( Check other placements). I have a Capricorn Stellium (5 planets and NN.) Images: Veda Wildfire Venus entered Aries on April 28, and the planet of love's journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always smooth. The point is, its inconsistent. Pisces moons tend to have a mother who couldve been spirituality devoted / had unconventional interests like Astrology. The exaltation of Jupiter in watery Cancer makes you more emotional. I only had 1 near death experiences. Water placements over the 4th house could have at one point lived near the water or water was significant. Work on being more confrontational cause trust me you can see and feel through everything. Mars in 2nd house, Mars in 6th, Mars in 10th. ) Color: Cardinal. you have this very sociable and intelligent ways to you that others never over-look. do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. You often feel like an old soul because of your wisdom, start believing in your knowledge and your power and dont ever underestimate yourself because you have the tendency to. 1.Chiron conjunct the ASC Almost all cases of this has been severe bullying. 10) Jupiter-Sun together in 1st house or 7th house can make one a Scientist, Astrologer or a high statue Politician. Saturn as I previously mentioned shows where people are most affected when they wrong you. (Observation). Dejanira 6.24 especially if its specific like take it to HEART, mercuries in libras are so forgetful every single ive ive met. Your sun sign is literally the astrological sign through which the sun was passing when you were born. Aries placements / Mars in 1st tend to be very more dominant in their ways of thinking & wouldnt change their ways so easily. They know value! Venus- Lilith Individuals tend to like darker aesthetics / grunge. Fortune will rise after Marriage. 51) Venus in 1st house or 5th house makes one a great devoted lover of Nature, God, and partner if aspected by Jupiter. Here are some of the Leo placements I see a lot in celebrities' charts: Leo Sun and/or Ascendant Leo North Node Mars in Leo (especially when conjunct another planet or in a prominent house) Venus in Leo Leo Midheaven Got questions about placements in your chart and what they mean for fame astrology? You have to see if they are REALLY in the 12th. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. But when it comes to yourself youre very critical and obsess over things that have a very small influence, you start to think if that is your reflection towards the world. From a purely mathematical view, any placement that happens rarely would then happen for a long time (ie if Saturn squared Neptune because they are both slow moving planets, it would cover a lot more births than a sun square moon). So then I guess my Sun, Mercury, Ceres and NN touching my Aqua ASC, And my Lilith exact on my MC are the main influences in my life. What makes it worse is that my rising is Aquarius. They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. People with Mercury in 8th have their words as their ultimate weapon. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. but they also want things really simple? Because of that I have learned how to take care of my delicate nerves and have probably avoided other mental illnesses because of what I now know. 2, Mercury combust the Sun( 1-5 degree orb). People overlook the sign of the 7th house yes so much stuff can tell you your future spouse details but this will tell you the most accurate out of all. Like Mercury in Gemini. Cancer mars could be physically on the weaker side. The car was damaged but I only got a small blue mark on my right knee. like they somehow still had a good reputation idk but yall charm with people is through the roof amazing, having sun - chiron can make someone have very bad sense of worth like damn u hate yourself that much babe? Scorpio moon is a very psychic placement but not a lot of people mention this enough. Leo placements like when things have their own sparkle too it, hence a lot of people tend to copy people with Leo placements or degrees. Aquarius placements tend to work on building a community for themselves & peace. So many people with these placements stay in toxic situations and try tomake it right no, LEAVE. you are someone most would call reliable and mannered and dedicated, you dont really say much about internal things and go on with your life. always amaze me. Im just curious. I have sun conjunct Neptune with less than 1 degree and in my 1st house, but I dont have addiction issues despite the very hard aspects I have in my chart. Your midheaven is also known as the X House cusp ruler, which shows us our public image, career, and legacy. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. However, you may be quite skeptical of information that comes around you.. do try to be more open to it. People with Jupiter in 3rd may have an accent or / and speak a different language. A planet cazimi is elevated in power and status to a very high degree. Malefic planets may give an edge to your looks If Saturn, Mars or Rahu are situated in the ascendant sign, and gain an aspect from Jupiter, the physical stature and built of the native is in right proportions. theyre good now, aquarius moons we get it you can pull both genders cause youre hot asf, neptune in 3rd yall make too many typos its like youre not even seeing your keyboard, gemini moons stop crying cause you got mad that the website wouldnt load in 5 secs, yall have anger issues, aries moons yall always have headaches and have to sleep 24/7 to fix them, scorpio mercuries, not everyone is out to get you sometimes people just wanna say hi, leo venuses yall love talking shit its your favorite thing, but will cry if your individuality complex isnt being boosted in a simple conversation, sagittarius mars take the trash out and stop watching anime and do your homework. It can. People with the Mercury sign of your 12th house may understand you in ways you never thought you could understand yourself. Absolutely not. At other times, you become a powerful thinker and are capable of great logic and reasoning. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. While my childhood was pretty pleasant (Venus in the 3rd house), my mother became very abusive to me as a teen and I ran away from home. Read on to to discover how the unique Saturn conjunct Pluto energies will impact all of us in 2020! Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, so you really are lucky there. Your email address will not be published. I find that my Sun conj. Some also like baking! Quincunx Sun (1.5 degree) (Especially Leo Venus / Venus in 5th). I have no planet in water ( moon -in capricorn on the asc and cancer rulling 7th house cusp- does that comes close to smth watery? ) Make sure people dont take advantage of you because of this. Their hidden enemies tend to be very nit-picky too and tend to attract people who try to bring them down. probably liked to bring a big purse and flex, ive noticed a lot of leo suns have blonde hair with waves, Leo venus is literally the definition of loyal if loved and respected, Mars in Libra youre passive aggresive and you know this, venus in virgo some of yall can appear unlikeable to people at first but then people tend to like you a lot after they get to know u?? Pisces Ascendant is the only significant water in my chart (I am mostly fire and air). If any of these are within 10 degrees of the ASC, they count as 1st house. Their mother may have made them eat very healthily. At School you most likely present your Mercury sign the most. They however, arent always as tough as they may make it seem. People with Venus in 6th when sick / ill may like to work to feel better. 1st House. They could be mistaken as a Cancer rising often. How about horrible negative moon and 4th house placements? Leo midheavens & Midheaven in 5th career life may be to put their creative abilities out there. I have a stellium in 12 housecancer, sun, mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, south node. And specifically in this seco. They may see themselves having communication problems in relationships, netherless working on this will be able to fix this. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). 40) Sun in 6th house and Saturn in 11th house and if Jupiter is in or accepting any one of the two planets then native never losses political election in their life. They put a lot of passion towards things theyre actually interested about and could be at times all they talk about. They have natural beauty. Gemini placements tend to read things pretty fast. People with Saturn in 3rd usually have some sort of difference in education wether they started late (usually) or perhaps earlier. People with sun square moon may not have a good emotional connection with their father / figure. There is a natural sense of knowing that increases the ability to pick up on other peoples energy and thoughts. You deep down just want a best friend for eternity and you constantly wonder why does it have to be so hard to get someone that just gets you, even though youre very open-minded you need someone who matches your vibe and understandings and it is very hard to find that easily, you just want a best friend and you value trust more than youre given credit for, this is why you may have the tendency to emotionally detach from situations because you dont wanna be vulnerable yet deep down you yearn for what could happen if you were to open up a bit. They need to find their own confidence instead of just pretending that theyre all right, a lot tend to neglect opening up and things because they dont wanna be fragile, they have very soft hearts and are easily overwhelmed which is when they become self- destructive. Taurus stelliums may comfort a lot of people just by being present. May have private accounts or include very little info about them on media. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. They really sting you. Leo risings / placements (developed) know when to cut off negative energy / people in their life!! Also Ive noticed people with this placement tend to attract people who misunderstand what they say and at worse can twist it. Almost all cases of this has been severe bullying. virgo suns youre perfectly fine in your house, why do you think there is someone under your bed trying to kill you? pisces risings.. we get it.. the only compliment you get is from your eyes.. mars opposition / square pluto.. be careful of your words yall scar people .. yall have anger issues too, pisces placement culture is having to put 1000 alarms because your sleepy ass cant wake upcant even see the snooze button , leo venus culture is being loyal asf but loving attention too much. Much thanks xoxo. the ASC, within 10 degrees of ASC, then do you not look at them as 12th house planets? virgo risings look like fairies too but like garden fairies.. they look so youthful! 1) Sun-Venus- Mercury combination in any house will give you good height in your career from the age of 30 or sometimes 33. When your natal moon or natal Neptune is placed in either of these houses, your intuition is amplified. People dont forget them easily. Easily liked by everyone. 5) Saturn-Mercury-Sun together in any house gives success and wealth from technology field or in the field of business after the age of 30. Uranus dominants may be forgetful of little things. Does that sound right? ive noticed a lot of air venuses, especially Aquarius have considered an open relationship or its not completely off the table.. virgo mercuries are usually really honest or people usually dont suspect them of lying + they usually have evidence or anything to back up what theyre saying, mars in leo probably fantasize about getting a lot of attention and pampering in sex lol or the complete opposite complete domination, i noticed a lot of scorpio risings / pluto in 1st struggle a lot.. but they never seem that way? It is the same kind of aspect but the abuse seems to be less severe. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. Moon in Aries individuals could have a mother who motivated them to try out a lot of things for example sports early on. Cancer placements love doing traditional things! pisces sun tend to have pale skin or freckles lol idk ive noticed that i know its not the rising but i have noticed that pattern. Having a midheaven in Capricorn would make you pretty powerful, having your Pluto in Scorpio would be scary. The breath of life starts with the first house. yall so secretive . Mercury - Ascendant natives tend to be known as pretty smart growing up they most likely had a lot of knowledge since they were young like they are the type to be studying Astrology at age 10/11. Make sure to put healthy structure and dont put routines that you cant handle because you guys are very much prone to over-working yourself because you guys have high hopes which is very admirable but it can go far and you guys could become pessimistic. ? no i havent, they treat you like a whole baby.. its kind of cute tho, i swear having cancer + leo in a chart makes someone very petty and dramatic exposing myself but its true, venus in leo were that bitch in high school that started drama but somehow wasnt necessarily in it?? They opposite Libra, they would benefit from balance & routine, they are very sensitive when it comes to opinions of people and influences they value and can easily be influenced into things if they dont think too clearly. scorpio moons are so stubborn for no reason, ketu in eight likes to serve in army. Someone with a Leo rising with a Cancer sun will have a dreamy appearance with sparkly eyes. This can severely hamper self confidence. Karmic experiences with goals and inspirations; needs a solid ground on them. we need to learn how to keep secrets, capricorn mooons are good parents lol they also probably only want like two kids probably only one. This is not said / noted enough but Pisces placements (especially the rising) tend to be very weird individuals who may have unconventional interests. I used to do dwads but have not for a while and kind of forgot about them lol. better if 2+ especially jupiter in Libra, libra placements have such bad self esteem, cancer venus needs to stop letting people walk all over them, Leo suns can lie a lot about themselves maybe in youth to impress people. It doesn't only have to be aspects, but anything from obvious to more unnoticeable things from someones birth chart that makes you think "wow, I've never seen that before". It is a joy to be in her presence because you feel the love and you feel energized and glowing yourself.