Due to the Abbott family and Jeff and Gloria Bardwell, Chancellor lost control of Jabot, resulting in the firings of Jill and Cane. She stated: "She gets the anvil dropped on her head and falls off the cliff. So, you can see that Chance Chancellor has deep ties to the character canvas and legacy families. On January 9, 1980, Dickson left the role. Colin deleted a message from Cane on Jill's cell phone. When it comes to Lily and Daniel , traipsing around Genoa City like two sad sacks is doing exactly nothing for their appeal as a couple. That's why she is in such pain and why she is drinking. He married Katherine, but Jill then wanted Rex for herself and convinced him to divorce Katherine. Afterward, she didn't ask permission before posting a story on the internet and Billy fired her. Jill and Victor Newman formulated a plan to destroy Jack and return control of Jabot back to Chancellor Industries. Jill Abbott or Nikki Newman While it would be highly entertaining to see Billys reaction to the wealthy older woman in question being his very own mother, its extremely doubtful. When Cane came to tell her that he was leaving town, Jill called Michael Baldwin to a meeting for changing her will. A lot of people are like that () They have ostrich syndrome; they want to bury their head in the sand so they don't hear anything they don't want to know. [29] Walton described Jill's romance Sean Bridges (David Lee Russek), who was a young web designer, as a "boy toy". She had an affair with Derek Thurston (Joe Ladue) and later romanced Stuart Brooks (Robert Colbert), whose wife Jennifer had just died. [30] Former head writer Kay Alden called her affair with Jack "massive" and it was "devastating to both of them" when it broke up her marriage to John. Lily was missing, so Cane went to find her; and Hilary was trapped under debris. Billy Abbott, Patrick Murphy and Katherine Chancellor were stunned as Jill explained the news of Cane Ashby's death. Thus, it became apparent that Phillip was Jill's biological son not Cane and that Cane was a fraud. The family struggles to make ends meet and things aren't easy when their father, Bill abandons them. WebIt was always thought that Jill Foster was born the youngest child of Liz and Bill Foster. It's impossible. Unknown to her, he was not only a criminal but also Cane Ashby's biological father. They had a bitter custody battle, but John suffered another stroke. She altered her plans when Derek told her he wanted her back. He also revealed that Cane and Colin knew about it, and Jill realized Colin had been blackmailing Devon. "[10] However, soon after, Walton was able to sign a new contract to continue her portrayal of Jill. She stated: "I felt so bad that so many people have lost their jobs, that, all of a sudden, I thought: 'This is really silly. Snapper ended up telling Jill the truth, Neil Fenmore was her biological father. She worked hard in a menial factory assembly line job at Chancellor Industries ever since her husband, Bill Foster, abandoned her and her young children. Jill tries for months to figure out the meaning of the music box and finally decides to sell it online, only to have Esther (Kate Linder) buy it back for her as she believes it truly means something. Billy made sure Colin wasn't just after Jill's money and informs Colin and Jill what he thought about the wedding--he was against it. However, Jill began seeing John Abbott again and Katherine returned. Upon her return, she agrees to help Katherine come out of retirement to take control of Chancellor Industries, but Katherine ends up with a brain tumor. "[24] In 1998, Walton's co-star Jeanne Cooper described Jill as "Wile E. Coyote". The real culprit was SvenPetersen, a masseur at the Genoa City Hotel. WebSince their introduction in 1973, the family has mainly been represented by Katherine Chancellor ( Jeanne Cooper) and her feud with her husband Phillip II ( Donnelly Rhodes )'s young mistress Jill Foster ( Jess Walton ). [27] However, in 2009, the characters' history was rewritten by Maria Arena Bell; Charlotte had made up this information for revenge against Katherine, and they were not mother and daughter. The woman then gave Katherine a different baby that Jill raised as her son, Phillip Chancellor III. WebSince their introduction in 1973, the family has mainly been represented by Katherine Chancellor ( Jeanne Cooper) and her feud with her husband Phillip II ( Donnelly Rhodes )'s young mistress Jill Foster ( Jess Walton ). Jack rescued her and Sven escaped. Jill wanted to reunite with Derek, who marries Katherine after she promised him a salon and a $100,000 trust for Jill's son. "[29], After years of not having a relationship, Jill has a brief romance with district attorney William Bardwell (Ted Shackelford) in 2007, which ends when Gloria Abbott (Judith Chapman) schemes to have him for herself. WebShe was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan to her father Frank Walton, and her mother. Katie Abbott Newman (Sienna Mercuri) is the daughter of Billy and Victoria. Following Phillip's accidental death, the women fought over custody of Jill's son, Phillip Chancellor III (Thom Bierdz), as well as numerous of Katherine's other husbands. Jill was devastated. "[18] On her relationship with Lauren, Walton stated that, "Most people don't like Jill, and she hasn't particularly loved Lauren. They become involved, but she cheated on him with his son, Jack Abbott (Terry Lester). She also described Jill as being "so strong" and "such a survivor". Jill gave birth to Phillip Chancellor II's baby, Phillip Chancellor III (eventually portrayed by Thom Bierdz in 1986), which sets off a rivalry between the ladies that would last for decades. He quickly developed a relationship with the much older Jill. Jabot's owner, John Abbott, was impressed by Jill's abilities, and quickly promoted her to head of merchandising. Both Dickson and Walton have characterized her as "manipulative". WebIn June 2010, when Jill's adoptive mother, Liz Foster (Julianna McCarthy), died, it was then learned that her biological father was Neil Fenmore. After she became pregnant, he urged her to have an abortion because he was too old to become a father, but she refused. She has two adoptive brothers, Snapper and Greg, and one half sister, Lauren Fenmore . She was around Katherine with her rich society country club friends, and she had this deep feeing of inadequacy, and that is where I think it all stems up. After the turn of the century, Sean Bridges came to Genoa City as Jabot Cosmetics' new website designer. Naturally, hes related to Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper) who is his great-grandmother. Jill found out that Colin was married to a woman named Genevieve Atkinson (Genie Francis), Cane's mother. Devon eventually decides to go for help. After years of feuding, Jill and Katherine form a bond and Kay becomes a mother figure to Jill, and a grandmother to Jill's sons. Jill had a brief romance with a young web designer, Sean Bridges (David Lee Russek). Once the party in the park is finished, Jill leaves the music box there, only for it to be stolen by an unidentified person. As well as seeing how it affects Jill as she comes to terms with her condition, the story will also illustrate how it impacts her family and those closest to her. After Liz died, Snapper told Jill informed Jill of her true parentage. Jill felt that Katherine was constantly looking over her shoulder and second-guessing her decisions. They are led to believe that her true biological son is Ethan "Cane" Ashby (Daniel Goddard), an Australian national whose visa has expired and is fighting deportation. She'll survive this one and, hopefully, maybe this time she'll learn something from it." Afterward, all of Katherine's loved ones receive letters from her that were to be delivered on the one-year anniversary of her death. Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson) is not an Abbott by blood, but connected to the family just as Ashley is through Dina. [18] She romanced many of Katherine's husbands, including Rex Sterling (Quinn Redeker). Katie Abbott Newman (Sienna Mercuri) is the daughter of Billy and Victoria. In 2008, Katherine retires as CEO of Chancellor Industries and made Jill her successor. Yes, Katherine hired Jill as her personal assistant. Upon learning of Nina's demand, Cane retrieved a vial of Phillip's blood from a carousel of vials he kept in a hidden freezer for use in DNA testing. Jill Foster Abbott Fenmore (previously Chancellor, Reynolds, Brooks, Thurston, Sterling and Atkinson) is a fictional character on The Young and the Restless, portrayed by Jess Walton since June 1987. Tucker stole Katherine's companies but Jill continued to sleep with him. WebBrenda Dickson originated the role of Jill Foster Abbott on The Young and the Restless (1973) where she worked for almost 12 years. "[25] Walton has said that Jill "can be such a shrew" and "gets her happiness where she can, and she certainly is not going to contain her anger. Ms. Dickson has studied with Lee Strasberg, and then she studied with Milton Katselas. Tucker refused to hire her. [2] Following the episode where Jill is diagnosed, Walton appeared in a public service announcement urging viewers to visit the American Heart Association website. Walton stated: "Liz was the dream mother for Jill. Katherine convinced Derek to stay with her, albeit in a platonic relationship, for one year. She quickly got pregnant before he had a secret vasectomy. And we really didn't have a chance to explore it much, but in real life that happens. On April 4, 2019, it was announced that Walton will once again return to Y&R, this time for the Neil Winters tribute episodes, she will first appear on April 25. This was during the time that Nikki was on trial for killing her father when she revealed that he had repeatedly molested Casey as a child and she killed her father after he attempted to rape her. Once Jill had snagged and married John Abbott, and she could afford it, Phillip was shipped off to a Swiss boarding school. Jill and Katherine then fought over Jill's son, Phillip Chancellor III, who was now a teenager. My mom is incredibly hardworking and driven, two qualities that I have noticed and hope I can someday live up to. Hapless Jill, no more than shared her elation at the prospect with Jack Abbott, than Victor let her know that she was just a fling and he had no real intentions where she was concerned. Naturally, hes related to Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper) who is his great-grandmother. As part of one of her more devious schemes, Jill hired a con man named Brian Romalotti (the father of Danny Romalotti and Gina Roma) whom she dressed up as a wealthy man and rechristened "Rex Sterling". But in 2003 it was disclosed that Jill was adopted. In 2012, Jill leaves town for several months to help Phillip in Australia. Walton stated: "Liz was the dream mother for Jill. [13] The actress was then announced to be taking a leave of absence beginning that April, slated to last six months. Katherine left Genoa City once again when the second DNA tests came in saying she and Jill were not mother and daughter. WebJill is the birth daughter of Neil Fenmore and Unknown woman. Mamie found out and told John, ending the marriage. Later that day, Nina Webster brought Jill to her bedroom where a presumed dead Chance Chancellor was waiting to greet her. "[18], In 2003, Katherine and Jill were believed to be mother and daughter after Katherine's friend, Charlotte Ramsey, provided factual proof.