When an Aries woman dates a Pisces man, she should know she will have to adapt in one way or another to his easy-going, passive, dreamy outlook on life. After dating for a while I felt like he wasn't making me a priority in his life and my reaction was to take off and run. They are social butterflies and can never sit idly inside their homes. Movin on down the road to a real man not a scared little boy. We talked and i thought things were ok but again the next day nothing. and sometimes I feel very confident about that fact. We talk every day. They'll always want to be around you, suggesting things that relay you spending quality time with him. But i know he is not the man 4 me. Argh! Indeed, he just wants to test if you will stick around him no matter how he is; in addition, he probably comes up with different situations to see your reaction. All they think about is how to get what they want. Keep ya posted. Though misunderstandings often arise between them, they can quickly shake them off. I agree not to ask them where they are or calling as if u r investigating on and if u do that, the aquarian man will lie to you so as not to hurt your feelings. YOU DESERVE A GOOD MAN REGARDLESS OF HIS SIGN!! we broke up again after 1 week vacation with me he said he cant get married with me bla bla bla, and after 8months break up, he called me everyday i mean everyday! We have been courting eachothers values truly, and haven't even slept together, I am almost 40 and he 49, I want to wait until I know who my life partner is going to be, and he has respected that, neither of us have been married. A man with this zodiac sign is quite good at expressing his emotions physically. I think they need to grow up and know that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they need to give to get. In order for a relarionship to work with an aqua man you need to realise this will only happen if you are willing to play it his way - his terms and conditions. They are lover boys who are dependent on their women for emotional support, so if he starts calling you for that sort of advice, hes fallen in love. Leaves me hanging? Until Saturday. He takes like 10 hours to text back and when he does hes telling me he sorry that he misses me that he cant wait to see me.. but then again he dissapear and stop texting me out of nowhere.. Im confused cuz i feel like hes getting bored of me and that he dont want nothing with me.. My last text to him was "oh forget it, like you always say it is what it is"I get the the hint Well when he got home "apparently he forgot his phone at home" he was not happy and let me know. Required fields are marked *. Very sweet! Really I dont mind taking it slow, knowing Im making a wise informed decision (vs falling head over heels immediately) but he also sends mixed signals. I just ignore him back. Don't be too starry eyed. Its been 2 days since his exam is over. I appreciate your honesty and now I have a beter understanding of aquarius male. I think maybe I've said too much in response, but I couldn't help myself. Need an unjudgmental listener? They can act a little possessive when they see things changing a bit. That was about a month ago! It's taken me 12 long years to finally accept that my aqua man will never fulfil my needs. It is comforting (yet also a bit discouraging) to read of such similar challenges and patterns: the roller coaster, the sense that the Aquarius man expects to have his cake and eat it too his need for space and reluctance to commit. And what the hell is wrong with me that I feel this much for someone who isnt REALLY giving me a reason to? An Aries man backs out of a relationship when he falls out of love. However, hard some of them try to keep up the appearance, they hurt as well. Generally, an Aries characteristic pops in females when they are in love. Did i do something wrong? Is there any good tip to stop this guy from ignoring? When he has NEVER caught me doing a thing. All our friends who've seen us together say there's undeniable attraction between us. "Aries lives very much in the moment, which means they don't typically pine after exes . please. I emailed him etc all the things I shouldn't have done but gave it a NC after and messaged him on fb and it was all ok again. I'm so sorry to hear. The next day he was acting shady & I discovered he was in the company of another woman while he was ignoring me..this all happened in real time. So check if he directs his body away from you, closes his arms tightly, or assumes any other position that seems physically uninviting. The Aries woman traits constitute qualities like enthusiasm and an extremely confident outlook. What if your he is same age & your Pisces . I read a comment where there was an Aries that was mad at some Aquarius and "wanted to slap us all" (I found that hilarious, by the way. I really like this guy and it seems to be a list cause. Why are there 12 signs? He could ignore your texts, not make returning calls, or even disappear completely. If he shows no interest in you or in sharing about himself, he probably doesnt like you. Get your free wellness planner andexclusive content, 41 Brutally honest Aries quotes that will make them feel attacked, 32 Hilarious Aries memes to call out all the Rams out there. Aries has a fighter spirit, and probably a little too much. Im not trying to discourage you from continuing your relationship but seriously seriously consider what I have written. i found out he is still in contact with his ex!! We went out for about . as said in the above comment, she'll just run away and chose to be with someone else. Sometimes I just feel like giving up because he is so damn moody and seems so wishy-washy I am used to Earth signs ( was married to one). For those of you who have kept going with these guys for over a year I take my hat off to you, really!! We have done the break up thing 5 times. We were friends for a year before that. After about 2 months of this treatment I took a call from him and we went back out. One thing that annoys me is how hes always like "oh that girl is hot" or this girl is Hot, I totally get jealous. Once each embraces what the other contributes to the partnership, they can easily be sparring partners, lovers, best friends, and soulmates for life. At work, Aries put others in shame with their efficiency. ALSO, my 4th house is also in Aquarius also, heightening my respect for Aquarius in general. However, over the coming months we chatted. I have been doing this for 3years. As everything he says and does indicates that he has always loved me also and still does. And its almost a challenge or a mystery you feel compelled to solve. I don't want to lose him so as of today I will ignore him which to me is an odd way of getting him back. I mean I'm definitely interested in him but I'm really not sure how he feels abt me(I'm an Aries grl). A lot of people even asked if we were dating each other. I was absolutely horrified! When influenced by . So we started a relationship. Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs. Ladies, if he doesn't marry you or commit to you with in 2 years. One minute you'd swear they want to spend every minute with you, which we know is not the case, and the next they treat you like the babysitter or some mere acquaintance! Are Aries and Leos Compatible: A Successful Matchor NOT. Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. He ignored my calls & replied only to a few texts when he felt like. Aries women are unbiased and never take any sides, for them it is right or wrong. Then one day he just disappeared one me havent heard from him in 3 weeks. If you ask me how to deal with an Aries man pulling away, then sadly the only way is to leave him in his own space for several days; after that, you should call him out for a serious conversation. When he found out how I felt, he pulled away but came back. I finally asked if I was going to see him again when he got back into town and his response was "of course!!! Required fields are marked *, Have you ever dated or been into a guy and had. Netway India Pvt. It seem like we both had issues with cheating and me being a cancer took things very deeply. Additionally, both individuals are more than their Sun signs. And sexy, and intelligent - and the chemistry is amazing. Im dealing with the same thing since June 2017. This relationship is all about his needs. He distanced himself, but still was watching my social site and would question me any time I referred to liking someone. Ha, ha, what a joke. Begin the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is young at heart. I was the reason for our problems. I tried to contact him but he didn't respond so I drove to his house to talk. so, i decided i'd had enough of his juvenile behavior and actually told him i didn't want to be friends anymore. However I am starting to fall for one guy who is 2 years younger than me. Are you feeling crazy right now as your Ram partner is on his ignoring spree? I was reading some of the comments and I couldn't help but adding one myself. I'm tryin so hard fr this to wrk but I'm still confused wht's goin on in his head, whether he is jst using me, or he aint sure abt me that's y he keeps spacin out, or that he likes me but is still lookin fr someone else??? When the Aries male really likes a woman, he will approach her quickly but later will regret that he didnt take things slow this is the reason for his pulling-away act. I love him so much more than I let on. We have been casually together over a year now. the best> In a period of 24 hrs 20 were for sex, We saw each other only during week ends and he would call me every day. They usually have a big group of friends because they are very quirky. Lol! This is the guy who is brimming with energy and passion when falling in love. They do love challenges and adventures fortunately, so they get excited around the other. now that i look back we've been "dating" for 9 months, taking it ridiculously slow, barely starting to get to know each other. When in doubt, ask him directly. They are very career-oriented and are focused on whatever they do. I waited an hour and 15 minutes, and where I park you can't see my car when you drive in, so he didn't know I was there, so he drives up, and I had just put a short note in his door, and I get out to get the note because I figured we would talk so why leave it, well right behind him was his new "girlfriend!!" I have been seeing an Aquarius off and on for three years now. I got quite involved with his children, weekends away etc. When im with him he is affectionate and I can tell he has something for me, but its like a rollercoaster! Ok i completely understand the aqua guy..but really? When it comes to me, it's just that I am having a mental freak out. My friend says he is still deciding about me. When I dated men in my younger years, b4 I married my husband who I have now separated from, I wud've brushed this type of guy aside as I wudn't have had the patience to play along with their apparent games and I certainly wud never have done the chasing! I'm great friends with an Aquarian guy who's 9 yrs younger to me. Keep us posted as to how it turns out,okay. They are very good at playing games. Its worth noting that a toxic trait or two doesnt make you a toxic person. So hes likely not that into you once he displays his disappearing acts. Ghosting you will be the most likely route hell take to get rid of you, short of telling you outright that hes not into you. Is his I need time and space a way for him to nicely say we are done? Which I have told him it pisses me off. Try to keep the conversation light, make him laugh, and do things that attracted him to you in the first-time meeting. To lie is very easy. 41 Follow Your Dreams Quotes to Spark Your Inspiration, Anything is possible if you dare to dream. Due to the differences, they both need work to find the harmony in their emotional connection. She is pushy and playful, and breaking his emotional walls is a great challenge to her. Good luck. I have put up with this as long as I can, I have understood he needs time and space.. If youve been seeing him for some time and his friends still dont know who you are, thats a sign that hes not talking about you with anyone. Welcome! Yes he swept me off my feet, everyday saw me, took me out, called all day, he told me he loved me first and wanted to marry me, etc. The break up was never made official by phone call or conversation. .3 weeks maybe cause he just disappeared. I don't want to rush into a relationship. Because then you'll be very confused when he suddenly disappears or brushes off invitations to spend time with you. It's been a month and no word from him. With this information at hand, youll find it much easier to see where this tumultuous relationship is leading, how much time to invest in it and the correct steps to win this guy over once and for all. We texted for 9 months then he finds a reason to ask to actually call me. Copyright 2023. Take it slow with the aquarian man and he will wonder if you like him or not and then wants to get your attention. Hence it seems they can see into your thoughts and say or do the right thing at the right time. The sign are less likely to share their thoughts in a competitive setting. The key to an Aquarius man is to not take any crap from them. Be a mystery and he'll stop worrying about relationships and commitments and go back to picking at your brain and looking at you with his head tilted. They want a challenge. It can very intense as they do or say things theyll regret laterfrom punching a wall to screaming hurtful things. I started talking to an Aquarius man online 20 months ago. When a Pisces man dates an Aries woman, he can expect her to open her own doors, put on her own coat, pull out her own chair, and perhaps even offer to pick up the check. They are full of life and thus take every day as it comes. This is all understandable as i like to have my freedom too. This man is nearly 50 and did tell me he had disappeared on women before. Hi, im a leo and been dating a aquaruis man for a couple of months. I will get bored and feel unloved and move on with a quickness and not look back. Aries woman is very energetic and fiery. Something that can be seen in their temper tantrum, especially if they dont get their way. Notice how he acts when around you. Im too old for this! While it may seem like Aries getsmadateverythingas their passionate nature and fiery temper gets them riled up at every little thing. But in this post, Ill be covering all the signs that the Aqua mandoesnt like you. Playing the same game with a 50 year old Aquairus who act like a little lost boyHe found me searched me out said I was his soul mate wanted to maary me, moved me back to Califonia, and 3 month after we moved back he lost his son, and said he needed time away which i gave him he moved out and comes and goes when he pleases , comes to do his laundry takes me to the beach make love and than poof i don hear from him for a weekWhen I just show up at his hide out he says I am freaking out and do it to myself. He even told me he thought it was cool how I told him that and don't expect anything, I don't know how to take that. He is in Vegas. He rarely focuses for long on any one unless he really likes them. But in this post, Ill be covering all the signs that the Aqua man, The Ultimate Course: How to Attract an Aquarius Man, He keeps your conversations at a surface level, The 5 Best Sun Sign Matches for an Aquarian Man, He resents any sacrifices he makes for you, How to Get an Aquarius Man to Chase You Endlessly. For me, as a very strong-minded Aries woman, it started off as a challenge for me to see if I could actually follow another person and allow him to be mostly "in charge". An Aries man is emotionally weak. Etc etc. They will date 3-4 girls at the same time. i got frustrated like everyone else, i thought what a jerk! Initially i called him once in a day & messaged in general clearly stating that its okay if he doesn't reply. Trouble is they must surely lose so many good women. For the first time in years you feel alive. My friendship with him is too precious to lose it just like that without giving a try to do something bout it. The last time (see my posts above) he ran off and didnt call for two weeks. The sex was the bomb! I wasn't looking for anything I wasn't supposed to meet him and I told him that. I realized after his break that I should not say I am going to leave as this frightens him, so he says and he is unsure if he wants to move forward when he feels threatened that I will leave. I'm not in a hurry to be in a relationship with him. If you're not an Aquarius, it may be hard to understand, but committing to somethingFor me, it's all about not hurting the other person. I want someone who makes me feel good (we all deserve that don't we?) Best of luck to everyone! I am an aqua girl and we aquarius really do need some space, but it doesnt mean that we will disappear for weeks. It's the complementary differences and the Pisces man's flexibility that make this relationship work. I'm pretty sorted in my mind & he knows it pretty clear too that i'm not looking for anything romantic with him. And you wanna get as far away from them as you can. attracted to his smile and flurtatious ways. and, to make it worse, he said he had liked me as more than a friend the entire time. What will be will be I guess. Oh we had a nice enough evening and he talked about the 'next time' but it felt like we were an old married couple or just friends (but he had a bad leg you see and was in an awful lot of pain!).