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[300, 75], }, bidder: 'teads', bidder: 'medianet', bidder: 'districtmDMX', } } }, function(bids) { [300, 250], { banner: { Photo: Kyle Richards/Instagram Even with the bruising, Kyle said that the healing process "was not painful." bidder: 'smartyads', siteId: 2001093, crid: '790921146' { }, placementId: '20294584' { { }, siteId: '339522', { placementId: '20294600' }, bidder: 'rhythmone', }, mediaTypes: { bidder: "consumable", networkId: 9969, bidder: 'smartyads', bidder: 'emx_digital', } slotName: '/22056471779/Mobile-in-Content-5', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' params: { params: { dmxid: '532608', { { bidder: 'smartyads', { }); { { }, .ai-viewport-0 { display: none !important;} zoneId: '1789154', bidder: 'triplelift', params: { { }, } ] //example: [[728,90]] bidder: "consumable", tagid: '114563' } bidder: 'smartyads', }, } }, }, } }); } mediaTypes: { tagid: '107555' site_id: '203491', }, { } crid: '875007442' }, inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Desktop_BelowComments' bidder: 'districtm', }, } ] googletag.cmd.push(function() { }("apstag", window, document, "script", "//"); 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site_id: '203491', sizes: [ [300, 250], cid: '8CUE04GXY', sizes: [ “I had just had my nose done and it was very swollen from flying. unitName: "cnsmbl-container-320x50-ads", } bidder: "consumable", formatId: 96410 crid: '277398678' bidder: 'appnexus', bidder: 'districtm', params: { var slot2; [300, 100], placementId: 213189 } } bidder: 'emx_digital', { params: { params: { placementId: '22993' } } } siteId: '339522', pageId: 1329918, }, 245.7k Likes, 4,261 Comments - Kyle Richards Umansky (@kylerichards18) on Instagram: “I love these people so much ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ Some of you may have heard I have COVID. params: { slotID: 'div-gpt-ad-1603222898628-0', //example: 'div-gpt-ad-1475185990716-0' params: { [320, 100], } { banner: { bids: [ bidder: "consumable", }, [300, 75] ], 'div-gpt-ad-1595241676034-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); } { [320, 50], { inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Mobile_InArticle5' { }, }); { ] slotID: 'div-gpt-ad-1603222498231-0', //example: 'div-gpt-ad-1475185990716-0' if (a[a9]) return; formatId: 95147 [300, 100] [300, 250], function(a9, a, p, s, t, A, g) { { [300, 250], Was up for 35 minutes before she came to her senses and took it down. }, bidder: 'rubicon', sizes: [ { } cache: { pageId: '119082' placementId: '133818', All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. pbjs.addAdUnits(adUnits); } sizes: [ } }, googletag.defineSlot('/22056471779/Desktop-Below-Comments', [ crid: '241468516' { } params: { } pageId: 1329918, } } } { } pageId: '119082' placementId: '22979' dmxid: '567868', bidder: 'triplelift', [300, 50], bidder: 'smartadserver', [300, 50], }else { } }, }); inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Mobile_InArticle3' placementId: '129185', }, params: { .ai-viewport-1 { display: none !important;} googletag.defineSlot('/22056471779/Mobile-In-Content-1', [ [300, 100], inSlot: '79658' params: { } ] //example: [[728,90]] [300, 250] memberid: '101201' [300, 250] } params: { } formatId: 96415 bidder: 'smartyads', Kyle Richards and Lisa Rinna shared matching memes on their Instagram Stories on Tuesday, January 19, and they could have been aimed at their former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills castmate, Lisa Vanderpump. params: { inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Desktop_AfterContent2' }, targetingKeys: function() { params: { }, params: { }, 92w. renderMarginPercent: 100, params: { { } }, { accountId: '22616', placementId: '20294587' params: { }, pageId: 1329918, placementId: 213189 site_id: '203491', ] //example: [[728,90]] }, formatId: 96413 crid: '790921146' crid: '480252856' { params: { }, { mediaTypes: { Powered by WordPress using DisruptPress Theme. [300, 50], }, { { banner: { After Garcelle Beauvais shared a photo on her Instagram page of the entire season 11 cast, including Kyle’s sister, Kathy Hilton, and series newbie Crytal Kung-Minkoff, Kyle was accused of looking completely different by a number of fans and former cast member Dana Wilkey. params: { }, bids: [{ [300, 100], secure: 1 }, A.async = !0; [728, 90] bidder: 'ix', }, }, placementId: '22970' }, ], 'div-gpt-ad-1606238227516-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); cursor: pointer; ] //example: [[728,90]] bidder: 'triplelift', siteId: 384950, } ] } { }, banner: { accountId: '22616', bidder: 'rhythmone', bidder: 'ix', { "increment": 0.50 // from $7 to $10, round down to the previous 20-cent increment params: { }, params: { bidder: 'sovrn', site_id: '203491', init: function() { { ], 'div-gpt-ad-1595241550644-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); }, }); } placementId: 213189 params: { ]; siteId: '107554', { params: { After seeing the fans’ comments, Kyle weighed in on the topic herself, confirming her nose job had caused her face to swell after traveling via airplane to her girls’ trip with the RHOBH cast. banner: { } }, inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Mobile_InArticle1' }, }, } siteId: '339522', } params: { bidder: 'teads', ] { params: { crid: '420790222' }, { placementId: '19673406' [300, 100], pageId: 1329918, unitId: 9837 bidder: 'smartadserver', bidder: 'conversant', [300, 250], } params: { { Verified • Follow. sizes: [ slotName: '/22056471779/Mobile-Home-After-Content-2', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' "max": 50, slotName: '/22056471779/Desktop-Sticky-Bottom-Sidebar', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' unitName: "cnsmbl-ebooks-320x50-slider", Own up Lisa. } } }, slotName: '/22056471779/Mobile-Sticky-Bottom-Footer-3', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' }, sizes: [ bidder: 'rhythmone', } }, { params: { { siteId: '565976', }, ] { slots: [{ bidder: 'ix', ] bids: [ { inSlot: '79659' margin-top: -10px; Alyssa Bates Shares First Photos Of Baby Maci Jo, Clare Crawley Gets Support And A Telling Gift From Michelle Money, Honey Boo Boo Lashes At Critics Of Mama June, Jade & Tanner Tolbert Enjoy Staycation Anniversary, Carlin Bates’ Daughter Layla Enjoys First Zoo Visit. ] placementId: '133818', params: { [320, 50] bidder: 'teads', } { bidder: 'medianet', params: { googletag.defineSlot('/22056471779/Mobile-Below-Comments', [ }); bidder: 'emx_digital', bidder: 'sovrn', ], 'div-gpt-ad-1595242273158-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); } }, params: { [300, 250] ] [300, 75], params: { params: { unitId: 9831 { { [300, 250], slotID: 'div-gpt-ad-1595242273158-0', //example: 'div-gpt-ad-1475185990716-0' unitId: 9837 siteId: 2001093, siteId: '573995', } }, 499,266 views. padding-bottom: 30px; [300, 100], params: { secure: 1 params: { bidder: 'appnexus', bidder: 'smartyads', } cid: '8CUE04GXY', bidder: 'districtm', code: 'div-gpt-ad-1599493797339-0', console.log("Footer"); ‘Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch’ Exclusive Interview The Ranch Is For Sale! placementId: '20294604' params: { googletag.defineSlot('/22056471779/Mobile-in-Content-3', [ placementId: 213189 } } inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Desktop_Sidebar3' } sizes: [15, 43, 44] Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement unless specified. unitId: 9832 banner: { } }, formatId: 96414 { { params: { bidder: 'conversant', unitId: 9836 bids: [ } unitName: "cnsmbl-ebooks-160x600-slider", bidder: 'emx_digital', } bidder: 'conversant', { params: { inventoryCode: 'RealityBlurb_Mobile_InArticle6' }, networkId: 9969, }, slotName: '/22056471779/Mobile-Sidebar', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' unitName: "cnsmbl-ebooks-responsive", }, { }, "increment": 0.01 // from $0 to $2, 1-cent increments }, } 3.1m Followers, 1,619 Following, 3,235 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kyle Richards Umansky (@kylerichards18) [300, 600], }, margin-top: -10px; }, } params: { .box .text { { params: { secure: 1 }, size: [300, 250] params: { { bidder: 'medianet', ] //example: [[728,90]] [320, 50], siteId: 2001093, Seen reading, practicing yoga, or spending time with friends face… here kyle richards instagram... 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