The quince is now the only member of the genus Cydonia, the three shrubby quinces previously included are now classified in Chaenomeles. waterlogged since deposition and are classified as raw gley soils. number 20, and are classified under fourteen titles. Young men living in areas classified in the most deprived quintile had a significantly lower odds ratio. The treatises have been classified according to (I) the direct evidence of ancient writers, (2) peculiarities of style and method, and (3) the presence of anachronisms and of opinions opposed to the general Hippocratic teaching - greatest weight being attached to the opinions of Erotian and Galen. From the metallurgical point of view, silver ores may be classified as real silver ores and argentiferous ores. A newborn is typically classified as an infant between 0 to 3 months. Accounts are classified English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "classify" The government has announced plans to classify videos so that parents will know if a film is okay for young viewersThe band's music can't really be classified; it's both jazz and rock, with a little bit of folk thrown in the mix. As usually made, white salt from rock-salt may be classified into two groups: (I) boiled: known as fine, table, lump, stoved lump, superfine, basket, butter and cheese salt (Fr. - The external forces acting on a bridge may be classified as follows: (t) The live or temporary load, for road bridges the weight of a dense crowd uniformly distributed, or the weight of a heavy wagon or traction engine; for railway bridges the weight of the heaviest train likely to come on the bridge. Classify definition is - to arrange in classes. classifyerdeen bull is correctly classified with other farm animals of his own size. carbon-14 contaminated waste should have been classified as intermediate waste. Definition of classified (Entry 2 of 2) : an advertisement grouped with others according to subject — usually used in plural Examples of classified in a Sentence Adjective The part of the report that … It is not true, for example, that a fish is a reptile arrested in its development, or that a reptile was ever a fish; but it is true that the reptile embryo, at one stage of its development, is an organism which, if it had an independent existence, must be classified among fishes; and all the organs of the reptile pass, in the course of their development, through conditions which are closely analogous to those which are permanent in some fishes. Products are broadly classified within the following key market areas: Health care - including pharmaceutical, nutritional and veterinary applications. Start with the local newspaper and classified publications in your area, as well as eBay and Craig's List.In addition to perusing local resources, take the time to review classified advertising websites that focus exclusively on RV sales. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Examples of 'classified' in a sentence classified. The entire work of collecting and research in the field of the Macedonian folklore is classified into four periods. observed, discriminated, classified and explained in the same way in which any one special portion of experience is treated. They have been broadly classified into the Outer Hebrides and the Inner Hebrides, the Minch and Little Minch dividing the one group from the other. Champagne is not, as is the case, for instance, with the classified growths of the Gironde, the product of a single vineyard. Classified as a feature phone, this messaging-centric device takes on the appearance of a regular "bar" style phone with a smaller display and numeric keypad when closed. All recent corals, as has already been said, conform so closely to the anatomy of normal Actinians that they cannot be classified apart from them, except that they are distinguished by the possession of a calcareous skeleton. No, that was all classified. Adult males under 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and females under 4 feet 8 inches (1.4 m) are classified as being short-statured. Start by checking the announcement boards in your local music store, the classified ads in your local paper and Craigslist to see what basses are on offer in your town. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. has shown, to the group of tales classified as the Aryan Expulsion and Return formula, found in all Aryan lands. acter to the flower, and the members of the genus are classified according to the length of this organ as compared with that of the segments. The speculative sciences, indeed, are classified according to their relation to form, pure, abstract or concrete, i.e. Furnaces may be classified according as the products of combustion are employed (i) only for heating purposes, or (2) both for heating and bringing about some chemical change. The Ordnance department's first products were highly classified miniature radio components for the proximity fuze. Through his experiments, perfumes began to be classified by their top notes - the ones most quickly evaporated, thus first smelled. One of the most popular types of this foundation is Classified Cosmetics Era Face Spray On Foundation, which is the brand Carmindy has been shown using on "What Not to Wear.". We have learned to our dismay how quick government officials are to classify information, even when it is already in the public domain. Tithes were classified according to their nature as praedial, or It was his denial of the divine right of tithes that brought down the wrath of the Star Chamber upon the author. Anxiety is a relatively normal reaction in certain stressful circumstances, but when the anxiety and worry becomes so consuming that a person has a difficult time functioning this may be classified as generalized anxiety disorder. Chemotherapy drugs are classified according to how they work. [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Identify the Sentence Type in Types of Sentences Exercise below (credit source unknown). There are two main growths, the wines being as follows: - Classification Of Sauternes Grand First Growth. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Swimming, to swim, to look and looking are verb forms (PoS) that take the role of subject in or object in these sentences. Very large decorations and cake coverings aren't generally classified as "toppers," but they function in a similar way. The Tarbagatai Mountains, still farther north, are often classified as belonging to the Altai system. Craigslist is a classified ad wonderland. As a citrus and fruity classified perfume, it offers a light scent that is not too overpowering. Different types of atrial septal defects occur, and they are classified according to where in the separating wall they are found. A list of the chief ports may be conveniently classified. Classified by the International Headache Society, tension-type headaches are considered primary headaches along with migraines and cluster headaches. Available to authorized persons only, as for reasons of national security: a classified document. Since the body's own immune system causes the damage, celiac disease is classified as an autoimmune disorder. The corresponding distinction into Natural and Revealed breaks down in view of the fact that revelation by dream and oracle, by inspired seer or divine teacher and law-giver, is a practically universal phenomenon in more or less distinctly defined forms. Information and translations of classified in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. While not all persons with GID are labeled as transsexuals, there are those who are determined to undergo sex change procedures or have done so, and, therefore, are classified as transsexual. In the Categories he classified names, not, however, as a grammarian by their structure, but as a logician by their signification. There were five distinct groups of provinces, classified as follows: (a) the Pays de grandes gabelles, in which the tax was heaviest; (b) the Pays de petites gabelles, which paid a tax of about half the rate of the former; (c) the Pays de salines, in which the tax was levied on the salt extracted from the salt marshes; (d) the Pays redimes, which had purchased redemption in 1549; and (e) the Pays exempts, which had stipulated for exemption on entering into union with the kingdom of France. All living organisms are classified according to a system which was originally developed around 1753 by a Swedish botanist called Carl von Linné . Ex: We classified … An English Grammar W. M. Baskervill and J. W. Sewell This includes many who have been classified upon the suggestion of the Postmaster-General. Throughout his whole career Binney was a vigorous opponent of the state church principle, but those who simply classified him as a narrow-minded political dissenter did him injustice. The original games featured a real-time strategy (RTS) mechanic, whereas the World of Warcraft game is classified as a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG). The smaller houses are far better for cultural purposes, while the plants can be classified, and the little details of management more conveniently attended to. Before 1890 some districts in the state under a local option law had established free schools, but the general free school system was founded in 1890 by a law which consolidated all the districts in each city into one large school district and classified Salt Lake City as a city of the first class, and Ogden, Logan and Provo as cities of the second class for school purposes; in 1908-9 six county school districts of the first class were formed. Such convicts are classified according to physical ability and a minimum rate is fixed for their hire, for not more than ten hours a day. The methods of parting can be classified into "dry," "wet" and electrolytic methods. Fear is a common emotional reaction that can be classified into two categories: Phobias Anxiety. November 5, 2019 by admin Leave a Comment. If jewelry is classified as sterling silver, it should be marked with a "925.". Finally, you can find several online auctions and online classified sites that feature many children's clothing for sale. The present school system of Kentucky may be summarized under three heads: the rural schools, the graded schools, and the high schools (which are further classified as city and county high schools). With reference to their objects, treaties may perhaps be conveniently classified as (r) political, including treaties of peace, of alliance, of cession, of boundary, for creation of international servitudes, of neutralization, of guarantee, for the submission of a controversy to arbitration; (2) commercial, including consular and fishery conventions, and slave trade and navigation treaties; (3) confederations for special social objects, such as the Zollverein, the Latin monetary union, and the still wider unions with reference to posts, telegraphs, submarine cables and weights and measures; (4) relating to criminal justice, e.g. Depending on your situation and the types of items that you want to sell, you may want to offer items for sale from your home via a classified ad in your local newspaper or online classified advertising web site. A previously unclassified floppy disk placed in the system's floppy disk drive becomes classified SECRET. View Classified Documents usage in sample sentences. At least for instructional purposes, they should not be classified as nouns just because they take the role of a thing in a sentence - they are still participle or infinitive forms of a VERB. 3. There have also been added to the canonical books seven works on A bhidhamma, a more elaborate and more classified exposition of the Dhamma or doctrine as set out in the Nikayas. The way in which a pronoun is classified depends on how it is used in a sentence. A convenient digest of the evidence classified according to subjects was published by the Colliery Guardian newspaper in three quarto volumes in 1905-1907, and the leading points bearing on the extension and resources of the different districts were incorporated in the fifth edition (1905) of Professor Edward Hull's Coal Fields of Great Britain. Because the information was important, the government decided to classify several of the documents as top-secret. classifylly PGR supervision and training was classified in accordance with the sponsor of the project on which the PGR students were working. Here are many translated example sentences containing "BE CLASSIFIED" - english-dutch translations and search engine for english translations. 42 examples: Internet classified ads do not typically use per-line pricing models, so tend… The majority of babies with colic can be classified with this condition to some degree. The latter were only recently introduced into the United States, though well known in Great Britain as the West Highland or Poltalloch terrier; an application which was made (1900) by some of their admirers for separate classification was refused by the Kennel Club, but afterwards it was granted, the breed being classified as the West Highland white terrier. Many people advertise at least some of their merchandise in the classified yard sale section of the daily newspaper. The AllKEY offers protection in a simple manner, and classified company material remains classified. Check your local classified ads and keep an eye out for motor homes and trailers with "For Sale" signs in the window. Examples of classified document in a sentence, how to use it. 1. In law, beer is classified as a food product. It maybe worth while to add a list of some of the more important treaties, now wholly or partially in force, some of which are List of discussed under separate headings, especially those important to which Great Britain is a party, classified accord- Treaties. classifyficial arbiter of such questions is the IAU and they have decided that Pluto should be classified as a planet. If you want to find local classified listings where you live, do an Internet search for "classified ads" and the state where you live. Arranged in classes or categories. Newspaper Classifieds-Your newspaper should have a miscellaneous classified section for people to advertise items for sale. Paperback. malicious in intent and could therefore be classified as bullying. You can place your classified property advert for free. Turning to another field, Milman published in 1829 his History of the Jews, which is memorable as the first by an English clergyman which treated the Jews as an Oriental tribe, recognized sheikhs and arnirs in the Old Testament, sifted and classified documentary evidence, and evaded or minimized the miraculous. Download PDF A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices, and Their Relation to Each Other (Classic Reprint) Authored by S W Clark Released at 2015 Filesize: 6.31 MB Reviews Short form of classified advertisement. All of these microorganisms must meet specific criteria to be classified under the probiotics definition. - The ancient liturgies of the Eastern Church were very numerous, and have been frequently classified. His voluminous writings are classified in the Jewish Encyclopedia, v. The various forms into which materialism may be classified correspond to the various causes which induce men to take up materialistic views. Since France, Germany and Italy are considered the grandaddy of wine regions, many wines are classified as being styled in the tradition of wine regions in these countries. The wool, densely set on a wrinkled skin, is white and generally fine, although it is classified into long, short, fine and strong. You might also put out an ad in a local newspaper or classified ad website announcing that you are interested in purchasing old copies of HD-DVD. n. The symptoms of enterobacterial infections are sometimes classified according to the type of diarrhea they produce. Subjects of state legislation may be classified under three heads: iv.) All below the king and the nobility were generally classified together as " subjects.". They are to some (I) sun extent classified. That is to say, there are no general principles of action, and no words which indicate that acts have been classified as good or bad, right or wrong. In Great Britain royal bolete is classified as Endangered. Raytheon employee sentenced for keeping classified documents at his home ... but I have always been loyal to my job and to the country," Serageldin said before the sentence was handed down. classifyere classified according to whether they were sent from genetic services within or outside the old Trent region. classifymple material has been classified into five categories. - The sheep native to the British Isles may be classified as the lowland and the mountain breeds, and subdivided into longwools and shortwools - the latter including the Down breeds, sometimes termed black-faced. Pet ottomans, sofas and staircases can also be classified within the luxury category. He now classified the mental faculties, premising that they must not be confounded with capacities or properties of mind. Municipal corporations are classified according to population; those: having ro,000 inhabitants or more are cities of the first class;, those having less than io,000 but more than 5000 inhabitants, cities of the second class; those having less than 5000 but more than z000 inhabitants, cities of the third class, and those having less than z000 but more than 300 inhabitants towns. His numerous works may be classified under five heads: (I) Treatises in doctrinal and polemical theology. For monumental purposes this granite is classified as " medium," " dark," and " extra dark.". These can be classified under five headings. Consult classified advertisements, motor home dealerships, and motorhome and RV magazines like MotorHome for sales and special promotions. Traffic signs are classified by shape, color and the messages printed on them. Search the classified ads and moving sales for quality used patio sets for a fraction of the new cost. Find the artist or band you're interested in purchasing a CD from by looking in the genre of music their sound is classified by. This was followed with radio, direct mail, inserts into key media, newspaper supplements and classified tactical advertising. Solve the exercises and check your answer in the check your answer section. Ex: That information is highly classified. As soon as the material gathered is large enough to be thoroughly classified and critically examined, a true history of early Palestine will be within measurable distance. How to use classified in a sentence. Uncle Henry's is a Maine based classified publication, and an example of the sort of local classified publications that often prove to be invaluable resources for used tent trailer parts. Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday. You might also put out an ad in a local newspaper or classified ad website announcing that you are interested in purchasing old copies of HD-DVD. All Rights Reserved. SENTENCES ARE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THEIR OFFICES, AND THEIR RELATION TO EACH OTHER (CLASSIC REPRINT) book. The Coal Measures are classified by Professor T. From a psychological point of view divinatory methods may be classified under two main heads: (A) autoscopic, which depend simply on some change in the consciousness of the soothsayer; (B) heteroscopic, in which he looks outside himself for guidance and perhaps infers rather than divines in the proper sense. classified synonyms, classified pronunciation, classified translation, English dictionary definition of classified. The best of the New South Wales diamonds are harder and much whiter than the South African diamonds, and are classified as on a par with the best Brazilian gems, but no large specimens have yet been found. Formally assigned by a government to one of several levels of sensitivity, usually (in English) top secret, secret, confidential, and, in some countries, restricted; thereby making disclosure to unauthorized persons illegal. They can be classified into two groups depending on their solubility in water. During his second term Cleveland added 44,004 places in the civil service to the classified list, bringing them within the rules of the merit system. Garage and yard sales - Check out the classified section in your local newspaper. Classified ads-Watch your newspaper's classified ads for pageant wear, or take out your own "wanted" ads. You can find used turntables in classified ads and in all sorts of online forums. If your local classified advertising listings don't include the perfect camper for you, it's a good idea to check out websites that specialize in advertising used RVs for sale. Classify definition is - to arrange in classes. The classified as list of example sentences with classified as. More steel wire, wire nails, and bolts and nuts are made here than in any other city in the world (the total value for iron and steel products as classified by the census was, in 1905, $42,930,995, and the value of foundry and machine-shop products in the same year was $18,832,487), and more merchant vessels than in any other American city. Treaties have been classified on many principles, of which it will suffice to mention the more important. Classified in a sentence | classified example sentences. Classified sentence examples. These pigmentary changes found in abnormal conditions are usually classified under (1) Albuminoid,, (2) Haematogenous, (3) Extraneous. These are the best ways to advance your Sims in the game and some of them cannot technically be classified as cheating so much as taking advantage of your resources. They are also classified as either vintage or non-vintage. The librarian classified the books, sorting them into piles labeled ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction.’ Many people are surprised to find that a bat is classified as a mammal since it flies like birds. The new guidelines suggest that it should be classified on the basis of symptom duration and/or severity. classified advertising. (For the zoology, see Swine.) They may be classified into several distinct groups: hemiterpenes, . Despite the fact that their philosophic interests lay rather in ethics and physics, their activity The in what they classified as the third department of specula Stoics. In 2003, males were almost twice as likely to be classified with substance dependence or abuse as females (12.2% versus 6.2%). subjective or personal, where the sacrificer himself gains or loses sanctity or impurity; (ii.) : Justice gets about 50 such complaints from the CIA each year about leaks of classified information and few ever get beyond a preliminary investigation. On the 4th of May 1898 a sub-committee of the Kennel Club decided that the following breeds should be classified as "toy dogs": - Black and tan terriers (under 7 lb), bull terriers (under 8 lb), griffons, Italian greyhounds, Japanese, Maltese, Pekingese, poodles (under 15 in. Several genera of bacteria can be classified '' in a sentence, on,... Writer 's Deer of all simple and Compound Ideographs ( 1889 ), 2019 by admin a... Toppers, '' but they function in a sentence, how to use it a! Only be observed if the additional material will raise the classification category of the following key areas. This age old classic, try a classified ad synonyms, classified pronunciation classified in a sentence. With this condition is classified with this condition is classified as the Aryan Expulsion Return! Separately classified, Citizen and color of the family has been classified the process has been classified incorrectly query... 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