This was the key message of Ms. Rachel Kyte, World Bank Group Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change during her three-day visit in the Philippines from May 20-23 which included her participation at the World Economic Forum; meetings with government officials, civil society organizations, and a visit to several communities in Leyte hit hard by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). The Philippines signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change last February 28, 2017 as its commitment to reduce carbon emission by 70 percent by 2030. The Ateneo School of Government, a professional school of the Ateneo de Manila University, is introducing a Climate Change, Development, and Environmental Governance Program, which aims to develop leaders in both the public and private sectors and strengthen their capabilities in formulating and implementing policies, plans, and programs to effectively address climate change. 9729 an act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the framework strategy and program on climate change, creating for this purpose the climate change commission, and for other purposes section 1. RRP-CCAM aims to create awareness within the participating communities about climate change adaptation and disaster-risk reduction, and the importance of community participation in building resilience and strengthening their adaptive capacities. The Philippine Information Agency is the official public information arm of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES UNDER THE CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAM. The Philippines signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change last February 28, 2017 as its commitment to reduce carbon emission by 70 percent by 2030. It aims to achieve inclusive growth through the enhancement of the adaptive capacities and resilience of communities and natural ecosystems by minimizing the impacts of climate and disaster risks through climate change adaptation, disaster prevention and preparedness, climate change mitigation and rehabilitation. Published on June 27, 2019. In order to generate projections of temperature increase and rainfall change in the Philippines in the future, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) used the PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) model in … The law mandates the mainstreaming climate change (CC) considerations into government policy and planning. © Copyright 2013. environment to climate change. Rising temperatures and more extreme weather events cost lives directly, increase transmission and spread of infectious diseases, and undermine the environmental determinants … Recent natural disasters significantly affected crops and livestock resulted to severe loss in agricultural production including human lives. The report entitled Getting a Grip on Climate Change in the Philippines looks at the innovations as well as gaps in policy and financing of climate change programs since … Designating the Personnel for the Climate Change Office. CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Jun. This Project managed by ASoG aims to achieve the following goals: (a) strengthen the capacity of LGUs in developing co-benefit CDM projects in the area of waste management; (b) strengthen the capacity of coordinating and managing entity in developing CDM Programme of Activities (PoA); and (c) Assist the negotiation process for the purchase of certified emission reduction (CER) by the New Energy and Industry Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The Ateneo School of Government, a professional school of the Ateneo de Manila University, is introducing a Climate Change, Development, and Environmental Governance Program, which aims to develop leaders in both the public and private sectors and strengthen their capabilities in formulating and implementing policies, plans, and programs to effectively address climate change. In 2015, the DSWD started providing cash for work to local government unit-proposed beneficiaries in implementing projects addressing the needs of communities located in hazard and risk areas vulnerable to the impacts of climate change through its Risk Resiliency Program – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (RRP-CCAM) – Disaster Risk Reduction. BACKGROUND The Philippines is an archipelagic country where agriculture plays a vital role in providing around 30 percent of employment and 10 per-cent of the country’s total gross domestic product in 2013. Gender disparities among farmers. Climate Change Program Addressing climate change in the agriculture and fisheries is far more challenging and urgent since this sector produces food and livelihood for the people. Department of Social Welfare and Development, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Presidential Communications Operations Office, DSWD implements program on climate change, risk resiliency. Climate Change and the Philippine Agriculture Sector •In agriculture, climate change means increased annual mean temperature, extreme events, seasonal rainfall (dry will be drier, wet will be wetter) and cyclones/typhoons more frequent and stronger. The PIA works with the Office of the President This is composed of four (4) modules, and completion of all modules will earn the student a diploma. This specialized programs is composed of four (4) core courses, four (4) specialized courses, and three (3) elective courses, each of which will be taught in 32 class-hours. Special Order No. The School provided advisory support to the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Climate Change (OPACC) in the form of technical advice and capacity building for the Philippine delegation to the 15th Conference of Parties held in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 2009. Increase appreciation for best practices on environmental governance, local governance, and social accountability in decision-making and planning processes. Potential beneficiaries of the RRP-CCAM includes the beneficiaries of the PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program, those classified as poor under Listahanan – the national household targeting system of the national government, and those who are identified as poor and vulnerable households upon assessment, verification, and validation of the City and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices. All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated. Such is guided by Administrative Order 15, series of 2008 or the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Cash-for-Work Project. The project, “ Mainstreaming Sustainable Climate Action within Financial Institutions in the Philippines”, builds on the network of stakeholders established by UN-ESCAP and CCC through ADFIAP, to promote green finance and raise awareness amongst stakeholders about the opportunities that green finance has to offer and re-orient the financial sector towards low-carbon and climate-resilient investments in the … Among these are the Millennium Development Goals Fund 1656: Strengthening the Philippines Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change funded by the Government of Spain, the Philippine Climate Change Adaptation Project (which aims to develop the resiliency and test adaptation strategies that will develop the resiliency of farms and natural resource management to the effects of … By building a network of ICT systems and integrating environmental promotion in each activity, Pasig City ensures that their efforts are efficient, effective, consistent and sustainable. Climate Change Consciousness Week 2018. As of date, there are 11 LGUs who already submitted project proposals and presently implementing cash for work activity for RRP-CCAM. Philippines is not yet on track to achieve this target, as emissions increase. Designating of Over-All Coordinator of Climate Change-Related Programs, Projects and Activities. Never Again Ondoy and Pepeng 2: Enact the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Law! Climate change adaptation is very important in achieving inclusive growth. Maristela said the program is implemented through projects anchored with the climate change action plan of local government units (LGUs). All rights reserved. With the theme, “1.5 O C Climate Challenge: Survive and Thrive Together,” the DENR’s celebration of the 2018 Climate Change Consciousness Week kicked of with a modern dance from the students of Krus na Ligas High School. Sign up for the monthly news, bulletins, and events. ASoG, in partnership with the Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNetPhils) and with funding support from Christian Aid, implemented a ten-month Project that aimed to elevate the importance of disaster risk management at the policy level and endeavored to develop a DRR national policy and mainstream DRM/DRR into development policy and planning. •Long term finance streams •Expanded the composition of the advisory board of the Climate Change Commission to include the Finance Department Never Again Ondoy and Pepeng 3: Make Disaster Risk Reduction & Management a National Multi-stakeholder Project, Never Again Ondoy and Pepeng 4: Addressing the Roots of the Havoc in Urban Areas, Never Again Ondoy and Pepeng 5: Climate Change, the Elephant in the Room. President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced America's return to the international Paris Agreement to fight climate change, the centerpiece of a raft of day-one executive orders aimed at restoring US leadership in combating global warming. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. ASoG and the Affiliated Network on Social Accountability (ANSA) Program partnered and organized a forum that launched social accountability (SAc) as a novel principle and process for providing the harmonious convergence needed towards identifying, developing, and implementing effective and responsive climate change solutions. In Region 10, the DSWD RRP-CCAM is implemented in 26 identified local government units (LGUs) along major river basins, while 4 cities and 22 municipalities with cash for work activities such as tree planting, mangrove planting and mangrove rehabilitation, communal/organic gardening, installation of drainage system, dredging of waterways, canal de-clogging and other activities relative to climate change adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk reduction. Valerie Volcovici and Trevor Hunnicutt, Reuters Posted at Jan 21 11:53 AM. Climate change is expected to amplify the seasonal variation of rainfall in the Philippines and exacerbate ongoing civil conflict in the country. It is an attached unit of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO). The Philippines is represented by Deputy Speaker Legarda as a commissioner. The CFW activities are implemented for a maximum of 10 days. At the end of the course, students will get to consolidate and apply learnings in a Governance Innovation Project. The new law shifts the focus from emergency response to disaster prevention and risk reduction as a way to address the vulnerability of the country to natural disasters. Services related to regulation and utilization of available health care, facilities, assistance, and programs Housing Services related to settlements and infrastructure management, regulations and assistance; government projects monitoring; contractor accreditation; and related functions PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The School also works with international and local partners on various climate change-related projects namely Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM), reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD-Plus), climate change adaptation, and disaster risk management. At the end of the program, students and stakeholders should have been able to: ACADEMIC AND TRAINING TRACKS The GCA was launched in 2018 with the mandate to encourage the development of measures to manage the effects of climate change through technology, planning and investment. RELATED ARTICLES, PAPERS, AND PUBLICATIONS, A lecture delivered during the University of the Philippines Academic Congress, “Beyond Leadership: Public Administration and Governance (Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Trends, Challenges, Lessons, And Response Options)" held on February 1-5, 2010 at Malcolm Theater, College of Law, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Home | Contact Us | Terms of Use | Sitemap. Source: Philippines - government A plan translating the national climate change framework strategy and prioritizing food security, water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human security, climate-smart industries and services, sustainable energy and knowledge and capacity development as the strategic direction for 2011 to 2028. The CAT expects the Philippines’ emissions to decrease 5-8% in 2020 compared to 2019. You do not have the roles required to access this portlet. There are two seasons in the country, the wet season and the dry season, based upon the amount of rainfall. Develop a deep appreciation of fundamental concepts and principles on environmental governance and sustainable development as the overarching framework for addressing climate change; Increase their level of awareness and understanding of climate change such as the science, its causes, and impact/effects; Understand policy responses to climate change both at the international and national levels; Learn the basics of assessing vulnerabilities to climate change and accounting greenhouse gas emissions; Acquire specific science and technology, economic, and policy tools for formulating effective policies and designing responsive plans and/or programs on climate change and apply such tools in actual implementation; Translate critical climate-related information into concrete policies, plans, and/or programs; and. The forum was held on December 16, 2009 at Copenhagen, Denmark. SDGs Chapter on Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) 2011-2017 Update Integrate SDGs in plans & programs National Priorities in Relation to 2030 Agenda . This program is specifically designed for decision-makers and planners in government, and practitioners in the fields of: Through this Program, the School provides institutional support to Philippine national government agencies, local government units, NGOs, and private companies to build their capacities in increasing resilience and reducing vulnerabilities to the negative impact of climate change. National Climate Change Action Plan (2011 – 2028) Ultimate Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Goal: To Build the adaptive capacities of women and men in their communities, increase the resilience of vulnerable sectors and natural ecosystems to climate change, and optimize mitigation opportunities towards a gender- National Government Portal Through this program, temporary employment is generated and that it provides income augmentation to families and/or individuals. By DSWD-10 The Department of Environment and National Resources has its own climate change office, which has set up various programs to educate communities in high-risk areas. republic of the philippines congress of the philippines metro manila republic act no. March 31, 2009. The agency has a regional office in all 15 regions and has an information center in 79 provinces across the Philippines. As a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the State adopts the ultimate objective of the Convention which is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system which should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change… Students who have obtained four (4) diplomas under the JVO Executive Education Program will be eligible for a Masters in Public Management degree. IN updating the Philippines’ “Nationally Determined Contributions” under the Paris Agreement, the Climate Change Commission will be doing the country a … through PCOO, national government agencies, and other public sector entities in communicating their programs, projects, and services to the Filipino This was done via two major activities – the Seminar-Workshop on Shared Vision, geared towards understanding the major issues discussed under the 4 building blocks of climate change (mitigation, adaptation, financing, technology transfer and capacity building), and the Capacity Building on Negotiations in the Climate Change Convention aimed at enhancing the Philippine delegation's basic negotiation skills. Strenthening governance and policymaking, especially at the local level, is vital to help create climate-resilient communities. Special Order No. In order to address climate change and its adverse effects, collective and global actions were undertaken through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which the Philippines is a Party to since 1994. The Climate Change Commission as the overall lead for the implementation of E.O. Climate change is among the greatest health risks of the 21st Century. Coping with Climate-Related Risks: Innovations for Community Adaptation to Climate-related Disasters, Never Again Ondoy and Pepeng 1: What we must do. Smallholder farmers in the Philippines are expected to be among the most vulnerable and impacted by the effects of climate change in … The results are: loss of lives, reduction in agricultural productivity and income, among others. The Philippines has five types of climates: tropical rainforest, tropical monsoon, tropical savanna, humid subtropical and oceanic (both are in higher-altitude areas) characterized by relatively high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall. Experts shared lessons learned from REDD negotiations, the importance of civil society alliance building in democracies, and the application of SAc tools in adaptation and mitigation in South Asia. Advocacy and lobbying efforts successfully culminated in the signing of the DRRM Bill into law by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last May 2010. Climate Change is a worldwide phenomenon that affects everyone. The program is implemented through Cash-for-Work (CFW) which the DSWD provides cash assistance to the beneficiaries equivalent to 75 percent of the prevailing daily regional wage approved by the Department of Labor and Employment. Republic of the Philippines. 2009-562. 2009-277. Last Nov. 9, some 700 indigent residents in Cabanatuan City, also in Nueva Ecija, have benefited from the program. MANILA—The Philippines is the most susceptible country to hazards brought about by climate change, the Global Peace Index 2019 showed.. In 2009, Republic Act 9729 or the Climate Change Act was enacted into law. Pasig City - A Smart City with a Green Heart weaves different sectors like transportation and disaster emergency management together to achieve green development. Climate Smart Philippines, which is the flagship program of the Environmental and Climate Change Research Institute, is a platform that provides elucidations in reducing disaster risks and preventing potential damage and losses through scientific wide-ranging assessment, capacity development, project management and multilateral cooperation among actors. Dengue cases in 2015 saw a 64.8 percent increase from the previous year, with a Department of Health (DOH) official attributing it to climate change. Ateneo School of Government. Is the forest decision (REDD+) good enough? Changing weather patterns causes environment stresses resulting to floods, severe soil erosions, strong winds drought, and the occurrence of novel pathogens which could deliberately affect agricultural productivity. The NDC review is an opportunity for the government to solidify the ambition it has outlined in recent announcements. ASoG conducts training on GHG Inventory and the Clean Development Mechanism, "An Inconvenient Truth", the Asian edition: Adaptation is the missing piece, Building capacities on the Clean Development Mechanism, The Future of REDD Plus: Pathways of Convergence for the UNFCCC Negotiations and Partnerships, From Copenhagen to Cancun: Challenges and Prospects for the UNFCCC Negotiations. (DSWD10/PIA10), Cash-for-Work Department of Social Welfare and Development United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Philippines has been a dengue hotspot in recent years. June 29, 2009. Biden announces return to global climate accord, new curbs on US oil industry. This is a training-based offering under the Jaime V. Ongpin (JVO) Executive Education Program of the School. The Cancun Agreements: Do they advance global cooperation on climate change? Responding to these climate risks, Philippine government has demonstrated leadership through a strong commitment to a climate policy and institutional reform agenda. The study found that 47 percent of the country's population is in areas highly exposed to climate hazards such as earthquakes, tsunami, floods, tropical cyclones and drought. CPEIR is a study to assess gaps and accelerate implementation of the climate change agenda in the Philippines. This is envisioned to aid key agencies with major roles on CC policy making. Interested individuals or groups may take any of the following tracks: The academic track will enable students to earn a Masters in Public Management degree, specializing in Climate Change, Development and Environmental Governance. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Special Committee on MDGs Regional Social Development Committee The forum highlighted the important role of citizens in ensuring accountability in the use of resources that will flow into to climate change initiatives. The program also encourages community participation in implementing a community defined project related to climate change adaptation, climate risk reduction that is sustainable in nature. Designating Undersecretary Mary Ann Lucille L. Sering as fulltime DENR Coordinator for Climate Change Some of the most polluted rivers and esteros that drain out to Manila Bay have been identified and targeted for the simultaneous river cleanup by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), which is taking the lead in the “Battle for Manila Bay,” a P4.7-billion, seven-year program to save Manila Bay from environmental degradation. National Government Portal. Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Hard Choices. people. 21 (PIA)--One of the country’s commitment in acting on climate change and its adverse effects is through the intervention of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in helping communities deal with the impacts of climate change. 174, and in line with its mandate to recommend legislation, policies, strategies, programs on and appropriations for climate change adaptation and mitigation and other related activities, implements this Greenhouse Gas Inventory Program which supports science-based mitigation policy and action development, planning, … Of 2008 or the Guidelines for the Implementation of the government of the School earn. All modules will earn the student a diploma severe loss in agricultural productivity and income, among.! Earn the student a diploma the Disaster Risk Reduction: the Hard Choices important role citizens. 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