To diagnose convergence insufficiency, your eye doctor might: 1. Often, CI can cause the words to appear like they’re swimming on the page, making reading a slow and painful process; in some cases, so much so that some people eventually try to avoid reading altogether. The visual demands involved with driving can be enough to trigger anxiety for people with Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD). In addition, exercises are advised for the 'convergence insufficiency' with review due at Christmas. However, some people experience a great deal of anxiety on the road. But when all other options have been ruled out, a comprehensive binocular vision exam can be an important step in getting to the bottom of your symptoms. Student t test, chi‐square, or nonparametric tests at the 0.05 level were used for statistical significance. Eye coordination problems like convergence insufficiency generally cannot be improved with eye glasses or surgery. CI also makes it hard for the eyes to focus on things close up, and as a result, reading, writing, and other up-close activities become difficult and frustrating. Either way, Steve’s story speaks to the importance of getting a binocular vision exam performed. It is similar to learning to ride a bicycle or driving a car. Dizziness or even a level of discomfort in grocery stores and with driving is usually related to a vision coordination problem that is very common after a whiplash, head injury, post-concussion, but can be present without a past trauma. A routine eye exam with the familiar 20/20 eye chart does not diagnose CI. Precise coordination between the eyes is essential for proper eye function, but sometimes a visual processing problem can interfere. She called the problem 'convergence insufficiency' from what I recall. One common prob­lem Ms. Waskiewicz sees in concussion patients is convergence insufficiency, which often causes eyestrain and headache. How is convergence insufficiency (CI) diagnosed? Your ability to keep your eyes fixed on the object — called gaze stabilization — is due to a highly delicate coordination between your inner ears and your eye muscles. Dr. Cheryl specializes in the optometric treatment of dizziness and headaches utilizing the Feinberg method. But in Steve’s case, it’s likely that the vision misalignment was caused by a car accident in the 1980s. Somewhere between 2 and 13 percent … It’s no surprise that patients should feel anxiety under these conditions. To find out more about our treatment methods and the special aligning prismatic lenses we use, contact us today at (516) 224-4888. It is not uncommon to experience difficulty reading and concentrating due to double vision, headache, and strain caused by the eyes focusing on different spots. Standard glasses to correct short-sightedness (to be worn permanently) have been prescribed. Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a common, yet not frequently diagnosed eye coordination problem in which the eyes drift outward when reading or doing close work. This test measures the distance from your eyes to where b… It interferes with a person's ability to see, read, learn, and work at near distances. Symptoms. Steve had no idea that his anxiety on the road was caused by a visual problem involving his eye muscles. Follow. Causes & risk factors Convergence insufficiency (CI) is caused by a simple “lack of proper communication” between the nerves and the muscles that control eye movements. Anxiety can have many different causes. At Artisan Optics we diagnose and treat convergence insufficiency. This condition causes one eye to turn outward instead of inward with the other eye creating double or blurred vision.Convergence insufficiency is usually diagnosed in school-age children and adolescents. She is the only practitioner in the state of New York trained by Dr. Debby Feinberg of Vision Specialists of Michigan. A person suffering from convergence insufficiency may experience following symptoms especially while he is working closely like reading, writing, working on the computer or desk work etc. “I’ve had headaches for years. Convergence insufficiency. While the exact cause of CI is not known, it can come about as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), infection, neurodegenerative disease or the use of certain medications. The average American drives more than 13,000 miles … A history of car accidents or being a new driver are common reasons for stress behind the wheel. My dizziness is completely gone after wearing my new glasses. Dr. Cheryl is a graduate of Cornell University and SUNY College of Optometry. 1. “We try to train the eyes to team up more efficiently so they’re able to hold close views for longer periods of time.” She prescribes 2 exercises. Convergence and accommodative insufficiency predict engagement and cognitive fatigue. Vision therapy is an umbrella term for a variety of treatments based around eye exercises. A neurovisual specialist’s intervention can be the key to alleviating stress behind the wheel. Take a medical history. The Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS‐15) questionnaire was administered to each participant, with a score of ≥21 being considered positive for CI symptomatology. There is, however, significant differences in what causes the reading problems. In addition to binocular vision, our vestibular system — the series of fluid-filled canals in the inner ear that help us maintain balance and coordination — is put on high-duty when we deal with the bumps, turns, and acceleration involved with driving. Considering the visual and orientational changes involved with driving, it’s no wonder that any dysfunction of the eyes or ears can cause problems. However, I am still getting dizzy and having severe headaches.”. One such visual processing problem is known as convergence insufficiency (CI). ): Massage and neck adjustments seem to help, but only for a short while.”, “Lately, I’ve been getting more and more bouts of lightheadedness and dizziness. Binocular Vision Dysfunction can be congenital. Vision and visual processing is a skill that can be taught efficiently, learned, and maintained. People with convergence insufficiency might have otherwise normal vision, so it's important to mention reading or learning concerns to your eye care provider. Neuro – Optometrist Innovator: CogniViiSIONTM Founder: Brain Vision Institute Director: Advanced Vision Center Amazon Best Selling Author When the balance between the visual and vestibular systems is thrown off, we can easily become dizzy and uncoordinated. I could feel my symptoms start to go away after the first office visit. Measure the near point of convergence (NPC). Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency. Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a vision disorder. For our patients who suffer from anxiety, prism glasses can mean the difference between fear on the road and driving confidently. Convergence insufficiency is a condition in which your eyes are unable to work together when looking at nearby objects. If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medication for it but haven’t seen any progress, you could have a visual processing problem. A Binocular Vision Dysfunction is rarely the first choice when diagnosing dizziness. What’s the Point of Depression (and Anxiety) Following Inflammation? The eyes become tired and sore easily. To see if you or your child has a functional vision problem, fill out our vision questionnaire. If one or both eyes move too far in/out they’re unable to focus properly on the correct place in space. When our eyes are unable to work together, these activities become significantly more challenging and high stress can be the result. This common binocular vision disorder impacts the eye muscles’ ability to move and coordinate properly, making it difficult for people with the condition to rapidly change focus between near and far distances. We focus on vision therapy as the most effective treatment for convergence insufficiency. How We Help Patients Overcome Dizziness While Driving, Neurologist and Headache Specialist Philadelphia, PA, Patient Testimonial: ‘I’m Able to Do a Lot More Work’, Patient Testimonial: ‘I Never Thought There Would Be a Solution for Me’, Case Report: COVID-19 Related Double Vision, Parents Homeschooling Their Children Should Understand Reading Difficulties, Frequently Asked Questions About BVD From Our Patients, Unsteadiness / Balance / Depth Perception. At night, when conditions made it even harder to see other cars, Steve’s anxiety reached its height. This might include questions about problems you have with focusing, blurred or double vision, headaches, and symptoms. Convergence insufficiency can arise following infection, traumatic brain injury, certain medications, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. This causes loss of proper binocular alignment and results either in exophoria or intermittent exotropia at near (Lavrich 2010). Vision therapy can be prescribed when a comprehensive eye examination indicates that it is an appropriate treatment option. It is a disorder involving binocular vision — vision using both eyes. Convergence insufficiency means the eyes struggle to focus easily for near tasks, affecting school work, attention and office performance in adults. Prism is a type of lens that shifts the direction of light, correcting for imbalances between the muscles in the two eyes. When a vision misalignment is present, visual and vestibular stimuli conflict with each other, causing a mismatch that contributes to feelings of dizziness and unease. Falls often (with occasional breaks to bones) due to being unsure of their footing. Lazy eye, crossed eyes, double vision, and convergence insufficiency are a few disorders that respond to this therapy. (VH), a binocular vision dysfunction caused by a misalignment of the eyes. Driving confidently requires a careful and coordinated balance between the visual and vestibular systems. Specific triggers include merging on the highway, driving at high speeds, and seeing past glare. Driving, particularly on the highway, puts the balance between these two systems to the test. It can cause difficulty reading, for which parents or teachers might suspect the child has learning difficulties rather than an eye disorder.Treatments are usua… Over the years, Steve also started to notice that his dizziness occurred off the road, affecting his walking and overall coordination. The eye muscles may be small and somewhat weak, but together they perform the extremely complex and intricate tasks of focusing, scanning and tracking objects, and maintaining a steady image on the retina. The eyes need to be finely-tuned in order to deal with both visual and vestibular stimuli. Once someone has learned the skill, they retain the skill even if they had not done so for years. It seems worse when I bend down to pick something up and get up quickly. An individual who has this disorder might show and grumble of the subsequent signs when performing close work (like, computer work, deskwork, reading, doing crafts, playing video games in hand held devices etc. Despite all - the problem remains and the exercises make my eyes hurt. There is well-documented medical literature relating symptoms of visual vertigo with significant anxiety, not only on the road but also when in large spaces, grocery shopping, and under fluorescent lighting. Most patients with accommodation and convergence issues were followed up for more than 1 year, and at least 58 and 35% of these patients, respectively, experienced persisting symptoms. For most of us, driving is a mundane activity that blurs together with the rest of our day. There are a lot of signs and symptoms for Convergence Disorder or Convergence Insufficiency. Strabismus and amblyopia are both binocular vision disorders. Convergence insufficiency (CI) affects 2.25-8.3% of the population and is characterized by an inability to converge the eyes smoothly as the object of regard moves from distance to near (Scheiman et al. Steve is a lawyer working for a firm in Cincinnati, Ohio. They’ve been called migraines. Accommodative and binocular vision (BV) conditions are about nine times more common than ocular disease in patients six months to 18 years old.1 Of these, approximately 20% have a binocular vision condition (Table 1).1 On and off A proper diagnosis of CI can prevent a child from being labelled as “lazy,” “spacey,” “clumsy”, “anxious,” and even misdiagnosed with ADHD , dyslexia , or mild autism . My headaches, neck ache and eye pain are so much better since I started wearing my new prism glasses. Vision & Learning Questionnaire. 2. The condition can be treated with eye exercises, but like any other form of exercise, you have to do it in order to reap the results. In addition, Kowal 81 documented the prevalence of accommodative dysfunction (16%) and convergence insufficiency (14%) in 161 patients shortly after head injury. In individuals with convergence insufficiency it may be large as 25 to 30 cm. Wearing his new glasses, Steve could finally drive confidently and was no longer paralyzed by anxiety on the highway. Put together, these two systems are crucial for our ability to respond to the environment and drive safely. This vision problem, called Convergence Insufficiency, occurs in less than 5% of all children. To find an optometrist that specializes in binocular vision, check out the Vision Specialists website at This common binocular vision disorder impacts the eye muscles’ ability to move and coordinate properly, making it difficult for people with the condition to rapidly change focus between near and far distances. Convergence Insufficiency is the inability of your eyes to converge together consistently. With CI, the eyes do not point together inward as one looks at objects close-up. Steve finally found relief through prismatic correction of his Binocular Vision Dysfunction. When I walk, I often bump into things.”, “When I am in a large department store or crowd, I feel rather uncomfortable and anxious.”, “I’ve seen multiple doctors, had a CAT scan and MRI, and all of the doctors say that I am fine. A few years ago, Steve started suffering from severe bouts of anxiety when driving on his way to work, especially in traffic and high-speed situations. At the Neuro Visual Center of New York, we specialize in the use of visual orthotic devices to treat CI and other binocular vision disorders that are sometimes mistaken for ADHD. Driving requires us to track moving targets with precision, estimate distance using our depth perception, and be attentive to multiple objects in our field of view. People can pass the standard eye exam even if they have CI. Like many of our patients, Steve even resorted to avoiding the highway altogether, becoming intimately familiar with the side roads that led to his destinations. In a disorder known as visual vertigo, patients report dizziness and unsteadiness triggered by certain visual stimuli. high speed expressway driving with fast moving vehicles passing on either side Nausea Motion sickness and car sickness, often since childhood. Performance- and vision-related symptoms to be aware of that could indicate CI include: Since convergence insufficiency shares many of the same symptoms as ADHD, it is often misdiagnosed as such. Our focus on vision therapy allows us to treat convergence insufficiency patients in Boise, Meridian, Eagle, Kuna, Nampa, Caldwell, Mountain Home, and Idaho., Artisan Optics in Boise, Idaho's premier optical center. I’ve tried all types of pain medications, but I still get headaches.”, “My neck and the back of my head and shoulders really bother me. Convergence insufficiency affects 5 out of every 100 children, sometimes causing behavior that is reminiscent of ADD/ADHD or dyslexia. Turn a fish’s tail, and its eyes will adjust automatically to this change in body position. Steve’s measurements were consistent with a vision misalignment, indicating that his eye muscles were straining in order to give him a clear image of the world. The treatments aim to treat convergence insufficiency – for which there is supporting evidence – and a range of neurological, educational and spatial difficulties – uses which are not supported by good evidence. A program of vision therapy may be needed to improve eye coordination abilities, reduce symptoms, and alleviate discomfort when doing close work.. The American Optometric Association and the 2008 Convergence Insufficiency … The specific program of therapy is based on … 2005). Unsteadiness while walking. The average American drives more than 13,000 miles every year, crisscrossing roads to their home, work, and loved ones. Visual vertigo can be pronounced in patients with Binocular Vision Dysfunction. How would you react if common stimuli were enough to cause you dizziness at a moment’s notice? His symptoms may have only started when his eye muscles were finally unable to compensate for the imbalance, causing pronounced stress and dizziness under the high demands of driving. If so, you could be experiencing one of the many symptoms of. This can lead to performances issues at school or at work. As unlikely as it sounds, the neural circuits that account for this are present in our own anatomy: we have interneurons that connect our oculomotor (eye-moving) nerves with our vestibular nerves. The vestibular-ocular reflex is one demonstration of this connection. Parkinson’s), myasthenia gravis, or Graves ophthalmopathy. Vision therapy is a doctor-prescribed treatment for common visual disorders that can’t be improved by corrective lenses or surgery alone. Symptoms of convergence insufficiency are most often seen in children and teens after extensive periods of up-close work. This causes increased strain on your eyes, muscles, brain, etc. Convergence insufficiency is most common in young adults, but it can affect people of all ages. I feel uncoordinated and unsteady. Let’s look at one patient in particular who suffered from considerable dizziness and anxiety on the road and benefited greatly from a binocular vision exam. One such visual processing problem is known as convergence insufficiency (CI). Children and adults alike with CI often have problems concentrating, tend to be easily distracted, and frequently struggle with prioritizing, staying organized and controlling their tempers. The Power of Data, as Told Via An Economist and Medicine, Genetic Testing: Potential Consequences of a False Result, Influenza vaccine protection in adults: it’s better than you think, Carcinogen in Zantac and Its Generics Triggers Probes by FDA, EU. Can easily become dizzy and having severe headaches. ” patients who suffer from a more general form of that... Of this connection injury, certain medications, neurodegenerative diseases ( e.g while focused! About 16.5 diopters of convergence insufficiency means the eyes need to be finely-tuned in order deal..., headaches, neck ache and eye pain are so much better since started! Prismatic correction of his binocular vision exam reading skills and reading comprehension just like children diagnosed dyslexia... Vestibular stimuli familiar 20/20 eye chart does not diagnose CI routine eye exam even if have... Past glare is rarely the first place lead to performances issues at school at! 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