Galactus | Arcade | Parasite | Sebastian Shaw | Orka | Tinkerer | Namor | Bushmaster | Electro | Vermin | Fantastic Four (2005): Victor von Doom | Annihilus | Blastaar | Puppet Master | Diablo | Mole Man As the medium has evolved, however, the simplistic justice of superhero media has changed to something more complex. Silvermane | Dreadknight | Bushwacker | Hyperstorm | Symbiotes | Wolf Spider | Flag-Smasher | Steel Serpent | D'Spayre | Scenario 1: Dr Doom from the 2015 fantastic four movie. Ghost Rider: Blackheart | Mephisto | The Hidden (Gressil, Wallow & Abigor) Sandman | The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn Mentallo | Arnim Zola | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Master Man | Thanos | Titania | Kraven the Hunter | Bizarro | Dracula | Firelord | Namor McKenzie | Some accounts say the explosion of his machine only caused one scar, which he could not handle, as "Doom should be perfect". Unlike many other villains, Doom does not want to rule the world out of greed or hunger for power. Grotesk | Red She-Hulk | Secret Empire | Doctor Doom is an unlockable outfit in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 2, Season 4, titled "Nexus War". X-Men: Apocalypse: Ashir En Sabah Nur/Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse, Magneto, Psylocke & Archangel) | Dark Phoenix | Mystique | William Stryker Jr. | Blob Eric Radomski Animated Universe Shocker | Ramrod | Whiplash | Living Monolith | Fin Fang Foom | Doctor Doom's arrival also completely makes sense for the next step of the MCU franchise. Blackout | Doctor Doom | Nebula | Fantastic Four (1994): Doctor Doom | The Jeweler Roxxon Energy Corporation | Galactus | Earl Gustav | Black Knight | Shadow | Doom began to master both magic and technology, and when his fame reached the United States, he gained the opportunity to study in America. Vulture | Masters of Evil | X-Men: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth & Toad) | Pyro U-Foes | Carlton Drake | On that account, he has had more than a few serious setbacks such as when Reed Richards caused him to be deposed in favor of Prince Zorba. Doctor Doom | Purple Man | Though Loki has a general understanding of morality, it has no bearing on his actions as Loki instead chooses to fight for . Ulik | Mister Hyde | Zombie Giant-Man | Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold Vermin | Hand | Godzilla | Piledriver | Jack O' Lantern | Black Cat | Wendigo King | Magneto | Red Skull | M.O.D.O.K. Grandmaster | Songbird | Thunderbolts | Titanium Man | Sabretooth | Killer Shrike | Mister Hyde | Whiplash (Anton Vanko) | Malekith | Yelena Belova, Absorbing Man | Immortus | Super-Adaptoid | Battling his Doombots, Doctor Doom enters the fight standing toe to toe against Thor. Aqueos | Brothers Grimm | Vergil | Niles Van Roekel | X-Men Legends: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Acolytes (Magneto, Mystique, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Sabretooth & Toad) | Marrow | Juggernaut | Shadow King | Apocalypse | Master Mold Chameleon | Growing Man | Johnny Ohm | Mandarin | Morphine | Iron Man (1994): Mandarin | Whirlwind | Blizzard | Dreadknight | Backlash | Grey Gargoyle | Living Laser | M.O.D.O.K. Avalanche | Destiny | Punisher | Crossbones | Thunderbolts | Doctor Doom | Cheetah | Friends of Humanity | Shocker | Masters of Evil | Thunderball | Holocaust | | He was first mentioned in the episode "The Breakout" (Part 1) during a trade with A.I.M. Count Nefaria | Sin-Eater | Ringer | Batroc | Taskmaster | Star Sapphire | Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes: Victor von Doom | Mole Man | Puppet Master | Super-Skrull | Skrulls | Supreme Intelligence | Frightful Four (Wizard & Trapster) | Attuma | Namor | Giganto | Impossible Man | Lucia Von Bardas | Terminus | Klaw | Diablo | Grandmaster | Thunderbolt Ross | Ronan the Accuser | Kree | Annihilus, Video Games X-Men: Children of the Atom: Magneto | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Silver Samurai | Sentinel | Spiral | Mojo Zodiac | Controller | Ozymandias | Namor | Damage | During a recent interview with 14-year-old leukemia survivor, and Marvel super-fan, KJ Ricci, Lee was asked who his favorite villain was, and hegave the easy answer:Doctor Doom. Scarecrow | Grandmaster | Iron Man 3: A.I.M. Upon using the Time Platform, Thor goes back in time to the moment that Doctor Doom was about to use his Time Platform at one of his bases and secretly destroys it with lightning. Grizzy | Piledriver | the Penguin | Blizzard | However, he has also fought with almost every mega-hero in the Marvel Universe, and even some heroes outside of the Marvel Universe (example: Superman). Electro | Baron Mordo | Morlun | Galactus | Nekra | Eddie Brock | Omega Red | Though Doom was responsible for the incident, he still blamed Richards for the accident, considering that to admit his own culpability would mean acknowledging Richards' superior intelligence, and withdrew from society for some time. Ultron | Crossbones | Wizard, Video Games Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio Victor Von Doom only wants to rule the world. DaVanti | Porcupine | Red Ghost | Supreme Intelligence | Thanos | Jack O' Lantern | Air-Walker | Bullseye | Super-Adaptoid | A.I.M. Deadpool | Ms. Marvel | U-Foes | Hugo | Rogue | Wizard | Revived. The Invincible Iron Man: Crimson Dynamo | Blizzard Bulldozer | Symbiotes | Melter | Terminus | Lasher | Green Goblin | Mastermind | Gog | Hela | Doctor Light | Free shipping for many products! Tinkerer | Goldbug | Chameleon | Frightful Four | Arcade | Mandarin | Spirit of Vengeance: Mephisto | Blackout, Television Red Hulk | Ego the Living Planet | Hammerhead | Knull | The character's background and basis is vastly different from his original version: Victor Von Doom is a member of the royal family of Latveria, he was married, his scarring accident happened in Latveria and resulted in the accidental deaths of his family. Ringmaster | Abomination | Marrow | Vampires | M.O.D.O.K. Loki Laufeyson | HYDRA | Mandarin | Annihilus | Tyrannus | Firebrand | Demon Bear | Doctor Doom also appears as the main antagonist in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Lilith | Mister Sinister | Piledriver | Moondark | Now, if you really think about it objectively, you could walk up to a policeman, and you could say, 'Excuse me, officer, I want to tell you something: I want to rule the world.' Shocker | Vector | Crossbones | Street | Universal Church of Truth | Fin Fang Foom | Bullseye | Constrictor | Whirlwind | Dark Avengers | Sauron | Full Name Vector | Bullseye | Arakko | Hand | Imhotep | LEGO Marvel's Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Malekith the Accursed | Kurse | Various Villains X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Magneto Swarm | Zahnmrder | Red Skull | Baron Karza | Backlash | Manticore | Secret Empire | Not even becoming a god is enough for Victor von Doom. The drive and desire that raised him to where he is, also condemn him to perennial dissatisfaction. Chitauri | Owl | Unicorn | Mandarin | Professor Zoom | Ringmaster | Mr. Hyde | During a fight with Attuma, Dracula and the Red skull, but it was actually a ploy to get him to Avenger's tower to improve his tech using the Avenger's. Morlocks | Wrecker | Venom | Gibbon | Life Foundation | Doppelganger | Magneto | Doombots as his threats. In the episode "Infiltration", Doctor Doom returns and hands Iron Man a chip with the ability to scan human beings to see if they are Skrulls or not. Punisher | Dr. Rice | Space Phantom | Trapster | Dormammu | Black Spectre | Bi-Beast | Fenris | Red Ghost | Mad Thinker | Although a major threat to the Marvel universe, Doom can also prove a valuable ally. Omega Red | Mangog | Jackal | Boomerang | Loki Laufeyson | Supreme Intelligence | Beyonder | Solo | M.O.D.O.K. Morlun | Joystick | Musashib Benkei | Bane | Beetle | Ultimo | Monica Rappaccinni | New Mutants Villains | Fixer | Reclaim and rule Latveria.Save his mother's soul from Mephisto's Realm (both succeeded).Destroy Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four (ongoing).Destroy anyone else who opposes him (partially succeeded).Rule not only Latveria but the whole Earth.Conquer the universe (both ongoing).Redeem himself (temporarily succeeded). Master of the World | Sabretooth | Captain America (1990): Red Skull | Valentina de Santis Toad | Black Hayato | Quicksilver | Winter Soldier | Baron Mordo | Killer Shrike | X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Brood Queen | Sentinels | Acolytes | Exodus | Magneto Where Victor really shines as an anti-hero, however, is in the many confrontations against his true nemesis, who is certainly not that presumptuous elongating buffoon Richards, but the Devil himself: Mephisto. Ancient Ogre | Janga | Necromorphs, Anime reps Firefly | Mandarin | Enchantress | Madame Masque | Chameleon | Whiplash | Sabretooth | Malekith, and Doctor Doom. Norman Osborn | Dark Phoenix | Baron Zemo | However, Doom's co-creator, Stan Lee, doesn't think he's a villain at all. Quicksilver | X-Men (1994): Magneto | Sebastian Shaw | Callisto | Sauron | Brood Queen | Omega Red Apocalypse | Arnim Zola | Vermin | Fixer | High Evolutionary | Fantastic reveals that what Doom has been doing is noble, but too twisted to do it himself to save the Earth. J. Jonah Jameson | Red Ghost | Nightshade | Doom had both heroes placed in a special machine as the Avenger and the Fantastic Four make their way towards Latveria. Mephisto | Bushmaster | Deadpool | Quicksilver | Captain America and The Avengers: Red Skull | Crossbones | Klaw | Living Laser | Whirlwind | Sentinel | Wizard | Grim Reaper | Mandarin | Juggernaut | Ultron Zzzax, Movies Moonstone | U-Foes | Machinesmith | Manipulating two major nations into war would have been very on-character for Doctor Doom, especially considering that . J. Jonah Jameson | Nebula | The effects of Doctor Doom controlling the Destroyer has even caused him to attack his own people. Thunderball | Supreme Intelligence | Taskmaster | Magneto | Taskmaster | Lilith Aensland | Heihachi Mishima | Sentinels | Television Infinity Ultron | Yellowjacket | Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Thunderbolt Ross | Whiplash | Arnim Zola | Prince Killmonger | Strange Supreme | Georges Batroc | Ego | Zombies (Scarlet Witch), Video Games Doctor Bong | Doctor Octopus | High Evolutionary | Frost Giants | Destroyer | Growing Man | Thanos | Yellow Claw | Zarrko | Lilith | Mojo | Trapster | Electro | Ultron | Tiger Shark | Hitman | Scimitar | Sentinels (The Matrix) | Swarm | Fixer | Chemistro | However, she was tricked by Mephisto, who trapped her soul in his hellish domain. M.O.D.O.K. Punisher | Albert Grey | Sandman | Lash | Baron Zemo | Demogoblin | Adolf Hitler | Luckily for them, Doom is way ahead of them. Miscellaneous Herr Kleiser | Tombstone | Sin | Living Laser | Stranger | Magneto | Scorpion | Akatsuki (Itachi Uchiha) | Starro | He once tried to rule the world by using the Infinity Sword. Chameleon | Baron Zemo | Shocker | Reavers | Emma Frost | Only the combined forces of the Fantastic 4 and the Feminine 4 can stop him. Iron Man 3: The Official Game: Crimson Dynamo | A.I.M. Omega Red | Kamuz | Doctor Doom | Iron Man 2: Whiplash | Hammer Industries (Justin Hammer, Jack & Hammer Drones) | Ten Rings (Ten Rings Agent) | Senator Stern | Anton Vanko Deadpool: Deadpool | Dopinder | Ajax | Angel Dust | Agent Smith Stilt-Man | Executioner | Legion of Doom. Magneto | Puma | Phantom | He is one of the universe's most mysterious and powerful supervillains, originally conceived as an omnipotent being from another Multiverse he was later retconned to be a rogue and child Cosmic Cube who was unaware of his true nature and caused havoc with his reality-warping powers: this new origin is not set in stone however and the true Man-Wolf | Purple Man | and the Avengers protect Doctor Doom while he is speaking at the United Nations, yet due to the cabal wanting to attack him when he did not join them. Commander Kraken | Mad Thinker | Egghead | Sentinal | Iron Monger | Whiplash | Batroc the Leaper | Unicorn | Thanos | Vector | Tyrannus | X-Men (1992): Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists (Magneto, Mystique, White Queen, Juggernaut, Blob, Pyro, Wendigo & Living Monolith) | Sentinels Glenn Talbot | Shriek | Super-Skrull | Scarlet Witch | Ben Riley | Blob | Captain America: The First Avenger: HYDRA (Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Heinz Kruger, HYDRA Lieutenant, & Velt) | Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider Simon Trask | Mac Gargan | Fantastic Four Vol 1 320 As for the Wizard, he takes excessive pride in his invention of antigravity drives - an achievement I accomplished while I was a youth. Midnight | Beetle | D'Spayre | Daken | Absorbing Man | Shriek | Princess Python | | Monica Rappaccini | The Anomaly | Hexus | Super-Adaptoid | Austin Van Der Sleet | Mister Sinister | Madame Masque | Whirlwind | Mandrill | The Leader | Arcade | Fin Fang Foom | The Brood | Frost Giants, What If? Wrecker | Masters of Evil | Brothers Grimm | | A.I.M. The Wolverine: Silver Samurai | Madam Viper | Shingen Yashida | Noburo Mori | Magneto Taskmaster | Doom was defeated and lost the powers of the Odinforce, and was imprisoned by Odin to suffer the consequences of their crimes against the Gods. HYDRA | High Evolutionary | Venom | Carnage | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Green Goblin | Vulture | Man-Wolf | J. Jonah Jameson, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series Ox | Whirlwind | Hammerhead | Stardust | Batman/Fortnite The Leader | Symbiotes | Captain America then removes the Helhorn from Doctor Doom as he is evacuated from Helheim and returned to Latveria. Walrus | Mandarin | Wrecker, Absorbing Man | However, these pieces had strange effects on what they first had in contact with. Dark Phoenix | Punisher (Earth-95216) | Maestro | Atlas | Inspector Krahn | Puff Adder | Juggernaut | Kite-Man | Dark Avengers | Mister Fear | Doronjo | Rouge the Bat | Wendigo | Warhawk | Enforcers | Hela | Madcap | Thunderball | Impossible Man | Stinger | Flag-Smasher | Cameron Hodge | Sin | Melter | War Machine intercepts Doom's plane to which he responds by nearly defeating the two armored heroes in a two-on-one battle.
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