U.S. citizens are primarily the victims of opportunistic crime. Victims who tested positive for COVID-19 faced delays or limitations in receiving services from shelters. Honduran law prohibited the prosecution of victims for unlawful acts traffickers compelled them to commit. Local police and emergency services lack sufficient resources to respond effectively to serious crime. Although many tourists come to this city, there is a high crime rate, which is worth remembering when planning a trip to this city. The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Honduras. Crisis in Honduras: Ongoing violence and climate shocks Here are three reasons the International Rescue Committee's Emergency Watchlist ranks Honduras among 20 countries most at risk of worsening humanitarian crisis in 2022. Review OSACs reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Departments webpage on driving and road safety abroad. According to a report published in June 2020 by the Network Against Anti-Union Violence, 36 trade unionists were murdered between 2009 and 2019. While many protests remain relatively peaceful, demonstrations can escalate into violent confrontations with the police resulting in destruction to public and private property. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. The Government of Honduras does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so. In addition, a lack of implementing regulations leads to long delays in the awarding of titles in some regions. Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing; the difference is usually in the organization of the killing. Although its specialists occasionally cannot provide the U.S. standard of care, the hospital and diagnostic departments do have the capability to provide most medical procedures. U.S. citizens have been the victims of a wide range of crimes, including murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, and property crimes. The government demonstrated overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity; therefore Honduras remained on Tier 2. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The U.S. Department of State has assessed Lima as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Violent crime is a serious issue in the entire country, with crimes such as kidnappings, rape, assaults, and murders. Reach the local police anywhere in Honduras by dialing 911. Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Honduras. Avoid traveling at night and always drive with doors locked and windows rolled up to deter potential robberies at traffic lights and on congested downtown streets. Most crime victims are members of rival gangs, small business owners who resist gang extortion, passengers on public transportation, or those involved in land tenure disputes. In 2021, almost 39 homicides were committed per 100,000 inhabitants in Honduras. Honduran law requires access to buildings for persons with disabilities; however, there are limited facilities for individuals with disabilities. These penalties were sufficiently stringent. Drug trafficking and gang activity, which includes local micro-trafficking of narcotics and extortion, are the main causes of violent crime in Honduras. Resolution of disputes in court often takes years. Review the State Departments webpage on insurance overseas. In contrast, the enrollment in secondary schools dropped to 52%, while post-secondary education was attended by just 26% of the relevant age group in 2020. . The state of emergency, in place since Dec. 6 in 165 areas of Honduras' largest two cities, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, has been expanded to 235 of the country's 298 municipalities, the . In Honduras, the United Nations is committed to continue working together with a wide range ofsectors of the country in achieving a more just and equitable society, where it isnt dangerous to be a woman. The government reported investigating 82 cases of suspected sex trafficking and related crimes in 2020, compared with 91 suspected cases investigated in 2019 and 145 in 2018. The Government of Honduras has a very limited law enforcement presence in some northern coastal areas, including parts of the departments of Olancho, Colon, and Gracias a Dios. Nine significant tropical storms/hurricanes since 1995 have affected Honduras. Received a complaint about honduras crime and safety report 2021 at Pioneer Park with murder November 2017 shorter! U.S. citizens have been the victims of a wide range of crimes, including murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, and property crimes. Most often, pickpocketing and theft of bags and wallets occur here. Honduras removed the offense of sex tourism from its amended penal code, and the government did not investigate or prosecute any suspected trafficking cases in the tourism sector. Is Honduras Safe to Travel Alone Traveling solo is becoming more popular and within Latin America, more people including myself have set out to travel alone. Title insurance is not widely available in Honduras and approximately 80% of the privately held land in the country is either untitled or improperly titled. As a result, criminals operate with a high degree of impunity. The U.S. Embassy strongly discourages intercity car and bus travel after dark. Extortion threats commonly originate through social engineering. According to the UNDP report on Honduras, in 2020, the primary school enrollment rate reached 92%. Honduras sees 318 cases of femicide in 2021: Report At least 19 women murdered since beginning of 2022, says Honduras Center for Women's Studies Sinan Doan | 27.01.2022 A large number of media have distorted the populations perception on violence against women by informing about it in a way that makes it seems as if these are isolated cases, when the reality is that this is an endemic issue in the Honduran society. During 2019, multiple vehicles belonging to U.S. and Honduran employees of the U.S. Embassy were burglarized and/or vandalized on side streets around the Embassy compound. A significant percentage of vehicles are in disrepair, underpowered, beyond their lifecycle, and would not meet U.S. road safety standards. According to a November 2019 study entitled Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility for the Central District and Comayaguela, 48% of passengers reported having been assaulted one time in the past 12 months while traveling on a Rapidito, 31% twice, 11% three times, and 10% more than three times. drivers licenses, vehicle registration). Not only are the bootlegs illegal in the United States, if you purchase them you may also be breaking local law and be subject to local penalties. Traffic signs, even on major highways, are often inadequate; streets are often unmarked even in major cities. Natalia Lozano is a Honduran lawyer, working in the fields of human, women's, LGBT, and youth rights as the Honduran National Coordinator of Right Here Right Now. Cattrachas, a lesbian feminist human rights group in Honduras's capital of Tegucigalpa, said 405 LGBTQ people have been reported killed in the country since 2009, according to the Blade. In October 2019, a thief stole the side view mirrors from a U.S. employees personally owned vehicle while it was parked on a side street near the Embassy. The U.S. Embassy has restricted U.S. government personnel travel to the Gracias a Dios Department in eastern Honduras because of credible threat information against U.S citizens. On May 30, protesters blocked several main avenues in Tegucigalpa, including access to Toncontn International Airport (TGU). Backlinks from other websites and blogs are the lifeblood of our site and are our primary source of new traffic. Honduras has a long history of sustaining damage due to powerful tropical storms and hurricanes. The government allocated insufficient funds for implementation of the plan and relevant agencies relied on additional support from foreign donors to implement its activities. InSight Crime's 2022 Homicide Round-Up covers more countries than ever before, with a major expansion into nations of the Caribbean. Honduras has the highest femicide rate in the Latin American region, with6.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Authorities reported restrictions implemented to mitigate the pandemic impeded investigations in commercial venues where trafficking has been known to occur and slowed investigations and prosecutions of trafficking crimes. Review the State Departments webpage on security for travelers with disabilities. Union leaders and labor activists in both the public and private sector face harassment, dismissal, and violence for their activities. Violence linked to land disputes also occurs, particularly in the Bay Islands and Bajo Aguan Valley in northern Honduras. The UNSDG guides, supports, tracks and oversees the coordination of development operations in 162 countries and territories. Review OSACs reports, The Overseas Travelers Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud and Taking Credit. Increase efforts to identify victims, including among particularly vulnerable populations such as adult migrants, and provide assistance to all victims, including forced labor victims. Chicago, for example, has a per capita murder rate of 24 per 100,000. The following reports are broken down by campus alphabetically: Abington 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (pdf) The government cooperated with the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico to investigate trafficking cases and detain suspects. Diarrheal illness is very common even in large cities and luxury accommodations. CICESCT maintained a public website and launched social media accounts to share information on human trafficking with the public. The UNSDG has a strengthened coordination system that works at a country, regional and global level. Passengers on public buses have been the victims of robbery at roadblocks and bus stops, during daytime and nighttime hours. CICESCT referred 37 victimsfive boys, 22 girls, and 10 womento government and NGO shelters for additional care. Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba) have homicide rates higher than the national average, as do several Honduran departments (a geographic designation like U.S. States), including Atlntida, Coln, Corts, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, and Yoro. Law enforcement, immigration, and social service providers had written procedures for identifying and assisting victims, including screening for indicators of trafficking among vulnerable populations and referring potential victims to CICESCTs immediate response team. Honduras Crime Rate & Statistics 1990-2023, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2020 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2019 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2018 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2017 was. Anyone with information is strongly encouraged to report the matter. Emergency services, even in Tegucigalpa, generally are basic. The governments disaggregated victim data included some victims of related crimes such as child pornography; all identified victims were Honduran citizens and included 43 children and 24 adults, 56 females and 10 males, and one LGBTQI+ individual. Despite being considered the best private hospital in Tegucigalpa, it is not Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited; JCI is an independent, not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations. Highlights July 27, 2022: Student Reports of Bullying: Results from the 2019 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey July 12, 2022: Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools in 2019-20: Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety June 28, 2022: The government lacks resources to investigate and prosecute cases; police often lack vehicles/fuel to respond to calls for assistance. Since 2012, the Honduran government signed agreements with Transparency International, the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative, and the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative. U.S. citizens are encouraged to be vigilant of their surroundings at all times, especially when entering or exiting their homes, cars, garages, schools, and workplaces. Although crime and violent crime occur in all parts of Honduras, the north coast and central portions of the country have historically had the countrys highest crime rates. 2022 estimated. The Embassy cannot secure the release or act as legal representation for any U.S. citizen. Consider looking into aggregate data we have for Crime in Honduras. "Honduras: Death of Keyla Martnez demands prompt, exhaustive and impartial investigation", 9 February Last update: October 2022. The law on safe houses needs to be passed! Develop and implement standardized procedures for victim identification and referral, including screening for indicators of forced criminal activity among children involved in gang-related crimes. In 2019, there were 1,500 traffic fatalities throughout the country. Assaults in these areas may be based on tips from sources at airport arrival areas, so visitors are strongly urged to exercise caution in discussing travel plans in public. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) In March 2019, the Honduran Government created the National Urban Transportation Security Force to combat extortion and other crimes perpetrated by gangs. Ocean via the Gulf of Fonseca in the Caribbean and access to the local police and property crime 1. Murders are easy to commit because most of Honduras' population is armed. Honduras is a signatory to the International Labor Organizations 169 Convention, which requires free prior notice and informed consent from indigenous communities before any development projects can begin; the congress has not approved a law regulating this process. Since 2010, nine U.S. citizens have been reported as victims of rape or sexual assault in Honduras, signaling an increasing trend in these types of crimes. Counterfeit products are predominately but not solely in the pharmaceutical and apparel industries. international and local public pressure, MACCIHs mandate ended in January 2020 without agreement for its extension between the OAS and the Honduran government. Preliminary Observations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on its Visit to Honduras - May 15 TO 18, 2010 Honduras: Human Rights and the Coup D' ETAT - Dec. 2009 Return to the Top of the Page Justice System Foreign Government Reports Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs) Exercise extreme caution driving on isolated stretches of road and passing other vehicles on mountainous curves. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit www.doyouneedvisa.com which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit. Criminals sometimes obtain personal information through social media, the internet, or a victims family member. As a result, there is no longer free travel between Honduras and Nicaragua. When possible, travel in groups. Honduras has a high homicide rate, with a murder rate of 36 people per 100,000 in 2020. Kidnappings declined by 82% since 2013, from 92 in 2013 to 14 in 2018, and 12 in 2019.