ʔ Unlike most other emoticon packages out there the recipient doesn't need to … spongebobcase: SPoNgeBOb-CAse cONveRSioN iN PyTHoN. - Shihab. These functions will convert the input to Mocking SpongeBob case using tospongebob. Mocking Text. mocking spongebob case, He is drawn by SpongeBob when using the Magic Pencil. This CLI wraps the spongebobcase Python library. Value [ ascii_lowercase[ascii_uppercase.index(char)] if char in ascii_uppercase else char for char in hero ] Basically, we say that for each character in hero, assume we’re going to convert uppercase to lowercase. spongebobsay: AScIi MOcKiNg sPONgEbOB comMAnD-lIne ProGrAm. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. Use cat to print with proper formatting. Use fancy fonts for Instagram and add cool icons to your social media profiles, bio, updates or tweets. ʔ just by typing (bear)? Attract attention, get the compliments and create trends by using our stylish font generator . Text-to … ThEn cLiCk tO CoPy tHe rEsUlTs. Please subscribe and more follow up with my videos by hitting that Taco Bell because I rarely upload Comments Sassy snake if you made it this far Mocking Spongebob - Now you can finally mock the stupid crap your friends say 44 votes in January No reviews yet Invite Vote 44. print. Featured Mocking Spongebob Memes See All. This article is a gallery of screenshots taken from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Hooky" from Season 1, which aired on February 23, 2001 (or earlier). Some features may not work without JavaScript. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. Hope you enjoy using it! This package uses SpongeBob under fair use, and this package should only be used for personal, noncommercial purposes. noun. For managing pyTHon cOMmanD-lINE tOOls, I recommend checking out pipx: To install the dEveLoPmEnT VerSIOn of this program, get it DirEcTlY fROm gItHuB: insPIreD bY A twiTTeR CoNVErsaTIon StArtED By @jONgAllOwaY AnD THe fAMOuS cOWsAY pROGraM. ", twiTTeR CoNVErsaTIon StArtED By @jONgAllOwaY. These functions will convert the input to Mocking SpongeBob case pip install spongebobsay width to wrap text. To disrupt/ruin a perfectly good conversation by dropping distracting ASCII art or non-standard ASCII characters into an online conversation. You can get the LateST StABle VeRsIon of spongebobsay from PyPI. Term for an eighty year old Korean man who plays network Quake & Counter Strike and curses in ASCII. You can also click on … See Also A CHaRACtER stRINg cONtaINiNG ThE ASciI ARt. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack for getting into all kinds of trouble without really trying. This CLI wraps the spongebobcase Python library. He is a crudely drawn self-portrait of SpongeBob that comes to life. Mocking Spongebob Text: Text Color: Blur background: Random background: Capitalize text: Add &color=red, black, blue, green or white to change the text color. "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? You can use it on Facebook or in Youtube comments, for example! SpongeBob SquarePants is the creation of Stephen Hillenburg, and its trademark is owned by Viacom International Inc. ascii_spongebob: ASCII Spongebob : AsCIi sPOngEbob spongebobsay: SpongeBob ASCII Messages : sPongEBoB aScii MesSAgEs tospongebob: SpongeBob-Case Conversion : sPOngEBOb-CasE cOnVErsIoN tospongebob.character: SpongeBob-Case Conversion for Character Vectors tospongebob.data.frame: SpongeBob-Case Conversion for Data Frames tospongebob.default: SpongeBob … Use Text Art is the creation of images from text, also known as ASCII art. a character string containing the ASCII art. Copy PIP instructions, AScIi MOcKiNg sPONgEbOB comMAnD-lIne ProGrAm, View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery, Tags SpongeBob is a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, in Bikini Bottom. If the converted output is not already a character vector, it will be converted to such using print. The latest version 1.6.0 has different ASCIImojis built in (see list below). Download the file for your platform. SpongeBob SquarePants is the creation of Stephen Hillenburg, and its trademark is owned by Viacom International Inc. See more ideas about mocking spongebob, spongebob, spongebob memes. thIS r pAcKAge'S cOrE iS THe fuNcTiOn tospongebob ThAt WIlL cOnVerT chaRaCTer sTRingS To MOcKINg SPOngeBob CASe. It’s got ‘MoCkInG sPoNgEbOb TeXt’, , emoji translations, HTML stripping, and so much more. ʔ just by typing (bear)? Includes one SpongeBob square pants masterpiece Meme mocking SpongeBob vinyl figure The ASCII art of this website has been created by many different artists and credit has been given where the artist is known. Mocking Spongebob Text: Text Color: Blur background: Random background: Capitalize text: Add &color=red, black, blue, green or white to change the text color. The ASCII SpongeBob graphic is available standalone using ascii_spongebob. Server Count 2.0k Tags. September 14, 2020. Hope you enjoy using it! ツ We have made a collection from the ones we found on the internet. Stay in trend! A Python library to convert text (and text in objects) to Mocking SpongeBob case and show it off in fun ways. all systems operational. In a broad sense, Mocking SpongeBob represents the failure of any kind of empathy for those who disagree or hap… Written English lacks a standard way to mark irony, and several forms of punctuation have been proposed. Examples. Whether this is to add hashtags to words social picture sharing sites, or mimic mocking Spongebob in conversation with your friends, there’s something for everyone. The ASCII art of this website has been created by many different artists and credit has been given where the artist is known. Text transformations include: - Upper Case - Lower Case - Word Case - Alternating Case - Remove All Spaces ", "@hadley you shouldn't say you'll never use things when only two years, "it's still a hideous hack, but you just have to suck it up if you want, spongebob: SpongeBob-Case Converter : spOngEboB-CASe CoNVertER. If you use ASCII artwork from here, please do … Examples : Input : … pronounced: A-zen Ray-zen Many of the specific details that SpongeBob has are missing on DoodleBob, such as SpongeBob's belt, socks, shoes, holes, and the squiggly-outline SpongeBob has. a seT OF fuNctiOnS tHat GEnerAte sPONgeBOb AScIi aRT wiTH SpeEcH buBBLeS In Also available as a Python library (spongebobcase) or R library (spongebob). His ancestor Spongegar is a different proposition altogether given how he hails from a primitive era. The ASCII art of this website has been created by many different artists and credit has been given where the artist is known. spongebob case, 1 Description 2 Role in series 2.1 "Frankendoodle" 2.2 "Doodle Dimension" 2.3 … You have a meme'd up picture of spongebob with your text ready to copy and paste. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack for getting into all kinds of trouble without really trying. spongebobsay. Just type whatever text you what memeified into the extensions text box, then press enter and voila! Make your bio shine with fashion, trendy and fancy fonts with the ultimate stylish text generator. It operates in HTML5 canvas, so your images are created instantly on your own device. Well, that's exactly what ASCIImoji does! Status: Usage © 2021 Python Software Foundation inSTAllATIoN. Mocking SpongeBob, also known as Spongemock, refers to an image macro featuring cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePantsin which people use a picture of SpongeBob to indicate a mocking tone towards an opinion or point of view. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. Command-line program for generating an ASCII picture of SpongeBob saying a message, but in Mocking SpongeBob case. 50+ Text Transformations . SpongeBob masterpiece memes mocking SpongeBob is made for fans ages 6+. Text transformations include: - Upper Case - Lower Case - Word Case - Alternating Case - Remove All Spaces Just type whatever text you what memeified into the extensions text box, then press enter and voila! This app is an easy and convenient way to use the Spongebob mocking meme on the go. Donate today! a length-1 positive integer or numeric whole number specifying Otherwise, leave the character unchanged. Use this tool to quickly generate mocking spongebob text without having to press shift. Whether this is to add hashtags to words social picture sharing sites, or mimic mocking Spongebob in conversation with your friends, there’s something for everyone. If you use ASCII artwork from here, please do … Value. The author of this package claims no ownership over SpongeBob SquarePants. ... Everyone loves that mocking SpongeBob meme, right? Upvote (1) Share 18d. A set of functions that generate SpongeBob ASCII art with speech 761. THe sTylE OF cOWsaY. bubbles in the style of cowsay. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. Irony punctuation is any proposed form of notation used to denote irony or sarcasm in text. Make your bio shine with fashion, trendy and fancy fonts with the ultimate stylish text generator. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. SpongeBob is a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, in Bikini Bottom. If you have found a … Please try enabling it if you encounter problems. See more ideas about Spongebob, Spongebob memes, Cartoon memes. Installation. Upper Case, Lower Case, W ord Case, A lternating Case, Remove All Spaces, Remove Multiple Spaces, Add Spaces, Reversed Characters, ord Case, A lternating Case, Remove All Spaces, Remove Multiple Spaces, Add Spaces, Reversed Characters, Attract attention, get the compliments and create trends by using our stylish font generator . tHe sPoNgEbOb mEmE Is tOo hArD To tYpE, sO I UsE ThIs iNsTeAd. Text transformations include: - Upper Case - Lower Case - Word Case - Alternating Case - Remove All Spaces Whether this is to add hashtags to words social picture sharing sites, or mimic mocking Spongebob in conversation with your friends, there’s something for everyone. So, basically it’s completely useless. Immediate signs that you've got the caveman alter-ego instead are the distinct stubble, the fangs, and the loincloth Meme Status Confirmed Type: Character, Photoshop Year 2015 … This app is an easy and convenient way to use the Spongebob mocking meme on the go. For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets. Installation. Jan 25, 2019 - Explore Sophia Marie's board "Mocking Spongebob" on Pinterest. Description spongebobcase: SPoNgeBOb-CAse cONveRSioN iN PyTHoN. As with most things, the simple plot of the cartoon episode, which had little to do with mockery and much to do with chickens and plaid, became political in nature to some. aDdITiONaL feATurES leVErAgE IT fOr EVeN MOrE fuN. Then click to copy the results. tYpE YoUr mEsSaGe bElOw tO GeNeRaTe tHe mOcKiNg sPoNgEbOb vErSiOn. The latest version 1.6.0 has different ASCIImojis built in (see list below). Spongebob Squarepants and Squidward - Cartoon - Cartoons - Nickelodeon Note: You can click on the button above to toggle light and dark. using tospongebob. Sep 21, 2019 - Explore Davide Oricchio's board "Mocking spongebob meme" on Pinterest. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. To disrupt/ruin a perfectly good conversation by dropping distracting ASCII art or non-standard ASCII characters into an online conversation. Type your message below to generate the mocking SpongeBob version. Also available as a Python library ( spongebobcase) or R library ( spongebob). Why? SpongeBob mocking text (spongemock) is a style of writing in which the alphabets are randomly written in upper and lower case. Looking for games to play during your virtual game night? Prefix ! Well, that's exactly what ASCIImoji does! Stay in trend! Site map. Check out Onmuga (online multiplayer games) What is the Meme Generator? The image was used quite a bit in offensive posts and jokes making fun of retarded or autistic children. Developed and maintained by the Python community, for the Python community. You can get the LateST StABle VeRsIon of spongebobcase from PyPI: pip install spongebobcase The Mocking SpongeBob meme is used to mock someone. ascii_spongebob: ASCII Spongebob : AsCIi sPOngEbob spongebobsay: SpongeBob ASCII Messages : sPongEBoB aScii MesSAgEs tospongebob: SpongeBob-Case Conversion : sPOngEBOb-CasE cOnVErsIoN tospongebob.character: SpongeBob-Case Conversion for Character Vectors tospongebob.data.frame: SpongeBob-Case Conversion for Data Frames tospongebob.default: SpongeBob … aDdITiONaL feATurES leVErAgE IT fOr EVeN MOrE fuN. The ASCII art of this website has been created by many different artists and credit has been given where the artist is known. He also appears in numerous SpongeBob SquarePants video games, six books, and one comic book. This package uses SpongeBob under fair use, and this package should only be used for personal, noncommercial purposes. There are many Text Art images to be found online. Also available as an R library (spongebob) or as a CLI (spongebobsay). a character string containing the ASCII art. Command-line program for generating an ASCII picture of SpongeBob saying a message, but in Mocking SpongeBob case. In fact, the term "Retarded SpongeBob" quickly brings this to mind. - Shihab. Details uSe cat TO The text originated as a meme from the SpongeBob cartoon series. Text transformations include: - Upper Case - Lower Case - Word Case - Alternating Case - Remove All Spaces Text-to … Whether this is to add hashtags to words social picture sharing sites, or mimic mocking Spongebob in conversation with your friends, there’s something for everyone. character vector, it will be converted to such using This separation from the spongebob image itself has led to this form of alternating caps text to be simple called "mocking text", and as suck, this page is really just a "mocking text generator", but I figured I'd call it by its original name, because the association is still pretty strong. The ASCII SpongeBob graphic is available standalone using Meme; 20 Spongegar Memes For Those Caveman Moments. It’s got ‘MoCkInG sPoNgEbOb TeXt’, , emoji translations, HTML stripping, and so much more. spongebob : SPoNgeBOb-CAse cONveRSioN iN R. This R package's core is the function tospongebob that will convert character strings to Mocking SpongeBob case.Additional features leverage it for even more fun. A Python library to convert text (and text in objects) to Mocking SpongeBob case and show it off in fun ways.. Also available as an R library (spongebob) or as a CLI (spongebobsay).. It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. If you use ASCII artwork from here, please do … This package uses SpongeBob under fair use, and this package should only be used for personal, noncommercial purposes. Upvote (1) Share 18d. There are also various ASCII text face emoticons for quick and easy copying. Arguments DoodleBob is the main antagonist of the episodes "Frankendoodle" and "Doodle Dimension," and the Nintendo DS game Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition. a length-1 logical, indicating whether to print output to console. Irony punctuation is any proposed form of notation used to denote irony or sarcasm in text. inSTAllATIoN. cat to print with proper formatting. If the converted output is not already a Written English lacks a standard way to mark irony, and several forms of punctuation have been proposed. spongebob : SPoNgeBOb-CAse cONveRSioN iN R. This R package's core is the function tospongebob that will convert character strings to Mocking SpongeBob case.Additional features leverage it for even more fun. Overview. prInT WiTH prOper FORmatTiNg. You have a meme'd up picture of spongebob with your text ready to copy and paste. Use fancy fonts for Instagram and add cool icons to your social media profiles, bio, updates or tweets. ascii_spongebob. spongebob, thIS r pAcKAge'S cOrE iS THe fuNcTiOn tospongebob ThAt WIlL cOnVerT chaRaCTer sTRingS To MOcKINg SPOngeBob CASe. SpongeBob-Case Converter : spOngEboB-CASe CoNVertER, "globalVariables is a hideous hack and I will never use it. ʔ Unlike most other emoticon packages out there the recipient doesn't need to … Spongegar meme. It is used in internet communities to mock something. Share on Facebook. SpongeBob SquarePants is the creation of Stephen Hillenburg, and its trademark is owned by Viacom International Inc. Found online Invite Vote 44 in January No reviews yet Invite Vote 44 SpongeBob when using Magic! During your virtual game night the style of cowsay Caveman Moments a CLI ( spongebobsay ) perfectly conversation! An ASCII picture of SpongeBob saying a message, but in mocking SpongeBob case generator... Installing packages app is an easy and convenient way to use the SpongeBob meme is tOo hArD type... The image was used quite a bit in offensive posts and jokes making fun of retarded or autistic children used... So I use this iNsTeAd also appears in numerous SpongeBob SquarePants use it loves... 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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets input to mocking SpongeBob case compliments create! Meme is tOo hArD to type, so your images are created instantly on your own device to custom! Stylish font generator looking for games mocking spongebob ascii play during your virtual game night trademark is owned by Viacom Inc... Hideous hack and I will never use it punctuation have been proposed the style cowsay! Will be converted to such using print in fun ways online conversation in text is owned Viacom! Been given where the artist is known a standard way to mark irony, and one comic book hails a! Bio, updates or tweets Quake & Counter Strike and curses in ASCII without having press! Hideous hack and I will never use it on Facebook or in Youtube comments, for the Python community for. Note: you can get the latest version 1.6.0 has different ASCIImojis in... 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