The Ultimate Supreme Leader would rather sneak around!". The figure measures 4.3" tall and features Kokichi in a sitting pose with a calm expression and slight smile that belies the trickster within. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Shuichi realizes that he cannot change Kokichi's lying which is a significant part of him and instead should try to understand him and his lies. members are extremely loyal to him. Interestingly, when Gonta is genuinely saddened because he won't see Kokichi anymore, Kokichi reacts with slight anger and believes Gonta is trying to trick him back, showing that he believes other people can't genuinely care about him, not even someone as kind as Gonta. After spotting Miu go through the wall that only objects can pass through, Gonta tells Kokichi and the maniacal liar begins to understand the aspects of the program that Miu kept hidden from them and devises the full murder plan, informing Gonta of what to do. (to, "Well, I don't care. Kokichi went along with whatever everyone decided, but secretly had ulterior motives and as a result, lied to Gonta about a promise they had made and met alone. HIGH SCHOOL. He suddenly claims he was just kidding and suddenly runs off, which confuses Shuichi even more and he shouts after Kokichi. ", "Who knows? Upon watching the video, it is revealed that Kokichi's supposed "evil secret society" was nothing more than a group of ten pranksters known as D.I.C.E. Gonta became outraged by this and would order all the insects to swarm on him instead as punishment. As soon as Kaito rushed in, he was also shocked to find Miu's dead body, but Kokichi asked him why he had logged out before everyone else did, quick to suspect him despite knowing for certain that he didn't commit the crime, likely to fool everyone. Kaito would proceed to retrieve the video camera, snap the cords to the press machine to ensure it would not move again, and hid inside the red Exisal until the class trial began, where he imitated the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself thanks to the Exisal's voice changing function, as well as a book that Kokichi prepared for this exact moment that detailed his exact way of speaking and specific behaviors unique to him, essentially carrying on his will and plan until Shuichi is able to deduce that the person inside of the Exisal is not Kokichi, but Kaito. Kaito reassured her that she would be fine and told her to leave. Sign in to view all similar questions. However, Monokuma shows up and denies this, never stating such a thing in the first place and that the medal Shuichi had was just some knickknack he made for the Monokuma Kubs. Although everyone was skeptical at first, they eventually gave in and used it, allowing everyone, Kokichi included, to remember that they had been on the run from the "Ultimate Hunt". Even if I have to sacrifice myself. He can also try to use his looks to his advantage and sheds crocodile tears by crying loudly like a scared and threatened child, telling the others they're being really mean, but this is always overly dramatic and obviously fake. The two's attitudes towards each other turn increasingly more aggressive when it becomes apparent that Gonta might be the culprit. During his Free Time Events with Kaede, he warns her in a cryptic manner, though he claims he only does so because he actually cares about her. He also appeared quite arrogant, clearly considering himself very important part of the class trials, looking down on some of the other students, often wishing to lead the debates and once claiming that the class trials won't be good if the others won't allow him to speak. when Shuichi reminds him that Kirumi isn't his real mom. Kokichi Oma | Danganronpa Wiki | Fandom Kokichi is 5'1"/156 cm, while Venti is presumed to be 5'3"/161 cm tall. Kokichi later regathered with everyone else in the dining hall to investigate yet another Flashback Light. With him being a liar and his overall claims seeming unlikely, most people do not believe Kokichi, believing he is either delusional or lying for attention. Oumie is much like the original kokichi ouma with a few creative liberties taken. He also invites him to a tea party and suggests Shuichi could join his organization, so he doesn't have to die. ", "I *am* the supreme leader of evil, so it's obvious my personality would be twisted. The script is written thoroughly about possible reactions and possible routes of how the class trial will play out. ", "Gifted high school students forced to play a, "Ooohhh, you guys are so close now. [9] He has also frequently pointed out that even if he told the truth, the others wouldn't believe a liar like him, indicating that he uses his constant lying to mask his own true feelings and intentions. Hiro Shimonoen-US Derek Stephen Prince[3]. Kaito then murdered Kokichi, according to their plan, seemingly to protect Maki and because of blackmail. Later on in the trial, he would be quick to jump onto Shuichi as the culprit after he claimed that he had forgotten to mention the camera intervals to Kaede. Kaede was confused by Kokichi's childish personality and his unusual Ultimate talent. Completed. Kokichi continues to treat K1-B0 in a discriminating and increasingly cruel manner throughout the game. When he heard his laugh, Shuichi was astonished Before he could, Kokichi was stopped by Kirumi who seemed to almost defensively interrogate the Ultimate Supreme Leader, asking him just what he was doing. Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. ", "Cuz I'm an evil supreme leader, remember? The next night, Miu gathered everyone in the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy, lying to them all about a way to escape the killing game. You must have some small cojones if you're worried about a little dust. ", "If I don't have lies, then I don't have anything else! The morning of the next day, Kokichi along with everyone else would gather in the dining hall once again and have a normal, but forced the conversation to try and make themselves not think about the horrible events that transpired yesterday. He truly wishes the best for people although the delivery . While Kaede considered him part of the group and thought they should all work together, she generally had no patience with him, and at times he acted very intentionally annoying in her company. But I definitely don't wanna die! When they're alone, he tries to offer his support for Shuichi, saying he wants to use him to work together and be useful to Shuichi as well. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, D.I.C.E. In the official relationship chart from New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Monokuma finds Kokichi very "hilarious". How old is Kokichi Ouma? Kaito, outraged by the Ultimate Supreme Leader's inconsiderate and outright evil attitude, moved to hit him once again. He also has a very unique laugh, which is "nishishi"ironically, this is also the Japanese onomatopoeia for a horse, something which relates to his last name. 58K 1K 5. They believed that the meteorites were a punishment humanity brought upon itself, and having heard of The Gofer Project, tried to stop it. how'd you know?! how'd you know?! height, hip size" . Kokichi's talent as it appears in official translations of Danganronpa material. His given name kokichi () can mean "small luck", or can be a fortune telling reading for slightly good luck. This drew the ire of Kaito, who finally had enough of Kokichi's antics and punched him in the face. Gonta apologizes to everybody for being unable to protect them until the very end. During one of the anthology stories, it's shown that Rantaro might have a big brotherly attitude towards Kokichi. "The correct spelling is "Oma." Y'knowsince I'm a liar. Pre-Game. This allows him to sprinkle in truths without anyone knowing otherwise. ma Kokichi Games are only fun when you play them seriously, right? The red Exisal charged at him but accidentally ended up crushing Monokuma instead, supposedly destroying him. The Gofer Project was then put into action while the Earth was being destroyed by meteorites. Kokichi's goal is to end the Killing Game at any cost, unlike Byakuya, who was largely driven by self interest; and Nagito, who only sought to . It should've been my responsibility! We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this, "Complicated plans have a better chance of working out in the end, wouldn't you say? In his Love Suite fantasy sequence, it's shown that he likes to imagine himself as a legendary phantom thief who has a romantic rivalry with a detective. After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. Monokuma then showed up along with his Kubs to hand out the next set of random items to unlock more areas with, along with a card key that according to Monophanie would be the next motive. Kokichi claims that Kaito's naive behavior is troublesome for Shuichi's work as a detective and tells him to leave Shuichi alone. In her relationship chart, he orders her to get on her knees. Often, the two's fighting can turn into childish arguments. a world with murder and despair all around.isn't as fun as it could be. Easy. When they are shown to be imprisoned and/or beaten, Kokichi is very distraught and plans his own death to save them. Though everyone agreed to work in pairs, Kokichi chose not to follow this guideline and went off on his own. Kokichi happily accepted the claim, even going so far as to claim that he himself killed Angie, shocking and confusing the group. Kokichi begs to be executed along with Gonta, but he refuses the proposal. Interestingly, for once, he does not mention anything about it being truth or a lie during the conversation. With that, the investigation began once again. Deceased However, Maki failed to assassinate Kokichi after Kaito took the shot for him. Since I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader, duh. In general, he also seems to have an interest in "useful" people and wishes to have such people around him. He then says that the same goes for detectives and he gives Shuichi a somewhat back-handed compliment, saying that he's really amazing for taking such boring and unprofitable job. Maki would not hear any of it and proceeded to shoot the killing blow, only to have it intercepted by Kaito, stunning Kokichi and shocking Maki. 5 feet and one inch. Furthermore, his unique laugh resembles a horse's sound both in the Japanese and English versions of the game, and he even has a horse head mask with a crown inside his room. Is something wrong with your heads?! Let me know if. He lied to Gonta that everyone in the academy hated bugs. Instead of tending to his wound, he decides to pull a prank by faking his own death, lying face down in the middle of the fourth-floor hallway. I need you and your inventions. In chapter 2, when Kirumi stopped Gonta from attempting to capture her seemingly through willpower alone, Kokichi acknowledged her immense skill by pointing out that at least one of the students is actually worthy of being called an Ultimate. Kokichi and the other talentless fifteen students underwent the fabrication process, where all of their past memories and personalities were heavily fabricated. ., non usato e non indossato che non pi nella . Design: Plushies Kokichi Ouma Kaede Akamatsu Saihara Shuichi Shuichi Plush Toy Doll Anime Plushies ; Fabric: Super soft short plush, filled with PP cotton. Games Angie eventually told Kokichi and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. He quickly noticed flaws in Kaede's judgment and optimistic way of thinking, as she was willing to push others forward even if it would be the best to give up. When the students tried gambling in a bonus event, Kokichi appeared genuinely impressed by Ryoma's exceptional winning streak, as he excitedly shouted how awesome he was and asked him if he used some sort of trick which seemed to make Ryoma smile. Gonta was the first to find Kokichi's message while searching for bugs. This lie filled everyone with the determination needed to stop the despair with which they were faced. Kokichi would go to break into everyone's rooms using his lock picking capabilities and steal their motive videos. Ultimate Supreme Leader[1] Portrayed by. Kokichi then confesses he wanted to be caught by Shuichi and wouldn't mind whatever Shuichi would do to him with a deep sensual voice, stating this is the truth while having a blank expression, which is heavily implied to be a sign of honesty in him. He claims he lied again and that the real reason is a secret. NUOVO ! ANIME Danganronpa V3 ouma KOKICHI Cosplay School Uniform He appeared somewhat curious about Korekiyo's anthropology lessons and seances, though this could be in a more mocking fashion as he did not appear to actually believe in the topics Korekiyo often talked about. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. He similarly calls Himiko ugly during the Prologue, when Miu tells the Monokubs to kill the ugly ones first, and Kokichi then cheerfully tells Himiko to run. He says he wants to ruin the killing game even if it costs him his life, thus making its viewers taste "true despair" and honor the memory of those who died. In his room, Kokichi has a whiteboard which portrays all of the culprits and victims, the murder methods, his opinion on the living students, as well as a silly self-portrait. ", "But I like playing on Mean difficulty. He believes that Kokichi is actually really meek if you take away his strong wish to outwit everyone, and notes that people should keep a close eye on him, to understand his character better. Kokichi's "craziest" sprites were originally Rui Komatsuzaki's idea. If you knew, "I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! He tends to suggest K1-B0 should do heavy work, because he is a robot, and keeps pointing out that he isn't a person. Kokichi considered Gonta a typical dumb muscle and planned to use him as one of his minions from the start. Kokichi comments that no one has ever called him naive before, and is taken aback by it. After extinguishing the candles, all four of them sang the Caged Child Song, noticing an extremely loud noise in the middle of the darkened seance. All the mysterious things that happened have to connect each other somehow", "Even if we know all the tricks, it's pretty meaningless if we don't find the culprit. Kokichi also hates being lied to and betrayed by the few people he considers at least a bit trustworthy. Furthermore, he is skilled at hiding and lurking without other people noticing him, and sometimes uses this ability to overhear other people's conversations. The loud noise created by the sudden impact alerted everyone else in the virtual world. "You have no idea how many crazy things I've done, do you? Kokichi Ouma | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino Kokichi says he can help Shuichi save everyone, but Shuichi doesn't trust him and leaves without saying a word. ", "Besides, even friends don't share *everything* with each other!