We dont have issues with our communication he is the most compassionate and understanding man I have ever falling for. When a Taurus and a Pisces first meet, they will instantly click. Its just the way they are. Whether they are set up on a blind date or just happen to lock eyes from across the room, the Taurus attraction to Pisces will be immediate. Somebody I would love to share the rest of my life with! All of my serious committed relations were with Pisces men, they seem to be drawn to taurus women and love them unconditionally. This is a relationship that could lead to marriage. Taurus women are such caregivers they deserve a good guy. He lacks emotional stability and is prone to mood swings. Anyway, we first started talking online around Mid April of 2015 and met in the flesh on 11th December 2015 which was so bloody awkward as we are both very very shy, thankfully there was family members of mine in our prescence which helped to ease the situation! This kind of behavior can do more than just hurt her as it can break her heart. The Pisces man and Taurus woman enjoy a comfortable and enduring bond as friends. My Pisces mood changes dramatically, from time to time he tends to change even his career plans simply just by being in different physical setting or his surrenders. it describes my fiance and i perfectly enjoyed reading itfelt goosebumps..it was as though the article was written about us, Pisces are never reliable they get bored but clingly they dont know which way to go just wish that partner understand it that they can flirt around and its ok for them.. while they could not handle if partner ignore them or get dihonest with them .. they want honesty, love care & emotional satisfaction from their partnes while lack all these traits when it comes to long term relations/ marriage.. a truth you all will face someday with pisces..! We meet almost everyday and communicate well.. We talk on the phone for more than two hours They are big minded people and have great compassion. I can imagine what you are going through because my grandmother passed away early this year. I wish u luck. Aries wants action and stimulation, and enjoys the challenge of a new environment, whereas what Taurus wants above all else is domestic tranquility, stability, and security. Go go go. But, before you do, let talk about the Pisces man and Taurus woman dating. He still wants to be able to lead his wife and maybe his future family. His intentions are serious and I hope for being his wife in the future as we live far from each other, to grow our amazing relationship closely. Ask him if he truly wishes to be in a committed, loyal relationship with you? Hey Esther, read your comments and I wanted to check to see if your Pisces man changed his ways. But also take in mind with a grain of salt that although astrology provides a baseline for personalities, each individual varies. Maria in the comment above said it best Taurus beware stay away from Aquarius men. It works really great! Ive never been so physically and emotionally attracted before Im hoping this might last! Pisces and Taurus relationship compatibility The fact that Pisces and Taurus makes make such a good platonic pairing bodes well for romantic relationships, according to Gat. The romantic overtones that first brought these two together tend to fade over time, especially on the side of Taurus. Taurus represents the art of love making, tenderness and sensuality. A lot of the piscean guy are naturally protecting your heart and emotions. His dreamy eyed romantic ways got to me in the beginning even though I had doubts about marrying him. They have just enough in common, yet the perfect types of dissimilarities, to make a fulfilling and lasting friendship. Currently with gemini, he was also cheater but because Im already had been cheated on for many times. I am a Taurus woman, started dating with a Pisces man a month ago. She knows some of my High School classmates. And frankly, they were more devastated when we separated than we were. I was reading this post and couldnt help but notice your comment. Lives in a different state, we talk on the phone for hours and now we sleep together on the phone. Anyways hope further relationships with taurus are better for you! A Pisces woman can teach a Taurus man to be more spiritual and to focus on matters that fulfill his heart rather than getting caught up in material things. Its my best relationship ever. We were perfect at the start, exactly how you described it. Because in some aspect you are both different. In my opinion, man cheat on us because we kinda boring but I accept that what I am because in my relationship i used to be cheated on . On the other hand, the Taurus woman tends to sulk or become passive aggressive when things go wrong. The Pisces man is inevitably luring for a Taurus woman as he takes her into new and uncharted emotional waters, showing her a part of herself that she scarcely knew existed. Besides, when a Pisces man loves, he tends to be a nurturer. He is the Yang to my Yin and I am very thankful for him. The Pisces man and Taurus woman are not just good, it is an excellent combination. I dont know but i guess 10 years was long enough for me to realize I would be much more happier with a stable partner whom i can also count on and raise my kids with rather than an additional kid to babysit all day long. If youre trying to figure out how compatible two people are, all you need to know is their zodiac signs. Even at the beginning of their life together, their differences are visible and disagreements begin. I didnt exactly cheat on my ex. The practical and clam nature of the Taurus man will be a great relief and a mode of safety for the dreamy and idealistic Pisces girl. and its pretty well-known that Pisces men are wishy-washy. They are so sensitive in words and definitely tjey will take it seriously. In your opinion, what sign(s) have that ability? Oh honey, Im also a taurus and I promise you the scorpio will be the best sex but dont leave that pisces for either one of them. Ill start by saying that of course I am a 100% genuine Taurus! She knows that he is the type of friend she can count on, and he knows that she trusts him completely and will never try to hurt him. We do NOT get along. Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Bed Compatibility. A Pisces woman is quirky, creative, and ethereal, and the epicurean Taurus man will be immediately drawn to her beauty and uniqueness. But I believe he will get bored of me if he hasnt already. Intimately, Taurus tends to be somewhat possessive, but Pisces loves to be possessed, making for a high level of compatibility in the bedroom. We were on the phone for 7 hours!! last week we went on a date and I was the happiest person ever I couldnt be happier !! It is true My pisces man gushes his love towards me. Once you learn more about the typical personality traits and behaviors of each of these signs, you will know whether or not a Taurus man and a Pisces woman are the perfect match. Taurus and Pisces are both about joy. Be upfront with her. now were both constently texting each other and talking on the phone whenever either of us have a chance. Sometimes I just wish that he would come out and tell me how he feels instead of trying to be macho. WebPisces woman married to a Taurus woman, and have been together 14 years, married 8. Most likely hes not being greedy hes looking for some support and information that you think he can handle the situation. With soft feathers of humor and romantic throaty whispers that vibrate through the midnight in an emotional rhythm, the Taurus woman and Pisces man smoothly slip into everlasting love. He said he knew I was not like any other girl, and I was the one, and he saw a future with me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is whether they are friends or lovers, they will always be compatible. We just both have a different time frame on how we want to accomplish our family goals. Stick to those instead. What confuses me is that when we first started dating I told him what kind of woman I was, and what I was looking for. The Pisces man wants his partner to join him in his dream world. Their compatibility is excellent and it wont be surprising if they end up spending the rest of their lives together. Thank you so much dear for your advice , yeah slowly slowly i am trying not to love him much cause he is not a stable guy these days he is trying to have commitment with my sister too! Piscean, mostly men are struggles how to express their emotions, let say misunderstanding. But you have power and magic to balance their emotions with your gentleness, soft loving and caring approach. A Taurus man is laid-back and easy-going, but he also tends to be dominant and likes to take the lead. We had a bit of a situation when I found a profile of his on a website looking for sex, I wasnt surprised about it hence the fact I was searching in the first place. There is this Pisces guy who fidgets a lot when im around He recently added friend on Facebook. I just began to date a Pisces man. The sexual tension between them can be the talk of the town. But I think we both are looking for an emotional outlet to fulfill an emptiness inside of us. They are good friends AT BEST. Unfortunalty, blind trust is too risky for my heart.. For more details about Dating a Pisces man and the 12 things you need to know! click here. Get an online astrology reading to learn more about Taurus women and Pisces men. Any man who cheats on you, does not love you. WebPisces Man and Taurus Woman Sexual and Intimacy Compatibility. I do love him truly. A romantic relationship between these two sensual My Pisces and I are in a long distance relationship but he makes himself available to me whenever I need to talk. A Taurus guy can show a Pisces woman how to temper her emotions with logic and see situations from a practical point of view, which can help ground her. I know thats not ideal but our paths rarely cross in person. They will have to make an effort to keep their sex life from becoming stagnant because they both find comfort in routine, but its nothing they cant work through together. New customers can get a free 3 minute reading with a psychic of their choice. I met him at the airport, he was going home from holiday and a business trip. omg i am so sexually frusturated with my pisces man Both Pisces and Taurus are pleasure-seeking, hedonistic signs that tend to overindulge in their favorite earthly delights like sex, food, and alcohol. You might think that these differences mean that these signs cant possibly make sense together, but just as the earthy sand meets the watery shore, they actually work in perfect harmony. We have mutual friends. The Taurus woman could potentially have health issues to sort through, including concerns she has kept to herself for too long. They tend to be sweet and gentle to one another. WebFor example, if a Pisces woman finds working in the office too boring and wants to immerse in creative activities, a Taurus man will be happy to become a breadwinner. Im with my Pisces man for 8 years. These initial fascinations are the spark to a relationship with high levels of similarity and compatibility. The foundation is laid very carefully because she knows the dangers of stepping too far out of the pasture, and he wants to take no risk at all. In love, this is a relationship that can make it last. Even though he might not recognize it, he is in dire need of a caretaker, and finds the perfect prototype in his Taurus female. Taurus addresses the craft of affection-making, delicacy, and exotic Pisces will appreciate and several times reciprocate when a partner can understand them and relate to them. We exchanged emails and then we started talking on Facebook. If you want to do something with a Taurus you just do it because more than likely were not going to contact you first because we are stubborn asf. 6 Steamy tips to turn him on. All rights reserved. However, if one of them requires too much, the eruption will happen. You can say were both virgins on relationships and dating lol. Oh and I believe the ex gf is trying to come back into his life, which scares me because I cant tell if hes lying to me about actually talking to her or not. And the two pisces guys i dated had a weakness for women. In the case that you are a Pisces man reading this and are looking for insights into marriage to (or a long-term relationship with) a Taurus woman, then click over to read the article, Taurus woman and Pisces man in marriage. We have been through ups and downs in the beginning but now its a solid relationship. The Taurus woman has to also soften up from time to time to let the Pisces man shine. trust him on any answers you got. In fact, the Pisces man and Taurus woman soul mate connection is likely. All rights reserved. Schedule times for you two. do u mean he is dating other girl at the same time while in relationship with u? WebFamous Taurus Man and Pisces Woman Celebrity Couples. Although the Pisces man has nothing but the best intentions toward his Taurus woman, he has a bad habit of allowing himself to drift idly, allowing his abstract concerns to cloud the necessity of his real-world commitments. The Pisces man is a gentle and spiritual soul and the Taurus woman is down to earth, sensuous, and more inclined to the physical world. For sure shes very adorable woman. What Im learning with my pisces man is that ripping off the band aid, sitting him down somewhere and simply just saying whats on your mind is the best option. I do believe as well how they grew up and their environment. For a little over 40 million singles: //amzn. But since that day we havent really talk we didnt do anything wrong just a few kisses when we left ! Ughhhhhh. Their compatibility is excellent and it wont be surprising if they end up spending the rest of their lives together. I was with a Aries man for about a decade (surprisingly) we butt heads SO much it was ridiculous, but we did love each truly, it was the love and sex (literally) that kept us together but I knew it wouldnt last as I began to alowly but surely detach from my Aries, were still close friends though. They will appreciate experiencing the entire range of sexual pleasure together since they are both driven to do so. He withheld some very important information from me in the beginning of our relationship which he never understood is the same as lying. I dont want to put all my eggs in one basket because I dont know if hell live up to be the man that I want him to be. Pisces and Taurus also have a lot of similarities when it comes to their approach to romance. The Taurus woman is very practical and realistic. Were both very laid back, with my Pisces ambition and Taurus go getter attitude, were financially perfect for each other. Were both really really late bloomers on dating lol. The sex was wonderful, but not enough to keep it going. Im a Taurus woman and married to a Pisces man. WebLove compatibility between Woman of the Taurus sign and Man of the Pisces sign. As a pisces man i can assure you, nit all pisces me are stingy i rarely have money and honestly hate money so many arguements and chaos over it i love spending my money on myself as much as i do in the one im with. I wish I read this while we was still dating, even according to this, the failure was on his part, im a pisces male. I was very sad and heartbroken under the surface.. !so he ended up leaving me because he felt to stressed! No matter how strongly he feels about his Pisces partner, he will want to wait until he is absolutely certain of their connection before he will go down on one knee. WebA Taurus man and a Pisces woman, although very different, are likely to have a long-lasting romance if they decide to get married. If you read this far, thank you.. Because he felt less than a man because he was unemployed and I was the breadwinner, so he decided to get approval from another woman.yeah right! Ask less questions, and talk soft even though you feel hes not listening cos hes all ears. WebDating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. okay! How Long Does a Buffet Wedding Dinner Take? We're in this together! You will never get that in a Taurus. The Taurus woman and Pisces man make a playfully erotic and romantic couple, they will enjoy great sex, unforgettable moments, and get through the difficult times while they are building their life together. Im a Pisces male. I am pretty romantic and he falls when i say i love you. Someone who is willing and capable of meeting YOUR needs too. , I been talking to a pisces men over a year now I like him so much!! We are a bull sign in a zodiac for a reason. They are a pair that can stand the test of time in marriage. I suffered with very bad anxiety for around 2/3 years, this was still an issue when I was speaking to him for 8 months (only online) and all I can remember is him saying that he could help with it, every issue I had he said that hed be able to help with and it seemed as if he didnt think he was incapable of anything- to me it was just an excuse of his to meet in the flesh and me being the stubborn bull wasnt having any of it! There is a lot of romance and ease when they are together. Though at times she may seem cold and heartless but it is just her dedication towards her work and no rude intentions. as the woman you must build & conduct effective dialogue & be as direct as possible without pushing him away. While there are never any guarantees, this couple seems to be made for each other.. Taurus Bull woman is likely to help keep Pisces men motivated and determined in their relationship, bringing magic and romance to their lives. He is an extremely loving and caring partner in a relationship. Virgo Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Live in the same neighborhood but never spoke. I never ever dreamt that I would have been in a relationship with my current partner but here we are! He wants to take care of me on all levels. Exactly communication and you as a taurus you are good at it. WebBecause the Pisces man and Taurus woman love each other unconditionally, they will get married sooner than later. A Taurus man must give himself to the Pisces woman without reservation, He craves a rock of stability in this uncertain world. I have to admit, just his prescence calms me there has been times where I have turned into somebody that I never believed that I was, where I would just cry around him when I was feeling sad about something and I would feel comfortable about it. But i can totally relate on the feeling of their denseness. Reach out to him. Maybe he just needs a little push. These two are partners that will work toward creating an ideal life. Taurus Man & Aries Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. Thats Taurus women for you.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Complete Guide To Dressing For Your Leo Man. Pisces and Taurus, when in a romantic relationship, have a lot in common. Hi What is your Element sign and your Husband? I am a true blue Taurus, stubborn and all. WebFamous Taurus Woman and Pisces Man Celebrity Couples 1- Behati Prinsloo (Taurus, 16 May 1988) and Adam Levine (Pisces, 18 March 1979) 2- Javier Bardem (Pisces, 1 March 1969) and Penelope Cruz (Taurus, 28 April 1974) 3- Blac Chyna (Taurus, 11 May 1988) and Rob Kardashian (Pisces, 17 March 1987) Like the way you like to treat you. Heres what Pisces needs to see in a relationship before theyre ready to see it through long-term. Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? But one you cross them, youll see a different fire in them and theyll treat you like the enemy. The Pisces man and Taurus woman have a powerful connection that comes very naturally. She is very aware of the dangers of going too far. Be true and honest with yourself and with him. Its not just about physically feeling pleasure but the feeling of deep love and affection. When they go badly, they are awful our arguments are not often but they are horrible. Ask her out. He was a cheapskate, very controlling and would push my buttons around other women. Earth signs are known for being grounded, logical, and stable, while water signs are known as being emotional, creative, and sensitive. As a water sign, he is sensitive and will naturally absorb emotions around him. WebDating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. There is a strong tie in the love association of Taurus and Pisces with ease of communication and great sense of responsibility towards each other. Whatta shame. I love pisces man and I will love to be more than friends with him !! Pisces and Taurus both have a deep sense of compassion and want to be with someone who values these traits. We are married 2 years. How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You? But to my good taureans allies, i am very proud to all of you god bless you all, I find it ironic that you seek the same ideals as she but cannot be that strong for her :/, Im sorry that was your experience. There might be times that a Pisces man can become moody. I enjoyed speaking to him all the time, of course but I knew that talking too much too honest would leave us with nothing to discuss eventually. I fell in love with him so quickly. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. Some may call it stubborn, I call it protection. It is a type of partnership where one is weak, the other strengthens. But at times she may get furious on his actions leading to a storm of anger and rage. Im 16 and a Pisces I really like this girl whos a Taurus and Im afraid to tell her I think she likes me we always hangout and text each other but Im afraid she wont like me the same way I do, cause I really like her ill do anything for her can somebody help me, Yes i will. 3. The relationship that the Pisces man and Taurus woman as friends will be great. Life will always throw curve balls at any long-lasting relationship. Many times, their friendship is healthy. Maybe has something to do with rising signs or some other aspect of their chart? All you have to do is read some of these comments some of these taurus women say about pisces men, case and point.