Community. This is due to key decisions the country has taken through its history that have positively affected its performance in social progress, environment, society and overall peace indicators, explains Daniel Valverde, Essential Costa Rica country brand director. Try cutting out some meat and replacing it with fresh vegetables and fruit. The five known Blue Zones identified in Buettner's book include:. You can drive to Tamarindo in about 80 minutes from the Liberia airport (its about four hours from Costa Ricas other main airport in the capital, San Jos). Jorge Vindas, Costa Ricas Blue Zone expert, says that its a combination of good genes, healthy food and water, regular low-intensity exercise, few vices, a strong connection to family, putting importance on religion or spirituality, and having a sense of purpose. We must make the health of future generations our responsibility by implementing the lifestyles of the Blue Zones people now. According to researchers, most inhabitants live to at least the age of 90.. Offering barefoot luxury on Playa Langosta this family-owned boutique hotel is a 15-minute walk from downtown Tamarindo. People often consider the impact of global decisions on future generations through legislation. Just so you know, Matador may collect a small commission from the links on this page if you decide to book a stay. Costa Rica is home to one of the five original blue zones regions, the Nicoya peninsula, with a high number of centenarians in excellent health. Healthy and supportive relationships with friends and family are another one of their keys to longevity. LIKED THIS? Technology permeates everyday life and Nicoya is the perfect place to go for a digital detox. Calles 27 & 29, Ave 2, Nicoya has an abundance of accommodation options but these selections should help your Blue Zone focus whether its healthy food, yoga, spa, surfing, and hiking, connecting with family, or getting a sense of purpose by helping protect Nicoyas wildlife and their habitat. Staples of the traditional Nicoya diet include homemade corn tortillas, black beans, white rice, a variety of squash, yams, papaya, bananas, and pejibayes. Several of Nicoyas beaches like those in the Ostional National Wildlife Reserve are nesting grounds for Kemps Ridley, green, and leatherback turtles. We hope you love the Blue Zone Costa Rica stays we recommend. Dan Buettner is really the man behind Blue Zones, so I suggest you start your interest with him. However, both towns have a more touristy vibe to them. Directions: Toss the cabbage with the orange juice, season with salt and pepper and let sit 30 minutes. If youre eating a standard American diet, its probably shaving about six to 10 years off of your life expectancy, Buettner says. A nine-hole golf course is a mile away. It's also one of the happiest places in Central America: Costa Ricans report a high level of life satisfaction and the country has the highest literacy rate in Latin America. The most amazing part about people who live in Nicoya, Costa Rica is that many of them live without medication or disability. You can replicate some of the long-life characteristics of the Nicoya Peninsula on a trip to Costa Ricas Blue Zone and then turn them into healthy habits when you return home. I have been exploring the data reported by National Geographic and Dan Buettner in the Blue Zones Solution: . While Nicoyans start their day by eating a healthy breakfast, their diet is not the only secret to living long lives. We have obtained information from Nicoya, Costa Rica on ways to live longer and be happier. We can no longer afford to allow the COVID pandemic to cause us to live in or out of a place of fear. Feel free to leave them in the comment section below. This vigorous village is one of the Blue Zones' unique hotspots. The 9 Secrets Boosting a Long Life in Nicoya, Costa Rica: They have a strong sense of purpose No matter how old they are, Nicoyans have a strong sense of purpose, a reason to live longer. They embrace the relaxed Pura Vida lifestyle and family always comes first. WED LOVE IF YOUD ADD IT ON PINTEREST! You can hike along trails, go horseback riding, kayak through the mangroves, and swim off the beach. Now is the time for cities like Chicago to learn from the five Blue Zones throughout the world like Nicoya, Costa Rica. He then went on release a book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who Have Lived the Longest in 2008. The occasion was also used to release the most recent study on longevity by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Poblacin, IDESPO) at the National University of Costa Rica. Predominantly catering to families, this 402-room property has four restaurants, including for surf and turf and Japanese, two pools, a nightclub, and a 200-seat amphitheater. There will be a lot to learn and a lot to do to get back to a healthier normal. First and foremost, the competition to get ahead isnt the same here as it is in some other western countries. By encouraging Nicoyans belief community and sense of purpose through work, family, or nature, cities could help their poorest thrive. If you want to get underground, Barra Honda National Park has a system of 42 caves and you can explore Terciopelo Cave on a tour. Oftentimes, this helps maintain healthy and supportive relationships within their communities, and develop a strong sense of faith and purpose along the way. Is the Nicoya Peninsula good for a Wellness getaway? Nicoyas west and south coasts are the most popular for visitors and offer a wide range of accommodations and access to the peninsulas wilderness and activities. Near the fishing village of Tambor (reached by a 20-minute flight from San Jos or a drive down from the Paquera ferry) is Costa Ricas first all-inclusive. The way Nicoyans choose to live their lives gives us a template from which we can learn to improve our health and find our sense of purpose. The heart is a muscle, and all muscle contractions depend on calcium. Making the smart choice in traditional Blue Zones is often the only choice available, not really a choice at all. Its difficult to maintain family bonds and friendships when school and work take us far from home, into strange communities. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Possessing the highest density of biodiversity of any country in the world, it is also labeled as one of the 5 "blue zones", a term coined by National Geographic author Dan Buettner, describing places where a high percentage of the population lives active . What they generally don't know, however, is that a part of Costa Rica tourists rarely visit (the rural Nicoya Peninsula towns of Nicoya, Santa Cruz and environs) contains the largest. According to researchers, most inhabitants live to at least the age of 90. La Senda has a 2.5-acre labyrinth with a two-mile-long path (said to be the biggest in the world) as well as horseback riding. The expat community in Coco is generally older retirees, however, there are some younger expats running around. Due to the Nicoya Peninsula's location in Central America, the area has an abundance of warm days with tons of sunlight. Brand Storytelling At Sundance: Championing Excellence And Filmmakers With Purpose, Profitable ECommerce Growth For CPGs Is In Reach. To my delight, Costa Rica has its own Blue Zone - the Nicoya Peninsula! Lunch is the main meal in Costa Rica (its better for your digestion to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner). So, what's the secret behind our region's long life? A research team is currently researching the . We met in Virginia, moved to Germany, and now live in sunny Costa Rica. And here are two great reports done that will give you a better understanding of the Nicoya people, area, and mindset. Physical activity, diet, good mineral-rich water, friends, a satisfying job, eating light in the evening, and a "plan de vida" are the other aspects. Alternatively, Blue. Despite that, the area has many of the same ideals that the rest of Costa Ricans have. Old people often have too little calcium in their bodies. Their traditional diet of fortified maize and beans may be the best nutritional combination for longevity the world has ever known. Required fields are marked *, car rental deal! Within Nosaras lush forest and a three-minute walk to Guiones Beach, this small hotel has a daily yoga class plus private yoga instruction, surf lessons, a large pool, hammocks, and a juice and coffee bar. When you book through our trusted partners we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. What Is The Potential Of Generative AI In Healthcare? Going down the west coast from Tamarindo youll find several beach towns, most notably yoga center Nosara and surfers paradise Santa Teresa. They first noticed that people in several villages on the Italian island of Sardinia were living well into their 90s and 100s and that they had few significant mental or physical health problems. Eating fewer calories appears to be one of the surest ways to add years to your life. Nantipa means blue in the language of the Chorotega people, some of the first known people to live in the Nicoya region. Maintaining close ties with family and friends helps reduce stress. Here you will find some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in Costa Rica, along with lush tropical forests perfect for hiking or horseback riding. I'm a Chief Metaverse Officer and a web3 luxury and fashion innovator. Get your fill of fresh fruits like pineapple, mango, papaya, banana, and passionfruit and vegetables and legumes like squash, cassava, plantain, yam, and beans. Why Nicoya is Considered One of the Anti-Aging Zones in the World Few really know what aging is and how it can be controlled, here experts from Costa Rica and around the world talk about it and define the Nicoya Peninsula as one of those with the most long-lived people. Where are the world's Blue Zones located? People from Nicoya enjoy an ample dose of Vitamin D. They spend most of their time outside tending to the land and enjoy a healthy relationship with surrounding nature. This information has been translated into lessons that can be implemented into your everyday life. It is home to some of the most active, hard-working, and friendliest people on earth. Of course, there is still a desire for success (especially in the cities) but in general, the priorities are shifted. So, having extra-hard water may help keep Nicoyans' hearts strong, and longer. Nicoya isn't full of marathon runners . For just over 15 years he has been monitoring and accompanying the long-lived people that . Nicoya, Costa Rica. But the simplest truth is that what one needs is to sleep eight hours every night, eat a nutritious, plant-based diet during a six-hour period to give your pancreas an 18-hour break until your next meal, and be at peace with everything and everyone all of the time, he adds. There are plenty of good-for-you activities to keep you busy on the Nicoya Peninsula jump in the water with a surfboard or snorkel, get up high on a zipline, stretch out with a yoga class, or take a hike (call it forest bathing if you wish) in a nature reserve. Cities throughout the world can use this template to encourage people to live healthier lives. "Year after year, our surveys indicate that its the Costa Ricans themselves that set our destination apart, and it's certainly always a marvelous experience to spend time with the older generation. Throughout the world, the average life expectancy is 71 years of age (70 for males and 72 for females). The most popular towns to visit here are Montezuma and Santa Teresa. The term Blue Zone was first used in a 2005 National Geographic cover story entitled The Secret of Long Life written by a man named Dan Buettner. First . We can start making healthier choices today, thus living more enriching lives and encouraging others to adopt similar healthy ways of living. These cantons are: Carillo, Hojancha, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, and Nandoyure. The reason why they are called "blue zones" is a curious story The term first emerged in 2005 in a Nation Geographic magazine cover, "The Secrets of a Long Life.". The Power of Nine is the name Buetnner has given to the characteristics that all Blue Zones seem to share. Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! The Nicoya Peninsula is in many ways isolated from the rest of Costa Rica due to geography. You can design your own holistic retreat too, choosing from a Kirtan sound bath, detox program, cacao ceremony, blue clay treatment, drum circles, and more. Protein helps to rebuild and repair tissue, as well as it helps a person to feel full. Its about 75 miles long and 35 miles wide, with the northern section a part of Guanacaste province and the southern section in Puntarenas province. These regions are considered Blue Zones. Nicoyan centenarians tend to live with their families, and children or grandchildren provide support and a sense of purpose and belonging. One thing I found especially interesting is the idea that this long life span is dying out. The world has 5 recognized Blue Zones (as determined by the authority of National Geographic ). Arising from this need, one of the results of the meeting was the establishment of an International Network on Healthy Aging, which will be led from Costa Rica in order to "build knowledge collaboratively", said Montero. However, altering your diet, increasing the amount of exercise you get in a given day, and embracing relationships with family and friends are good places to start. Blessed with sandy beaches and tropical forest, it's something of a backpackers' paradise. Wildlife is abundant. It would be hard to imagine two more different places than free-wheeling Costa Rica and legally rigid Singapore, yet both are among the happiest places on earth. Youre sure to be on the path to a long and healthy life after the four-handed Abundance Treatment, which combines Reiki, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, sound and aromatherapy, and acupressure. A "Blue Zone" is a region of the world where people commonly live past the age of 100 years.In "Blue Zone Nicoya Peninsula", residents live even longer than those in other areas of Costa Rica. Moderate alcohol intake, especially wine. My fourth investigation into exactly what our Blue Zone folks eat has left this dietitian, well, intrigued. Lane reasons why Chicago should use the Blue Zones template to improve the lives of people who live there. BOOK YOUR COSTA RICA RENTAL CAR AND SAVE 10%. March 2nd, 2023. Heres how to plan a trip to the Blue Zone in Costa Rica. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It's also one of the happiest places in Central America: Costa Ricans report a high level of life satisfaction and the country has the highest literacy rate in Latin America. The World Meeting of Blue Zones laid the groundwork, in a spirit of s se puede (yes we can), envisioning a blue Costa Rica, following the example of healthy habits set by more than 900 inhabitants aged 90 or older, and the centenarians of Nicoya Peninsula. In the future, when we do emerge from the current pandemic, many cities and companies will revisit well-being as a main topic for their citizens and employees. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a host of problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, but regular, smart sun exposure (about 15 minutes on the legs and arms) can help supplement your diet and make sure youre getting enough of this vital nutrient. He added that "we must somehow emulate, duplicate or copy the lifestyle of centenarians, and their way of living, but above all, their environment, diet, activity; above all, the connections they make, human connections, not technological ones. Changing the American diet and culture around the food we eat can help save lives. The peak nesting time is from August to November and in the days before a new moon, thousands of turtles congregate in the Pacific waiting for the perfect time to come ashore and dig a hole to lay their eggs. Costa Rica Tourism Board, Institutional Site, Costa Rica Convention Center, Promotional Site, Costa Rica Tourism Board | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Site Map. In a few, unique communities around the globe, people live long and heathy lives, up to and past 100. The quality of Nicoyas water might be one of the reasons residents live long enough to become centenarians and almost-centenarians. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These Blue Zones have a direct link to the promotion of tourism in the country, since it fits in well wellness tourism. The Adventists are praying. In Nicoya, Costa Rica, where average incomes are among the nation's lowest, the average life span is 85among the world's highest. Nicoyan centenarians have been the focus of many articles. This trend has been here for many years, but I was the one to notice this special feature in the data," said Bixby, a pioneer in longevity research. The Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone, in addition to aligning with our Wellness Pura Vida strategy, are important as a driver of wellness tourism throughout the country, highlighting the importance of creating authentic travel experiences. The baby turtles hatch 45 to 54 days later and, if theyre lucky, might live another 50 to 80 years. Costa Rica holds one of the original 5 blue zones of the world and you will find yourself in one of them if you decide on living in the Nicoya Peninsula. A blue zone is a geographical area in which the population is the longest-lived. The gateway to the Nicoya Peninsula is the beach town of Tamarindo on the west coast, which is very popular with international travelers. American researcher, Dan Buettner, discovered that people in these areas shared several lifestyle characteristics: They don't smoke; They eat a plant-based diet Moais are a powerful social tradition that create feelings of belonging, purpose and security. Rooms have a mini fridge and theres a communal kitchen plus bikes to rent. Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! Are We Headed To A World In Which We Own Nothing? Throughout Costa Rica, youll find vegetarian gallo pinto (rice and beans) served at breakfast, lunch, and dinner the name means spotted rooster because the black beans dot the rice. Personally, I find that a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and social contact all help lower my stress; which is crucial in a long life span. - save 10% Plus other perks . Loma Linda, California. The climate in the Blue Zone is very mild, which may help to protect against diseases. Swimming holes dot the peninsula too, including beneath the Montezuma waterfall. Even in areas like Nicoya, this has been replaced with the ease of processed meals and fast food (although there are very few fast food options in Nicoya in my experience). Nicoyans regularly take in the sunshine, which helps their bodies produce vitamin D for strong bones and healthy body function. Montezuma: Best Hotels in Costa Rica.