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There is a problem of self-assurance. Should money be gold, fiat paper bills or brand new cryptocurrencies? #1 Kite A satellitium is several magnitudes weaker than a cluster since there is no direct connection between the planets apart from them being colocated in the same sign or house. As the illustration above shows, an inconjunction spike is a close cousin to a biquintile one with only 6 difference between the planets at the base. ?.and something a little more general if someone has 2-3 yod boomerangs in these planets does it mean a special destiny??? The me-to-me relationship is more complex than for most other people. Everyone runs away. Geometry is the visible side of mathematics notable for its expressive and symbolical power that is able to evoke rich visual associations in the observers mind. Easy opposition doesnt mean that the opposition is resolved, it rather provides the person with the third force that can talk to polarised energies. In the nutshell, you have strong major planetary positions and aspects that support your focus on spiritual/healing work. My dob is 4/26/1983 9:20 p.m. Kansas City Missouri. I have a cluster from 1 libra (jupiter) to 26 Sagittarius (neptune) with all my planets in between. August 22, 1979, 3pm, Toronto Ont. The other is the Grand Trine. In M.Kozyritskoj and M.Levinas view the T-square is perceived by associates of the native as forceful, clumsy aggressiveness. The persons emotional state is likely to alternate depending on how Venus manifests itself on a given day. And its added by the sextiles and forms 3 yods bouncing off each other. Readable copy. I was just wondering if you had a view on what a kite combined with a T-square could be interpreted as? The other being moon/Mars, Uranus, Neptune and venus. The T-square is a push to success, and many well-known people have it in their natal charts. Aspect Patterns (Jones' Patterns) An aspect is the precise distance between any two points in a horoscope. Supports both the tropical and sidereal zodiac models. Minor aspects are dormant until one actively moves towards their destiny. Self-discipline should be seen as a crucial area of personal development. The overall effect indicates creativity and ability to stay positive in the face of conflict. A configuration of intense aspects, formed by four points of a horoscope which occur as pairs of oppositions connected by squares. In Aspect Patterns in Colour, the individual aspect figures from that book are fully illustrated in colour, together with the meaning of each figure, example charts and interpretations. Reading the libretto gives a good sense of destiny in action. It features a crisis of and a need for perspective, in which the energies of the two sextiled planets find difficulty integrating with that of the apex, quincunxed planet. The forces that are triggered with this configuration can be controlled with patience and determination, leading to an outstandingly purposeful life. In general, it is not necessary to consider the Grand Square as a destructive configuration; on the contrary, it is a very stable pattern producing results through effort. With the help of it, I found some answers for my lifetime paradoxes. i.e. Astrology King Aspect Patterns An Eye aspect pattern, also called an Information aspect pattern, is a tiny blue-green triangle. Human consciousness exists in the ocean of lines and shapes. 14 degrees cancer - my mars, 18 degrees Aries - my Venus When one is easy with letting go, a lot of otherwise aggravating situations wont even happen. I left with an empty feeling, how such a beautiful setting was the seat where so much evil was concocted. The visual web of astrological aspects produces many different geometrical formations, some simple others intricate and mysterious. Please turn off blocking or simply try another browser? Wow, Denis, thank you for all that - fascinating. Look beyond Sun Signs. Yes, Astrolog is a free program that can display aspect patterns. You Mars is very strong, and so is your Venus. It definitely stands out very clearly in my chart and involves major planets with very close orbs. In episode 266 astrologer Carole Taylor joins the show to talk about aspect patterns in astrology, such as the T-square, grand trine, and yod.Aspect patterns. Those two houses are opposed to each other. Youre absolutely right, my bad, Mercury cant be opposite to Venus. Chris Brennan 4 comments. A grand cross is a combination of two T-squares. The connection lies in its relationship to the pentagon, the five-point star symbol traditionally related to the ability to make things happen via the magic of sheer will power. Each Saturn return is a major milestone that marks the beginning of one of the Three Grand Chapters of human life. It is never one single man - this is just the marketing of another agenda of politics that followed. Contents 1 See also (Aspect Figures) 2 Planetary Arrangements (Jones) 3 Weblinks 4 Bibliography The term spike is more down to earth, covers a wide range of angular formations and doesnt scream of divine powers. If the person is not sidetracked by self-assurance issues, he or she can solve very complicated problems, such is the power of the acquired T-square. A biquintile spike, recently popularised as a golden yod wasnt so golden in Hitlers case. 16 degrees Sag - my nn, my asc, his mars Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The chart below illustrates differences between a loose cluster of MarsMercurySaturn and a tight cluster of VenusMoonJupiter. Alternating retrograde and direct movement of the Moon Nodes reveals polarity of the flow of time. How much difficult is this please? Aspect patterns occur when three or more planets are aligned with each other in a chart through close. Its a little strange that the more I know about myself and accept the things as parts of mine, my mind is calmer. Black shapes are formed by Squares and Oppositions. The chapters are geometrical patterns. A Yod is also called the Finger of Fate, Finger of God, or the Projection Triangle and has been the source of much debate and controversy within the astrological community. Maybe thats my sun square nodes/opposite chiron, but the constant roller coaster ride, and a lack of any squares, trines, or oppositions (im all conjunctions, and a couple sextiles) creating challenges is quite a lot to process. Thank you, Time Nomad, for your reply! We may need to repeat the cycle or may pass the test and move on to the next evolutional challenge. However, as M.Kozyritskaja and M.Levin observe, this is true only in the first phase of life; during the period from 24 to 30 years old there are inner pressures connected with the necessity for development and the embodiment of initial abilities and opportunities. Once the initial work on separating chapters out of the chart is complete, the interpretation will begin to emerge as if by itself. Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2012, This book is a great reference for newbies at reading charts. Very helpful! First introduced in Bruno and Louise Huber's Aspect Pattern Astrology, aspect patterns provide a key to understanding our inner motivation. They sound magical but only come alive in special circumstances. Again, they are at the MC in the 10th. Just compare that to 2020s gold price tag reaching $2,000. Only chiron is opposite my sun (-2 at 13 scorpio) at 15 taurus, and my nodes at 15 leo (N) and aquarius (S). Carole is the author of my new favorite introduction to astrology book . But, as F.Sakoian and L.Acker remark, if a Grand Trine has Mars and Saturn, the problem connected to inertia and absence of motives for dynamic action does not enter. (Apex planet here being my Asc/NN in first house conjunct his Mars in 10th or 11th house. The native is thus compelled to hasten from one crisis situation to another, unable to concentrate on any one situation for long enough to truly find a constructive resolution. Cradle A Cradle is an aspect pattern with 2 planets in opposition and 2 more in trine and sextile to the opposition planets. It has extensive information on chart patterns. Being a combination of an opposition and two squares, T-squares point at solid crystallisation of forces and astral patterns in the persons psyche. Life in an urban environment is likely to aggravate neurosis in Moon-Mars people. Gaze for some time at the charts geometry without trying to make any early or even worse, logical, assumptions. A professional astrologer for over twenty-five years, Stephanie Jean Clement, Ph.D., was a board member of the American Federation of Astrologers and a faculty member of Kepler College and NORWAC. The direction of these efforts and actions depends on the cross of qualities and houses in which the points of the Grand Cross are located. In the example below Pluto is the main planet of the spike formed by two biquintiles (144) with the quintile (72) at the base. In daily life it is necessary to monitor closely transits through this area during these periods there are often fateful life events. Yes, youre making a valid point about Adolf Hitlers chart. Advanced astrological features include the fixed stars, planetary hours calculator with an alarm and many more. Yod also means hand of a man in a prayer, reaching out for God. in all situations to act in line with your innermost convictions and your heart of hearts. If i can't read the book, it does me little good. Symbolism behind the transiting nodes. The example below illustrates a grand cross that is made out of two oppositions, MarsSaturn and PlutoVenus, and four (!) Our recent story Minor astrological aspects and the domain of magic discussed how star-like aspects are the link to magic and occult. The chart of major aspects doesnt disclose much about his real abilities apart from his very strong libido that was equally strongly repressed, a common scenario for dark force initiates. The underlying stream of timequality (seen in astrology) is the substrate that makes it possible for the collective mind to grow such structures that create these evil leader - but leader without follower is nothing. Grand trine is of great help when sufficiently supported by some concrete manifesting aspects in the chart. Tight clusters, like Venus-Moon-Jupiter on the right, result in a much more intense interactions between energies involved. You may want to draw each chapter separately. This is your Sun-Uranus opposed to Mars. Aspect patterns can be identified when distinct geometrical shapes are formed by a combination of aspects. In total the configuration contains 3 sextiles (Saturn/Mars, Pluto/Neptune, Jupiter/Neptune), 2 squares (Saturn/Pluto, MarsJupiter) and 1 trine (Jupiter/Pluto). This valuable guide for astrologers presents a simple and systematic approach to aspect pattern interpretation-an important, but often difficult, element of astrological consultation. Lately though, Im very fascinated by how synastry charts activate our patterns. Opposite Pluto is my Juni, so actually I have two grand crosses. For example, a grand cross aligned with the four angles passes a sense of extreme density and raw manifesting will power. In fact, resist the urge to produce any quick conclusions. While this website doesnt provide readings, Id focus your attention on the Mars-Moon Pluto Sun (T-square). Are the 12 Houses ruled by the Zodiac signs? Take a break and forget about the chart. Another is a sesquisquare spike clearly pointing at significant karma with one of its base ends resting on the South Node and another on Uranus. We must respect the rule of thumb -all things true lead to source. The person can step aside from the struggle, but this is just a delay, like being in a comfortable prison. Thats my take on that but its hard to tell things without seeing the actual chart. The planets that form the aspect patterns also have increased influence. Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Cant see your chart as expires those images. The visual side of human mind recognises a shape by quickly identifying a pattern that best matches the shape. Aspect Patterns in Astrology, with Carole Taylor. ?and a second question if there is a yod boomerang with top of pluto but on the one hand we have 150 and on the other hand 144 what does that mean??? google_ad_slot = "5509402288"; Russia, China, Japanese - they all had concentration camps, gulags etc. I have both a fixed grand cross on the axes and a double nodal line aspect like the one in the picture, on which Pluto is sextile my NN and trine my SN and Juno is in the t-square formation. A Cradle is a 4-figure aspect configuration consisting of 2 planets in opposition, plus 2 other planets in sextile to each other. In many instances, one with a Grand Trine will put their gratifications above the needs of others. The main thing to remember is that once connected by significant aspects those forces are never dormant, they are active and loud. The natal charts of Carl Jung, J. K. Rowling, Paula Abdul, Celine Dion, and other cultural icons provide colorful examples of how aspect patterns reveal the true "story" of any individual 's natal chart. Could even be your past lives, if you like that concept. In the half of the chart where the strong-willed pressure is required, the energy for uncommon success is possible in those areas, for example, politics. Clusters symbolise accumulations of planetary energies, the person is likely to have a strong affinity with that combination of forces and experience strong influences from those planetary energies, especially during periods of transits to that cluster. #2 (Fire)Grand Trine Once youve realised your solar potential that you can meaningfully move into the future. The more exact that an aspect is, the more important it is said to be . The Mystic Rectangle astrology configuration is a complex aspect pattern formed by a combination of red and blue aspects. In your case the most interesting is the Sun-Pluto opposition (ongoing transformation is the way forward) and Jupiter-Neptune-Uranus opposition (the generation of fabulous babies). Thank you for replying. If one of the three points of a Grand Trine is in opposition to a planet, it gives the Grand Trine an opportunity to manifest more brightly. Aspect Pattern Astrology represents the culmination of Bruno & Louise Huber's life work, in outlining for the first time to the general astrological public the crucial significance of the aspect pattern for psychological interpretation of the birth chart. For them, something is always getting jangled even if its only the Moon in its monthly passage dragging up chronic emotional issues and hot-button irritations they have to handle over and over again. It is a harmonious and very stable configuration. A practical approach can be regularly spending a good amount of time walking in nature and feeling the surrounding energies: forests with big trees supply good emotional grounding to the Moon and also feed Mars with the dynamic energy of life. My yods connect my castle to the grand cross. At worst a constructed building can fail, if a person has chosen a situation of protection without having prepared and cleared away the foundations. A good approach is to pay attention to transiting planets that match those found in the pattern. You mention the benefit of responding irrationally which is shockingly accurate. The ways of Saturn can be better understood by exploring its relationship to Time and the process of continuous growth and betterment. A somewhat controversial topic that is worth exploring. I describe astrology as a discipline and a symbolic language thus steering away from the category of science. At the base of the irregular pentagram are, two planets that square the top two side points and sextile each other, Saturn at 4 Cancer 11th house and Mars at 3 Taurus 9th house. When I am with family, I get 9verstimulated by the noise and parties they have. It was so difficult for me to find interpretations for them together as they form a pentagram. Its a chart with a punch indeed. Having Sun-Saturn connected via minor aspects to Pluto could mean a life that goes through periods of transformation. Really enjoyed your article! Yours is about embodying the Sun and accepting its incessant drive towards transformation and shining/giving. Modern astrology tends to call it stellium, the term that unfortunately obscures the original meaning. I recently visited The Eagles Nest in Bavaria. We instinctively know how to operate with those principles. Hey, I dont do much readings these days, simply not enough time! interesting answer, the truth is that Venus with my pluto affects personal relationships to an extreme degree. Sesquisquare (135) spike points at forces of karma relevant to the main planet of the aspect in relationship to the two other planets. In most cases, only the neighbouring planets are truly conjunct while the planets at the extremities of the cluster arent in conjunction since their orbs are likely to be too big. More on that further down. Its was my decision not to try to talk about everything but focus on fundamentals instead. Am i wrong? A highly magnetic and charismatic personality is likely. Could you give me your thoughts? If we consider only non-zero aspects (that is, aspects other than conjunctions) and only aspects divisible by 30, then there are 12 possible 3-planet aspect patterns, 28 possible 4-planet aspect patterns, 35 possible 5-planet aspect patterns, and 35 possible 6-planet aspect patterns. I think Java is disabled. The focal planet could be referred to as the mission in life, the finger of God, the finger of fate, the ultimate destiny. Some astrologers drive by numbers while others tap into geometrical symbolism behind the charts look and feel. Ex: Square relates to 4th and 10th house. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. Sounds not too easy for love and commitment? Here's your upgraded entry to the modern version. But I have a feeling given this points to my NN in 1st house that this one isnt gonna end in a relationship even though its be determined!). M.March and J.McEvers reckon that when the Grand Cross is present in the radix the person is capable of surprising efforts and vigorous activity. The illustration below overlays several spikes to show the difference. Note that there is a trine aspect between Mercury and Uranus. Interpreting direct lunar nodes in natal astrological charts. Allowing things to happen rather than seeking to steer them is what is called for here: yet, underneath, there is a new kind of adepthood which brings in a new form of control without holding on, if we can see it. It makes it impalpable to us who treat it as a science and even when things are said nonchalantly, should be given reference to prove the case in point. A kite is made out of a grand trine by adding a fourth planet that is opposite to one of trines planets. It is a secret to be decoded, an intense dilemma, or a visitation from the Unknown. The asteroids on the MC may add some tints but wont have any significant influence in comparison to Jupiter, they are too tiny. Those with a Grand Square in their birth charts can be the best and the worst. I did live in NYC for awhile. It consists of two green semisextile aspects (Mercury A Single Ambivalence aspect pattern is also called an Easy Opposition. This is a quincunx-sextile-quincunx. Jupiter is the axis planet, and the nodes are the other two. Essential for Understanding Aspect Patterns, Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2014. According to some astrologers, great attention should be given in the analysis to the zone diametrically opposing the planet with the two square aspects. More specifically, the Mars-Moon Pluto axis is something that you need to understand in terms of how it plays out in your life and what kind of conflicts it may bring. The person needs to actively seek it through active experimentation. Thus we are certainly voting in favour of a clumsier yet more precise notion of satellitium. I have recently been informed of three yods, aka spikes, occurring in my natal chart. An example below shows two satellitium groups, one Mars/Uranus/Saturn that has no conjunctions and another Venus/Moon/Jupiter/Mercury that has one conjunction, VenusMoon. If the T-square is in cardinal signs the person is dynamic, quick and starts to act instantly, even if the situation is extremely dangerous, and is inclined to interfere with other peoples affairs. This would alter the feel of each house. A cradle pattern appears in the birth chart when planets make three sextiles, two trines, and one opposition. Ive gone over a multitude of calculators and interpretations and Ive found multiple readings. This valuable guide for astrologers presents a simple and systematic approach to aspect pattern interpretation-an important, but often difficult, element of astrological consultation. A configuration of aspects formed by three trines, whose planet pairs connect together three points of a horoscope. A configuration of aspects formed when two points of a horoscope are in opposition to each other and in quadrature to a third planet. I also have a difficult time with transits, and its constant. A native is able to harmonize with external situations, or even find them easy, not having considered or resolved the problems involved. ${cardName} not available for the seller you chose. They can be ignored, used wisely or abused. Certainly, there are dozens of other minor patterns that can play roles in specific charts. The configurations covered are 3 and 4 planet Stellium, Grand Trine, T-Square, Yod, Grand Cross, Cradle, and Mystic Rectangle. Introducing mercurial attitude of humour and relativity supplies much needed lubrication to overly electric Uranus. A special case of the Grand Square is the Grand Cross. I do appreciate your article, especially your effort. These are very dynamic people, but they manifest inflexibly in relating to the world. (i.e, Cradle & Multiple Planets Opposition) The significance of my interactions with many individuals regarding their own spiritual awakenings, since my personal experiences approx a year ago, and their heartfelt gratitude that was expressed when I validated their experiences with my own, at first was intriguing, then becoming overwhelming but now something I feel I am being called to accept as my journey towards my purpose in this lifetime. There is not a lot of navigability either. Picture FAQs google_ad_height = 600; 2019 - All Rights Reserved. A.Podvodnyj states that it is better to treat the Grand Cross as a balance of oppositions, not concentrating efforts on one particular planet or horoscope house as a specific objective, but carefully tracing a rhythm of destiny like balancing on the crest of a wave. Hey, most likely its due to your browser disabled Javascript or some other content blocker. So your Jupiter is conjunct to the IC and opposed to the MC - the second major axis of the chart. My discovery of my NN in 1st house, and a yod on my Mars in my 7th makes me wonder if the path to healing is actually to step into these battles and choose myself over keeping harmony. Psno idea how to work with my own aspect patterns. The flowing aspects take much of the tension out of the opposition aspects. It occurs when one planet sextiles two planets that are in a trine aspect and forms a long red triangle. Positions of planets change rather slowly but the angles move fast and define how the planets distribute across your houses. This gives an extra strength to Jupiter, it has more influence in your chart. These aspect patterns are filled with black or red and are special in different ways. "Dell Horoscope. More often than notJupiterSaturn conjunctions coincidewith unfoldment of a new phase of economical reality, remember 2000, 1980 1961, 1940, 1920? People with a Grand Cross in the natal horoscope have protection, but too high to conjecture a direct attribution. But, after facing some unexpected things, Im deeply focused to analyze myself and my life, Im in touch with astrology unexpectedly. Possibly there could be constant external problems which require attention, or simply inner discontent. There is much to work out, but it looks as if great things are possible. If Lilith does not enter the Hexagon, and Selena enters it, the given configuration will be all-mighty. It is a right-angled triangle formed from a red opposition, a blue sextile, and a blue trine. , you'll actually begin by seeing the forest-the big picture. To begin the process, the natal birth charts of two people are laid on top of each other and the aspect patterns, or angles between the planets are examined to deduce compatible and incompatible facets in the relationship. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. F.Sakoian and L.Acker find in the T-square the character of Saturn, and consider that this configuration gives certain obstacles and the necessity of overcoming them, and also a strong, vigorous, ambitious aspiration to act, indicative of its Saturnian character. The grand trine is a harmonious pattern that can become paradoxically counter productive in this material world. On the downside, Mars makes Moon restless. Return to the chart observation and begin unpacking its meaning, chapter by chapter. Aspect patterns involve three or more planets in different ways. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Biquintile (144) spike symbolises creative, occult and magical abilities. Kite combines the power of trines, sextile and a healthy opposition. Is there even a shape for something like this? At least 30% of the chart is invested somehow in experiencing and handling these concerns. In a fifth harmonic chart all five points of a Pentagram are in conjunction. He had two spike formations. Such oscillations produce distinctly different VenusMars and VenusSaturn sub personalities. Thank you. It provides a valuable tool, both for understanding your own psyche and for using astrology to help others. Yet Venus-Pluto depends on how Saturn impacts them, it can be blocking things. In interpretation it is necessary to take into account the cross of qualities in which the T-square occurs. Cluster can be quite wide, sometimes spanning across a whole zodiacal sign. Wishing all the best to you . Once identified and felt, use the power of transits to rectify entrenched patterns. Easy oppositions provide clues that can help the person to handle inherent conflict in a creative manner that is guided by the easing planetary influence. This clearly makes it a very powerful pattern that signifies astral crystallisations taken to their extremes. If all the points of a Grand Cross are in one cross of qualities or cross of houses qualities, the problems of this cross will dominate the life of the native. Read More Yod Aspect Pattern A Grand Trine is one of two types of blue aspect patterns. My thinking is along these lines The kite has a major (opposition) and minor (x2 trines) polarity axes. Grand Square the most intense quadrangular configuration. Embrace impulses from your higher self and itll show the way. The negative side of this configuration is that it is so stable that the person seldom ventures beyond the habitual. Otherwise in science you have doctors going around thinking that vaccines have never killed people or caused human harm.