Very few are disputing that the British were horrific to the Irish, and to some extent, the Scottish as well. Personally, I am offended not by the story and the facts, but by the dishonest comparison. it didnt matter whether you were Irish, English,Welsh, Scottish, Black, White, or any other race or colour, you just needed to be POOR. While it at various stages was almost certainly used as an insult, the term "Black Irish" has emerged in recent times as a virtual badge of honor among some descendants of immigrants. There is no logic in that a hybrid race slave would be any more profitable than a hard working African slave, and has no basis in historical fact. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Black (surname) Black is a surname which can be of either English, Scottish, Irish or French origin. Schools should teach more about this stuff, because its part of a neighbouring history which may not be NOT told. We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. The truth is, you are an Israelite. English journalist, author, and broadcaster Caitlin Moran is one of the most famous people called Moran. What is there for any of you to gain by denying the atrocity of the abuse of the Irish? Whether the stereotype is based on truth or not, I have no personal knowledge. .werenot left out..some of those babies are in their 80ts 90ths now..but the whites in this categories are ashamed and dont talk about it..the kkk originated from the fear of free slaves coming to take their some black slaves were doing better than the indentured servants. There were no Jim Crow laws restricting Irish. My Mom is Caucasion and Scottish. In the 1940s what were the Jews in Germany? It depend ends on how you look at it!!!!!!! Certainly not the native potato-eating Catholic tenant farmers with no inheritance. Their solution to this problem was to start a system of banishment,not unlike what Stalin had done later in the 1930s ,banishing peasants , kulaks, political opponents and others deemed as undesirables and enemies of the state to prison camps and salt mines in the desolate Siberia. Kennedy 17. "Can't beat a good Irish pub" - David Beckham celebrates son's birthday in Dublin, UPDATE: Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murdering wife and son, WATCH: Irish bishop's funeral held in Los Angeles today, Liam Neeson, Michael D Higgins and Bono among voices featured on "Patrick Kavanagh Almost Everything'", Rita OHare passes a mighty voice for justice is stilled, Brian Donnelly, Irish American visa hero, has died. Aztecs and Mayans were no exception. This is the most recent history and this is, what Id argue, is the reason why Blacks are accredited as being the slave race. my mother in law was called Shanks, we are Irish from the north of Ireland. They were also raped by their white captors and dealers while in the holding cells that lined the coasts of Africa. The next great influx came from Northern Europe, with Viking raids occurring as early as 795 A.D. To add to it the female is usually severely overweight about half the time. The Celts arrived on the island about the year 500 B.C. The Merchant Princes of Belfast (West India Traders) where rebuked by Thomas McCabe the Watchmaker of North Street for attempting to establish the slave trade there. Idiotic! Burke King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. The Irish and Scots-Irish did indeed own slaves in America and many of their emancipated slaves took their surname. The Irish were treated as less of a person than blacks, maybe not worthy of the slave owners name! Baltimore was an english town, the pirates were directed to it by an Irishman (Hackett), and the english inhabitants were shipped off to North Africa. British Penal Code offenders, Irish Rebels and, the destitute hardly have the power to enter into voluntary servitude (whether some poor actually did or not), it would be like calling your dog a voluntary pet. Sisters founded orders if nuns. Thats what I was going to ask. They were dictators and if they felt it to their advantage theyd sell off members of their own tribe and simply call it their right as ruler. Ireland and its culture are known world-over. Words are powerful, they are spells (we are spelling) the word black in middleages means pale. How would the Irish name get passed down, if the Irish parent was the mother. I agree. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of O'Dubhghaill. Inquire at- Not just the Irish. Could the Irish in specific have something to do with what the most High is doing in (phisical) (black) Israel? .Ireland Scotland Wales ..even babies. This regard of history and overall attitude only serves to further perpetuate the divide between skin color and bigotry. Thanks for trying to provide some historical fair play to the memory of Irish Slaves.). After they were freed, when their slave trade ended, they were made overseers, given african slaves, made to believe they were part of the white establishment. I had learned of indentured servitude among the Europeans. The slave owners of my ancestors were Dingles. This is further evidence that despite the evil of Irish slavery, Irish slaves were strangely still seen as human. My Uncle Lon, born in the U.S. was shot in the head by the KKK in Sudbury Massachusetts back in the twenties. Dirst the Spaniards/Portuguese outlawed enslaving Christians long before British had slaves in the Americas. Disgusting lies like this are akin to Holocaust Denial, and its no surprise that one of the authors circulating this myth, Michael Hoffman, is in fact an outspoken Holocaust Denier. Famous Flynns include actors Errol Flynn and Brandon Flynn. My dad is African-American and his last name is Hare. It was the Jim Crow laws and the Redlining that did the most damage. So I picked up those big fat ugly crayons .. If you want to refute the facts surrounding Cromwells conquest of Ireland, Irish rebel imprisonment, British penal system convictions, Barbary slave trade, and raids on mainland coastal Europe and the British Isles Im interested to review your scholarly work. The main difference is that 600,000 people died in a civil war to end Black slavery, not Irish indentured service. There you go again, oversimplifying a complicated issue. ack sure the English were only RAPEING women and children for 800 years talking are homes are lands hanging us for are religion we were slaves to the English for years ack and sure only 1 million people died of starvation watching there kids dieing one by one resorting to poor houses were you worked for food. The O or preceding a second name means the grandson of or descendant of and is a common feat in Irish surnames. Those who live in the north of the country may hold various national identities, including Irish, Northern Irish, and British. From a real Irish person, who didnt get shipped over to America but whos ancestors have fought against the oppression of Britannia and ultimately Rome (the Pope) for over 800years. If it wasnt profitable, they wouldnt have done it. My grandmother was an indentured servant who came over here from Ireland to work with an English family later on my grandfather saw her or met her and decided to purchase her freedom from that English family so she so she was actually a slave / indentured servant herself, I was under the impressionthat the Irish came to America as indenture slaves. The Essex Institute: Salem, 1912. Or the African names were difficult to pronounce and not common to them so they gave them a name that was easier? One of them reached his 7 year mark, and went to work on another mans farm. Irish revolutionary Michael Collins is one of the most famous Irish people with this surname. He gained his freedom in 7 years and bought land. I assumed it had transferred from plantation owner to slave but instead it seems like it transferred from Irish slave to African slave. This article tries to make it seem as if black slaves had it far better than Irish slaves or indentured servants. The history of the Irish enslavement should not be swept under the rug. Over the centuries, Ireland has seen much change, with invasion by the Anglo-Normans in the 12th century, followed by British colonisation in the 16th/17th century moments which significantly shaped our history. Anglo-Irish) were in Ireland. And you never were shipped anywhere. One generation after another. More White Supremacist bullshit there were no white slaves, the Irish and Scots were originally black people, they descend from black Hebrew Israelites called the Iber (Heber or Eber, vowels are interchangeable and are the same people who travelled to Africa and called themselves the Ibo or Igbo). Visit The Information about Irelandsite to read more about Irish history, culture, and heritage. Each of these immigrant groups had their own physical characteristics and all, with the exception of the Ulster Planters, assimilated to some degree into Irish society, many claiming to be "more Irish than the Irish themselves". Some of us blow it off, move on, and create a better life for our families. As things evolved though the change from indentured to enslaved came in a big way because of the darker skin tone making it easier to identify runaways and the popularity of black Africans entering a lifetime period of slavery is why indentured servitude was replaced with full on actual slavery. Famous Kellys include actor and director Gene Kelly, 20th-century artist Ellsworth Kelly, and actress and Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly. The brits found you in the new world, the so called African Americans are really the native americans- the moors. But nowadays American people ( so called african americans and redneck irish) are all dumbed down, thats why you are fighting to be the worst treated slaves. and yes we did get it hard from the british in our own homeland of ireland occuppied for years 800 years of rape murder and torture. And the traditional double-standard was upheld even there, because as long as it was circumspect and everyone turned a blind eye, it was still common, un-punished behavior for White males to rape or copulate with African females, but a blasphemous abomination for a white woman to voluntarily have relations with an African man, and could result in death for both. The Anglo-Saxon offspring he openly acknowledged. The Irish were treated HORRIBLY, often just as horribly as Africansbut not always. As far as the name changes it was probably due to pronunciations not so much of stripping the names, doubt the traders/owners cared either way, whatever would be easiest. However, most Blacks in the USA dont have to deal with slavery. Spreading these values will end modern slavery, and help us make the entire history of slavery a thing of the past. I think the more realistic story of how many Blacks got Irish last names is that there were rich Irish who owned slaves too. Did you assume the Irish always spoke English? Not all Africans in America descend from slaves. They were dispised, were not allowed practice thier own religion, keep their own gaelic name, Own any kind of property, and denied the use of thier own language. It is claimed that the Spanish married into Irish society and created a new class of Irish who were immediately recognizable by their dark hair and complexion. Have you met Jesus . Her first husband was White and her second husband was Black. Others you may not be as familiar with outside of Ireland are Whelan ( Faolin in Gaelic) and OKeeffe ( Caoimh in Gaelic). Should you be keen to learn more about Irish names, check out some of these articles: The 10 most popular Irish surnames worldwide, Top 100 Irish Surnames & Last Names (Family Names Ranked), Top 10 Irish surnames youll hear in America, The top 20 most common surnames in Dublin, The 10 Hardest to Pronounce Irish Surnames, 10 Irish surnames that are always mispronounced in America, Top 10 facts you never knew about Irish surnames, 5 common myths about Irish surnames, debunked, 10 actual surnames that would be unfortunate in Ireland, 100 popular Irish first names and their meanings: an A-Z list, 20 Most Popular Irish Gaelic Baby Names Today, Top 20 HOTTEST Irish Girl Names Right Now, Most popular Irish baby names boys and girls, The 10 hardest to pronounce Irish first names, Ranked, Top 10 Irish boy names that nobody can pronounce, 10 Irish First Names You Rarely Hear Anymore, Top 20 Irish Baby Boy Names Thatll Never Go Out of Style, How DNA kits can tell you how Irish you are. These include Gaelic Irish, Cambro-Norman, and Anglo-Irish last names. The Irish were brought over as indentured servants. Gallagher is one of the most common hereditary surnames in County Mayo. Thank you. I was slapped on the hands with a ruler as she demanded, screaming , and hitting me,!! Leo Whelan was an acclaimed Irish portrait painter. Working is a choice and they get paid for their work. Not all of them were slave owners, not all were wealthy or priviledged or educated. You changed that right now!!!!