cactbot is an ACT overlay that provides raiding tools for Final Fantasy XIV. The elder asks the Scions to find a lost treasure and return it to the vault during their mission. The Alliance regroups, temporarily withdrawing their advance. He meets with G'raha, who uses the moniker Crystal Exarch. They prepare a military counterattack called. Forests are felled and fields planted for housing and feeding. This begins the thousand-year. As Gaius lays fallen, Lahabrea attacks the adventurers, declaring Hydaelyn to be a corruption that imbalances the planet. Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT for short), is a "parsing" program. The real Griffin is working with Elidibus to retake Ala Mhigo. 13. grundlebuster 1 yr. ago. Nidhogg ruins the conference, attacking Vidofnir in the form of the Azure Dragoon and declaring that the Final Chorus of the Dragonsong War is soon to begin. Begins August 27th and ends September 8th. [] A Nocturne for Heroes is the collaboration event between Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XV. With fields left unattended, those who do not march to war are left to starve. If it is ever killed, the Light within them would only possess a nearby person, resurrecting them. With the blessing of the. They petition the Scions' aid in making contact with the local Ala Mhigan Resistance faction. Y'shtola reports her research findings: crystals mined recently have been deaspected, and worship of relics could fuel a primal in lieu of actual worship of a deity. This article provides a timeline of notable events and happenings within the Sixth Astral Era compiled from the pages of Encyclopdia Eorzea as well as in-game dialogue and sources from the world and lore development team of Final Fantasy XIV.This timeline is meant for accuracy, and thus some inconsistencies (such as Ferndale being stated many times to take place in 1557, not 1562 as is . Bahamut's heart sinks into the earth. By: Isaac Todd. Fighting through the Rift, the Ironworks come across an egg-shaped container known as the Deltascape and are recruited by Omega as test subjects, tasked with defeating the beings held within. By doing this he can restore the night sky to regions of Norvrandt, and thus become the Warrior of Darkness. With the postponement of the release of Endwalker, the All Saints' Wake seasonal event is scheduled to be held around late January 2022. Moonfire Faire is the summer themed event that began on August 11, 2015 and ended on September 7, 2015. The far east vassal kingdom of Doma revolts against Garlean rule only to be brutally suppressed by the Garlean prince, At the behest of the Seedseers, the adventurer, having gained the title ", In hopes of getting the Carteneau Reclamation Bill passed, Syndicate member. Due to the contested nature of the Carteneau Flats, the Eorzean Alliance designates the place for. December 3: Patch 6.0/Endwalker early access . A full planned lineup appeared. It celebrates Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the final chapter of FFXI's story. Gaius reveals the Ultima Weapon, which absorbs all three primals. The princess of the Qalyana Ananta, taken as a hostage, is killed when her kin attempt to retrieve her in the aftermath. The world's history is divided into alternating periods of calamity (Umbral Eras) and prosperity (Astral Eras). Outfitted with corrupted crystals to annul Garuda's cyclone, they confront the Lady of Vortexes. 4. Gosetsu sacrifices himself to allow the group to escape by holding the roof. Zenos repairs a Sky Armor and flies away in it. The Rising is the yearly anniversary celebrating the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn lasting from Thursday, August 27th to Monday, September 14th 2020. Hatching-tide (2018) is the Easter-themed seasonal event that began March 20, 2018 to April 2, 2018. Check out the thread below and leave your best advice to new players for a chance to win an item from the FFXIV Online Store! The Griffin has orchestrated a false flag operation, garbing his soldiers in Alliance colors to incriminate them and drag them into war, their stationing nearby playing into his plan to convince the Garleans of an Eorzean threat. A lot of event planning is virtual these days. The adventurer and Alphinaud attempt to remove Nidhogg's eyes from Estinien, who has regained consciousness and fights the great wyrm's control. Returning to the Rising Stones, the Scions meet with Urianger, reporting to him both Thancred's Calling as well as the trend of unearthing deaspected crystals in Yanxia, which Urianger refers to as an aetheric thinning. It is the first event seasonal event to take place in A Realm Reborn. Until August 23, 2021, people can return and play for free for 14 days. This is a historical reference of key points in Final Fantasy XIV's Development. Syrcus Tower fails to hold the surge and releases the excess into the ground with a massive earthquake. The other bangaa of Ba'Gamnan's crew arrive on the. New Development Panel 10:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (PDT) Join members of the development team as they take you behind-the-scenes and showcase the work that goes into creating FFXIV! In fact, despite being "the base game," A . However, Eulmore is under totalitarian rule by Lord Vauthry, who believes his rule is the only salvation for the people of Norvrandt. Lightning Strikes (2013) & (2014) 2013 & 2014. The adventurer meets with Alisaie, who wishes to study Dalamud's fragments, starting with the site at Castrum Occidens. Begins September 14th and ends on September 23rd. The Populares are granted asylum in Ala Mhigo. At the last minute Cid Garlond saves Nero, declaring he owes him. With many players having completed the Main Scenario Quests of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, (some less than a week after the main game's launch), their focus has shifted to the upcoming patches. Aetheryte Radio (FFXIV) Twitter; Lorecast (FFXIV) Pet Food Beta (FFXI) . Final Fantasy XIV Roadmap 2021. The Make It Rain Campaign 2016 is a Gold Saucer event that took place from May 27, 2016 to June 10, 2016. Infiltrating the. The show will open with a keynote address where director Naoki Yoshia "reveals new information . During the duel, Magnai attempts to interrupt, but Hien and Y'shtola bar him from interfering and he engages in combat with them. In the Imperial palace, Emperor Varis zos Galvus discusses the eikon-summoning with Zenos. Becoming acting ruler of Ishgard after Thordan VII's death, Aymeric solidifies his city-state's alliance with the rest of Eorzea. Hien refuses to start another rebellion unless the people of Yanxia still have the will to fight. Due to an impromptu use of the forbidden Flow spell, Y'shtola and Thancred are set adrift in the, Ishgard opens up the Gates of Judgment to adventurers, with the Warrior of Light, Alphinaud, and Tataru entering the city for sanctuary. (2020), Moogle Treasure Trove The Hunt for Soldiery, Moogle Treasure Trove The Hunt for Mythology, Moogle Treasure Trove The Hunt for Philosophy, Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! The Scions and Confederates combat the Umperial troops and force them to retreat. Leofald receives news that Diabolos's voidsent have captured Radlia and her crew during her search for the Void Ark. After Tioman's death, Nidhogg calls off an assault on Ishgard and retreats into his fortress, Hraesvelgr reveals that the basis of Ishgard's social structurethe belief that only members of the High Houses are descended from Thordan I and his Knights Twelve, who were chosen by, The adventurer regains the Blessing of Light, earning Midgardsormr's full support, and arrives on Azys Lla. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) The adventurer and Y'shtola are called to Ala Mhigo for a meeting regarding the Ascian in Zenos's body. Nidhogg's spirit is laid to rest at last. . There's a template for timelines for month-long, year-long, and longer projects, as well as timeline templates . In total, there have . Here's the list of upcoming events and when they will begin in FFXIV. Our Journey Thus Far: Final Fantasy XIV from 2010 through 2021 September 30, 2010 - Official service for version 1.0 begins December 10, 2010 - Development / operations team restructured The Scions make contact with the Raen of Sui-no-Sato, also the birthplace of Yugiri, and ask for their assistance in repelling the Garleans, though they refuse. Moonfire Faire is the summer themed event that began on August 8, 2017 and ended on August 26, 2017. It could pose an alternate timeline of events, such as if Alpha died in the final moments, so look forward to that coming two weeks after the patch releases. On August 27, 2015, The Rising 2015 celebrates the second anniversary of Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. Little Ladies Day (2019) is the cherry blossom themed festival that starts on February 28, 2019 and ends on March 13, 2019. The Confederacy disagrees as the Imperials have the Red Kojin's support. Keep reading to find out the whole schedule. None in fact, lore wise the story exists in a kind of time bubble where even though the player might seemingly grow with the passage of time gameplay wise, barely any time has passed storywise. Papalymo, having arrived at the scene too late, uses Tupsimati to replicate the sealing spell Louisoix attempted to use on Bahamut, a spell that costs him his life, while the remaining party is forced to retreat. Heavensturn (2015) is a Japanese themed, New Year event that begins on December 31, 2014 and ends on January 14, 2015. However, Diabolos plans to retrieve the artifact himself. The Scions find Gosetsu and Yotsuyu within the stronghold. (2016) / (2017) / (2020), The Maiden's Rhapsody (2015) / (2017) / (2020) / (2022), Breaking Brick Mountains (2014) / (2017) / (2020) / (2021), The castle collapses and Gosetsu and Yotsuyu's bodies are not found among the wreckage. When they begin to abuse her once more, Yotsuyu turns her blade on them, killing them both. The great earthquake caused by the energy surge from Syrcus Tower destroys all ground-based areas in the Allagan Empire. Valentione's Day is the Valentine's Day event that begins on January 31, 2019 and ends on February 15, 2019. With his fearsome new superweapon, Gaius issues an ultimatum to both the city-states and beast-tribes, demanding capitulation. The event ended with Patch 5.1 on October 29, 2019. Having received instruction to go the Syrcus Tower to find the beacon, the Warrior of Light goes there, and travels through an interdimensional barrier, which brings him into the First. The Rising is the yearly anniversary celebrating the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn lasting from Monday, August 26th 2019 to Tuesday, September 17th 2019, Moonfire Faire is the summer themed event that began on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 to Monday, 26th August, 2019. Ends as the development of tools is abandoned in favor of forging weapons, causing the era to descend into bloodstained madness. Gosetsu is said to have sold his katana to a merchant. Elidibus grants him Nidhogg's eyes to put the plan in motion. closest thing to Thanksgiving would be like the lominsans celebrating screwing the kobolds out of their land. Little Ladies Day (2022) is the cherry blossom themed festival that took place on March 14, 2022 to March 31, 2022. That Old Black Magic is the Final Fantasy XI collaboration event featuring the iconic FFXI character Shantotto. The Starlight Celebration is one of Final Fantasy XIV's annual holiday events, it is themed after Christmas, and typically takes place from mid-December to the end of the month. Alphinaud and Alisaie have both been there for one year. To get the Regalia car mount in FFXIV, you need to play the A Nocturne for Heroes 2021 event and earn as much MGP as possible. Likewise, the Moonfire Faire characters recognize the player's actions from previous years' events, even though the last sighting of Bombards at the festival was "five years ago" every year. In Amh Araeng, Alisaie has been acting as a vigilante, fighting off sin eaters and protecting those, who have come contact with them. A Microsoft timeline template can help save you time and assist in visualizing your progress. Starlight Celebration (2022) is a seasonal event that took place from December 15, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Yugiri, Alisaie, and the adventurer return to Hien, who reveals he will agree to Asahi's prisoner exchange. Hraesvelgr confronts his brood-brother's shade, but loses. Valentione's Day is the Valentine's Day event that took place on February 1, 2023 to February 15, 2023. Basic sciences and simple metallurgy are born. Endwalker Release - November 23th. Not wanting to leave Omega and the primal, dubbed ', "Yda" reveals her true identity as Lyse, the original's younger sister, while Gosetsu reveals himself to have come to retrieve Yugiri on behalf of. Attending the festivities, Aymeric and Lucia intend to announce their endorsement for the Holy See to join the Eorzean Alliance. Banners, Summoning Campaigns, Event Quests, Celebration Campaigns. First Astral Era. The event was repeated for a fourth time on July 2, 2020 to July 27, 2020. The Warrior answers the attack on Holminster alongside G'raha, Alphinaud, Alisaie and guard captain Lyna. A period of severe glaciation known as the Age of Endless Frost. G'raha directs the Warrior to Kholusia and Amh Araeng, where he can meet with Alphinaud and Alisaie, respectively. Seeking funds to rebuild the newly-liberated Ala Mhigo, the adventurer, Alphinaud, and Arenvald seek the treasure of Ala Mhigo's last king, Theodoric, discovering it sealed beneath Loch Seld and the palace, within. The Scions of the Seventh Dawn move to Revenant's Toll to escape pressure from the Syndicate. Technology reverts to pre-Allagan levels as spoken races rebuild following the earthquake. The Confederacy has been suffering from the Garleans refusing to acknowledge their authority over the region, which has resulted in Hingashi also refusing to deal with them due to wanting to stay on the Imperial power's good side. The Alliance begins their push on Specula Imperatoris. During the meeting, the Scions are suddenly wracked with pain as they hear a voice. The rule of the Archbishops and the church ends as Ishgard transitions to a republic. The sky pirate. Version 1.0 was set at the end of the Sixth Astral Era. Alphinaud rejoins the party as they head into Yanxia. The samurai, learning of the expedition's objectives, insists on joining them. Pipin Tarupin is promoted to Flame General in Raubahn's place. The event repeated for a fourth time on April 28, 2022 to May 18, 2022. The sun grows larger, parching the earth and sapping the life from all creation. A special event that introduces the hero of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII into A Realm Reborn. The current events of the game take place in a "time bubble", which is used as a storytelling device to streamline the worldbuilding, timeline, and maintenance costs associated with updating old dialogue text. The Scions make contact with the Confederacy, a band of pirates formed from exiles from both Doma following the Garlean occupation, and Hingashi. The invention of tools allows civilization to abandon hunter-gatherer lifestyle. FFBE 2nd Anniversary News (JP) New VCs: Destruction Fighter Europa & Breath Blooming in . The voidsent Ferdiad appears with Radlia as a hostage, demanding the Nullstone in exchange for her life. The adventurer entrusts Tupsimati to Papalymo upon his request. During the celebration, adventurers can complete unique quests to obtain festive rewards. Alma's necklace reveals itself as a piece of. Alisaie and the adventurer return to Doma to inform Hien of the situation involving the Burn. After finally gaining an audience with Vauthry, it is revealed he has some control over sin eaters, but Alphinaud antagonizes him and he and the Warrior leave. Things go awry when Lord Emmannelain handles a protest poorly. The event begins on November 10, 2017 and ends on November 29, 2017. As the new Midas sector is explored, the Illuminati take the. The entire populace, aside from, Mor Dhona is contaminated by the ceruleum leak along with the aether released from the dying wyrmking. Asahi confronts Yotsuyu and coerces her into seeking revenge. The Hecatoncheirs, enslaved to do labor in the, An expedition of Sharlayan scholars builds an outpost in the Dravanian Hinterlands to study the, The Elementals banish the Ixali from the Black Shroud, who relocate to the mountains of. The Order of the Twin Adder surrounds Castrum Centri, enabling the Immortal Flames to advance on Castrum Meridianum. September 13 @ 12:59am AEST. By Michelle Cachey. Part of the Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer Live LXV involved letting people know whats on the way. Biggs and Wedge leave the Rift and head to Omega Command in the Carteneau Flats seeking a way to deactivate Omega. The Moonfire Faire and The Rising will begin in August. Lewphon of Sharlayan writes "The Five Ages - An Eorzean Chronology". The Confederacy seizes the opportunity and drives out the isolated Garlean forces in a series of raids. Little Ladies Day (2018) is the cherry blossom themed festival that started on March 1, 2018 and ended on March 14, 2018. Seeing her friend fallen, Alisaie returns to Crystarium. Final Fantasy XIVis available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. Alisaie and Thancred find refuge in Ishgard after fleeing from the Warriors of Darkness. Tracing her through an aether current, the adventurer confronts Iceheart. When Final Fantasy 14 was first released, it was received so poorly that Square Enix had to issue a public apology. Final Fantasy XIV is full of content and things to do, including an extensive amount of main quests to do. Aymeric plans to hold a peace conference in Falcon's Nest with Hraesvelgr's brood. Thancred relays a message from Alphinaud, but the only words he could make out were "the Burn". Lasts from September 30, 2019 to the launch of Patch 5.1. Published Nov 17, 2021. Only through intervention of Minfilia leaving only the region of Norvrandt intact. Aymeric has Ishgardian Knights open a path to birdmens' lair to allow the adventurer and Alphinaud to fight their way through and stop the ceremony before its completion. (2016), Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 11:43, Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Event timeline templates. Technically, it's all that's needed to make sure you pass the required DPS to run content. Using an event timeline template will help you block your hours, days, and weeks out so that you can visualize each step of the way. The machine calls for the adventurer once more, pitting them against the denizens of the. Final Fantasy XV Collaboration Event - September. July 19, 2021: The Make It Rain Campaign. The Shadowhunter reveals himself as Gaius Baelsar, having defected from the Empire, and divulges information regarding the Ascian hierarchy, the Black Rose weapon, and an Allagan cloning facility housing spare bodies of the late emperor Solus. Gaius also survives and becomes the Ascian-hunting mercenary "Shadowhunter" to exact revenge on those who manipulated him. What is ACT? Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival 2021 is over, and it gave us many gifts, like a wonderful trailer for the next expansion, a memorable concert, emotional speeches, and a ton of information. As previously announced, the event is scheduled to be available until the beginning of Patch 6.0 maintenance, which is scheduled to begin at the start of Early Access. Final Fantasy 14 has a long timeline with a history of what is known as Umbral Calamities.These are world-shattering events that put Eorzean society on the brink of collapse. It follows the A.E./M.E. Mankind flees into caves where pestilence and plague dwindle their numbers. Irritated with both the Scions and the Imperial Legatus, she forces Ifrit and Titan to appear by tormenting captive Amalj'aa and Kobolds. In a private dinner with Admiral Merwylb and Kan-E-Senna, Nanamo Ul Namo announces her intention to dissolve both the Syndicate and the monarchy in the belief that Ul'dah would be better off as a republic, and asks that they support Raubahn in the transition. The Rising (2016) is the 3rd year anniversary event of A Realm Reborn. About. To gain access to the vault, the Scions are granted a blessing so they can breathe underwater. Louisoix Leveilleur prepares to summon. He attacks the adventurers due to the threat to the Ascians' plans. All Saints' Wake (2015) Halloween themed event from October 22, 2015 to November 4, 2015. G'raha reveals the main source of the light plaguing the First are Lightwardens, sin eaters more powerful than those normally seen. The event has been organized by the Miqo'te, Ahm Garanjy in the past and is typically held at the Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre in . With the aid of Tataru. The robotic superweapon arrives at Baelsar's Wall, just as the primal breaks out from within its cocoon. When the pair fails to return, Cid and the adventurer travel to Omega Command where Omega delivers an ultimatum: The adventurer will continue being a test subject, or the machine will begin killing innocent people, declaring itself "an enemy to all life on this star". July 20, 2021: FFXIV Patch 5 . Please look over our. It began on August 26, 2017 and ended on September 14, 2017. This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 11:43. Hien, Yugiri, Gosetsu and the adventurer lead a raid on the castle to find Yotsuyu. Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! Before being taken away, she informs those present that the Ixal are planning to once more summon Garuda from their home in Xelphatol, and that the Warriors of Darkness are planning on killing her to spur them to even greater measures. The adventurer is mobilized to find and capture the Griffin while Alphinaud goes to make contact with the other Scions and bring them to assist. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is being released on the 20th of June. Australia. Ga Bu enters a state of catatonia, and Alisaie implores the Maelstrom to take care of him for the hope of one day returning him to normal. Heavensturn (2021) is a Japanese themed, New Year event that began on December 31, 2020 to January 18, 2021. Lightning Strikes is a special promotional event that introduces the hero of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII into A Realm Reborn. Hien proposes using an aetherial shield to defend the Far East from further Garlean attacks. She summons forth the essence of Saint Shiva into her body and becomes the primal. It replaces the Cape of Happiness (for visual parity) and the Punching Gloves (because I needed gloves that didnt have other variations) as well as the Boots of Happiness and Menphina's Earring with the rest of the Wayfarer kit.Mods at Final Fantasy XIV Nexus - Mods and community All games Final Fantasy XIV Mods Mods Pages 1 2 3 . PrestiD 1 yr. ago. The event was repeated for a third time on May 28, 2020 to June 22, 2020. A Final Fantasy XI collaboration event featuring the iconic FFXI character Shantotto. The party reunites with Yugiri, who has found her master, Hien. As Elidibus is about to deliver the killing blow, Estinien rescues the adventurer, spiriting them away to Ishgard. NOTE 1: People are mentioning that the FFXIV Overlay Settings tab no longer. The Crystal Braves investigate a Garlean spy called "the Ivy" who is believed to be a high-ranking member of the Immortal Flames. An Elezen resistance member watches this from afar. A roadmap with the upcoming content for the game was shown with every batch of content and many events that will appear before Endgame releases next November. The Make It Rain Campaign 2017 is a Gold Saucer event that took place from May 29, 2017 to June 12, 2017. It is a permanent crossover event. The Alliance prepares to invade Ala Mhigo. As the Praetorium begins to collapse, the adventurer flees the base with Thancred on a Magitek Reaper. First launched in September 2010, Final Fantasy XIV is the second massively-multiplayer online offering in the franchise's three-decades-plus history. Many structures long buried in previous Umbral Eras, like the Wanderer's Palace, were unearthed in the turmoil. FFVI Collaboration Event & Chaos Odin. Supply shipments from Ishgard to Revenant's Toll become increasingly targeted by Harriers. Moonfire Faire is the summer themed event that began on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 to Wednesday, 26th August, 2020. The leader of the Qalyana summons the Ananta goddess, Zenos tempts Fordola, who is suffering from humiliation at her loss by Imperials, to give in to her desire for power, convincing her to be the first candidate to undergo the ', The combined armies push into the southern half of. New Deep Dungeon - Eureka . Starlight Celebration is the Christmas-themed event that takes place on December 18, 2015 to December 31, 2015. The three consult Cirina about permission to use the pillar and are informed that they would need to convince the Dotharl tribe to continue their plan. The Starlight Celebration is one of many annual events that occur in Final Fantasy XIV. The Twelve were angered and left the land of Eorzea to the tribes. This is the fourth event celebrating the one year anniversary. Returning to Gyr Abania, the adventurer and Alisaie convince the Ala Mhigan resistance to exhume Zenos's grave. The adventurer uses the light of crystals found on their journey to banish Lahabrea from Thancred's body back to the rift. Events; Gold Saucer; Housing; Retainers; Wondrous Tails; Convinced of their strength, he puts hope into man once more. The Sharlayan researcher Coinach discovers historic proof of ancient Allag's existence, demonstrating they were more than myth. The Rising 2022 event can be started with the quest 'Newfound Journey' at the Wandering Minstrel in Ul-dah - Steps of Nald (x:10 . These people are doomed to become sin eaters. This fails as Bahamut's fury breaks free and prepares a colossal attack. Today we will talk about the contents of this roadmap. Roddard Ironheart creates the first complete map of modern Eorzea. G'raha reveals the Warrior has the power to vanquish the Lightwardens due to his blessing, which is capable of absorbing the Light from the Wardens without any immediate side effects. Elidibus hopes that they focus on their "gift" (the Echo) and states that if the Scions understood "the true nature of the Echo" there would be no strife between them and the Ascians. 7 mo. The Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XV rerun event is scheduled for September. is a Yo-kai Watch collaboration event that took place from July 26, 2016 to October 3, 2016. On their way to Garlemald, the Populares's airship is shot down over, The final phase of Omega's experiments conclude, leaving the strongest member of the. The Scions are returned to the Source, and with the primal threat dealt with, head home to the Rising Stones and report to the Alliance leaders. Stonemasonry sees a rapid advance and the riddle of steel is solved. However, both of these events take place five years after the Seventh Umbral Calamity, despite being a year apart, due to the time bubble. dating system: A.E. After looking back on the 10-year history of Final Fantasy XIV, Naoki Yoshida announces Square Enix's future plans for the MMORPG as well the post-launch roadmap for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker . DAY 1 Development Panel 10:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (PDT) Join members of the development team as they take you behind-the-scenes and showcase the work that goes into creating FFXIV! List of events implemented during 2019~2020 in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Varis believes that once rejoined, they could defeat the Ascians together. As war rages within the city, the adventurer and their allies fight their way into Ala Mhigo's throne room and confront Zenos. Added export of data in JSON format (Menu -> Export -> JSON) 04/11/2022. Little Ladies Day is the cherry blossom themed festival that starts on February 28 2014 and ends on March 13 2014. The Make It Rain Campaign 2018 is a seasonal event that took place from June 6, 2018 to June 24, 2018. With the aid of the Eorzean Alliance, they discover the crystals are being moved through the spy network left behind by Elline Roaile, most likely by Ascian hands. Distraught from Tsuyu's death, Gosetsu retires from Hien's service to wander the world. First Astral Era (A Time of Stone and Fire), The Art of Reflection -Histories Unwritten-, The Art of Resurrection -Among the Stars-, policy for updating articles covering live content, a primal whose might would eclipse Bahamut, The Art of Reflection -Histories Forsaken-, First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena, The Convocation and their followers, unable to move on, nurture the new life on Etheirys to eventually sacrifice to revive those of their kin who were offered up in Zodiark's creation. Many soldiers from both sides perish in the chaos, including Conrad. They discover Flame Marshal Eline Roaille is the spy, and she is captured in the East Shroud while meeting a contact from Castrum Oriens. Hraesvelgr puts the group through a series of trials in Sohr Khai, former home of Ratatoskr, with Hraesvelgr confronting the adventurer in battle himself. This event will give a lot of rewards such as Noctis clothes, orchestrions with the FFXV OST, a Triple Triad Card, and the beautiful Regalia Mount! The Eorzean Alliance designates the contested island's contents for Frontline activities. Zenos, wishing for someone to be able to challenge him, sees the adventurer as a potential worthy foe, and leaves the defense of Doma to Yotsuyu. The following is a chronological list of events that take place in the Final Fantasy XIV universe. Eorzean Timeline *(YA) = Years Ago. In this case everyone who opens this timeline can use shared preset; 04/21/2022. The Alliance and reformed Ala Mhigan Resistance name this second push "Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon".