make clear this is not just my thinking which after all is only an opinion when science is not at issue. I have as many as 135 Apistogramma juruensis living in a 20-gallon aquarium. Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallon pH: 6.0–6.5 Hardness: 1–10 dGH (5 dGH is preferred) Temperature: 73–79 Fahrenheit (23–26 Celsius) Tankmates: Peaceful schooling fish, comfortable with all species Zebra Loaches are easily recognized by their many vertical bands that even cross over onto their fins. The pH was 5.0 and the water hardness was at less than 4°. I have as many as 135 Apistogramma juruensis living in a 20-gallon aquarium. They breed like bunnies. Even in the ram tanks shrimp are now bold enough having been (born) in the tank with Rams to walk around the tank ,where as IMO the parents of those shrimp that had come from shrimp friendly tanks and never did adjust? Hi everybody, I recently discovered the wonderful world of apistos so I am looking to find some information. Apistogramma cacatuoides breeding. Vote Now - January 2021 Pet of the Month contest, Tank of the Month, I have zero experience with fire red but I have a few other apistogramma in similar sized tanks . A sandy substrate is necessary due to their earth-eating habits. Apistogramma cacatuoides – Male The breeding tank. Cichlid … Blue Rams, Bolivian Rams and several species of Apistogramma are the most popular Dwarf South American Cichlids, but there are many others. cycled tank with 3 Neons... Will fire red cherry shrimp breed with normal cherry shrimp. Apistogramma cacatuoides is a larger species of Apistogramma and will work well as a pair in a 20 gallon tank. Apistogramma agassizii, or the Agassizi’s Dwarf Cichlid, is arguably one of the most popular species of the Apistogramma genus.Steindancher first discovered agassizii in 1875. How to set up a breeding tank for Apistogramma ortegai. Apistogramma cacatuoides – Male The breeding tank. I am pretty sure you will need to start some live foodS for the fry ? I achieve this in one of two ways. They originate from South America and the Amazon rainforest. Panda Corydoras. These fish grow to be about 3” and 3.5” maximum in size. It will fit in well into a community tank. Some breeders have even seen success with small groups in a 10-gallon tank (we’re not big fans of that though). Hello I have a 75 gallon HEAVILY planted tank that has finished cycling and my plan was to have some german blue rams with apistogrammas. Bottom-dwelling tankmates should prove ideal for them. I would not put a pair of any Apistogramma in a 20g high; a 30-inch (75 cm) length tank minimum, preferably a 36-inch (90 cm) length. This pair was housed in a heavily planted 20-gallon tank. Lol. It’s a planted tank with a small cave. Apistogramma agassizii, or the Agassizi’s Dwarf Cichlid, is arguably one of the most popular species of the Apistogramma genus. I just want to know if these fish are compatible with Appisto Fire Reds! They are peaceful fish that will struggle with aggressive tank mates. At present, I have around 700 Apistogramma cacatuoides in a 150-gallon tank. … Help with Red Cherry Shrimp. Answer Save. She can fit into the hole and he can't. 2. Of course, to have this many fish in a tank it … Member. An A. Cactuoides females need approx. But that's not what I have. My previous opinion that a 20g high is not suitable is based on what the cichlid sources have advised, as well as my own experience not with this species but others smaller in size and the same size. Minimum aquarium size: 20 gallon “long” Short overview. These are my parameters ph7.0 kh 8 gh 11 Can they live in this water? SF seems to think a pair.....but other sites say 30? Will they thrive? Difficulty: Easy. I have an empty 20 gallon long that fits nicely on the stand beneath my 55 gallon and I would like to try and breed them. I'd almost do 15 or so regular neon tetras but I'm not sure how fragile they really are anymore and they may not tolerate my water as well. Thread starter rockhoe14er; Start date Aug 9, ... Hey Guys i wanted to get two males to 4 females in a 30 gallon tank. But does it matter? Because of their small size, you don’t need a huge tank to keep Apistogramma happy. The tank should be furnished with several caves or nooks to protect and spawn in. Sorry I meant 15 gal, there are 2 GLO fish in the tank and a loach a told you guys about in a previous post, this 15 gal will be upgraded to a 30 or 55 gal in a few months so don’t worry about space for the loach. EDIT: The 1" per 1 gallon … Of course, to have this many fish in a tank it must … WATER : pH 5-7 (6.5), 1-10 dH (4), 77-81°F (25-27°C). Second question. Generally, a decent group of fish will only need about 20 gallons of space. Frozen or living foods will be much better, mixed with small sized sinking pellets. I d... How long do you have to wait to add fish to a new tank? That's what is happening in all my tanks that have apistos at the moment,It could all change at breeding time? Hey all! (Apistogramma bitaeniata) Moderate Semi-aggressive 3" 30 gallons 76-86° F; pH 5.0-7. 20 Gallon Tank Apistogramma Borelli. A “breeder” style tank would be even better. Will the apistos make a snack out of them? Most Apistogramma form harems, thus it is necessary to keep one male with several females. 20 gallon tank compatibility I just got a 20 gallon planted tank and I'm keeping a convict cichlid in it right know (temporally I'm going to move her to my 38 gallon tank) I'm going to get a apistogramma borelii and/or apistogramma trifitiata and/or apistogramma cacatuoides and/or apistogramma baenshi inka I don't know what to get her and I don't know how many to get and honey gourami Don’t be scared of the fact when I say they need to be in a well-established mature aquarium. I've only seen them online and I'm horrible with scientific names haha . So...I'm kind of liking the apistogramma cacatuoides. Relevance. Any suggestions on any other … We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. Thanks Byron! May 4, 2020. Of course, to have this many fish in a tank it must have the correct environment. 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