Rev. Rev. In 2004 he was a resident scholar at the Rockefeller Foundation Study Center at Bellagio, Italy. 80, 40006 (2007). A. Kosmrlj, A.K. D 81, 061701 (2010). [76] "Quantum interference effects in strongly localized electrons," H.Y. A 39, 3053 (1989). A 67, (2003). Rev. Lett. (q-bio.BM/0310008) [20] "Theory of reentrant melting of krypton adsorbed on graphite," [27] "Elastic antiferromagnets on a triangular lattice," Butler, M. Kardar, and A.K. He was a junior fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1983 to 1986 before returning to MIT as an assistant professor, and was promoted to full professor in 1996. M.F. Statistical Physics. (P) [149] "Instability and Fluctuations of Flux Lines with Point Impurities pages 85-92 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996). p.145 Plenum, NY (1992). Z.-Y. E 54, 6725 (1996). Rev. (arxiv:0711.1987), [204] “Unusual percolation in simple small-world networks,” B 88, 155117 (2013). E. Medina, T. Hwa, M. Kardar, and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles, Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields,, Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty, Members of the United States National Academy of Sciences, Articles containing Persian-language text, Wikipedia articles with ORCID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1976–78 Exhibition – Senior Scholarship at King's College, Cambridge University, 1978–79 Prizes based on performance in undergraduate (Tripos) exams, 1983–86 Junior Fellowship, Harvard Society of Fellows, 1988 Fellow of Ashdown House (Graduate Dormitory), MIT, 1990 Graduate Student Departmental Teaching Award, 1990–92 MIT Class of 1948 Professor (Career Development Chair), 1991 Edgerton Award for Junior Faculty Achievements at MIT, 1992 The Beuchner Teaching Prize, Physics Department, 1993 School of Science Prize in Graduate Teaching, 2008 School of Science Prize in Graduate Teaching, 2009 Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2011 Francis Freidman Professor, Physics Department, MIT, 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 15:52. and Phase Transitions", Proceedings of Les Houches workshop on Surface [172] "Knot probability for self-avoiding loops on a cubic lattice," E 52, 4841 (1995). 61, 2855 (1988). Rev. B 743, 138-143 (2015). Butler, J.P. Barton, M. Kardar, and A.K. S. Wang,, Cell 160, 785-797 (2015). (2004). Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. [103] "Driven depinning in anisotropic media," Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. [100] "Non-equilibrium dynamics of fluctuating lines," Rev. [159] "Equilibrium Shapes of Flat Knots," Y. Shapir, X.R. L. Balents and M. Kardar, Nucl. Rev. E 54, 5263 (1996). 0705.0139) Rev. [225] “Long-range interactions in nanoscience,” Statistical Mechanics is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom. Rev. B 36, 401 (2003). D 87, 025016 (2013). Res. [60] "Wetting of fractally rough surfaces," M. Krüger, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. [49] "Dissipative transport in open systems: An investigation of self-organized B 29, 5053 (1984). The width ω of the interface grows with the observation length L as ω ~ L ζ.The roughness exponent ζ is then a universal characteristic, indicating the underlying physical origin of the fluctuations. Google Scholar. 82, 4456 (1999). [2] "Exact criticality condition for randomly layered Ising models with [30] "Kardar, Parisi, and Zhang respond," R. Metzler, Y. Bar-Yam, and M. Kardar, Phys. H. Li, M. Paczuski, M. Kardar, and K. Huang, Physica A 177, 207 (1991). A.N. Chakraborty, PNAS 105, 16671 (2008). Soc. 12, 161 (1990). A. Hanke and M. Kardar, Phys. Eliezer Rabinovici Hebrew University of Jerusalem. J. of Physics, in press (1999). (cond-mat/0101247) Mehran Kardar (Persian: مهران کاردار ; August 1957) is an Iranian born physicist and professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute (USA). Physical review letters 74 (6), 920, 1995. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Rev. (cond-mat/0703262) 123: Rev. [177] "Diffusion in correlated random potentials, with applications Rev. Phys. Lett. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. B 30, 1609 (1984). (cond-mat/9610014) Rev. M. Kardar, Nature 379, 22 (1996). 58, 2087 (1987). [162] "Passive scalars on growing surfaces and (anti-)advection in Burger’s Rev. 88, 042509 (2013). Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys. Sci. X.R. Rev. Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. Rev. M.-Carmen Miguel and M. Kardar, Phys. B 27, 6869 (1983). lattice," Lett. Sulkowska, H.-P. Hsu, L.A. Mirny, M. Kardar, J. Onuchic, and P. Virnau, PLOS Comp. Chakraborty, Phys. R. Zandi, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, ARI, Bull. [181] "Untangling influences of hydrophobicity on protein sequences Golyk, M. Krüger, M.T.H. J. Chuang, A. Yu Grosberg, M. Kardar, Phys. dimensions," B 53, 7663 (1996). Phys. [18] "Reentrant melting of krypton on graphite and the helical Potts-lattice-gas H. Li and M. Kardar, Phys. M. Kohandel and M. Kardar, Phys. G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. model of adsorbed layers," John R. Frank and M. Kardar, Phys. ) In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. Rev. (P) (physics/0205111). Rev. Lett.118, 015702 (2017). B 26, 219 (1982). Lee and M. Kardar, Physica A 389, 2975 (2010). T. Garel, M. Kardar, and H. Orland, Europhys. V.A. (2005). M. Kardar. The following articles are merged in Scholar. T.C. [169] "Correlation and cross-linking effects in imprinting sites for [244] “Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved objects,” [222] “Casimir force at a knife’s edge,” Rev. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. 57, 1810 (1986). [249] “Linear response relations in fluctuational electrodynamics,” structures," [57] "Self-avoiding manifolds: Perturbative analysis and renormalizability," 309 (1992). 51, 523 (1983). 83, 745 (1999). M. Kardar and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. 60, 862 (1988). Arkady I. Vainshtein University of Minnesota random media," (cond-mat/0012516) M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. [143] "First order phase transition and evidence for frustrations in columns," B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys. Maghrebi, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Eur. E 65, 011802 (2002). [212] “Positive feedback results in spatial clustering and fast spreading of active signaling molecules on a cell membrane,” (cond-mat/0307614) Lett. 115, 088303 (2015). [40] "Landau theory of the crumpling transition," 66, 3187 (1991). [262] “Pressure is not a state function for generic active fluids,” Chakraborty, PNAS 113, E7035  (2016). B 27, 5875 (1983). [125] "Freezing Transition of Compact Polyampholytes," model," Vijay S. Pande, Alexander Yu Grosberg, Chris Joerg, Mehran Kardar, Toyoichi Tanaka. (C) Dommersnes, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. M. Paczuski, M. Kardar, and D.R. Sci. Roher, A. Solon, M. Kardar, and M. Kruger, Phys. [41] "Evolution of surface patterns on swelling gels," Rev. [123] "Which came first, Protein sequence or structure?" 130, 245102 (2009). E 78, 021129 (2008). Phys. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. D. Sok,, PLOS Pathogens 11, e1003754 (2013). Jensen, and K. Kitazawa (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000), page 529. E. Medina and M. Kardar, J. Stat. 28, 169 (1994). ... Mehran Kardar Professor of Physics, MIT Verified email at [261] “Casimir-Polder between anisotropic nanoparticles and gently curved surfaces,” Sara Solla Northwestern University. Rev. [56] "Magnetic field effects on strongly localized electrons," [72] "Avalanches, hydrodynamics and great events in models of sandpiles," Berlin, 1997). T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Physica D 38, 198 (1989). Lett. (C) 080403 (2006). K. Stafford, Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, and A. Kudrolli, Phys. [228] “Non-equilibrium electromagnetic fluctuations: Heat transfer and interactions,” M. Kardar and Y. Kantor, Complex behavior of glassy systems: Proceedings of and Disordered Systems, to appear in volume VIII of Annual Reviews of Computational 33, 241 (1996). (cond-mat/0301026) [69] "Surface ordering and finite-size effects in liquid-crystal films," Rev. 86, 4596 (2001). Phys. [233] “Casimir forces beyond the proximity approximation,” [251] “Interplay of roughness/modulation and curvature for surface interactions at proximity,” 127, 97, 50001 (2012). translational invariance," Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. Nat. [62] "Wetting phenomena on rough substrates," Rev. Rev. Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. [264]  “Self assembly and plasticity of synaptic domains through a reaction-diffusion mechanism,” Rev. E 53, 5861 (1996). [173] "Entropic competition between knots and slip-links," (C) Phys. (RC) [11] "Pseudodimensional variation and tricriticality of Potts models (cond-mat/0310521) Rev. [265]   “Flight of a heavy particle nonlinearly coupled to a quantum bath,” [101] "Critical Dynamics of Contact Line Depinning," Z. M. Artomov, M. Kardar, and A.K. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. [243] “Statistical physics of T cell receptor development and pathogen specificity,” [180] "Casimir forces, surface fluctuations, and thinning of superfluid Phys. Lett. 133, 105101 (2010). (cond-mat/0306587) [122] "Winding angle distributions for directed polymers," [231] “Dilution and resonance-enhanced repulsion in nonequilibrium fluctuation forces,” T. Hwa, M. Kardar, and M. Paczuski, Phys. 96, 66002 (2011). Condensed Matter Phys. (P) Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Rev. 85, 614 (2000). (arxiv: (C) and other manifestations," Rev. Res. [34] "Scaling of directed polymers in random media," E 86, 061801 (2012). 71, 967 (1992). M.-Carmen Miguel and M. Kardar, Phys. 52, 483 (1984). D 80, 085021 (2009). (cond-mat/0305238) Rev. Rev. Rev. [8] "Competing criticality of short- and infinite-range interactions Rahi, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L. Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher. 77, 3565 (1996). 9, 53 (1989). Wiese and M. Kardar, Euro. T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Phys. 62, 941 (RC) Lett. Rev. (arxiv:0707.1862) E 59, 1355 (1999). [178] "Anomalous dynamics of forced translocation," Lee and M. Kardar, Phys. 93, 155302 (2004). E 96, 062132 (2017).Â. T. Hwa, M. Kardar, and M. Paczuski, Phys. Rev. The ones marked * may be different from the article in the profile. [110] "Anisotropic Scaling in Threshold Critical Dynamics of Driven Flux 94, S.J. [152] "Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Disorder in Flux Line Lattices and R. Golestanian and M. Kardar, Phys. E 79, 041109 (2009). Acad. on the Cayley tree," D 85, 065011 (2012). [148] "Rougheness and Ordering of Growing Films," Phys. M. Kardar and J.O. (P) [147] "Path integral formulation of Fluctuation--Induced Forces," M. Kardar and R. Golestanian, Tr. M. P. Hertzberg, R. L. Jaffe, M. Kardar, A. Scardicchio, (cond-mat/0409055) Symp. [131] "The `friction' of vacuum, and other fluctuation-induced forces," underlying deterministic instabilities ," E 55, 5026 (1997). This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar. Phys. [24] "Josephson junction ladders and quantum fluctuations," J.S. _ R. daSilveira and M. Kardar, Phys. 231 (Nova Science, NY, 1992). Proc. M. Kardar and H. Li, Proceedings of MRS fall meeting, Vol. M. Kohandel and M. Kardar, Pin roceedings of MSM-99, editors M. Akhavan, J. Kardar is particularly known for the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) equation[1] in theoretical physics, which has been named after him and collaborators. (P) (P) [66] "Folding and unbinding transitions in tethered membranes," [115] "Scaling of energy barriers for flux lines and other random systems," Lett. Rev. [151] "Phase ordering and roughening on growing films," Lett. Chakraborty, Proc. Chakraborty, Proc. Lett. Rev. Lee, M. Yahyanejad, and M. Kardar, Proc. B 31, 1525 (1985). ... Mehran Kardar. [224] “Only signaling modules that discriminate sharply between stimulatory and non-stimulatory inputs require basal signaling for fast cellular responses,” 55, 1157 (1985). 198303 (2005). Soc. B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Eur. This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar. O. Farago, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys. Rev. A 39, 6086 (1989). Phys. Rev. C. Rohwer, M. Kardar, and M. Krüger, Phys. M.F. van Beijeren, Physics Reports 301, 85 (1998). Phys. Rev. B 34, 318 (1986). B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett. the dual Coulomb gas," [121] "Fluctuation-Induced Interactions between Rods on a Membrane," [206] “Casimir forces between cylinders and plates,” M. Kardar, in New Trends in Magnetism, eds. Basic principles are examined in this class, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. (arxiv:0805.4168), [208] “Melting of persistent double-stranded polymers,” B 528, 469 (1998). Rahi, P. Virnau, L.A. Mirny, and M. Kardar, Nucleic Acids Res. B 59, 9637 (1999). M. Kardar and A. Zee, Proc. C 18, L5 (1985). H.Y. Lett. 52, N. Graham, A. Shpunt, T. Emig, S.J. Lett. Rev. T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Phys. Semantic Scholar profile for M. Kardar, with 203 highly influential citations and 258 scientific research papers. Rev. Haselwandter, M. Calamai, M. Kardar, A. Triller, and R.A. da Silveira, Phys. Rev. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2001. Mehran Kardar (Persian: مهران کاردار; August 1957) is an Iranian born physicist and professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute (USA). Phys. Rev. T.C. Pande, A.Yu. Hasan Ibn al-Haytham Known as Al-Hazen, he was an Arab mathematician, astronomer, and physicist of the Islamic Golden Age. [140] "Ordering Phenomena on Growing Films," [259] “Pressure and phase equilibria in interacting active Brownian spheres,” Phys. Overview; Fingerprint; Abstract. Add co-authors Co-authors. ITU, 54 (#2), 1 (2004). [241] “Trace formulas for nonequilibrium Casimir interactions, heat radiation, and heat transfer for arbitrary objects,” Lett. E. Medina, M. Kardar, Y. Shapir, and X.-R. Wang, Phys. [107] "Adsorption of polymers on a fluctuating surface," fluids," Rev. Lett. [112] "Randomly charged polymers: Excess charge dependence of spatial Rev. (cond-mat/0102298) configurations," Phys. Lett. Phys. Chakraborty, Front. Rev. 8, 233 (1989). Semantic Scholar profile for undefined, with 1 scientific research papers. Many surfaces occurring in nature are characterized by self-affine fluctuations. [21] "Commensurate-incommensurate transitions with quenched random impurities," R. Golestanian and M. Kardar, Proceeding of the Zanjan summerschool on Scaling 66, 441 (1991). M. Kardar, Phys. Cates, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, and J. Tailleur, Nature Physics 8, 673-678 (2015). J.C. Charmet, S. Roux, and E. Guyan V.A. Rev. 0705.1474 G. Bimonte, T. Emig, M. Krüger, and M. Kardar, Phys. R. Golestanian, M. Goulian, and M. Kardar, Phys. on a self-dual [254] “Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuations of a dispersive medium: Spontaneous emission, photon statistics, entropy generation, and stochastic motion,” [81] "Interference of directed paths in strong localization," Room 6C-315, MIT 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: (617) 253-3259 Fax: (617) 253-2562 ... Kardar Mehran; Physics; 2008; This is the second term in a two-semester course on statistical mechanics. Merged citations. (colloq.) A 84, 042503 (2011). Rev. E 77, 041705 (2008). Lett. B5A, 209 (1988). [238] “Entropic force of polymers on a cone tip,” Rezende Lett. Toyoichi Tanaka, Phys. Rev. -Y. Chen and M. Kardar, Phys. E 78, 051910 (2008). (RC) Lett. [25] "Observation of striped phases in adsorbed helium monolayers," Phys. A. Zoia, A. Rosso, and M. Kardar, Phys. [219] “First passage distributions in a collective model of anomalous diffusion with tunable exponent,” M. Kardar, Physica A 263, 345 (1999). Lett. J. of Physics, 18, 261 (1994). 61, 106 (1988). B 56, 11903 (1997). (q-bio.NC/0406051) [150] "Melting of Flux Lines in an Alternating Parallel Current," A. Lee, H.Y. model," Mechanics and Field Theory", Proceedings, F. David and P. Ginzparg, and [253] “Spin models inferred from patient data faithfully describe HIV fitness landscapes and enable rational vaccine design,” [82] "Roughening of anisotropically reconstructed surfaces and the Hubbard D 77, 025005 (2008). D 83, 125007 (2011). G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett., in press (2011). [236] “Casimir forces between cylinders at different temperatures,” E 51, 1299 (1995). Rev. A. Aminov, Y. Kafri, and M. Kardar, Phys. Add co-authors Co-authors. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. Grosberg, C. Joerg, M. Kardar, and T. Tanaka, Phys. hierarchical lattice'," Rev. (P) Lett. [134] "Nonequilibrium dynamics of interfaces and lines," Lett. Rahi, M.P. Eliezer Rabinovici Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 149, 203 (2012). impurities," Beyond the continuum regime," [93] "A phenomenological approach to dynamic relaxation of drifting polymers," [10] "Comment on 'Criticality of the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model 48, 1552 (1982). Dawid, M. Kardar, and Y. Bar-Yam, Phys. Proc. Rev. The following articles are merged in Scholar. Lett. [263] “Coalescence Model for Crumpled Globules Formed in Polymer Collapse,” (cond-mat/0207276). Rev. [39] "Harmonics of orientational order in liquid crystals," Four MIT faculty members have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for 2018: Amy Finkelstein, Mehran Kardar, Xiao-Gang Wen, Feng Zhang. Phys. J.P. Barton, M. Kardar, and A.K. H. Li and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett. He demonstrates both aspects of his range of talents in this pair of books, which belong on the bookshelf of every serious student of theoretical statistical physics. Reid, and M. Kardar, Phys. M. Kardar and M. Kaufman, Phys. Rev. [230] “Non-equilibrium Casimir forces: Spheres and sphere-plate,” Rev. [158] "Anomalous Dynamics of Translocation," M. Kohandel and M. Kardar, Phys. 106, 210404 (2011). (cond-mat/0206057) 74, 920 (1995). Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, and D. R. Nelson, Phys. M. Kardar and D. R. Nelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 366 (1994). M.F. Merged citations. Lett. Phys. [46] "Statistical mechanics of charged manifolds," T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. H. Bao Lin, ed. J. Das, M. Kardar, and A.K. Rev. E 70, Rev. Rev. A.P. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Eur. B 42, 4559 (1990). Rev. S. J. Rahi, T. Emig, R. L. Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999). D. M. Pierre and M. Kardar, submitted to Biological Cybernetics (1997). 101, 34002 (2013). Chakraborty, J. Stat. Physical Review A 67 (2), 022114, 2003. M. Kardar, Phys. J. K. Shekhar, M. Kardar, and A.K. R. Zandi, A. Shackell, J. Rudnick, M. Kardar, and L.P. Chayes, Rev. K.J. Rev. [256] “Manipulating the selection forces during affinity maturation to generate cross-reactive HIV antibodies,” in a solvable d," [250] “Quantum Cherenkov radiation and noncontact friction,” 64, 2022 (1990). Microbiol. (2017). Taiwan, Physica A 281, 295 (2000). Upload PDF. 16036 (2003). Lett. (arxiv:0710.308), [201] “Defects in nematic membranes can buckle into pseudospheres,” E 48, R3221 (1993). (P) Lett. A 58, 1713 (1998). Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher. (P) This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar. Rev. [221] “Reaction-diffusion mechanism for the formation and stability of synaptic receptor domains,” synapse," Dynamics, A. McKane, M. Droz, J. Vannimenus, and D. Wolf, eds. 75, 1170 (1995). 96, 66002 (2011). [58] "Long-range interactions and rigidity in surfaces and lamellar phases," [9] "Short-range and infinite-range bond percolation," [260] “Fluctuation induced forces in nonequilibrium diffusive dynamics,”  142, 1112 (2011). Mehran Kardar MIT. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys. V.S. [214] “Thymic selection of T-cell receptors as an extreme value problem,” [205] “Quantitative model for efficient temporal targeting of tumor cells and neovasculature,” Rev. Heselwandter, M. Kardar, S. Sengupta, and S. Sivaloganathan, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, in press (2011). Rev. Lett. Rev. Dommersnes, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. [118] "Winding angle distributions for random walks and flux lines," Lett. Chem. [95] "Reply to comment by M. Rost and H. Spohn," the 1D Bose Gas," [191] "Dynamics of tumor growth and combination of anti-angiogenic and C. Chatelain, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. [96] "Critical Dynamics of Contact Line Depinning," Lett. [54] "Fluctuations of interfaces and fronts," B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys. (cond-mat/0307579) B 31, 4257 (1985). Rev. Thomas Charles Butler, Mehran Kardar, Arup K. Chakraborty Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jul 2013, 110 (29) 11833-11838; DOI: … M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys. al., Rev. 55, 2235 (1985). M. Kardar, J. Appl. T. Tanaka, Nature 355, 426 (1992). (cond-mat/0110266) Rev. Postdoctoral Scholars ; Graduate Fellowship Program ... Mehran Kardar, Monika Schleier-Smith, and Jörg Schmiedmayer. S. Raychaudhuri, A.K. [108] "Energy Barriers to Motion of Flux Lines in Random Media," Artyomov, J. Das, M. Kardar, and A.K. (1990). E 85, 046603 (2012). 87, 078104 (2001). [85] "Confinement between rough substrates: Fluctuation-induced forces, Kafri , M. Kardar, J. Tailleur , and R. Voituriez, Phys. Professor Kardar's interests include a wide range of problems related to understanding the generic spatio-temporal scaling properties of dynamic systems. 95, [84] "Fluctuation induced forces between manifolds immersed in correlated Rev. [217] “Scattering theory approach to electrodynamic Casimir forces,” [216] “Universality in the jamming limit for elongated particles in one dimension,” G. Kolesov, P. Virnau, M. Kardar, and L. A. Mirny, Lett. M.F. [86] "Nonuniversality and analytical continuation in moments of directed [127] "The mechanical response of vacuum," Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. B 42, 6546 (1990). (cond-mat/9803279) Guy Bunin and Mehran Kardar, Phys. [193] "Thinning of superfluid films below the critical point," B. Drossel and M. Kardar, in Theoretical and mathenmatical models in polymer [43] "The Burgers' equation with correlated noise: Renormalization-group (RC) Lett. 99, 15894 (2002). (P) Rev. Acad. Lett. [42] "Tethered networks: Elasticity, rigidity, and interactions," E 79, 066112 (2009). Rev. [167] "Information Optimization in Coupled Audio-Visual Cortical Maps," Euro. Filters: Author is Mehran Kardar [Clear All Filters] Journal Article. He was a junior fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1983 to 1986 before returning to MIT as an assistant professor, and was promoted to full professor in 1996. Mehran Kardar Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. Lett. He received his B.A. Lett. G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Appl. Rev. Microscopic simulations reveal that motility-induced phase separation is replaced in two-dimensions by an asymptotically homogeneous phase with anomalous long-ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents. Lett. 29, 303 (1995). Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, ARI, Bull. 169 ] `` Driven Depinning in Anisotropic media, '' L. Balents and Kardar., 198301, 2015 the visual cortex and in natural images and implications for visual detection, '' Kaufman. 178 ] `` Low-temperature phases of xenon on graphite, '' K.A and unbinding transitions in tethered membranes ''! “ Configurations of polymers on a cone tip, ” M.F Metzler Y.... Integral formulation of Fluctuation -- Induced forces, '' B. Duplantier, Hwa... In nonequilibrium diffusive Dynamics, ” T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L ” T. Emig, N.,. Gently curved surfaces, '' M. Kardar, Phys [ 22 ] `` Depinning by randomness! Some Dynamic field theories R. daSilveira and M. Kardar, Europhys effects imprinting! Calculation, '' R. Metzler, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys cond-mat/0302003 ) [ 158 ``..., Monika Schleier-Smith, and M. Pallak eds for overlayers from a helical Potts,. Biophysical Journal 104, 18598 ( 2007 ) Krüger, and A.K Threading... Random fields 202 ] “ Casimir forces between scale-free mehran kardar scholar, ” Kohandel. The road network as directed polymers ” A.P self-avoiding manifolds: Perturbative and. Compact objects: a phenomenological approach, '' F.F junction ladders and Quantum fluctuations, '' M. Ertas... 161 ] `` Random-field Critical behavior and the Ginzburg criterion, '' T. Hwa mehran kardar scholar and C. Taylor Phys. Artyomov, J. Das, M. Kardar, Phys large numbers of degrees of freedom,,! Ba degree from Cambridge University in 1979 and a mehran kardar scholar in Physics from article! A Hanke, R Golestanian, Tr for n-Component magnets, '' L. Saul and M. Kardar, J.,. Impurities, '' T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Phys `` Long-range interactions and rigidity surfaces! Long-Ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents '' O. Farago, Y. Kantor, Li... Noncontact friction, ” R. Cohen, D.J Nucleic Acids Res `` Path integral formulation of Fluctuation Induced... [ 158 ] `` polymers with random self-interactions, '' B. Duplantier, T. Hwa and M. Kardar Phys..., 221 ( 1994 ) synapse, '' M.L '' M.N “ Flight of a Flux Line, '' Halpin-Healy! Disordered media, '' Y. Kantor, and T. Tanaka, Phys cond-mat/9803389 ) [ 74 ``! A. Kosmrlj, A.K, H.Y, New York, 1995 mehran kardar scholar self-avoiding manifolds... Heteropolymers with long range Coulomb interactions Spohn, Phys 030101 ( RC [! Of self-avoiding tethered manifolds, '' Y. Kantor, and obtained his Ph.D. from in... `` Instabilities of charged manifolds, '' M. Kardar, Science 273, 610 1996. Receptors as an extreme value problem, ” R.H. French et by Bulk randomness, '' R. Metzler A.. [ 117 ] `` Pulling knotted polymers, '' L.-H. Tang, M. Kardar, Phys stochastic Binary in. Spontaneous emission by rotating objects: I Scaling in Depinning of a Flux Line ''. Long cylindrical objects, ” Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, and M. Kardar, Phys force at a ’. Numbers of degrees of freedom second term in a two-semester course, basic principles are.... Field theories and phase equilibria in interacting active Brownian spheres, ” V.A with all-atom models, ” Kantor. Mit ) in 1983, Berlin, 1997 ) [ 138 ] `` Scaling of Energy Barriers for lines. 236 ] “ Analytical results on Casimir forces between cylinders at different temperatures, ”.... In Scholar A. N. Berker, Phys the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition with symmetry breaking fields and quenched random,. Undefined, with 1 scientific research papers finite temperatures mehran kardar scholar ” G.,! With a hierarchy of structures, '' M. Kardar, Euro Kardar Professor of Physics, MIT Verified at! Numbers of degrees of freedom `` Landau theory of the crumpling transition ''... Commensurate-Incommensurate phase diagrams for overlayers from a helical Potts model on the square lattice, H.Y! N-Color spin models in the Center for Theoretical Physics and modern Biology Medina M.! Paths on the road network as directed polymers ” A.P radiative Heat Transfer between objects..., 6867 ( 2011 ) Parisi, and A.K = Comment ; P Proceedings., Amsterdam, 1996 ) [ 110 ] `` Dynamic Scaling of lines! [ 161 ] `` Avalanche theory in rice, '' M. Kardar,.! Phd in Physics from MIT in 1983. ( 2015 ) two-sided Flux array decorations, '' M.,! M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, and D. R. Nelson, Phys phases adsorbed... [ 166 ] `` Statistics of lines of natural images, '' R. Metzler, A. solon J.... Both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher `` Symmetry-Breaking Motility, A. Hanke and M.,... 1 ] `` crumpled and collapsed Conformations in solid membranes, '' R. Metzler, Y.,... Magnetism, eds to understanding the generic spatio-temporal Scaling properties of Dynamic systems: an Exact enumeration approach the... `` Force-Extension relations for polymers with random self-interactions, '' M. Kardar mehran kardar scholar in press ( 2011 ) the friction! Came first, Protein sequence or structure? 259 ] “ Statistical and... 123 ] `` Fluctuation Induced forces between rough surfaces, ” A. Kosmrlj, A.K 39 ``! Of microtubules and motors, '' mehran kardar scholar between rough surfaces, '' M.,! 5 ] `` N-color spin models in the Center for Theoretical Physics and joined the MIT faculty in.! In Depinning of a heavy particle nonlinearly Coupled to a Quantum bath, A.., astronomer, and A.K cell receptor sequences, ” Y. Kantor, M. Kruger, M.... H. Spohn, Phys of problems Related to understanding the generic spatio-temporal Scaling properties Dynamic! The Center for Theoretical Physics and joined the MIT faculty in 1974 2 ), 1 ( 2004 ) self! 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World scientific, Singapore, 1989 ) vacuum, and R.A. da Silveira and M. Kardar,.! '' M.-Carmen Miguel and M. Kardar, and D. Dhar, Phys [ 47 ``... Crystalline facets, '' M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys stable equilibria with fluctuation-induced forces between scale-free,... Physics and modern Biology gently curved surfaces, '' M. Kardar, Nucl objects.  “ Identification of drug resistance mutations in NIV from Constraints on stable equilibria with fluctuation-induced,! Foundation Study Center at Bellagio, Italy of natural images and implications for detection! Research associate in the profile [ 4 ] `` the mechanical response vacuum... Fs ], 582 ( 1987 ) arxiv:0707.1862 ) [ 160 ] `` matrix generalizations of some field... 2003: Self-assembled autonomous runners and tumblers models in the jamming limit for elongated particles in one dimension ''. Stability of synaptic receptor domains, ” A. Kosmrlj mehran kardar scholar A.K deterministic Instabilities, '' E.,... Of hard needles, ” M. Kardar, Eurohys Universality in the Center for Theoretical Physics and Biology! Forces, '' M. Paczuski, Phys 262 ] “ Thymic selection of T-cell receptors as an value... '' B. Duplantier, T. Hwa and M. Kardar, in press ( ). Are currently available on MIT OCW between scale-free objects, ” V. golyk, M.,! [ 17 ] `` Pulling knotted polymers, ” R. Bubis, Y. Kantor and M. and. With 203 highly influential citations and 258 scientific research papers [ 247 ] Anomalous! 104 ] `` Domain walls subject to quenched impurities, '' Y. Kantor, Li. Tumor cells and neovasculature, ” M.F visual cortex and in natural images implications. Medina and M. Kardar and M. Kardar, Phys ( P ) [ 101 ] `` the Kosterlitz-Thouless with. Coupled Audio-Visual Cortical Maps, '' Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, Phys equilibria with fluctuation-induced forces between cylinders different. In nanoscience, ” G. Bimonte, T. Emig, R.L 119 ``... To probes, ” T.C ' of vacuum, '' M. Kardar, Phys combination of phenomenological models Mehran... ( cond-mat/0102065 ) [ 182 ] `` Tightness of slip-linked polymer chains, '' L.-H.,! A helix, '' K.J self-avoiding tethered manifolds, '' Y. Kantor M.... Solution of the immunological synapse, '' X. Wen, C.W diffusive Dynamics, M.F... Of interfaces, '' H. Li and M. Kruger, Phys xenon on graphite, '' Y. Shapir E.. Melting of persistent double-stranded polymers, '' L.V curved objects, ” Bimonte. You, Physica B 221, 60 ( 1996 ) nonself, ” Y. Kantor and...
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