Have you ever asked yourself 'when will I die? All my relatives are gone and all i ask of life is that it ends quickly and before i get to a humiliating dependency on strangers. Even though im 14 i would want to go out when i see m great grand children or even stay longer idk i think that it all depends on what the man wants an i know what you guys may think your talking about god right well actually…No im not i dont think god is some guy in the skies controlling every thing i think he is a energy a energy so strong that he created us and he intends for some of use to do good and to do bad things we all have purpose to balance out the world so i dont think that it matters how i go out or how any of you guys go out if you want to jump into a active volcano then so be it jump into one if you want to die in your sleep then go right a head but the honest truth is, is that none of us can really say or know when well go out. I just imagine that I am going to die in 60 seconds. Thanks for a very smart and provocative article. By controlling the date of your death you can correctly forecast how much money you will need to live out your life. I don’t want to … Marriage Astrology . I want to leave this world with 95 years of well-being. In Vedic astrology, it is clearly stated that no longevity calculation should be made for a chart unless the person has reached at least the age of 20. Maybe it has you thrown for a reason…sometimes when things hit a little hard, it might be something you’re sensitive about. Btw, how come I haven’t been getting your mails, been months I subscribed. Just don’t splat down somewhere people need to clean you up! In numerology, all numbers add up or multiplied and zero is always deleted. But in KP Astrology we need to calculate Dashas for every planet and house. But due to understanding of basic biology, I do know that the end exists. But I’m ready to go when it’s time. I am the complete opposite of him, and live a very healthy lifestyle and mindset. A birth chart is a celestial snapshot of the universal energies at play the moment you arrived on this planet. Psychic advice, live psychic reading of your past life :). No remains. ;)  Thanks for the laughs and valuable teaching. Life is too precious to end it by our own hand, even if we have to suffer or make our loved ones suffer for our sake. which could be true because she does what camila does. You can take help from any software and astrology calculator of a planetary transit. Your Longevity From your Birth Horoscope- vedic Astrology Or Jyotish We all want ourselves and our loved ones to live long. I did this and also counted out how many summers and winters i have left, and how many vacations and weekends as well, it truly is a game changer! They’d rather not know the final date. It’s crazy to think that we pass our death anniversary one day each year. My father is a heavy smoker his entire life, overweight and extremely unhealthy, and he’s outlived all of his parents and sibling by 15 years now and he was the most unhealthy of all of them; he’ll be 80 soon. Everyone of us is affraid of Death, and most of us won't have the courage to face it, but everyone is curious to know when is there time to go when we will say good bye to our family, This tool is only for fun purpose you can use it to know your death time. Discover the basics of astrology with the chart wheel and your free birth chart. And I don’t know what to do of those 50 years :/. Better to look carefully with whom I spend my days. I always thought this was a neat solution. Are you in love, but not sure he or she loves you back? Watching him, my mother at 83 (COPD, heart issues) I don’t EVER want to end up like this. 9th: Long distance travel, foreign places and ideas, philosophy, religion, law, consciousness expansion, publishing. The day in which you are born reveals the other dates in which a matching partner could be born. Thanks for reading! Have you ever asked yourself 'when will I die? Meh. So I am basing my assumption on the CURRENT state of technology. Like to think as taking care of myself while enjoying life would live to 12o sounds mighty nice. I read a lot of books in middle school and high school that discussed this subject, especially sci-fi books, and it made perfect sense that people should plan for their death. Figure out how many more precious seconds have you got to live! It’s like a vacation that lasts forever…at some point it no longer feels like a vacation. Obviously, since I’m on this site, the idea has crossed my mind. Helps to understand what’s important by knowing it will end. It gives you an “end date” to either fear or look forward to. Placement of planets at the birth time indicates various life events. I think a Mars trip in the future could be cool. 2.) In high school I read 3 different books about the male mid-life crisis and why it happens. Unlike Western astrology, Chinese astrology is based on the 12 Full Moons of each year, known as the lunar calendar. Enter your date of birth to calculate the exact day of the week you were born: Numeric Month (1-12): Day of Month (1-31): Year (eg. Hoping to expire this year. I equate the mental construct of “knowing my expiration date” to cramming for a test: or 6 feet under. So if God can see fit to grant me that wish, I would love to see the year 2070! Apart from all these - the fear of death is the most dreadful thing than the actual death itself. Yes- vedic astrology provides both the methods of finding longevity of yours or loved ones and also Continue reading Death Clock. For example in Japan people tend to live longer. However if you had that same test in three hours, you will probably buckle down and study like crazy! You may have to be there when all your family dies, but grief resides a bit after a bit. It's not just Vedic Astrology but also, very popular these days, Western Astrology which is based on birth date astrology. Horoscope tells about one’s past and future. And if you have ever heard the song “If I Die Young” Then I think it souds prity good especially if there is cake at the party… but then again I will sadly not get to enjoy the cake too ;-). Fantastic attention grabbing article. In Vedic Astrology, we analyze Lagna Kundli (birth chart), Navamsha kundali (D-9 chart), other divisional charts and Dasha system. Very thought provoking. Death : The death clock, death test, Death-o-meter or death meter, life death calculator is designed to give an idea about the possible life span and date of death. Lived 27 horrible years and have wasted 6 more years with PTSD. My eyes and probably my lungs are shot but other organs, blood vessles, skin, whatever – i hope it gets put to good use to help someone else live. The Planets. I cried until 3 years late I finally got a dog! It allows you to plan out the different phases of your life better: Date of Birth: Day of Week: Is your relationship worth fighting for? Here is a fun calculator to find how long will you live in this world and this fun calculations are based on taking into account your name, date of birth, sex, weight, height, and the continent you live. No point in living if your physical body is not coping or you are in pain or you are useless. Get your answers form our crystal ball predictor, with high accuracy. I’m 62 and have thought about death often. 1.) 3.) Find out with an accurate prediction. I don’t necessarily want to go on for me, but I want to go on for HER. Big caveat – ONLY if I am a) mentally and physically healthy and b) not a burden to my family. While the animals of the Chinese Zodiac are on a 12-year cycle, since there are 5 possible elemental combinations for each animal, the entire Chinese Zodiac cycle is only fully complete every 60 years. :). I am 62 years old and have been giving death a great deal of thought since I watched both of my parents age and eventually die. Classic Neville…you’re the best! Then this is perfect app for you! Not going out before completing my century. You are here: Home / Articles On Vedic Astrology / DEATH AND VEDIC ASTROLOGY. Ah well, looks like you’ve made a good point here. I was in a training once and the coach handed out yard sticks, here in Switzerland it was 100cm long. Keep on being great and inspiration for the copywriters around the globe. Of course, too many challenges can make a relationship frustrating and difficult. Where you are born has an impact on what is seen in the sky, e.g., if two people were born on the same day and at the same time but in a different city and country, what is seen overhead would be different. 5 weeks before she was to turn 43 she died of a brain aynerism.This is a true story and it gave me a concrete belief in asrtology. Know the perfect time when to perform the naming ceremony of your new born. Past life finder, Past life life Analysis, Past life love, Psychic reading to find your past life. The irony will be that I die younger than he is… life is funny. Glad you at least found it interesting Alexis! It was a fairytale wedding. Marriage Astrology. I know, I know I’m little young to already be thinking abought this be cause I’m only 12, but I think that It would SUCK to have a funeral… like all they do is make people sad, sooo why does funeral start with FUN!?! I’ve thought about this. Enter your Date of Birth, Your exact time of birth and place of birth to generate your birth chart online. And quite the vacation too :). It means you might’ve not opened a few emails in a row. All fields marked (*) are mandatory for generating a horoscope report. This is something I was postponing for a while, but here it is… with the right concept you can make people do what you want them to do :D I trust you on that one. If someone’s life sucks, then knowing that there’s an end in sight could help some people. Nope, human time is very finite whether we like it or not! I became a member of Dignitas a couple of years ago. First of all the above tool is meant to be a death clock designed to make people enjoy their time and their life even more. This news letter was so provocing that I could not help myself, but writing a comment. Past life reading - Find who you were in your past life. It will be like a reverse birth and give my life great symmetry. Thanks Khris! It might be necessary to determine if this period is simply describing a period of tumultuous change in a person’s chart. I’m 7 years old I have lots of years lol. The date that’s automatically entered is when I would like to die (November 17th, 2067). That’s fine, sometimes you gotta stretch the limit :). Only and Only God Almighty knows the exact date, time or place of death and Those [ A.S ] who are guided by HIM [ S.W.T ]. There was one question nobody ever took seriously. User Should not post any types of links in comments. Source: SSA.gov life expectancy actuarial data. To find out the date of death and human activity, you will need to calculate the personal code of man. Death Clock. Using numerology you can find out the dangerous years of life. DEATH AND VEDIC ASTROLOGY. When I’m going through normal, day-to-day life, I like to use a “death trick” that instantly makes me extremely grateful (for even the most mundane things). Hmmm, I wonder why you find it so scary. Glad you enjoyed this post. Thought provokingly strange. But I don’t know any other alternative. I did however have one friend say, “Once you have kids though, you’ll want to live forever.”. “why not put them down comfortably and in a humane way”, –> Like putting them down in an f’in active volcano. Things become more beautiful. Totally useless life. ;-), Bahahaha…..maybe tossing people into an active volcano isn’t everyone’s idea of a fun time, but that’s mine :-P. If you go out in a volcano, that would be the worst way to. I’m hoping my sweet release form this bitter earth will arrive soon. Even more facinating: after one week from that she seemingly expected that I’d prefere to have a new trial with her! This is what shaped my thinking on this subject, seeing so many elderly people in this drab state of life towards the end of their life. I could handle that. It is based on the average life expectancy for each country - gender specific, as well as on few general conditions meaning health conditions and life standards that finally have an impact on our time presence on Earth. If someone’s life is full of misery and pain with no end in sight (in fact it’ll probably just get worse), why not put them down comfortably and in a humane way? I have no idea what the gell to do here. By the time she was 42 we would all call and tease her because she was still around. Given above is a Rasi Chart or Vedic astrology birth chart calculator. Considering writing up a life plan now. I think that would be a good way to celebrate life. Because it sounds better all together, because then family will be happy I had A chace to live then be sad I died. Duh! Hey Thomas, most people ask this question right away, “What if medical technology let’s you be more like 20 than 85!?”. You can increase your knowledge about your birth chart with a detailed and complete astrological report . You’re in the system, but ranked at a 0 out of 5. If I recall, with current statistics that death rate starts to ramp up with middle age, and I have a 50% chance of being dead at 50 and 80% chance of being dead at 60. This is a simple Death calculator, you need to enter your birth date and some of your physical information, and routine of your alcohal consumption, and the automated predictor will calculate days remaining of your life. Figure out how many more precious seconds have you got to live! A precisely plotted Dasa Bhukti details can thus remain as an invaluable guide that can help one to know in advance about the various significant aspects of a person’s life like health, wealth, relationship, career, fame, joy, sorrow, etc., and also about substantial events like career, marriage, begetting children, retirement and even perhaps death. The iPhone came out 10 years ago, and has since caused a massive shift in the way the entire world works….and no one predicted it. KP Astrology also has ruling planets. It is planets and points that are in signs that challenge one another that create the sparks that keep a relationship exciting, alive, and ever growing. Fair play, my friend. (FUNeral) So what I think is I would reather have A PARTY OF LIFE not a “fun”eral. Just make me a super amazing copywriter like you to start with! Darakaraka Planets-Life Partner (Spouse) Details With Jaimini Astrology. When do I want to die? As for why I’ve stuck it out this long, looking back at the lousy times i see that a lot of good things came that wouldn’t have if it weren’t for those rotten experiences. Using numerology you can find out the dangerous years of life. https://resources.strategiccoach.com/quarterly-books/my-plan-for-living-to-156, I plan to live every day og this century – I’ll be 127 in the year 2100 :-), Hi Neville, love the thought provoking you have accomplished. I don’t care to know my expiration date. I have 31 years left. Your Comments are Posted Instantly on the Page, But They can be deleted at any time by the admin if they violate any of the laws or if they have unrelated topic. A precisely plotted Dasa Bhukti details can thus remain as an invaluable guide that can help one to know in advance about the various significant aspects of a person’s life like health, wealth, relationship, career, fame, joy, sorrow, etc., and also about substantial events like career, marriage, begetting children, retirement and even perhaps death. A tremendous off the wall look at this choice. If you wandered how far your work goes I would love to share with you that I am writing from a small country in Europe called Bulgaria. I am presently 59 and don’t have any desire to die yet. The recipient doesn’t even have to be human. I thought this concept would be one of those weird topics that would take some “massaging” to get into people’s heads without bumming them out :), I’ll see your 2067 and raise you 2070 just so I can say I made it to 2070. We put down our beloved dogs like that because we want them to be comfortable, why not us? Bahahahha…..you might be the one creature on Earth who thinks getting swallowed whole by a snake is a success . Death calculator determines how long you will live and when you die. If the 7 th house or 7 th lord is placed in a Double bodied Sign like Sagittarius, Gemini or Pisces, there is chance that the Life partner Name in astrology will have a Middle name.. Neptune helps in knowing life after death. Most likely the latter, WAY before then! Based on astrological researches of D. Mohem, M. Potichelli, M. Luca, A. Domioni. Deep psyche stuff. And any grudges I have instantly melt away. You may now Google where Bulgaria is and be proud how far your reach goes! For some people it can “relieve the pressure” of thinking life goes on forever. Late Marriage Astrology-Overcoming Delay or No Marriage in astrology. I completely agree that keeping someone in this perpetual state of loniliness and fear of dying is far more cruel than helping them pass on. Free Astrology Reports. Its an an interesting concept to say the least! Name* Sex* Male: Female: Date of Birth * Time of Birth (Hrs:Min Format) * Place of Birth * Report Language Need Help ? However at the moment, with the current state of technology, I’m leaving at 85! I think the best way to go would be sleeping. You should enrich more lives…God bless you. If you are healthy and happy on your 85th birthday, I would bet my entire life savings that you will change your mind. A lot of volcanos don’t have an open-top where you have access to the lava and burning alive is one of the most painful ways to die. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. :-), Dang 60 Seconds? Go back into the Earth. I also don’t want to burden anyone with taking care of me, and I don’t want any of my loved ones to watch me die from some debilitating disease. Anywho, until then, I’ll be here living each moment like its my last. At 85, his friends and most of his family are already gone, he has a long list of diseases (Parkinson’s is one) and spends his days alone while I work just sort of mesmerized by the TV. Free Life Prediction report based on your date of birth will give you accurate prediction Online for your life related to career, finance, profession, health, romance and relation, prediction will be done according to future vedic astrology methods This is an action I intend to take ~50 years into the future, there’s no way to know for SURE this will still be my decision at the time. It provides a roadmap to understanding how you became YOU. Sex, death, other people's money. A mericans can now expect to live longer than ever, a new government report finds.That’s largely because death rates are declining for the leading causes of death… Reminds me to work harder – so I don’t have to depart this world without leaving footprints and making impact. Can’t cause extra work or inconvenience for living people (no crashing a car at 120mph off a cliff…some team of people would have to spend money & time cleaning that up). Get Your love percentage with your partner at one click. cYaRock. Know when are you going to die and the countdown of your time remaining. This year a lot of friends and relatives of mine passed away, so I’ve been thinking about this issue often now. As a professional astrologer, we receive lot of query regarding their Spouse name in astrology, Nature & character, Marriage Timing from Kundli etc. One thing I know for certain: I do NOT want to live in diapers! But they didn’t kill me and i’m still afraid that if I consciously try to kill myself, I’ll botch the job and have consequences I never want to deal with. I love your stuff, Neville. The birth horoscope or what we call Kundli , is the cast for the time of birth of the person. Dear God, please take me away before that happens! I may probably go at the same age. Click here to ask any question to our astrologer.Buy It Or Read More, please tell me my actual & accurate death date & death type natural or accidental, My birth date can not be entered, unexpectedly no 1950s, This is a bullshit site. Find the position of planets, sun and moon at the time of your birth.  Vedic Horoscope. Seeing family often, bumming around with friends, playing with puppies and kids…these are all important things compared to other stuff. You Rock!!! Card of the Day The High Priestess. JAN 22, 2021 - We’re likely to sleep in this morning, especially if we stayed up all night talking with friends, as we tend to do anytime the moon trines Venus. Marriage Calculator focuses on providing a broad, predictive compatibility forecast of your marital life, about your spouse, the bond you'll share, highs and lows and much more based on planetary positions. I agree with all your article and making sure you don’t waste a second, but that’s because I’m afraid of a deadly or debilitating accident. The equation I’d use is simple: If life is sucky = Get ready for the volcano jump! KP method will have House significators based on ownership, placement in a sign, Star and Aspect. The best online north indian astrology software and south indian style birth chart calculator. When a Person Reaches a marriageable age they become curious about their spouse. Also you need  to listen to the song to understand me its a sad but good song. Manju, you say you’re 48 and want to pass in 2030 at the age of 59/60. Are you finding best age calculator 2020 with some extra interesting facts? I’m not even sure what to call it. Then I thought why not make it to 110? Marriage is one of the most important event of any ones Life and every body has a different dream for their Life partner. Understand that “death energy” is not the same as death itself. Number of Lives: Number of survivors out of 100 born still alive. Hey Jeremy, since you have so much time, you can do A LOT of things and figure out what you LIKE TO DO, and what you DON’T LIKE TO DO. If you have lots of regrets and things left to do, then death probably would seem very scary. Doing a bunch of stuff right now before you’re 30 will help you find what you’re good at, and therefore what you can enjoy doing. But perfect is as perfect does, and too much compatibility and ease in a relationship can make it boring and stagnant. My mother studied astrology, and always said her part of death indicated death at 42 of a head ailment. Daily Planetary Overview Planetary Index: 4/5. Now the question is can we figure this out before hand and may be take preventive steps? I’m 9 years old I would want to be younger but I would never want to die besides My mom is 45 my dad is 46. and my brother is 5 and a half. Food tastes better. Marriage Astrology. Awesome, glad it made you value that time more Alex :). In periods of my 72 years I felt the same way you do now. What to use? Cause of death: Swallowed whole by a snake. We witness the pitiable state of many persons being bedridden for a pronged time and not ready to quit the world- this is because of their fear of death and pseudo attachment to the body. ', use our advanced life expectancy calculator to accurately predict your death date and receive your own death countdown clock. Thank goodness. Involving at least one of these factors: * The 8 th house cusp * The Ruler of the 8 th house * Planets in the 8 th house. You can can wrap everything up nice and tidy. If you calculate a vital activity you can avoid trouble in life, or vice versa, to achieve high results. I’ll bump your email up right now! Yeesh….what made you think you were going to die at 33 and then 39? medical treatment /surgery for mesothelioma / cancer / kidney / liver / bypass. In high school I had to volunteer in an Alzheimer’s ward every other day for 12 weeks. As of now, I would be happy to exit anytime after 100. :-) I’m 63, but I’m married to a man that is 22 years my senior. If I make it past that, I’m in the bonus round!! Interpretation, personality traits. You know what? I will still be sad. Now from Sagittarius 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th & 11th Jupiter interchange is estimate year of your marriage. Rozy, I agree: 2-07-2070 seems like a cool day to “expire”! No pain. Start the test and find out answers to your questions immediately. And I got a chuckle out of this: It just compresses things, kind of makes you live faster I guess. This calculator also considers the country where you live. Or perhaps the volcano will be my exit strategy…THANK YOU for the suggestion! People can reveal a half of a truth, but the ancient systems of planetary influences (based on your birthday) and numerology (based on your birthday and name) used in our love compatibility test, or love calculator, is proven 100% ACCURATE. My 55 years I have cleaned other people‘s mess and problema they cast on my shoulders, I got terrible troubles myself about it- and I am fed up. Thanks. “Every single person and organism that has ever lived in the history of Earth….has so far died.”, Actually……not totally true  : https://www.science.org.au/curious/earth-environment/animals-can-live-forever. Effecting Houses. Totaly “real” name, Shmoop (and not shampoo they sound and look totally different and shmoop sounds just how it’s spelled, somehow people get them mixed up), By the time I die they will have found ways fore to stay alive until 2100 at least. Doing a parachute jump with out parachute from the Stratosphere. At age 20, Princess Diana married Prince Charles, after a whirlwind courtship. By studying the placements and aspects in our natal charts, we can decode our personal strengths, weaknesses, and reappearing themes in our lives. Life Expectancy: Average number of years left. Well it’s good that got to you….go make that plan! Fill the date of birth & determine the planets of that day when you born. Death Probability: Probability of dying within one year. Anyway, dear Phoebe, I’m telling you what i wish someone told me at your age. What Your Astrology Chart Can Tell You. 2070 seems like a nice number (it sounds so futuristic)! My mom thinks that my poodle camila is in gigi’s soul. I expect to die at 90 years. And if we are just an ant farm, at least our owner hasn’t decided he has a New hobby and pitched us like a lot of US did our fish tanks even we grew tired of them. Well at least you are also doing this in an unselfish way, that’s good! I think once my siblings start passing away (probably 70’s/80’s) I’ll be ready. It can be any creature, a dog, a cat, or even a worm on the sidewalk on a rainy day. Eventually, Diana also had affairs. Being realistic about dying but at least recognizing that your life will likely follow the normal distribution of a human life span. See you, folks, there and we’ll grasp a coffee watching the Martian sunrise! I filled the column and it doesn't respond, death calculator does not work... keeps asking to enter name though it is entered, Personally Visit (Other States Within India), Enemy Protection | Enemy Problem Solution | Black Magic Removal | Vashikaran Specialist | Fortune Teller. Going far beyond your horoscope sign, our free birth chart shines a light on the most unknowable parts of yourself. And thinking of that still freaks me out. And I really love how creative and bold you are. In that case I’ll modify this. Before that there are methods to calculate whether there is yoga for infant or childhood or teenage mortality. 1960): Results. It reminds me a bit of this TED Talk. Clearly it’ll be tough to predict what the world will be like in 50 years. Keep the fire Burning Young Man! Hmmn… one of the brutally honest piece I’ve read in long while. Her husband was openly courting Camilla Parker Bowles, and there was no room for a third person. The Death Clock / Life Span Clock gives you the approximate year of your death. My future kids/grand kids will be fine without me as long as I part my knowledge with them and teach them humility, modesty and respect. The Ascendant describes the physical body, so it must be activated at the time of death. Free Vedic Janmakundali (Horoscope) with predictions in Hindi. Calculate Natal Charts for You and Your Partner. KP Ayanamsha will have a slight difference with Lahiri Ayanamsha. A natal chart or birth chart is a map of the sky including the positions of the planets for the time that you were born. Kids will find out being young. Think of the agony of your flesh burning and the fumes of your burning hair as you’re just waiting to die. The Death Clock / Life Span Clock gives you the approximate year of your death. If you have a geography test in 6 months, you will probably not care too much at this moment and goof off. Unfortunately I don’t think we have a great deal of control over that. Time isn’t infinite. All the 'mysteries' and taboo subjects that people don't usually want to talk about. Both of my parents lived to be 92, and taking care of them the last five years of their lives was a true wake-up call. However, I’m 58 years old now, so in 2070 I’ll be either 108 (Oct man here!) To find out about your current planetary cycles, the personalized forecasts will give you the updates about your birth chart with details about the domains that are activated during the planetary transits. Im only 11…  Hey, we have internet. This is a simple Death calculator, you need to enter your birth date and some of your physical information, and routine of your alcohal … It almost sounds silly NOT to. I have a health condition that, while I get to live a normal life for all intents and purposes, it will cause me to spontaneously die sooner than most. CAN DEATH BE PREDICTED DEATH ASPECTS IN ASTROLOGY death indicators in astrology death prediction in astrology 0 22,392 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ ReddIt WhatsApp Pinterest Email StumbleUpon Exit strategy…THANK you for the ocean, or vice versa, to achieve and work harder for my goals /., 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th and lords of ascendant m not even recognizing them…that was.. She ’ s good 20, Princess Diana married Prince Charles, after my kids are big and perfect death calculator astrology... Was 100cm long 33 and then 39 say, “ Oh no–and so young, ”. To put make a relationship can make a little more sense predict what will by... Answers form our crystal ball predictor, with high accuracy we need to whether! An ammusement for some higher being, what does it mater might something... Maybe then it will be that kind of makes you live faster I guess contact through. Copd, heart issues ) I ’ ll be tough to predict what will happen by then it hurts of... 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