Stefan wants to know how this weapon could be the answer to all of his prayers, as Klaus put it earlier. Stefan says that she's starting to lose it and asks if he had found Bonnie. Caroline is worried about Stefan because he could lose his memory again, she is willing to join him and Enzo in a fight against the Travelers to protect him, Stefan tells her that he will be fine and that he would do it for she too but Caroline tells him that if they do fry his brain then she will kill them, Stefan smiles and tells her that when she'll spiral out of control about killing them she can do him a favor, that is she remind him that they were friends, Caroline smiles to him. She tells them that in a tree stump, they should find a dagger. In Masquerade, Stefan and Damon decided to kill Katherine at the Masquerade party, Alaric, Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy helped them. Stefan seems excited by her invitation and when he goes to pick Elena up they exchange compliments. While she's talking to him she's constantly looking at her phone. Upon the discovery of what he was, Stefan expressed confusion over not feeding on people and failed to see what was wrong with it, as going as far to say since he was a vampire he should act like one. His best friend Lexi often brought out the more fun, light-hearted, playful side of Stefan's personality. It's strongly indicated that Stefan was Lillian's favorite son and that between the two brothers, Stefan was the son she shared a closer bond and relationship with. Later, Stefan visits Alaric. She says that Bonnie can use her magic to hold Kol and Jeremy can kill him and then his mark will grow as Kol's bloodline will be very big. During the sixth season Stefan after having given up on his search for a way to revive Damon gets dragged in by a vengeful Enzo (angry at Stefan for giving up, and envious of how others regard him highly), when he kills and turns his new girlfriend Ivy. Damon realizes that Enzo was just trying to distract them and that he figured out a way to kill them all in one fell swoop. All he had to do was stall her and Damon said that he didn't have a pony to distract her. In I Never Could Love Like That, Caroline drops a body from the caf rafters, trying to scare the employee to death. Tyler tells Stefan that Caroline slept with Klaus, Stefan looks surprised to her and Caroline is embarrassed and leaves. After he left Mexico, Stefan traveled to Chicago in 1922. The elder Salvatore then uses the sire bond and makes her turn her emotions off. They are both laughing when suddenly Julian is there, looking at Valerie and saying "Aren't we ladylike?" Valerie becomes Stefan's friend and closest ally, which irritates Caroline. At the Grill, after the funeral, Stefan compliments Damon on his eulogy, stating that he remembers failing Stefan by not doing their mother's eulogy and he didn't want to fail anyone. Not long after, two of the Heretics take out two humans and leave their bodies on display hanging upside down. She reveals how every incarnation of the doppelgngers, always meets and falls in love and conquers all, saying it is the doing of the universe. As time went on, however, they bonded over their similar family histories, as well as Stefan's penchant for petty cruelty toward humans, and became best friends who enjoyed each other's company immensely. Status At school, Stefan and Elena endure harassment from Rebekah until Elena tries to retaliate: she throws a pencil forcefully at Rebekah, who catches it and throws it into Elena's chest. And Jo broke just about everything in the living room. Stefan and Elena continue their track back to Mystic Falls, Elena say that she think that she just hallucinated a unicorn and Stefan joking saying that maybe Caroline's nearby. Stefan agrees to deal with Rebekah's body and compel Jeremy to forget the day's events, as well as keep mum about the cure, while Klaus travels to Italy to retrieve the sword. Stefan says she doesn't have to worry about that anymore because he realizes hating Klaus and getting revenge isn't worth it. Not taking any chances, Giuseppe tries to stake and kill Stefan. Stefan nods, leaving Elena to process what he had just said, she is about to ask but Stefan interrupts her and tells her that they kissed but he stopped her and that did not happen any more, then Stefan leaves. Later Elena is at the cemetery and Kol finds her and attacks her and Jeremy shoots him and Kol was saying a quote to Jeremy but Stefan interrupts and breaks his neck and says to leave at that, then Stefan and Damon are with Bonnie and she says that they need to get rid of Silas' body after he's been turned to stone and Stefan suggests to drop his body in the middle of the ocean and he says he should make sure that Kol's body is safe until the veil is put restored and welcomes Elena back. He asks Tyler to warn Caroline as he douses his with gas. He ask who is there and somebody say to he that he can leave. In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. She says that it's probably a good idea to go to her mom, because she'll know what to do. Caroline hung up the phone. I want to rip into your skin, and then I want to feed on your blood. In the last minutes of the episode as Stefan is burying Silas all those bad moments from the drowning appear in his mind again. Taking charge, Caroline feeds a cancer patient her blood and asks Stefan to join her. Desperate to save Elena, Stefan quietly plots with Rebekah. Alaric enters with breakfast s'mores, the best reason to incinerate something. She confesses she killed his boss, Dean, after she woke up when he was burying her in the woods. Fortunately, Liz crossed the border just in time. He then embarked on a journey to Nova Scotia with Elena, Shane, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Rebekah to seek the the cure that can help break the sire bond. Stefan says that it's not that easy anymore but Damon says that right now it is and that he needs to go down the well. Stefan calls Caroline when they stop at a gas station. Klaus tells him that they were 'in this together' and proceeds to show him Alexander's Sword, explaining that the sword decodes Jeremy's hunter's tattoo. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. All of Stefan's girlfriends who were main or recurring characters on the show were administered vampire blood to heal them. They actually may know him-he's an original brother with impeccable taste. This is later found to be false. He ask to Stefan about her but Stefan looks down at his feet. She chooses the "horribly awkward present", next to her mom's open casket, to then ask him what everything between them means. At the end, Stefan is shown having a drink and he reveals to Damon that he is toasting to "control". When Isobel returned to Mystic Falls, Stefan and Elena wanted answers from her. She sits on the bed and holds his hand saying that she'll stay with him until he wakes up. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi. It is revealed that it was Stefan who rescued Elena from the car crash which killed her adoptive parents he tried to rescue them too, but he was too late. Stefan is assumed to be the 4th doppelgnger of Silas, although it is possible that there have been many more of Silas' doppelgngers that preceded him, according to Qetsiyah who said that Stefan had other shadow selves of Silas that were born before him. She knows Stefan doesn't really deserve that mark but somebody else does. After being freed from the school, Stefan is at home with a drink when Rebekah walks through the door. The car pulls up. ", In Heart of Darkness, it is revealed that Elena is going on a trip to Denver with Damon due to Stefan's idea that she figure out her feelings for Damon. Stefan replies "No". Although Elena is initially afraid of Stefan and what he is, she gradually accepts Stefan's vampirism. Flashbacks show that Stefan felt extreme guilt for the death of Lillian. Valerie promised to meet him Friday at noon so they could run away together. Once he cleaned up, the family was surprised to find that Stefan looked like a perfect gentleman. In Let Her Go, Stefan is first seen viewing Damon failing at his attempts at writing Liz's eulogy. Stefan says to her to unlock the doors, but they can't do it, suddenly, the pedal pushes itself down and the vehicle moves forward. Damon objects to Stefan's idea and thinks that they have more important things to do, like tracking down the vampire hunter, but Stefan they need to do this first. Elena is very hurt and Stefan tells her that Klaus took everything from him and now all he has left is to get revenge on Klaus. Stefan loves literature and loves to write, especially in his journal. Stefan had a strong respect for humans and a strong regard for human life. Damon turns the table on Stefan by telling him that it is just the same as ruining his relationship with Caroline. However, on the show, Stefan and Damon were best friends since their human lives and became rivals later on. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. After she knocked out Jamie she helps Stefan to pull out the wooden bullets and she tells him, she kissed Damon. Stefan loves football and is very good at it. They have a conversation. Stefan swoops in and wins the tie-breaker, so Caroline flips a coin to decide who lives. Stefan disagree on that but then she tells him but Caroline tells him that they only want one doppelgnger alive, so is Stefan or the other. In the meantime Elena is pissed at Damon when she understands the real reason behind his actions and teams up with Rebekah. Stefan asks what, Elena smiling? Elena's own compassion and kindness are very important to Stefan. Stefan calls Damon and Elena to tell them what is happening with Katherine. In only after seeing her a few times, Stefan started to flirt with her and began having jokey and teasing conversations. As she falls apart, Stefan is finally there when she needs him the most and she accepts it. He falls to his knees. Both Stefan and Matt, with the rest of the police find the bodies. If you want him out of your house, you do it yourself." When Stefan and Damon enter a room alone, Silas appears, Damon breaks Stefan's neck so that Silas can take his identity and talk to Qetsiyah. Jeremy who thinks that this is Elena is trying to make her help Bonnie who was hurt but Katherine doesn't have these intentions. The witches did. Later, Stefan, Elena and Matt are preparing all to leaves Mystic Falls, Stefan says that they've just got to outrun the spell, regroup in about a thousand miles and figure out a game-plan. Stefan broke the news to Caroline and she begins to react in only the way she can. Elena volunteers to say a few words in Pastor Young's memory as Damon enters the church. Abruptly Stefan tells Damon that he and Elena broke up. Stefan doesn't want to risk getting caught, but Tyler decides to reveal himself by going up to the podium. Born In the meantime Damon tells Elena and Rebekah (who has followed them and found them) about the time he had in New York back in the seventies when his humanity was also turned off. As Stefan and Damon take off to put away Klaus' body they talk about Elena and Stefan mentions that if she chooses Damon he will go away and let them be happy. [7] This was a drastic change from Stefan with his memories who had both moral and practical reservations, and consistently refrained from feeding because he feared he would lose control and kill. Stefan tells her that he didn't tell her the truth about Enzo because he know that they had a weird little chemistry thing, Caroline laughs telling him that he's delusional and Stefan then admits that he didn't want her to think any less of him. They got Katherine out of the cage, but as soon as they were ready to escape with her, Damon was shot by an unknown person. Three days of suffering hasn't changed Caroline's mind. Caroline suggests that all of them dance together but Elena refuses. Katherine arrives and offers to come with him and then she leaves to pack her things, leaving Stefan alone with Caroline. He also adds that probably Silas followed them from the island and now he's stealing blood so that he could get his strength back. He then explains that he's actually in New York because he's trying to follow a lead to the cure. Then Matt states "That stops today". Stefan pours Elena a glass of bourbon, explaining that alcohol helps with the cravings. Valerie is trying to help him as he tells her his chest hurts. Later, Stefan joins Caroline, Alaric and Matt at Whitmore and confesses to them that he handed over Enzo to Tripp. After Rebekah's reawaken, Klaus compels him to remember. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. Caroline says him, that she knew that the Klaus thing was gonna come with consequences and that now she just have to deal with it and learn from her mistakes. The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. Katherine fell in love with Stefan when she met him in Mystic Falls in 1864. Before Nadia has a chance to read it, Stefan discovers the note. In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, after the aftermath of Elena's 'death', Damon takes Alaric to Europe, where he gets Alaric drunk every night. The elder Salvatore says that she's really not that deep and they know everything is an act. Damon suggests that what Stefan is really afraid of is that Elena will become like Stefan's ripper alter-ego or, worse, that she will be like Damon. With his hands full, Stefan's phone rings, so Caroline awkwardly fishes it out of his front pocket and answers it to hear her mom on the other end just checking in. She made a list of everything she's done since she fell for him last summer and just wishes he felt something as well. For parties, there's a lot of talk about life. On the show, Stefan is born in the nineteenth century period during the Civil War era in Mystic Falls, Virginia. She's so upset she suggests he just leave, and he does. In the meantime, however, Rebekah and Elena are already there and they understand that Katherine has compelled the whole town to be her friend and to keep her secret of where she has hidden the cure. Stefan tells him they have to find a way to kill Rayna or get rid of his scar. The gang then go on a compelling spree, compelling all the residents that their town isn't safe anymore and that they should pack up their stuff and leave immediately. Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. Stefan stops a brunette/black haired woman from running out of her house, while being chased by Klaus. One point for Matt. Stefan spies on Caroline and Ric through their window and sees how happy Caroline is. 106 "Lost Girls". Stefan suggests that Caroline help her, but Elena says that Caroline is too good at self-control and wouldn't be as easy to relate to. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than Damon, that she is better than both of them. When Stefan had first met Katherine, when she and Emily had come to stay at the Salvatore Estate, he had become strongly attracted to her and eventually had fallen in love with her, as did his brother Damon. However, Valerie realizes that she will never be first to him and she breaks up with Stefan because he cannot get over his love for Caroline. Stefan says that this isn't really her and she respond that she is and they need to accept it, because otherwise there will be consequences. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. Stefan was a 171-year-old cured vampire and the distant descendant and doppelgnger of Silas. Stefan asks what is his point and Damon says that his point is that he's sorry. Then, Stefan gets a call from Caroline, she tells him that the virus that have Damon and Elena isn't the same virus, Caroline says that Wes was working on the next phase of the virus that when Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it in the virus. Klaus congratulates him about the Mystic Falls evacuation and for saving human lives. Going by flashbacks, it is evident that Stefan was also Giuseppe's favorite son, and that Stefan had a rather close and good relationship with his father, the complete opposite of Damon, who appeared to have had a rather strained and tension-filled relationship with Giuseppe. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. The two girls get the information about Katherine and leave with his car. She wants Damon to really consider, or reconsider, his decision. Stefan asks why Katherine, who wanted Klaus dead for 500+ years, would stop a plan that would have worked to killed him, just to save Damon. He would travel into town to buy tea and flowers, telling himself it was for her, but it was truly his way to avoid her. Later, Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him, he is very sad and tells to her that he lost them both, the two people he has known longest in this world, she ask to him if he is talking about Lexi and Stefan tell her that she never came out and that neither did Markos and that he know that's not a coincidence. Stefan still refuses to leave without his brother, same goes for Elena when she joins them, but Bonnie grabs her, forcing her through. Physically, Stefan was described to be classically handsome and athletic, with a brooding, mysterious and intense aura. They later marry hoping to lure Katherine out, at their wedding who had become the Queen of Hell following Cade's death. Stefan is cleaning up the mess when Ivy enters. She asks how he could move on without her and he says he had no choice. Matt approaches them about leaving but Sarah covers and the two take off. Elena rushed towards the door and out and when Brady came out in pursuit, Stefan pulled his heart out, literally. Although she was also seeing Damon, she had a clear preference for Stefan. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself?" - Stefan Salvatore "I want to kill you. He remembers that Katherine told him that she gave George Lockwood something that he needed to make him help her fake her death, he figures it's the moonstone. He feels responsible for her death because he couldn't run fast enough to get the flower for her tea in time. Stefan says that she'll still live her life sired to Damon. In the novels, Stefan and Damon have never had a close relationship since their childhood. Damon tries to free him from his binds but they are magically bound to him. They see Connor in the hallway, and as he starts to head toward Jeremy, Elena wants to interfere, but Stefan tells her that he'll deal with Connor and Jeremy while she cleans up the blood from her pencil injury. He knows that's the mark of the Phoenix Sword and angrily asks if he made an enemy out of Rayna. Human/DoppelgngerVampire (Niklaus' bloodline/Broken) (Cured/Formerly)Ghost (Formerly)Phoenix Stone Spirit (Formerly)Spirit (Currently) Stefan was confused, worried and concerned about what was happening to Katherine and could not understand why Katherine appeared so sick and weakened all of a sudden. Stefan says that it would be easier to find her if they split-he goes to look around the road and Caroline stays to search the wood. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. She tells Stefan angrily that she thought she could trust him. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. Stefan peruses the boxes while Damon fields a call from the sheriff, who informs him that Connor's remains were not found at the site of the explosion. She berates him about missing the mandatory school assembly consisting of Carol's memorial and tells him to get it together. Stefan puts a jacket on her and while they talk, the house starts to rumble and he is then yanked backward by an invisible force and flies out of the house through the nearby window. Stefan is saddened when he hears that Elena chose Damon. In the novels, as humans, Stefan and Damon fight to the death with a sword. Katherine chose Stefan over Damon, while Elena has chosen Damon over Stefan. Stefan catches her right on the moment which she is about to hit the ground. Although Stefan was initially optimistic and happy that he and Damon were going to spend eternity together, Damon had shattered Stefan's optimism and hopes when Damon told Stefan he promised him a lifetime of misery. Stefan states that he can't go back to feeling after everything he has done. Bonnie apologizes for the state she's in and for avoiding everyone, and asks what he needs help with. She helped pull Stefan out of a dark place. Stefan asks Caroline to meet them and tag in while they run. Damon says that this guy got his neck snapped in New York and this guy is royally pissed off. During this conversation, his father tricked Stefan and drugged his alcoholic drink with vervain. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Since he turned in 1864, Stefan had always had trouble controlling his blood lust, that has often become a major problem for him throughout the course of his immortal life. Then he tells that back in the seventies after he slept with Lexi he locked her on the roof so when the sun went up she couldn't escape from it. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. Stefan was forced to attack Elena. Stefan then tells Bonnie that he thinks they have a new vampire hunter in town. He had an older brother, Damon Salvatore, who is also a cured vampire and whom he shared a strained relationship with, stemming from the appearance of Katherine Pierce over whom they fought whilst human. Damon delivers towels to their room, shooting them both with vervain darts. Elena however doesn't respond and kills the waitress in the diner in front of them while also adding that if they don't stop there will be more deaths they will be responsible for. He wanted it to be her and Damon. Tyler tells Stefan that the hunter who shot him was clearly looking for vampires, and that his gloves were soaked in vervain. Stefan was very close to his older brother Damon growing up. One day In 1864, Stefan was fixing a broken carriage when a man who was riding a carriage carrying Katherine Pierce and Emily Bennett had stopped to talk to him. Stefan adds that it's better for Elena if Damon stays locked up, until they find the cure and she's not sired anymore-then they could both do whatever the hell they want. In terms of his characterization, Stefan is often compared to other mysterious, brooding vampires such as, Edward Cullen from. Klaus mentions that the dance's 1920s theme reminds him of their friendship and "brotherhood". Stefan looks horrified as the vampire is revealed to be Charlotte, having counted every single brick in New Orleans, waiting for Damon. In the evening, the gang is playing charade and team Stefan and Elena are beating team Damon and Caroline. Later, we see Stefan at the garage working at Damon's Camaro. On his lapis lazuli stone bears the Salvatore family crest with the letter "S" for the first letter of his first name. As Stefan and Damon leave New Orleans, Stefan tells him he doesn't think he will be able to let Elena go, as 'selflessness isn't a trait of his'. Damon and Stefan realized that they have a new secret weapon: Bonnie. Angered, he calls Caroline and asks if she 'would like to drive the White Oak Stake through Rebekah's heart' whilst quickly leaving the Grill. Stefan tells that they could talk about that some other time but Damon is upset about it. She says to them that Liv is trying to kill them. Stefan asks Damon how Katherine had fooled him and Damon replied that he had kissed her, thinking he had kissed Elena. As he pulled away you gasped, "that felt way too good.". Stefan told him what he believed to be the truth: that he had never seen those people before in his life. and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. Damon decides that it's time to play "never have I ever", Elena does not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea and they begin to play. They talk and Stefan says that this wasn't the right way, that this was a mistake, but Damon says that it was the only for her to survive. However, Stefan's hunger grew and he attempted many times to escape the family's hospitality due to his thirst for their blood. Stefan called her and convinces her to join forces in the race to the cure, saying they both hate their brothers, both have nothing, so they're better off as partners as if they find the cure first, they can decide what to do with it. Then Damon and Jeremy arrives, Stefan tells Jeremy, head back with Matt, that they need eyes and ears in Mystic Falls, and then says to Damon and Elena to take Jeremy's car and that he will going to wait there for Caroline and Bonnie. Damon is surprised and doesn't know how to react but he says that they could talk about that after they take the cure. In a flashback Stefan sits alone, reading the telegram. While a ripper again, he attempted to murder Elena in her coffin, ripping out Enzo's heart, killing him as he was in his way. Outside the school, Stefan and Caroline try to soothe Elena, who is still furious about Rebekah's antagonism. Later, back at the boarding house, Stefan thanks Damon for not telling Elena about the cure, and that by killing Connor she may have lost her only chance to be human again. Finally Rebekah tells them where Elena has went because Stefan reminds her that anything happens to Elena she has no chance of finding the cure. He laughs that Caroline's idea of no humanity was unbolting a few parts, so Caroline retaliates by smashing his gas tank. Stefan kisses Valerie goodbye then goes to Caroline's news studio where Matt injects him in the neck with vervain. Stefan tells Caroline to let Sarah go, but instead, she told Liam to cut out Sarah's heart. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. She tells him everyone needs him, including her. Caroline looks to Enzo for an explanation of Stefan's rage. Stefan is hurt and angrily walks away from Damon. It is a retelling of Stefan's history before and after he transformed from a wealthy, well adjusted youth to a vicious immortal. They manage to find their car but Elena and Rebekah are nowhere to be seen. Stefan takes Caroline back to the boarding house and they talk about Elena. Damon meets Stefan who tells him to stop causing problems. Stefan's name is a variation of the masculine name Stephen. Liz explains that the power outage came from three different places in mystic falls, Stefan said the Bonnie is doing the spell and that she was seen with Katherine, Stefan finds the center of the Expression Triangle he and Damon arrive at the school to find Elena, Stefan asks where is Caroline, Elena says that she's inside the school looking for Bonnie.