With Clerics, itemization is far more varied between races then with most other classes, due to symbol quests and special Cleric only robes available. SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Thurgadin Class Armor is commonly referred to as the Group Armor for this expansion pack. Class: ALL Class: CLR SHM Class: CLR DRU MNK SHM WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL AC: 8 WIS: +4 HP: +15 Slot: SECONDARY Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC AC: 20 DMG: 11 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WIS: +7 INT: +7 HP: +25 Class: CLR Slot: SECONDARY Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP If you run in from the Easter Wastes zone-in, it's the first possible path to the south. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Slot: FEET In-Game Description. WT: 7.3 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY AC: 5 WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY WIS: +9 MANA: +40 WIS: +1 HP: +35 MANA: +35 Effect: See Invisible (Worn) Deity: Cazic-Thule, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD SHM Slot: HEAD Effect: Divine Wrath (Must Equip, Casting Time: 12.0) at Level 50 Class: ALL STR: +10 STA: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 Race: ELF HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM SV FIRE: +15 SV DISEASE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 Slot: NECK AC: 7 This means you'll be able to heal more damage for every point o… They have all spells available to them as they level and always have healing spells on hand due to their unique spontaneous castingability. SV FIRE: +1 SV DISEASE: +1 SV COLD: +1 SV MAGIC: +1 SV POISON: +5 Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM WIS: +3 INT: +3 Slot: EAR WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL AC: 10 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 HP: +75 MANA: +75 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM AC: 10 Effect: Truesight (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) Deity: Bertoxxulous, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL Class: CLR WIS: +5 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM As soon as hubby and my pet hammer finished the first, my hammer moved to the second. Effect: Ultravision (Must Equip, Casting Time: 5.0) WIS: +15 HP: +90 MANA: +90 SV FIRE: +2 SV POISON: +2 STA: +7 CHA: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 Slot: NECK Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD SHM AC: 13 STR: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +9 HP: +75 MANA: +75 WT: 6.5 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP That being stated, no priest classes (Druid, Cleric, Shaman) are required to research components for higher level spells. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Original upload 31 January 2017 2:21PM. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Simply bring me a set of three Crushed Flame Emeralds and a pair of Corroded Plate Boots and I will imbue them. Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER AC: 2 Old world class-specific quested armor usually represents a significant upgrade, and will perhaps be best in slot until planar armor. Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Slot: FACE Turn-ins to Loremaster Dorinan in Thurgadin. While the dropped armour is often … This page has been accessed 111,368 times. Hit Points. Class: CLR DRU SHM CHA: +8 WIS: +12 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 21 Effect: Symbol of Naltron (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 45 Velious Armour Information. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL AC: 3 [ Disclaimer, Create new user--- Wiki markup help, Install P99] Cleric Thurgadin Armor Quests. Slot: ARMS Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC WIS: +5 AGI: +5 MANA: +50 An experienced cleric is a great benefit to any group and is an excellent choice for the social player. ', Loremaster Dorinan smiles warmly as he hands you your reward. Finally, Clerics appear to have more powerful versions of heals that they share with other classes - a Greater Healing spell cast by a Druid or Shaman, for example, will max out at 270 HP, but cast by a Cleric this same spell will heal up to 300 HP. Slot: SECONDARY Is Cleric Quest armor a waste of money? Slot: FINGER WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: CHEST Effect: Word of Health (Must Equip, Casting Time: 12.0) at level 3 Slot: ARMS Unswerving Hammer of Faith once scribed. AC: 25 WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL AC: 10 These are spells that were released with the Original or Classic game only, not including future expansion spells. Effect: Abundant Food (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at level 3 Slot: LEGS Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM WIS: +10 MANA: +10 Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 15 Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC AC: 38 Class: CLR A: Being stunned is just something which is not protected by the divine barrier. SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 WT: 1.0 Size: TINY SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 WT: 8.0 Size: LARGE Class: ALL STR: -9 WIS: +18 The manor itself has a 28 minute respawn timer, but there's plenty of giants to kill. Slot: ARMS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM WT: 1.8 Size: SMALL Class: ALL WT: 7.5 Size: LARGE Race: ALL, LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WIS: +9 INT: +9 WT: 8.0 Size: LARGE Class: ALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM AC: 16 Slot: LEGS AC: 19 Quest can be done by anyone of ANY level as long as they have the faction. Class: CLR Race: ALL except TRL OGR IKS, Slot: WAIST Which race you pick will determine the foundation of you character for the rest of your life in Norrath, so it is kind of important you pick one you like. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP I may be able to forge you something most interesting if you were to bring me a Corroded Plate Helmet and three pieces of Crushed Onyx Sapphire. AC: 9 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM The first thing you have to pick then is your race. WIS: +3 INT: +3 Class: CLR STR: +8 WIS: +8 Effect: Fear (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 6.0) at Level 25 Race: ALL except DWF TRL OGR HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 WT: 0.5 Size: TINY SV DISEASE: +5 SV POISON: +5 SV COLD: +10 WIS: +4 INT: +4 Class: ALL SV DISEASE: +2 SV MAGIC: +2 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM WIS: +4 AGI: +4 Created: 2003-07-16 12:34:45 Last Modified By: EQTC Editor Aanuvane Last Modified on: 2021-01-01 11:03:35 After you've done that you'll need to bring it to Vylleam Vyaeltor in Kael Drakkel. WT: 2.3 Size: SMALL WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 Class: ALL AC: 4 That's all. Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 1.1 Size: MEDIUM WIS: +5 INT: +5 For Dark Elves add 25 Wisdom, 5 Strength. Class: ALL HP: +25 MANA: +35 Class: ALL WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Slot: LEGS WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Effect: Counteract Poison (Must Equip, Casting Time: 5.0) at Level 49 WIS: +5 SV FIRE: +6 SV DISEASE: +6 SV COLD: +6 SV MAGIC: +6 SV POISON: +6 WIS: +5 INT: +5 Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 27 STR: +15 STA: +25 WIS: +20 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC With a few exceptions, clerics are dependent on being part of a group. Slot: NECK AC: 6 CHA: -5 WIS: +7 HP: +10 MANA: +10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Effect: Calm (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 20 Class: ALL Bracers are quite easy to imbue. AC: 8 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 15 MANA: +40 SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +10 AC: 75 WT: 0.5 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: CHEST All priest spells are availabe at vendors or 50+ as a dropped spell from a monster. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM A full suit of Forbidden Rites armour on a dwarf cleric (helm shown is custom) AC: 12 Slot: SHOULDERS Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP The Cleric and Shaman is firmly in banded town until you pick up stat gear while leveling. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM HP: +10 MANA: +10 Slot: BACK Slot: RANGE Slot: FINGER Clerics have two primary choices of Specialization: Alteration and Evocation. SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 AC: 16 Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) SV FIRE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM As a cleric, you gain the following class features. AC: 8 I may be able to craft you a set of powerful plate gauntlets if you find a set of Corroded Plate Gauntlets and three Crushed Lava Rubies.'. Class: CLR Class: CLR SHM WIS: +12 INT: +12 MANA: +80 The worship of evil gods can lead to some problems in some zones, but these can easily be avoided. AC: 15 SV FIRE: +2 STR: +2 CHA: +8 WIS: +4 Slot: FACE AC: 22 Race: ALL, THIS IS A LIST OF BEST IN SLOT STARTING WITH (1ST BEST, 2ND, 3RD, ETC), CLERIC BEST IN SLOT END GAME VELIOUS RAIDING GEAR. Effect: Summon Holy Ale of Brell (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 4 WT: 8.0 Size: MEDIUM STR: +2 WIS: +6 MANA: +10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM SV COLD: +2 SV POISON: +2 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: 2 Slot: HEAD Slot: EAR STA: +10 WIS: +5 INT: +5 HP: +25 MANA: +75 Also, a cleric's specialization will help cut down on the amount of mana used for various healing spells. SV COLD: +10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY Slot: CHEST WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +35 MANA: +50 Currently I have about 40 more wisdom than him, and can carry a lot more loot because things like Foreman Tunic, Savant Cap, are much lighter than plate armor. Slot: LEGS Prim… SV DISEASE: +10 SV POISON: +10 Class: CLR Class: ALL WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: LEGS Slot: HANDS WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL It covers heals, cures, roots, and resurrection spells. Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: CLR SV FIRE: +15 SV DISEASE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 WIS: +9 INT: +9 MANA: +75 AC: 5 Race: DWF GNM AC: 20 Class: CLR STR: +10 STA: +10 WIS: +15 HP: +80 MANA: +100 Slot: HEAD Loremaster Dorinan says, 'Strong protection for one's hands is important. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: CLR Class: ALL WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM AC: 15 Slot: WRIST Effect: Word of Health (Must Equip, Casting Time: 12.0) at level 3 WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Perhaps bringing a druid instead of a cleric so they can at least nuke. Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Slot: FEET AC: 21 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: ALL, Slot: BACK SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 Class: CLR Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Q: Do the symbol buffs increase in effect when levels are gained and does level effect duration? Slot: HANDS DMG: 20 From Project 1999 Wiki. WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL WT: 7.0 Size: LARGE Class: ALL I am looking for someone. WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL … Class: ALL WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +25 CHA: +25 WIS: +25 INT: +25 AGI: +25 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Race: ALL except BAR TRL OGR, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 8 AC: 7 WT: 6.0 Size: MEDIUM AC: 35 HP: +25 MANA: +25 WT: 7.0 Size: LARGE Race: HUM DEF TRL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Class: CLR WT: 0.1 Size: TINY AC: 40 WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL Charges: 10 Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM AC: 9 Class: ALL STR: +5 WIS: +9 AGI: +5 WT: 0.0 Size: TINY AC: 16 AC: 4 WT: 3.5 Size: SMALL Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. SV COLD: +12 SV MAGIC: +12 Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Loremaster Dorinan says 'Three Jaundice Gems and a set of Corroded Plate Vambraces might be an interesting combination. Dorinan promises to make you some bracers if you bring him three Crushed Opals and a Corroded Plate Bracer. SV FIRE: +7 SV DISEASE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV MAGIC: +7 SV POISON: +7 Effect: Extinguish Fatigue (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) Effect: Abundant Food (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) A: The cleric although a caster is consider a priest class. AC: 15 SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 Deity: Tunare, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP A: Religion serves only a few small purposes in EverQuest. AC: 30 Class: ALL WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +25 MANA: +75 Race: ALL except BAR TRL OGR, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM WT: 0.9 Size: MEDIUM Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) Slot: HEAD Clear your path down and into the throne room. SV POISON: +10 SV FIRE: +6 SV DISEASE: +6 SV COLD: +6 SV MAGIC: +6 SV POISON: +6 WIS: +6 HP: +10 You are far away from your homelands, stranger. WIS: +1 MANA: +3 SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC Class: ALL MAGIC ITEM NO DROP TEMPORARY SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 Class: ALL SV FIRE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV POISON: +7 Class: CLR DRU SHM Race: ALL, LORE ITEM AC: 4 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Lore Group: Vibrating Gauntlet and Hammer of Infuse Class: CLR Slot: HEAD Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: CLR DRU SHM ENC MAG NEC WIZ Slot: SHOULDERS They can summon water, food, and hammers, why not bandages. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 CHA: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 AGI: +7 HP: +90 MANA: +90 WT: 6.5 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP A: Good Question. WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100 STR: +7 WIS: +7 Slot: CHEST Slot: FACE Effect: Avatar (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) We here at the Temple of Lore are always seeking fellow priests of various faiths. Slot: PRIMARY AC: 35 Class: ALL AC: 15 Slot: NECK Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Slot: NECK Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +50 MANA: +50 Slot: LEGS SV FIRE: +15 SV DISEASE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 Slot: SECONDARY WT: 9.0 Size: MEDIUM STR: +4 INT: +4 HP: +25 MANA: +35 Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 28 AC: 3 Class: CLR PAL SHM Slot: NECK Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: 30 STA: +10 CHA: +15 WIS: +25 MANA: +100 Class: CLR Deity: Quellious, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL Slot: CHEST Class: CLR Effect: Disease Cloud (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL Race: ALL except BAR ELF HIE DWF HFL, Slot: FINGER A: Corpses will last one week, regardless of if the player is online or not. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE WT: 2.0 Size: TINY Slot: RANGE AC: 12 WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL All of the armor template drops we need for group armor come from almost any giant in Kael Drakkel. WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL AC: 12 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 50 Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU BRD ROG SHM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: ALL except BAR HEF TRL OGR IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 Pages in category "Cleric Equipment" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,421 total. AC: 8 Class: ALL Slot: PRIMARY SV MAGIC: +2 SV POISON: +1 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +7 Slot: NECK Slot: SHOULDERS ARMS BACK CHEST LEGS Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Class: CLR SHM WT: 7.0 Size: LARGE WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: CLR What do clerics use for research to create their spells? Race: ALL, Slot: FACE WIS: +17 INT: +17 HP: +85 MANA: +110 AC: 24 SV FIRE: +8 SV COLD: +8 Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM Cleric Spells. Slot: WRIST Tell me, Erudite, are you a cleric? Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. You'll need Ally faction with the Kromzek in order to do these turn ins. The cleric's stun line is also evocation-based, providing some utility for a cleric in a group, as every point of damage a stunned mob doesn't do is one that doesn't need to be healed. WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM DEX: +12 WIS: +12 AGI: +12 MANA: +80 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 25 But I see potential in you and for that I shall aid you in your calling if you are a cleric. AC: 9 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Proficiencies. Slot: SHOULDERS Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC SV FIRE: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC (Divine Barrier also does not protect you from DoT's). Class: ALL Slot: HANDS WT: 0.2 Size: TINY Slot: HANDS Charges: 1 Slot: CHEST We would pull, fight, I would use my cleric to pull the next when one got down to about 20, I would let the next hit me, then root it and get out of range. STR: +8 WIS: +4 MANA: +23 Slot: ARMS WT: 3.8 Size: SMALL Class: CLR DRU Class: CLR Class: ALL except DRU MNK BRD Slot: PRIMARY Slot: BACK INT: +2 WIS: +3 MANA: +15 AC: 35 Clerics dedicate their lives to the gods of Norrath, gaining magical powers in exchange for their faith and service. Slot: WRIST Slot: SHOULDERS Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM WT: 5.5 Size: SMALL Class: ALL except MNK NEC WIZ MAG ENC For Clerics Alteration is almost certainly the correct Specialization to choose: Evocation is only for the (extremely rare) solo-only Clerics. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: PRIMARY WIS: +15 INT: +15 WIS: +8 WT: 0.4 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 19 STR: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 MANA: +70 Race: HUM ERU, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Effect: Word of Health (Must Equip, Casting Time: 12.0) at Level 40 SV MAGIC: +25 Unfortunatly Druid like PoG cause it's the land of Tunare, blah blah blah. WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Effect: Abundant Drink (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at level 3 STR: +10 STA: +10 WIS: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC SV FIRE: +10 SV COLD: -10 WIS: +2 AC: 3 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY 83,881. AC: 8 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WIS: +15 HP: +38 MANA: +55 STR: +15 WIS: +15 HP: +50 MANA: +100 Slot: WAIST STR: +4 DEX: +4 STA: +4 CHA: +4 WIS: +4 INT: +4 AGI: +4 HP: +75 MANA: +75 WT: 1.0 Size: TINY AC: 17 Slot: CHEST WT: 1.0 Size: TINY AC: 24 Slot: FACE Slot: SHOULDERS 404. Uploaded by ElysianMods. WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL When the gem appears normally it can be cast. Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM Resurrections cannot be performed after 3 hours online gameplay. Slot: SECONDARY Race: ALL except DWF TRL OGR HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM CHA: +4 HP: +20 MANA: +20 Q: If the cleric is considered "The Primary Healer" why don't they get the summon bandages spell. DMG: 5 Slot: FACE AC: 40 AC: 12 Slot: WRIST WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: 7 It is important to make sure you, the cleric, get hit before you root. Project 1999 is a free to play Classic Everquest Server, unaffiliated with Daybreak Game Company but operating under legal permission.Our goal is to restore the magic and difficulty of the original Everquest game, including the mechanics, interface, and challenges of Original Content, Kunark, and … Preparing and Casting Spells For the Cleric Kael Drakkel Armor you'll need to collect Ancient Tarnished Plate from the Temple of Veeshan as well as 3 specific gems off different Velious enemies. This page was last modified on 14 October 2020, at 01:04. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 12 Effect: Reviviscence (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 50 DMG: 8 Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC AC: 15 AC: 42 Slot: CHEST Slot: SECONDARY Q: What do you specialize in if you are a Cleric? It covers heals, cures, roots, and resurrection spells. For Clerics it can effect if they are like or dislike by other temple factions. Class: CLR DRU SHM Effect: Tremor (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 45 WT: 0.0 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: HUM GNM SV MAGIC: +2 SV POISON: +2 AC: 21 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 Watch Queue Queue STR: +10 DEX: +8 STA: +15 CHA: +5 WIS: +15 INT: +10 AGI: +8 STR: +4 WIS: +4 INT: +4 WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL WIS: +15 HP: +75 MANA: +75 Slot: HEAD WIS: +3 Effect: Flowing Thought III AC: 35 Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD HP: +40 MANA: +40 WIS: +7 INT: +7 Here's my videos of a daily series of the old classic style Everquest. Slot: FEET Class: CLR DRU MNK SHM Slot: RANGE WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL Slot: SECONDARY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Effect: Mark of Karn (Must Equip, Casting Time: 9.0) at Level 46 Class: CLR DRU SHM For High Elves add 25 Wisdom, 5 Strength. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM While Agility is not especially helpful for Clerics, any character with less than 75 Agility suffer penalties, so Dwarven and Erudite Clerics should spend 5 points on Agility to get up to 75. WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Slot: HEAD Race: ALL, Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: LEGS Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: None Class: CLR Slot: HEAD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Class: CLR DMG: 7 Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC AC: 2 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP SV DISEASE: +5 SV POISON: +5 WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL It's simply the way it is. Slot: WRIST Slot: ARMS WIS: +11 MANA: +50 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: SECONDARY Class: CLR SHM Below are the starting ability scores for each race. Effect: Endure Magic (Worn) STA: +9 WIS: +15 AGI: +5 HP: +50 MANA: +90 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 CHA: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 AGI: +7 HP: +20 MANA: +20 STR: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Slot: SECONDARY Class: CLR AC: 5 WIS: +5 Effect: Banish Undead (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 40 SV FIRE: +6 SV DISEASE: +11 SV COLD: +6 SV MAGIC: +4 SV POISON: +11 But they are highly desirable group members. Class: ALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Class: ALL WT: 0.0 Size: TINY WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL AC: 2 HP: +65 MANA: +65 We try to update our guides when we can so there might be an update in the future with some more detail on the zones, but there really isn’t much of … WT: 9.5 Size: LARGE Resurrection is also the domain of the cleric, allowing them to bring their fallen companions back from the dead without the normal penalties for death. Class: ALL AC: 21 Class: CLR SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 AC: 5 WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM STR: +15 STA: +15 WIS: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 AC: 10 Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM This does not create too many difficulties, except for Dark Elves. WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL Class: CLR Class: CLR DMG: 20 STA: +5 WIS: +5 STR: +2 STA: +5 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD SHM Male Cleric Armor - Variants SSE. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP For the Cleric Skyshrine Armor you'll need to be ally faction with the Claws of Veeshan, collect Unadorned Plate from the Temple of Veeshan as well as 3 specific gems off Velious enemies. WIS: +20 INT: +20 HP: +85 MANA: +100 Dorinan promises to make you a helm if you bring him a Corroded Plate Helmet and three pieces of Crushed Onyx Sapphire. AC: 1 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: HANDS STA: +5 CHA: -25 WIS: +5 INT: +5 HP: +50 MANA: +100 Class: CLR PAL Slot: NECK HP: +75 MANA: +75 SV FIRE: +12 SV DISEASE: +12 SV POISON: +12 Class: ALL Is there a actual reason for this or just an oversight in the programing? 'You have done well.'. WT: 3.4 Size: SMALL MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL except BAR TRL OGR, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Evocation is a choice that many clerics attempting to solo decide to go for. Clerics have two primary choices of Specialization: Alteration and Evocation. AC: 20 Their God's must only believe in pure healing as opposed to rudimentary measures like band-aids. Class: ALL STA: +15 WIS: +15 HP: +25 MANA: +25 Alterationis by far the most popular choice. General Information: For each class, three of the armour sets are the result of very similair quests, while the fourth is dropped off planar creatures. Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) It can also affect which imbue spells they can use. SV COLD: +3 Slot: SECONDARY WIS: +2 AGI: +5 HP: +35 AC: 3 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: HANDS It is rather substantial in size and weight, making its … SV COLD: +4 Slot: NECK WT: 5.0 Size: TINY Class: CLR SHM AC: 6 Slot: WAIST Class: ALL Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 20 STA: +5 CHA: -5 WIS: +9 AGI: +9 MANA: +5 (previous 200) () Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Last updated 08 February 2017 7:20PM. WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL Race: ALL except DWF TRL OGR HFL GNM, Slot: HANDS Q: What are the timelimits for a corpse to stay online before it disappears, and is there a differant time length between whether you are logged on or off? Class: ALL What trade skill are they used for? While Favored Souls, Bards, and Druids have the ability to be played as a primary healers, clerics have the only enhancement tree dedicated primarily to healing. WT: 4.1 Size: MEDIUM SV DISEASE: -5 SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +9 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +9 SV POISON: +8 STR: +20 WIS: +20 INT: +20 HP: +75 MANA: +75 WT: 1.0 Size: TINY Class: CLR DRU SHM WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL STR: +3 WIS: +3 WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL WIS: +6 INT: +6 HP: +6 WT: 7.5 Size: LARGE AC: 10 WT: 9.5 Size: LARGE WIS: +6 Class: CLR Class: ALL AC: 10 I go through a bit of why I play and show my Character going through some of … AC: 26 Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM SV DISEASE: +10 WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL ', Loremaster Dorinan smiles warmly as he hands you your reward. WIS: +8 MANA: +5 The character needs to put a practice point in at their guild for it to go into effect. Slot: FACE SV MAGIC: +10 Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Slot: SECONDARY AC: 2 WIS: +7 Race: HIE Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: FACE WT: 2.0 Size: TINY Class: CLR Class: CLR Class: CLR Slot: RANGE WIS: +6 Alteration is by far the most popular choice. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM SV MAGIC: +5 Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) Slot: EAR Slot: CHEST Slot: FINGER Slot: FACE Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP STR: +5 WIS: +10 MANA: +50 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: RANGE Effect: Armor of Faith (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 45 Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC SV COLD: +25 WT: 8.0 Size: MEDIUM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 6.5 Size: MEDIUM Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU BRD ROG SHM AC: 20 Race: ALL, Slot: HEAD WIS: +3 INT: +3 HP: +35 MANA: +35 DEX: +5 WIS: +9 Class: CLR Slot: BACK STR: +10 STA: +10 WIS: +20 MANA: +50 Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC SV FIRE: +30 SV DISEASE: -5 SV COLD: -5 SV MAGIC: -5 SV POISON: -5 Slot: SECONDARY AC: 5 Damage - Clerics are middle-of the road for damage output. AC: 7 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Dorinan promises to make you a breastplate if you bring him a Corroded Breastplate and three pieces of Black Marble. SV COLD: +8 AC: 23 TLP - Best cleric race? Effect: Flowing Thought I (Worn) Class: ALL AC: 5 Slot: HEAD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Effect: See Invisible (Worn) Slot: LEGS AC: 10 Effect: Counteract Disease (Must Equip, Casting Time: 5.0) at Level 49 Class: ALL Race: HUM ERU HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM STA: +5 WIS: +10 HP: +80 MANA: +70 Cleric Armor is a chest armor piece in Dark Souls. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +12 INT: +12 AGI: +5 HP: +75 MANA: +75 STR: +20 DEX: +15 STA: +15 CHA: +15 WIS: +15 INT: +15 AGI: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL Race: ALL except BAR TRL OGR, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: SECONDARY Slot: FINGER SV DISEASE: -5 As the game has changed, Complete Heal has become less effective compared to the cleric's many different lines of more powerful and quicker (albeit more mana-intensive) heals. Help cut down on the amount of damage are more efficient for (! 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Are availabe at vendors or 50+ as a conduit for divine power, you can cast cleric spells n't get!