- National party scene rank: #30 - Acceptance rate: 11% - Location: Santa Barbara, CA. The IAA's internal publication, The Ambassador, published six times a year, keeps the club members informed. March Madness on State Street is usually where the festivities are held. Get it in your inbox every other Wednesday. - Acceptance rate: 84% - Location: Amherst, MA Partying in the Pacific Northwest is done best at the University of Oregon, where students rally around Civil War, the aptly named football game against rival Ohio State University. - Acceptance rate: 71% - National party scene rank: #119 - Location: Las Cruces, NM - Acceptance rate: 37% - Acceptance rate: 39% Recent Ivy Day addresses have been presented by Penn Parent Joan Rivers, former Philadelphia Mayor and Governor of Pennsylvania (and also a Penn alumnus) Ed Rendell, and basketball player Julius Erving. You want a perfect headliner? - Location: New Orleans, LA By - . - Net price: $47,177. Now imagine that at Penn Park, surrounded by your friends and dancing the night away. Free. The event taking place this weekend, also known as Spring Fling, happens every year and starts with a university-sanctioned concert that riles everyone up righton campus. At midnight on the eve of the first Microeconomics 001 midterm exam, hundreds of students (predominantly freshmen) try to release stress by participating in a collective shout on the Junior Balcony of the Lower Quadrangle. Join Festivalnet.com now to unlock additional details,