We are going to start off looking for all networks in Infoblox via WAPI. The valid values are 'STATIC' and 'DYNAMIC'. This alleviates having to specify an A record and a PTR record separately for the same node. Use this method to set or retrieve the location of the discovery device. Go/No-go criteria for migration and Infoblox cutovers Miscellaneous scripting support and Infoblox public API usage Participation in Architecture extensions for other functional areas # search for all DNS host objects that match ".test.com" in the default DNS view, # search for DNS host objects defining "Santa Clara" for "Site" extensible attribute, # search for all DNS host objects in zone "test.com" of default view, #$fixedaddr is an Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddr object, #Modify network view, with an Infoblox::DHCP::View object, #Modify views, list of Infoblox::DNS::View objects, #PROGRAM STARTS: Include all the modules that will be used, #Create a session to the Infoblox Appliance, #Create the zone prior to an host insertion, "Zone does not exist on server, safe to add the zone\n", "DNS host object added to server successfully\n", "Search DNS host object found at least 1 matching entry\n", #Search all host records that start with "add" in the comment, "Search DNS host object using regexp in comment field found at least 1 matching entry\n", #Search all host records that start with "host1" in the zone, "Search DNS host object using regexp in name field found at least 1 matching entry\n", #Modify one of the attributes of the specified host record, "DNS host object modified successfully \n", "DNS host object removed successfully \n", Infoblox::Grid::ExtensibleAttributeDef/Searching Extensible Attributes, Infoblox::Grid::ExtensibleAttributeDef/Extensible Attribute Values. In general it looks like this: https://FQDN/wapi/v1.6/, The ability and motivation to read lengthy, verbose documentation. If you haven't heard of it, Infoblox is making appliances and solutions for enterprise networks. protection, as follows: * - however in a real world using real Certificate Authorities is preferred. Iterate through the attribute names for this mapping. The GSS-TSIG principal FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) format. You can filter by a specific name using the following WAPI call: 10-22-2020 call, as follows: The server will return empty dictionary if operation succeeds: Run the GET operation to verify that the cacertificate is now present in the Setting the parameter to undefined causes the appliance to use the grid default and automatically resets the override_cli_credentials attribute to "false". Launch the Cloud Services Portal from a browser. Subscribing DU applications to PTP events REST API reference" . The returned value, if any, can be one of the following: Use this method to retrieve the zone name of a DNS A record. This section describes all the methods in Infoblox::Session module that you can apply to a DNS A object. it in effective authorization policies based on the configured match policies. Lets create a file named get_network.py and paste the code below into it: The above code is going to use the URI /network with an = to, which is the network we are looking for in Infoblox. With PowerShell, if I spend some time learning the ins-and-outs of the language, it helps me whether Im working with AD, VMware, or SQL. A host can also define aliases and DHCP fixed address nodes. Purpose: This script was created to update the DNS hostname record in InfoBlox during a SolarWinds High Availability Pool failover. : Central object for managing HTTP requests to the Infoblox appliance. Specify 'true' to protect record from DDNS updates and 'false' to allow DDNS updates for the specified record. Lets modify get_host.py to do just that: Now we are going to look for the same network as above ( using the Python module infoblox-client. Note that you must specify only one view for the attribute "views". They comprise various DNS record types (A, AAAA, PTR, CNAME, etc) and other metadata associated with a "host". Note that the actual next_page_id will not Use this method to set or retrieve the IPv6 addresses of the host. This is a read-only attribute. curl --location --request GET '', but not sure what parameters to use in order to get a specific record by name, not all records. token we have retrieved in the first step: Then check that all records have been inserted correctly: The server has returned the first page of results and a next_page_id to be Vendors: How much time do you think your customers will spend writing functions or modules that work across API versions? Returned values, if any, are one of the following: Use this method to retrieve the status of the network device port that is connected to the A Record object. # prompt user for credentials to infoblox if sys.stdin.isatty (): print "Enter credentials to access infoblox" username = raw_input ("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass ("Password: ") else: username = sys.stdin.readline ().rstrip () password = sys.stdin.readline ().rstrip () # creates session to infoblox session = requests.Session () In this case, we have 720 pages describing the objects and their various properties. Iterate through a list of the attribute values for this mapping. The FQDN consists of the hostname followed by the domain name (example: abc.com). Developer API Documentation In this post Im going to show how to create an Infoblox host record. Local User Authentication Service to avoid server performing password authentication, This method is read-only. The DNS record is enabled. See Infoblox::Session->get() for parameters and return values. Infoblox::Session->remove(), Infoblox::Session->modify(), The 400 error is generic, but lets search for it anyways. This method returns a string that contains the VMware entity type. Use this method to set or retrieve the host name. Note that this could be different from before: Check that the network was modified, since comment is not a field that is returned by default add _return_fields to the GET request: Note that the network has been modified: To find networks with comments that contain the word sample in a case-insensitive way: The server returns the network we just modified: If there is no match, the server returns an empty list: To delete a network, send a DELETE request using a reference you have Use this method to set or retrieve the flag that indicates whether DDNS updates for this record are allowed or not. What if this causes an outage and leaves your brand with a black eye? Registration is FREE. Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. The default value is an empty string. In the vRO client, go to Library > HTTP-REST and run the Generate a new workflow from a REST operation worfklow. The default value is an empty string. This alleviates having to specify an A record and a PTR record separately for the same node. signing. Python libraries/API in use: PyTenables (Tenable), XlsxWriter, ServiceNow, Requests, JSON, PyYAML, Argparse, CWPP (Palo Alto Prisma API), Infoblox WAPI (InfoBlox End Client: Centene Corporation Object Reference An update to the post, i was testing out ways to create a Host record, if you go through the API guide for infoblox you would find an example built in curl. With respect to passing multiple parameters, if i want to add an extensible attribute as a serach parameter, how I do that. Use this method to set or retrieve the view of the A record. The default value is undefined which indicates that the record inherits the TTL value of the zone. There is an API available but Infoblox's documentation and examples are not very practical. A host can also define aliases and DHCP fixed address nodes. Valid value is an array reference that contains IPv6 addresses in string format. Host name in FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) format. This method returns a string that contains the VMware cluster name. Some vendors do provide a PowerShell module to abstract out the painful process we went through above, but many do not. Would a session be more efficient? Add or remove IP addresses from a host 37. Webinar Jan 25, 2023: Visibility: A Critical Component for Network Security, Quarterly Threat Report: Research and Analysis on Emerging Cyber Threats, Malware, and Ransomware. The previous example can be written as 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334. Is this even an issue? fileop datauploadinit function that returns the URL delete it. Before getting started, select the Infoblox WAPI environment variables from the drop-down box on the right side of the window. Infoblox API & Integrations API Examples API Examples API Examples Welcome to API Examples Discussions. upload operations, as follows: The server will return URL for direct upload and file token to use in Infoblox::Grid::MSServer::AdUser::Data, would search for all host records with test in the name and a certain mac address. Infoblox API & Integrations API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps Urgent: API to delete Host record API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps Reply Topic Options This is a read-only attribute. Nothing relevant. When you query using the db_objects through the Infoblox API for desired object types, the application returns all the objects of those object types that changed after the sequence ID given in the query. This post is half rant, half discussion on the basics of using the InfoBlox Web API. Create a Host Record. command in your shell. To remove a specific object, first use get() or search() to retrieve the specific host record object, and then submit this object for removal. The default value is an empty string. Array reference of defined Infoblox::DNS::View objects. Looking for a WAPI API to do upgrade of members and Grid. Borrowing from this, we wrote an ugly New-IBSession. We were using an older version of the Infolbox plug-in so they may have added additional functionality, but now we can perform name resolution and create various types of name records. Infoblox Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Cloud Infoblox REST API get A record parameters ? On a side note, if your answer involves a specific vendors specific version of an orchestration product, and the specific third party extensions for this, please do not reply : ). of the destination file and the token that will be used in the certificate Specify a TTL value to override the TTL value at the zone level. Object related fields are passed in as kwargs: field=value, field2=value2. Desired comment in string format with a maximum of 256 bytes. For example if have an extensible attribute called ICN Device name. This method returns a string that contains the virtual switch name. We are going to start with looking for a network. curl -k1 -u admin:testpw -X GET The server returns the following: Create a host record To create a host record in a specified zone, first send the following request to create the zone: curl -k1 -u admin:testpw -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ System.log(Failedto create DNS host record: + statusCode + : + contentAsString); The variables statusCode and contentAsString are stored in the scripting elements output: The calling workflow then says that if the statusCode is 201, everything is okay. Use this method to set or retrieve the flag that indicates whether DDNS updates for this record are allowed or not. To do this in vRO, we need to specify the following: Notice how the template URL value is what is appended to the HTTP-REST host ofhttps:// Are you interested in our Early Access Program (EAP)? Reading the documentation, we see that you simply specify _return_fields=comma,separated,list: Heres an example call to Get-IBLease with verbose output. Any suggestions on fixing it? You could also have a similar workflow to create other types of DNS records such as CNAMEs (aliases). The method returns the attribute value. As you spend more time working with REST APIs, youll pick out the important bits. Zero indicates that the record should not be cached. Use this method to set or retrieve the disable flag of a DNS record. For this example, we are going to search for gm.lab.local using the infoblox_client module. Reminder: use SSL, obfuscation is not secure. In this example, we will use setfiledest: To download a file from the appliance, first select what to download. For more information about searching extensible attributes, see Infoblox::Grid::ExtensibleAttributeDef/Searching Extensible Attributes. 01:32 PM. A rudimentary PowerShell module abstracting this out is available here. Cloud Topic Options Infoblox REST API get A record parameters ? Thankfully, with the Infoblox we can pass in a standard PSCredential object and leverage HTTPS. The Infoblox plug-in comes with workflows that have specific requirements that we couldnt always meet. Thus the sequence $host->cli_credentials([$cli]); $host->override_cli_credentials("false"); will set override_cli_credentials to "false", and the sequence $host->override_cli_credentials("false"); $host->cli_credentials([$cli]); will result in override_cli_credentials="true". In addition, one can set the "API Only" bit as an allowed interface for configuring Infoblox so that the user cannot log into the admin UI, but is instead restricted solely to API access. Lets get started. Use this method to retrieve the host name in punycode format. Add Extensible Attributes to an object 41. Use this method to retrieve the name of the VMware host associated with the A Record object. Satellite running with less RAM than the minimum value might not . Its up to you again to invest time learning Infoblox specific method of picking out properties to return, and filtering results in an API call. In this case its the string {ipv4addrs:[{ipv4addr:}],name:test.vmware.local}: If we look at the Inputs tab of our workflow we will see that it takes a single variable named content: If we were to run the workflow manually, it would need to look like this: In our environment this workflow is actually called from another workflow that builds the content string from values extracted out of a vCloud Director VM. Add a host with a fixed address 41. Valid value is a defined Infoblox::DHCP::View object. If you need assistance with parsing yo (In this example, we are using a previously generated CA certificate).