[14]:203 Ordinary mortals could not go to heaven because it was the abode of the gods alone. [36] In later myth, her husband was the god Nergal. As a leader of the Anunna gods in Sumeria, it is believed Enki . century. [17]:140, Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. Misinformation from that Aug.17th 2011 short video of him saying about the Military knew this. . Mesopotamian gods and goddesses are known from the literature of the Sumerian people, the oldest written language on our planet. The 2 Thess. Anunnaki Family Tree With Complete Detail, Family Tree Photo Ideas View Complete Tree. The gods Ninurta and Enlil kept their original Sumerian names. [17]:109 She was the divine personification of the planet Venus, the morning and evening star. The Trimurti 3. God bless you and your work. She was one of the most important deities in the Sumerian pantheon and was also worshiped by the Akkadians and Babylonians under the name Ishtar. I also believe we were genetically altered to be their workers to replace the cherub. Enlil was the god of air, wind, and storm. [17]:86 The later Mesopotamians knew this underworld by its East Semitic name: Irkalla. The god list An = Anum lists two sisters: d ama-TR-ma and d la-bar-TR-ma. 2 strong delusion and lie are upon us. The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, As the myth goes, she allowed the demons of the underworld to take him after he failed to show a satisfactory level of sadness upon her own descent into the Nether realm. How old is the United States of America? she was also Aphrodite to the Greeks. that, before the creation of man, the gods had to work to live. [17]:58, The entrance to Kur was believed to be located in the Zagros mountains in the far east. (Their female equivalents were known as Nin.) Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth. PRAY and love and touch peoples lives with compassion and remain aware of whats happening around you. For additional information on this 2 Thess. Inana (Sumerian)/Itar (Akkadian) is among the most important deities and the most important goddess in the Mesopotamian pantheon. What is their bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific deities?There are various family trees available on the Internet with a series of differences in them.For example, the following three (picture below) is a family tree more inclined to the Mesopotamian especially Babylonian version of the Anunnaki Bloodline, and evidence of that is the inclusion of Tiamat and Marduk.The Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki, essentially the Family Tree of the ruling class (or the Gods And Goddesses of the Sumerian Texts) is given by Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, New York, 1999: Puerto Rican in Memphis [17]:140 Ninhursag was worshipped in the cities of Kesh and Adab. God Bless You. The Demi Gods Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Hindu Mythology Family Tree? Email me at [emailprotected] with questions. Family tree of the Babylonian gods Part of a series on Ancient Mesopotamian religion Religions of the ancient Near East Anatolia Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Babylonia Sumer Iranian Semitic Arabia Canaan Primordial beings Seven gods who decree Other major deities Minor deities Demigods and heroes Spirits and monsters Tales v t e construction of pyramids With his life-giving energies, Utu also helped plants grow. The documentary is called The ancient of days referring to the etching of William Blake (God putting order in the universe) I also believe this God they worship is Satan lord of the physical realm, or Lucifer the false light (Statue of liberty, Freemasons, olympic torch) Jesus is light! is present in various forms, in the There is even evidence of cults which considered Nanna to be the primary god. Gula was also known to be the goddess of dogs and other animals, and this is immortalized in depictions of her with a dog carved into a boundary stone dating from the period. ; live together and visit each others worlds in peace. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila. He took my message to King Nannar, who agreed I could do that. Im very confused about your reaction to the Wes Penre message from the Annunaki King. [14]:184 Nanna was god of the moon and of wisdom. Zecharia Sitchin published a He was one of the rare unilaterally good gods who oversaw the maintaining of law and order in the land, and he was said to protect what was good and banish evil. If your web page requires an HTML link, please insert this code: . Loki 5. Heaven was reserved exclusively for deities and, upon their deaths, all mortals' spirits, regardless of their behavior while alive, were believed to go to Kur, a cold, dark cavern deep beneath the earth, which was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and where the only food available was dry dust. 1. The goddess who , Watch Mythology with Mikes video about Ishtar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnpreFTArFcChart by Matt Baker:https://usefulcharts.com/Script & Narration by . He is said to maintain the sharp point of weapons and have broad wisdom. Add this URL to your browser address bar with a copy and paste: Writer. I don't own Pjo/ Hoo characters or book Rick Riordan does. The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of In the myth of Atrahasis it is stated that, before the creation of man, the gods had to work to live. Daughter to Enlil and the twin sister of Utu, she had another sibling called Ereshkigal, who was the goddess in charge of the Netherworld. An took control of heaven and separated the sky from the Earth when Enlil came between himself and Ki, allowing for the creation of the universe. According to the ancient Sumeriantexts, the Sumerian god, Anu, the supreme Lord of the Sky, the currently reigning titular head of the Sumerian Family Tree, had two sons. [33] Utu was principally regarded as a dispenser of justice;[14]:184 he was believed to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. Genesis One is highly metaphorical and speaks of earth ages or Yam (Hebrew). So therefore I want to say the following: The a.A.Mi. Deities were often associated with particular cities. 2, our Heavenly Father warns of a forthcoming strong delusion (please read it). They did NOT create Adam and Eve or their bloodline offspring. 2 see the lie). In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. Ki - The Earth goddess Named after the Earth itself, Ki was a direct descendent of Nammu. No deity in the Sumerian pantheon of gods was above making mistakes, and these errors and lapses of judgment were often regarded as parabolic lessons. Thank you for visiting anunnaki family tree page. Toward the end of the Sumerian civilization, ziggurats became the preferred temple structure for Mesopotamian religious centers. She later married her son Enlil, and the two proceeded to create all the plants and animals on the planet. All history is NOT correct in every detail. The Sumerian god An, for example, developed the Akkadian counterpart Anu; the Sumerian god Enki became Ea. [18][19], The Sumerian afterlife was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below the ground,[19][20] where inhabitants were believed to continue "a shadowy version of life on earth". This indicates this is likely intended to be, Give to the Poor, NOT to us (Matt. At 8 :45 is where you hear Stan say the the Military know in the short 1:48 tease, http://standeyo.com/Podcast/090812.pidradio.mp3, Re: The following is a claimed message (likely channeled) . There was also no cult formed to worship her, and it is said that she is the same entity as the goddesses Ninmah, Ninhursag, and Nintu, among others. Is Fear of Freedom an Invitation for Fascism? Sumerian scholar Samuel Noah Kramer has also noted similarities between many Sumerian and Akkadian "proverbs" and the later Hebrew proverbs, many of which are featured in the Book of Proverbs. for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working. Her popularity saw a spike in the early days of Babylon, eventually going on to become the foremost of healing deities for the civilization. [13]:3740 Enlil separated An from Ki and carried off the earth as his domain, while An carried off the sky. Jesus also told us to look up because your redemption draws near. Jesus said to him, If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. Sumerian myths were passed down through the oral tradition until the invention of writing (the earliest myth discovered so far, the Epic of Gilgamesh, is Sumerian[dubious discuss] and is written on a series of fractured clay tablets). The Adamic bloodline (through Abraham) and the gentiles were created by YAHWEH the Most High GOD (the great El Elyon) and our Heavenly Father through the power of Jesus Christ his only begotten Son and our KING. Percy Jackson Party. they were surprised when they first spotted what they called civilized man on the earth. Nazi German, Bolshevick and Chinese revolutions). All the dots connect. Let our hearts work now, more so than our heads! The Elohim let us create man in our image in Genesis One were not Lord God YHWH Elohim (our Heavenly Father). This entry was posted in Adad, Anu, Anunnaki Gods, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nannar, Ninhursag, Ninurta, Utu and tagged royal family of gods on February 28, 2015 by nibirudb. [13]:3741, The ancient Mesopotamians regarded the sky as a series of domes (usually three, but sometimes seven) covering the flat earth. Towards the end of Sumerian civilization, these temples developed into zigguratstall, pyramidal structures with sanctuaries at the tops. Babylonian Hindu Sumerian Canaan Phoenician Greek Anatolian Celtic Egyptian etc. If you want to get to know me, just email me. the Igigi were considered as celestial gods while the term YOGAESOTERIC - o enciclopedie ezoteric online i portalul celei mai mari coli de Yoga din Europa. He also had relationships with Damkina, and Ninsar and Ninkurra who were his daughters. [19], The souls in Kur were believed to eat nothing but dry dust[17]:58 and family members of the deceased would ritually pour libations into the dead person's grave through a clay pipe, thereby allowing the dead to drink. Nephilim, Anunnaki - Royal Bloodline - Creators "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" The Sumerian King List allegedly recorded all the rulers of Earth over 400,000 years who were said to be gods, demigods, or immortals . But of this massive group, a few stand out in their significance to Sumerian religion and mythology. ISBN 0195156692. Sumerian deities developed Akkadian counterparts. John. Also see the woman in Revelation 12:6 (which is the Bride being resuced to a place of safety for the duration of the Great Tribulation of 1260 days or 3.5 years. Post navigation Washington's Vision Ereshkigal's Choice, Partial Text to "Before All Befores" Do you believe it or is this part of the great deception? They say they come to bring peace, and as liberators, perhaps, but their minds are still on war, and that is in conflict with my own mindset, at least. Each of their major cities worshiped a different god as their chief local deity. The Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki, essentially the Family Tree of the ruling class (or the Gods And Goddesses of the Sumerian Texts) is given by Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, New York, 1999: The Grand Assembly of the Ancient Anunnaki (Sumerian family tree), COVID 19: not so much a pandemic as a Trojan Horse, Dr. John Robson investigates The LIE that 97% of scientists agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous, Experts: there are 3 hostile alien species visiting Earth, Declassified FBI document mentions Nikola Teslas contact with space people, Google Earth image shows massive alien face in Antarctica, What are some lessons humanity can learn from alien civilizations? Discover the powerful health benefits of tree nuts. It is believed that Nammu held greater importance in earlier times, but as there are no written records of those times, this is impossible to say with certainty. Ninti, or Ninmah, or Ninhursag was an OLDER SISTER of Enlil and Enki, the goddess who aided Enki in our creation. The Sumerian goddess Inanna also developed the counterpart Ishtar during the Old Babylonian Period. Anunna was used to designate the gods of the Underworld, Enki's wife, Ninhursag, is one of the oldest and most important of Sumerian gods and goddesses. K Kalli Holub 375 followers More information The Family Tree of the ancient Anunnakithose who came down from heaven | Ancient Code Ancient Sumerian Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Civilizations Ancient Artifacts